@Thann@lemmy.ml cover
@Thann@lemmy.ml avatar



Friends don’t let friends use proprietary software.

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Thann ,
@Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

Mumble hasn't fed any of my data to a megacorp!

Thann ,
@Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

Abusing executive privilege to gain an upper hand in the election is exactly what trump would do.

Thann ,
@Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

Alright, give us a map of all your nuclear bases so we know where not to buy property

Thann ,
@Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

Really we should be betting on how he dies. Mysteriously hit by a car? Fell from a 4 floor window? Tragic house fire?

Thann ,
@Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

No plan survives first contact with the enemy

Thann ,
@Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

Tell me again how Linux is hard to use

San Francisco sues Oakland over new airport name that includes 'San Francisco' ( apnews.com )

San Francisco on Thursday sued Oakland after officials there voted in favor of changing the name of the city’s airport to San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport, saying the change will cause confusion and is already affecting its airport financially. ...

Thann ,
@Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

It's so stupid, I'm sorry, the code for sf is SFO, and they want to rename OAK to "San Francisco bay Oakland", so it has a more plausible acronym for the wrong airport. It's a completely avoidable disaster....

Thann ,
@Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

yeah, but then you dont get to sell a bunch of proprietary bullshit to your stupid customers!

Thann ,
@Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

A PCB drone is essentially disposable =\

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  • Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    Yeah, windows and privacy don't exactly get along

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    Last time I bought this up, everyone thought I was lying because they couldn't believe the thought of their beloved status symbol not being perfect.

    Its important to remind people that apple cares about your security and privacy as much as zuckerberg.

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    George bush did it for the insurance money

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    Pfft, I can do that, just run them on a computer that's 30 times faster!

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    You want me to loan money to the guy who owes half a billion for fraud?

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    Free and open source software is the industry standard

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    Don't forget the fancy electric door handles that stop working when you back into a pond.

    There are emergency override handles, but not everyone knows where they are or how to use them, so they're not all that useful in an emergency.

    These deadly features are purely cosmetic, so I would lay a decent amount of blame is on tesla

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    Dont worry, there's an emergency override in the trunk

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    When you regulate yourself, it's easy to pass

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    Bro, you dont need electronc door-handles to have electronic locks,

    After default password disclosed online, 1200 inmates have prison issued laptops seized by guards, threatening their ability to make class deadlines ( www.opencampusmedia.org )

    Zhang, an electrical engineer in Boston, decided to post about trying to unlock his Justice Tech Solutions Securebook 5 on the social platform X. The thread went viral — also catching the attention of Washington corrections officials, who have used the device for college programming since 2020....

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    Lol using a "master password" is the "security concern"

    Its going to get leaked again and they still won't criticise company lol

    Thann OP ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    In my opinion, yes. "breaking the law" is a statement of fact that is based on what is actually quantifiable.

    The fact that I was traveling over the speed limit is the only relevant factor. My intentions and consequences are irrelevant.

    Thann OP ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    An overwhelming number of people seem to think that either intention or whether you were charged are relevant to the question here:

    Thann OP ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    how so?

    Thann OP ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    yeah, so the "level of crime" is debatable, but if I kill someone it would not be wrong to say "I broke the law" right?

    Maybe it was justifiable, but it is up to a jury to determine guilt.
    Really the essence of my question is: "are 'guilt' and 'breaking the law' seen as different things."

    conversely, if a murderer got acquitted, but then indisputable proof that the were the murder came out afterwards, you would say, "he broke the law".

    Thann OP ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    what? youre talking about the joemygod(dot)com article?
    its pretty biased and if you read the pdf you can search for Zwonitzer: you can find tons of examples of biden bragging about having the classified material. So its pretty well-established that joe had the info and knew he had the info. so he broke the law.

    Thann OP ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    So youre suggesting that if someone says I wasn't speeding we should disregard the audio tape of me bragging about speeding?

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    There is sufficient evidence to say he broke the law, but there is insufficient evidence to say he did it with malicious intent. I think it's fair to say "he broke the law", you just can't say "he willfully broke the law"

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    And who's to decide if the baseball bat was willfully thrown? The jury! You could still be charged with assault because 1000 people saw your bat hit someone in the face, so its 100% plausible to say you broke the law.

    If the law says don't cross the line, and you accidentally cross the line, you broke the law, regardless of willfulness. Its up to a jury to decide if youre guilty

    Its not like the police have an "accident detector" they roll up to the scene to determine if a law was broken.

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    Juries and judges are the ones who should be making those decisions though.

    You realize that neither a judge nor a jury were involved with the decision to not prosecute right?

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    they said they didn't think they had enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.

    Its not the same thing, and if you read the report there are hundreds of pages of evidence, its not like they were short on evidence.
    It seems to me the biggest factor in not charging him was actually his senility.

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    so if i watch someone rob a 7-11 I cannot say "they broke the law" until they've been proven guilty?

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    There was no assuming...

    From the report page 65 Biden says:
    "They didn't even know I have this" In reference to notes he knows he shouldn't have still

    Then on page 77 biden says: "I didn't want to turn them in" again reference to notes he should not have retained.

    These are both from audio recordings, so there is actually plenty of evidence to suggest he willfully retained classified docs he knew he shouldn't have.

    I'm assuming you didn't read the report before making this comment.

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    Did you read the report?

    From the report page 65 Biden says:
    "They didn't even know I have this" In reference to notes he knows he shouldn't have still

    Then on page 77 biden says: "I didn't want to turn them in" again reference to notes he should not have retained.

    These are both from audio recordings, so there is actually plenty of evidence to suggest he willfully retained classified docs he knew he shouldn't have.

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    He wasn't "mistaken in his legal judgement"

    Pg 65 biden says this:
    "They didn't even know I have this"

    He knew he had clasified info he wasnt suppoed to have, then bragged about retaining them just like trump....

    He even went to a SCIF multiple times to review his notes, because he knew that's where they were supposed to be....

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    The recommendation algo is so bad they are testing it against a random bullshit generator....

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    The orange slice appears to be balanced on its peel the way it would in gravity. But the ppl probably just placed it that way because that's what they're used to

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    Why would you put any part on the table when it could simply float 🤔

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    Stop using proprietary bullshit altogether

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    Flatpak should export mimetypes so xdg-open should work if there isn't another handler registered

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    I believe so. (Depending on how your OS packages flatpak)

    What's (are) the funniest/stupidest way(s) you've broken your linux setup?

    Tinkering is all fun and games, until it's 4 am, your vision is blurry, and thinking straight becomes a non-option, or perhaps you just get overly confident, type something and press enter before considering the consequences of the command you're about to execute... And then all you have is a kernel panic and one thought...

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    Accidentally executed a JPEG (on an NTFS partition) and the shell started going crazy. reboot was not successful =[

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    Nope, I guess the processor just skips bad instructions, or most numbers are valid....

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