
Vespair , in Virginia governor allows Confederate groups to keep tax exemptions

Youngkin continues to prove that he is an actual monster who only cares about the absolute worst elements in our society

snooggums , in Virginia governor allows Confederate groups to keep tax exemptions avatar

Wow, leaning really hard into both racism and misogyny at the same time! Southern pride!

Stamau123 , in State Department issues travel alert for LGBTQ people, events abroad

According to an administration official familiar with the matter, the alert is connected to the recent announcement from the FBI and Department of Homeland Security that foreign terrorist organizations might seek to exploit "LGBTQIA+-related events and venues," including events during 2024 Pride month, which begins in June.

Makes sense "Be alert in June, jackasses are targeting the rainbow flags"

blargerer , in 'Dark Times': Israeli Historian Ilan Pappé Detained, Interrogated by FBI

This seems like a pretty big nothing burger. He got politely questioned for 2 hours at an international border crossing, during a period of raised tensions, and presumably had bad faith reports made about him that needed following up on. The FBI was just crossing t's and dotting i's.

SeaJ , in US House votes to force weapons shipments to Israel, rebuking Biden

I'm sure all IG posts will now totally have comments about how Republicans want to force support of genocide. /s

newthrowaway20 , in US House votes to force weapons shipments to Israel, rebuking Biden

So we can definitely say Republicans support genocide harder than Democrats, right? Like this whole debate is over, right? Right?

FuglyDuck , avatar

Was that ever a serious debate?

Yes. Republicans are worse.

Doesn’t make Biden “good”. This isn’t a hallmark whodunnit.

BakerBagel ,

So then there is no excuse for Biden to take a harder stance against Israel since it's a partisan issue right?

eskimofry ,

40 is definitely higher than 10 but if its a failing score then you still deserve criticism. the debate was never about republicans. It's asinine to claim that criticism of Biden and democrats is automatically "Both sides are the same" material

arin ,

Why only 2 choices? We need a proper left party and not corporate fake Democrat

tsonfeir , in US House votes to force weapons shipments to Israel, rebuking Biden avatar

Everyone. THE REPUBLICANS sent the weapons.

homesweethomeMrL ,

Watch as all the totally-not-parroting-russian-propaganda crowd remain eerily silent.

BossDj ,

They must wait until they are fed the proper response.

It was just locker room talk

fuckingkangaroos ,

Exactly my first thought.

eskimofry ,

Right, all the anti-genocide protestors will disperse because a U.S bill that hamstrings any attempt to stop the genocide MAY fail.. and hence critics will remain eerily silent.

Tinidril ,

The Republicans voted to pass a bill in the House to send the weapons. It will almost certainly fail in the Senate but, even if it doesn't, Biden would have to sign it into law. I don't see Biden signing a bill to override himself, and there is no way that Congress would get the required 2/3 in each chamber to override. This bill was just a performative stunt.

xantoxis ,

Sure but the point is, after months of pithy quips about how the Democrats will support genocide of the Palestinians and the Republicans will support genocide of everyone including the Palestinians;

here we see that even on this specific issue, the parties have differences. So make the right choice.

Tinidril ,

Did I say otherwise?

This isn't wrong, but this argument gets made over and over and over again in every political thread on almost every topic, whether or not it fits the flow of the conversation. People don't want to be preached at and it's going to be self defeating.

EDIT: Tone deaf establishment apologists are going to lose again and still not understand why. "Republicans suck more" is far less compelling than some people think, no matter how true. Winning elections and winning arguments are different things.

girlfreddy OP , avatar

It says exactly that in the 3rd paragraph of the summary.

The act is not expected to become law ...

Tinidril ,

Um, OK, but I was responding to a comment that said something different.

tsonfeir , avatar

A stunt to show the Republicans are sending weapons to Israel.

Zaktor ,

Feels like they should be adding critical contextual information like this to the titles. I know the headline writers hate the idea of people just reading the headline to get informed (because clicks are needed for ads), but people do get informed that way. It's a very different story if "Congress rebukes Biden on Israel" than "Republicans rebuke Biden on Israel", and I expect "US House" translates into an average reader's mind much more as "Congress" than "Republicans".

Clent ,

Which is why we need tests before voting. The average American is too ill informed to be trusted with voting.

The Republicans have brought in all sorts of other hurdlers for voting but oddly nothing that would test the intelligence of their electorates.

Zaktor ,

I can't imagine how such tests would be fair and not abused. It might make for a more effective electorate if there weren't so many poorly informed votes in the mix, but making that happen is almost certain to lead to abuse and very unlikely to produce the desired result.

fuckingkangaroos ,

making that happen is almost certain to lead to abuse and very unlikely to produce the desired result.

Lead to abuse agreed, but why do you think it's very unlikely to produce the desired result?

Zaktor ,

Two reasons:

  1. Because it will lead to abuse and thus not try to measure political knowledge.
  2. Because a reasonably accessible test can't really measure political knowledge. Even defining "politically knowledgeable" is hard. Do you need to watch Trump rally speeches to be politically knowledgeable? Do you need to know the three branches of government? Are we a democracy? Do we have free and fair elections? Can you be a single-issue voter, or do you need to prove you know all the other stuff?
Xanis ,

Better say that louder. I can't hear you over the general white noise all the blindly and mindlessly pointing fingers make.

goferking0 ,

After Biden sent more. This is just them sending back the big bombs

tsonfeir , avatar

While that may be so… it’s an important election.

xmunk ,

And that's exactly why we can't vote for genocide Joe. Don't forget to sit out this election or vote third party - that's the only way to have a meaningful impact and improve the lives of Palestinians! /s

tsonfeir , avatar

I almost at that onion ☺️

homesweethomeMrL , in House panel advances Garland contempt after White House blocks access to Biden special counsel tape

“The absence of a legitimate need for the audio recordings lays bare your likely goal — to chop them up, distort them, and use them for partisan political purposes,” White House counsel Ed Siskel wrote in a scathing letter to House Republicans ahead of scheduled votes by the two House committees to refer Garland to the Justice Department for the contempt charges.

Oh please, it’s not like they’d spend years and millions on some kind of political theatre for absolutely no reason. Just because they have. Often.

disguy_ovahea , in Biden Seeks to Curb Flow of Migrants From Nicaragua With New Restrictions

The President wouldn’t be forced to use Executive Orders to control the border if Congress would do its job and pass the Border Security bill. The last one was passed 11 years ago.

The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013 passed when Democrats had control of the Senate and House, along with a Democratic President.

Make note if your congressional elections date and vote.

gAlienLifeform OP , avatar

"Forced" my fucking ass, nobody and nothing is forcing his bigoted ass to harass and brutalize migrants and asylum seekers

And that border security bill is Republican policy trash

disguy_ovahea ,

Yes, they are. Governors of sanctuary and border cities are petitioning the Federal Government for assistance to offset the cost of migrant housing. The overcrowding in some areas is very costly and difficult to manage. Border towns are also underfunded federally, requiring the state to pay for transportation to sanctuary cities.

With proper Federal legislation, there would be established funding for transportation and housing costs, taking the burden off of border states, as well as cities that offer migrant housing. We would have a way to support migrants seeking asylum nationally, rather than just the states that volunteer assistance.

gAlienLifeform OP , avatar

Sure, the federal government should be providing more anti-poverty resources generally to city county and state level governments, we've chronically underfunded those services for a long time and have a lot of deficits to make up there. What we don't need is that dogshit legislation and these executive orders that essentially just give money to border patrol to harass and brutalize desperate people and try to make our immigration courts into even more of a rubber stamp for xenophobic bullshit than they already are.

Also, Eric Adams is a lying rat bastard who's had it in for the homeless and poor people for decades, so anything coming from about the teeming masses yearning to breathe free shouldn't be taken at face value.

disguy_ovahea ,

I was near the Roosevelt Hotel last week. The whole block looks like a concert just got out. I’m very pro-immigrant and migrant. The government is providing zero Federal support, because border security hasn’t passed since before our immigration shifted to mostly migrants, so the bill is completely on the sanctuary cities. You just don’t understand how the government works, or in this case, doesn’t.

RedditWanderer , in Russian Disinformation Videos Smear Biden Ahead of U.S. Election

Buying Donald Trump a presidency is a huge discount on his war in Ukraine and likely his invasion of other nations. It costs nothing in comparison, and Trump is blatantly ready to do it. Sadly it might just work.

FlyingSquid , in Google is “reimagining” search in “the Gemini era” with improved AI options avatar

It won’t suck, we promise.

It already sucks. Any time I use Google for anything, I have to hope there will be an entry beyond the 800 shopping links for products I wasn't interested in to begin with.

billiam0202 , in Congress replaces statue of white supremacist with statue of anti-LGBTQ+ zealot

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but this isn't Congress replacing the statue, it's South Carolina replacing the statue that represents their state in Congress.

fartington , in Biden Bans Chinese Bitcoin Mine Near U.S. Nuclear Missile Base

At full capacity, the one in Cheyenne would draw as much power as 55,000 homes.

The Times found Chinese-owned or -operated Bitcoin mines in at least 12 states, including Arkansas, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas and Wyoming, that together use as much power as 1.5 million homes.

That’s a lot of juice.

silence7 OP ,

That's the big environmental issue with Bitcoin — other major cryptocurrencies have moved to proof-of-stake instead of proof-of-work, so they don't need vast quantities of energy, and when you stop using all that energy, the generators with the highest marginal cost shut down, which generally means coal or gas.

stoy ,

A few months ago I read up on how much energy is used in a bitcoin transaction compared to a VISA transaction, it was something like 10000 times more energy for a bitcoin transaction

errer ,

10000 seems generous to Bitcoin given a single transaction takes 1.3 megawatt hours.

Tramort ,

Proof of stake is just the Fed all over again.

Proof of work isn't perfect, but there's a reason Bitcoin uses it.

PseudorandomNoise , avatar

What’s the reason? Using more electricity than whole nations just to move some money around hardly seems worth the cost.

Tramort ,

Because the stakeholders become the new central bank, with all the same motivations and conflicts of interest. You end up with a "staked class" and an "unstaked class".

This is a contributing factor to why ethereum can be rolled back: because the stakeholders didn't like it.

silence7 OP ,

Bitcoin essentially has the same thing though — it's just that the "staked class" is those who have built power-devouring ASIC facilities to compute lots of hashes. Get enough of them together, and you can roll back transactions via a Sybil attack, just as you can with organized action by stakeholders in a proof-of-stake cryptocurrency.

Delusional , in Secret Service notified as Trump aide brags about 'causing innocent people to be arrested'

Wow who knew that these obvious piece of shit scumbags were obvious piece of shit scumbags. They're a detriment to our society and republicans elect them to positions of power where they can become even larger detriments to our society.

shyguyblue , in US airlines are suing the Biden administration over a new rule to make certain fees easier to spot

Are these "customers" the same group that retail managers always use as an excuse to not give people chairs?

"Our customers don't like it when register workers sit down"

"Fucking name one..."

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