mkhopper , avatar

And he slides out of another one....
Fucker is so slippery that even bullets don't stick.

MeThisGuy ,

teflon smuck

Fades ,

This gave Jack Smith the ability to take this and appeal it, which he previously could not do because she refused to publish actual orders ever since Smith appealed a previous bad decision by her and won.

There is simply no way Smith loses this appeal, it will end up in the Supreme Court and that is where the final nail will fall for this case.

Furthermore, she had a FUCK TON of things to make a decision on that were key to the case, thus when she is removed those decisions can still be made instead of the next judge inheriting her bullshit. There is still hope, which is pathetic that we need any but it is what it is.

GreyEyedGhost ,

And the odds of any of that happening is vanishingly small if Trump wins. Even if he doesn't, I think he won't see any serious consequences from this. In court, anyway.

Kolanaki , avatar

You know what they say...

The good die young; assholes live forever.

kikutwo ,

That should be reversed in about a week.

dudinax ,


nondescripthandle ,

Should is such a funny word isn't it?

bstix ,

Only the naive expectation is different from "ought to"

Ranvier ,

Supreme Court will get around to this right away I'm sure. Like, next June. Super fast.

kikutwo ,

Nah the circuit court in FL going to slap it down. Then scotus can do their corruption afterwards.

Ranvier ,

I envision the higher courts slapping it down a few times, then an eventual appeal up to the supreme court, who then if four justices are willing to go along with it, put the whole case on ice until next Summer while they argue this. Just like they did with the January 6th trial and presidential immunity rulings.

TipRing ,

And then reversed again when the Extreme Court gets a hold of it. It must be nice to have your criminal cases decided by justices you've appointed.

kikutwo ,


jordanlund Mod , avatar

Supreme Court is on recess until October.

octopus_ink ,

The fascist in chief is having the best week he could for his 2024 run. I'm glad I won't be seeing any of my maga relatives any time soon, they must be insufferable right now.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

He's had several good weeks on the trot.

Squorlple , avatar

Wow, is there anything this guy can’t dodge?

nondescripthandle ,

Hopefully he can't dodge two attemps. Attempts to be held resposible of course. No other meaning.

samus12345 , avatar

If it's attempts be be held responsible for something, that's gotta be in the hundreds by now.

Imgonnatrythis ,

Slippery greasy fuck. It would be pretty easy for me to believe that God sent him here as the most blatantly obvious punishment to mankind he could come up with.
Like if God came out of the sky smacking his head and saying, "you dumb mother fuckers, why are you still denying my existence? Do you think this useless blob has risen to these ranks and can avoid all logical consequences of gross negligence and evildoing on his own accord? Beelzebub himself had it harder than this guy and was 500x more clever!"
I'd have to look at him and say, yeah man, you've got a good point going there. Sorry about that, could you maybe stop it now though?

jordanlund Mod , avatar

So we aren't going to remove him after impeaching him twice.

We aren't going to try him after indicting and arresting him.

We aren't going to sentence him after convicting him.

I guess we have to look to the Founding Fathers for what to do, looks like Ben Franklin has our backs.

NSFW language:

BaroqueInMind ,

Do you own any firearms?

jordanlund Mod , avatar

Oh, I'm in good shape!

BaroqueInMind ,

Nice! I was wondering what you have and your opinions on what you own.

jordanlund Mod , avatar

It's stupid how fast a gun collection grows on you.

I started out never thinking I'd own a gun, but then my neighborhood hit a sharp decline. :( Lots of drug dealers with pit bulls running loose, it didn't feel safe. More of a pit bull problem than a drug dealer problem.

So I bought my first gun, Beretta 92fs, 9mm, got proficient with it, and felt better for having it in the house. This was, oh, '98? '99 now?

Roll forward a few years, my grandfather passes away, leaves his guns to my dad. My dad has a massive heart attack and passes away, leaves that collection to me.

So the first thing I did was get grand dad's Remington 721 .30-06 bolt action cleaned up and made safe. Problem was it had a defect in the trigger and could just "go off". Armorer fixed that.

Then I'm looking at what dad had collected. He had this little .22LR Hi Standard Derringer, which was cute but useless.

And I'm like "OK, I like the IDEA, but I can do better..."

So I bought a Bond Arms Ranger II for myself that shoots .45 and .410 shotgun shells.

The Ranger II has the opposite problem of the High Standard... it's a BRICK. Not really decent for concealed carry.

After I had MY heart attack, and decided that I needed to start carrying concealed, I got my permit and picked up a .380 that just DISAPPEARS when I'm carrying. You'd never know it was there, which should be the whole point of concealed carry.

But then THAT got me thinking, "Wait... let's do an inventory here..." All these guns from dad and grandad and no shotgun?

So picked up a Mossberg Shockwave to fill that gap.

So, yeah, all told, between dad's guns, grand dad's guns, and my guns, I've ended up with something like 13 or 14 of them? Pistols, rifles, competition target pistols, semi auto, bolt action, lever action, breach loaders... it's all covered.

BaroqueInMind ,

That's a nice collection!

Do you recommend .30-06 semi-auto rifles like the ones built similar to the AR-10 receivers or should I stick to buying a bolt action one?

jordanlund Mod , avatar

I don't know that .30-06 is really a good semi-auto round. All the semi-auto rifles I've shot are the .556 / .223 AR rounds.

Though I've heard good things about .300 Blackout, .308, .350 Legend and .360 Buckhammer. I think I'd be leery of getting any semi automatic at this point given how there's potential legislation on them... unless your PLAN is to be part of a legal action, then it's all good. ;)

BaroqueInMind ,

What legislation on semi-auto?

jordanlund Mod , avatar

Varies state by state, but Biden is angling for a Federal Assault Weapon Ban like what we had from 1994 to 2004, and given the assassination attempt, there may be a good chance it gets done this time.

BaroqueInMind ,

It sounds like you are encouraging me to buy semi-auto before FFLs are hypothetically no longer allowed to sell them; they can't force purchases competed after a law is passed suddenly make everyone a felon.

I have a disability that makes using my hands that the motion a bolt action forces you to do very difficult, so I'll go out and look for good semi-auto rifles to buy. Which is too bad because I love some of the beautiful wooden furniture some hunting rifles have.

makyo ,

I wish more political commentators would wrestle with this fact. I understand the need to remain calm and denounce violence, and we should certainly do that! But at the same time, the discussion needs to be had about what to do when all the other options are exhausted. And as you've already outlined, we're running out of options. Basically everything hinges on the vote in November, and I'm under no illusion that Trump and the GQP and SCQTUS will steal it if it's any closer than it was last time. Then what?

RunningInRVA ,

And you wonder why people are taking shots at him now. The system has failed us.

Nightwingdragon ,

I hate to say it, and I know it's going to sound fatalistic, but her decision is very likely going to stand.

Clarence Thomas literally handed her this argument on a silver platter. And say what you will about him, the legal system still considers him one of nine justices of the highest court in the land, and his words still carry that legal weight.

If Jack Smith appeals, there's (IMO), a 50/50 chance he wins on appeal. I could see the appeals court using things like logic and rational thought, kicking Cannon off the case and reinstating the charges against Trump (Or however that would work in the legal sense). But I could also see them saying that since she was merely following what Clarence Thomas told her to do, her decision is on sound legal footing, would most likely survive Supreme Court scrutiny, her decision was proper based on the SC ruling, and the decision stands. And from a strictly legal standpoint, they'd be right in doing so.

And if this case were to make it all the way up to the SC......since Cannon was literally following their blueprint, there's 0% chance that they'll suddenly rule against her. Nothing good can come out of appealing to the Supreme Court, and in fact it may be exactly what this supreme court wants and why Clarence Thomas added that little tidbit into the decision, so the SC can rule that all special counsels are illegal and the entire J6 investigation was unconstitutional as a result.

(Of course, Hunter Biden's conviction will still stand, because reasons.....)

This case is dead. The other three are on life support, and the doctor has already called for the chaplain to deliver last rites.

Norgoroth , avatar

It's even worse than that, it had nothing to do with Thomas or SC. She claims the AG has no constitutional authority to appoint a special counsel.

Nightwingdragon ,

Because Thomas literally gave her that argument to make in the immunity ruling. She literally cited his comments and basically copied his ruling like a high school kid copying off the "smart" kid in the class.

He basically told her "Hey, throw the case out. We've got your back."

cheese_greater ,

Except nobody signed on to his concurrence. He was acting alone in his "analysis"

queermunist , avatar

That's the Thomas two-step. He uses these concurrences to issue marching orders to the judges below him, so that it can be challenged up to the Supreme Court and then his concurrence becomes precedent.

Nastybutler ,

Thomas is not the supreme court. And he's starting to alienate himself from even the other conservative justices. He's on an island and I doubt the others would follow his lead if this reaches SCOTUS on appeal.

queermunist , avatar

They'll rule it's Constitutional to hunt Democrats for their pelts and you'll still be pretending the Court is legitimate. 🙄

Nightwingdragon ,

Thomas is not the supreme court. And he’s starting to alienate himself from even the other conservative justices. He’s on an island and I doubt the others would follow his lead if this reaches SCOTUS on appeal.

None of them went out of their way to distance themselves from his comments, either. They didn't offer any kind of dissenting opinon. They didn't speak out against his advisory opinion, which is supposed to be against SC norms. And they haven't spoken out since. And given their rulings since gaining the supermajority, along with their "nuke it and everything close to it" approach to ruling on matters, and there's no reason to believe they wouldn't gladly just go along with whatever Clarence Thomas says, or at the very least, not care enough to vote against him.

This isn't even the first time he gave an advisory opinion. Remember the literal list of cases he said he wanted to review and overturn? He wouldn't be so brazenly and openly giving these literal roadmaps of what cases to bring before them if he didn't believe he had at least four more votes. And none of them have given us any reason to believe otherwise.

Thann , avatar

Special councils usurp legislative authority???

All the legislature can do is pass laws! If those laws never get enforced there is no legislative authority!

Cannon has ursurped legislative authority...

mynamesnotrick , avatar

The guy can do anything... unreal.

AbidanYre , (edited )

Except hold a glass of water with one hand. Or walk down a gentle slope unassisted.

BassTurd ,

This is why someone tried to assassinate Trump the other day.

whotookkarl , avatar

The Roberts court is a joke and obviously delaying any rulings they can until after the election to protect the wealthy and powerful from the law everyone else is restricted under. Cannon just takes the stupidity one step further.

All hail the oligarchs /s

jordanlund Mod , avatar

Court is on recess until October at this point, and even when they're back in session, the Court holds off on announcing rulings until June, that's standard practice.

whotookkarl , avatar

Sounds good let's shut down and recess all industries until October not just justice.

gravitas_deficiency ,

The appellate court is gonna reverse that immediately.

And if they don’t: I guess it was nice having an illusion of a justice system for a while.

x4740N , avatar

I'm glad I don't live in america but if that idiot gets in there is potential threats to other countries

Riccosuave , (edited ) avatar

when if that idiot gets in there is potential threats to every other country

nondescripthandle ,

This man will never see another legal consequences in his life.

Captainvaqina ,


A_Random_Idiot , avatar

What convenient timing.

Evilcoleslaw ,

It's actually not. The more worrying proposition was that she waited for a jury to be seated -- attaching jeopardy -- and then dismissing the charges with prejudice.

This certainly pushes it way past the election, but that seemed a certainty anyway.

rustydrd , avatar

The convenient timing was probably a reference to the Republican National Convention, where Trump aims to become the official presidential candidate of the Republican party, and which is starting today.

A_Random_Idiot , avatar

Well, that, plus the broadcast news is drowning out everything with "OMG PRESIDENTIAL ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT"

Omega_Man ,

And you can't prosecute a presidential nominee, or something.

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