
MagicShel , in Small, well-built Chinese EV called the Seagull poses a big threat to the US auto industry

A tiny, low-priced electric car called the Seagull has American automakers and politicians trembling.

Hyperbole as rhetorical device is getting exhausting and makes me extremely skeptical.

SomeoneSomewhere , in No 'credible plan': U.S.' Blinken issues harshest criticism yet of Israel's operations in Gaza

Blackadder: Would that be the plan to continue with total slaughter until everyone's dead except for Field Marshall Haig, Lady Haig and their tortoise, Alan?

reddig33 , in Americans are choking on surging fast-food prices. "I can't justify the expense," one customer says

If you can eat at a nicer place for the same amount of money, why would you eat at McDonald’s?

BobbyNevada ,

I would rather spend that money on a local burger joint. Give me a single named joint with a generic paper bag with grease stains on the outside.

spongebue ,

Unfortunately, so many local burger joints have a "flagship" burger featuring a Sysco patty, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and onion for $17, sides extra.

MrVilliam ,

I know a Sysco burger when I see one. Normal burgers aren't chode cylinders; Sysco burgers have goddamn right angles. They taste like they're about 40% gristle. It's basically just the "technically beef" parts of dollar store dog food pressed into the vague shape of a burger patty. The paper that separates the frozen turd patties is better, both in terms of flavor and nutrition. Fuck Sysco burgers. If Sysco reads this and doesn't like what I have to say, they can go fuck themselves until their asshole is as fucked up as a Sysco burger eater's asshole 93 minutes after their shitty lunch.

spongebue ,

I am honored to have inspired content like this!

disguy_ovahea , in Trump May Owe $100 Million From Double-Dip Tax Breaks, Audit Shows

This is my favorite bit.

With sales lagging far behind projections, he claimed that his investment in the condo-hotel tower met the tax code definition of “worthless,” because his debt on the project meant he would never see a profit.

It’s got his name all over it.

homesweethomeMrL , in Trump May Owe $100 Million From Double-Dip Tax Breaks, Audit Shows

Oh please, this is just more fake news by the lying liberal media designed to make a demented rapist and convicted fraud seem like some sort of dishonest person. Woke!

LilDumpy , in Trump May Owe $100 Million From Double-Dip Tax Breaks, Audit Shows avatar

The first write-off came on Mr. Trump’s tax return for 2008. With sales lagging far behind projections, he claimed that his investment in the condo-hotel tower met the tax code definition of “worthless,” because his debt on the project meant he would never see a profit. That move resulted in Mr. Trump reporting losses as high as $651 million for the year, The Times and ProPublica found.
There is no indication the I.R.S. challenged that initial claim, though that lack of scrutiny surprised tax experts consulted for this article. But in 2010, Mr. Trump and his tax advisers sought to extract further benefits from the Chicago project, executing a maneuver that would draw years of inquiry from the I.R.S. First, he shifted the company that owned the tower into a new partnership. Because he controlled both companies, it was like moving coins from one pocket to another. Then he used the shift as justification to declare $168 million in additional losses over the next decade.

towerful , in Trump-appointed judge halts Biden administration credit card late fee cap

Yeh, but the late fees are good for people. Free market and free market. Drain the swamp etc. Just pay your debt on time. Or something, both side the same, yada yada.

A great example of the current presidency trying to do something good for a lot of people.

ptz , in GOP introduces bill that would send anyone convicted of unlawful activity on a campus since Oct. 7th, 2023 to Gaza. avatar

I mean, they probably know there's no chance in hell of that bill gaining traction let alone passing (for so many reasons ‡). It's all performance / pandering to their base in an election year.

The scary takeaway should be that's what the Republican base wants to hear.

‡ The fact that you can't just "deport" a citizen to a random country is the least of the things logically wrong with this bill.

theparadox , in She was accused of faking an incriminating video of teenage cheerleaders. She was arrested, outcast and condemned. The problem? Nothing was fake after all

Honestly, this is what I consider to be the clear danger of generative "AI". We've basically gone several steps backward toward a world where we can't prove something happened because recording technology doesn't exist because it can be faked well enough and easily enough to cast doubt on any recording.

Sure, experts can analyze it and deem it legit or not legit but for the average person its becoming harder and harder to tell. Word spreads fast, and it's been demonstrated that lies spread faster than their corrections by orders of magnitude. All it takes is for something to "go viral" or someone with authority to lazily confirm or deny that something is fake and the public at large loses touch with reality.

This plus the insane misinformation campaigns and those that cry "fake news" whenever the news contains information they don't like... I feel like truth and reality are becoming unfashionable.

Bishma , in Donald Trump says he'll revoke Joe Biden's protections for trans people 'on day one' avatar

I have few good things to say about the man, but I appreciate that Trump is using his campaign to highlight this administrations accomplishments.

jeffw OP Mod ,

I just had a disagreement with someone on Lemmy a couple days ago who said Biden did nothing for the LGBTQ+ community. Maybe we just need more Trump headlines to educate people? Y’know, since they don’t read headlines about Biden

humbletightband ,

You need to reelect Trump in order to stop electing people like him in the future

weeeeum ,

Nah, I think Republicans are so deranged that they would be convinced any shortcomings are some deep state, woke, FBI, Democrat sabotage.

humbletightband ,

my enemies are my enemies because they are dumb

Stop that narrative. It will lead you nowhere

weeeeum ,

I mean, I speak from experience. I personally know a lot of Republicans (all boomers) and they would genuinely believe that. At every opportunity they are talking about the deep state, some woke shit and how corrupt the FBI is, and how there's this massive conspiracy to assassinate trump. They all have a nearly religious view of him saying that if he dies, he'd be a "martyr" for Republicans, so that the "silent majority" will finally take a stand.

DarkThoughts ,

Biden did a lot of good shit. People saying he's the same or even worse than Trump have completely lost the plot or are just RuZZian bots / useful idiots parroting RuZZian propaganda.

kescusay , in Donald Trump says he'll revoke Joe Biden's protections for trans people 'on day one' avatar

My son is trans. Please vote for Joe Biden so he can have the protections he needs and I don't have to stay up at night worrying about him.

0110010001100010 , avatar

I am very good friends with a trans women who I worked with for a number of years. She is seriously considering leaving the US because of this bullshit. So yes, please vote for Biden.

Also, I hope you son is doing well! It's a hell of a process.

Lemminary ,

My best friend is trans and he's considering doing the same. It's so bullshit that he has to leave an entire life behind because the conservatwats are so hateful.

smeenz ,

It's slightly comforting to think that after they've forced every group out of the country with their hatred and vitriol, they'll eventually start eating themselves.

Sidyctism ,

But not before they had their feast on everyone who cant/wont leave

MossyFeathers ,

I want to leave the US but I honestly don't know how. I have no idea if I have any skills that'd let me get hired by a non-us company, which is kinda what's necessary to immigrate to another country, right?

Burn_The_Right ,

Most people are unable to flee the U.S. Most countries will not simply accept someone without meeting specific criteria.

Aurenkin ,

But they are both the same

- some asshole

jeffw OP Mod ,

Friendly reminder that everyone who believes in accelerationist BS is privileged af.

Looking at you, Hexbear… and people who deleted my comments yesterday calling out Hexbear as tankies

Sadly, the behavior isn’t limited to certain instances though

tiefling ,

I've been a trans woman for 10 years and an immigrant for much longer. This is one of the worst existential threats I've faced. I have had to sit down and discuss serious contingency plans with my partner if he wins because there is no chance I'm sticking around.

I just want to exist dammit. I'm tired of being persecuted for simply existing.

Phegan , in Target will only sell Pride Month collection in some stores after backlash in 2023

Seems like target is caving to terrorists.

TxzK , in Target will only sell Pride Month collection in some stores after backlash in 2023 avatar

We support LGBTQ+ rights*

*ᵒⁿˡʸ ʷʰᵉʳᵉ ʷᵉ ᶜᵃⁿ ᵖʳᵒᶠᶦᵗ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᶦᵗ ᵃⁿᵈ ʷᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᶠᵃᶜᵉ ᵇᵃᶜᵏˢˡᵃˢʰ

FlyingSquid , in Target will only sell Pride Month collection in some stores after backlash in 2023 avatar

I'm sure glad conservatives believe in the free market and wouldn't do things like harass people or destroy displays in Target.

FlyingSquid , in Trump promised to scrap climate laws if US oil bosses donated $1bn – report avatar

Surely he's going to do that regardless.

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