
stolid_agnostic , in Elon Musk fights to keep custody battle in Texas, where he'd only have to pay $2,760 a month in child support

TIL that he called his child "X". What an idiot.

lefaucet , in Elon Musk fights to keep custody battle in Texas, where he'd only have to pay $2,760 a month in child support

I always wondered why Musk keeps taking X around to all the things and never any of his other kids.

I previously attributed it to getting good PR.

I now sees it's how he's going to "win" against Grimes.


lolola , in Why Americans feel gloomy about the economy despite falling inflation and low unemployment avatar

I really wish news outlets would stop pretending this is some big mystery. Shit is too expensive.

Patches ,

It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it.

  • Upton Sinclair, 1934
IWantToFuckSpez , in Conservatives Are Boycotting Froot Loops for Creating a Library of Diverse Children's Books Online

Conservatives: We are boycotting Froot Loops

Everyone else: Because they are unhealthy right?😀

Conservatives: 😐

Everyone else: Right? 😟

Olhonestjim , in California seeing a sizable influx of new residents relocating from Texas

I often work in rural TX. I've had a number of Texans suggest I ought to move there, cause muh freedums. Yeah, I target shoot a little, but I'm lefty as hell. I talk about guns sometimes to deflect questions about my politics.

They are so full of themselves. They think because great grandpa was a cowboy that they inherit all his toughness. I don't know how grandpa lived, but I know Texans today live mostly in air conditioning and love shopping, huge portions, and convenience. They're fully convinced there is nowhere better on Earth. But no, I've been all over the Earth. TX sucks and I'd never move there.

elbarto777 ,

They're fully convinced there is nowhere better on Earth.

Huh. So Texas is to Americans what America is to the world. Interesting.

(I'm mostly joking...)

interceder270 ,

It's really accurate, though.

Most texans believe texas is the greatest place on earth while never having even left their state. That's how delusional they are.

June , in Mom fired as sex-ed teacher after being exposed as convicted prostitute, working escort

‘Convicted’ prostitute? What the fuck is this phrasing?

ryathal ,

Prostitution is generally a crime and she was convicted. As opposed to an alleged prostitute, who may have only be charged or suspected of prostitution.

June ,

Yea sure, but the problem is that it it villainizes her when all she was doing was sex work, which is only illegal because of puritanical religious meddling.

Sex work is work, and she’s done nothing wrong other than break a morally ambiguous, at best, law. The phrasing is bullshit.

CarbonatedPastaSauce ,

Eh, I'm a convicted speeder and I think convicted prostitute should have about as much weight. But you just know some of her customers are the same ones calling for her removal because hypocrisy and moral superiority go hand in hand.

SkyeStarfall ,

A speeder? As in, someone that breaks the speed limits on roads?

No, that is worse, because when you speed you are putting other's lives at risk. I never felt at risk as a bystander from someone selling sex.

CarbonatedPastaSauce ,

You’re right to look down on me. My two speeding tickets in 33 years of driving reflect what a menace to society I’ve become. The carnage….

interceder270 ,

Congratulations! You now realize why calling someone a 'criminal' is a loaded statement!

Yoz , in Alabama police officer caught on video using stun gun on handcuffed man: ‘Do you want it again?’

The reason these people behave such a way is they deal with all kind of shitty people day in day out. They reach the point where there's no humanity left in them and they look at the the same way.
I don't blame cops, the work itself is shitty. No matter if you put even Gandhi in police force after 3-4, years he'll become Gaddafi.

blunderworld ,

Lots of people have shitty jobs. Most of us wouldn't blow off a little steam by torturing a handcuffed person?

You're a fucking dope.

Yoz ,

OMG! Bro most shitty jobs doesn't require you to deal with criminals.

mapiki ,

Nurses deal with criminals, mentally ill, homeless, and people resisting their help for 12 hours a shift on weekdays, weekends, and nights. They don't go crazy on people.

Yoz ,

You're comparing apple to oranges.

FlyingSquid , avatar

ER nurses deal with far more criminals, mentally ill people and homeless people than any single cop because all the cops drop those people off at the ER when they don't want to deal with them.

And nurses still don't act like power-hungry monsters whenever they face those people.

Maybe the problem isn't the job, maybe the problem is the sort of people who would be willing to take the job.

Norgur , in The "American Dream" costs far more than most people will earn over their lifetime

Okay, this may be just a side note, but I hope they mean "wedding (as a whole) and engagement ring" because 35 THOUSAND for three rings is excessive.

Poggervania , avatar

Bridal jewelry worker here. I can absolutely confirm that, yes, you can indeed spend $10k on a ring setting and stone very easily. You can also spend $35k on a single ring if you got something from Hearts on Fire or Tacori.

Most of the cost comes from the stone and not the ring setting itself though. Like you can spend maybe at most like $5k on a platinum ring setting and another $10k+ on the stone.

dan1101 , avatar

I spent like $1,000 on a ring. Of course she divorced me later on, probably because I didn't buy an expensive enough ring.

Empricorn ,

☹️ If that's legitimately the reason, you are much better off getting out of the relationship that "cheaply"...

OldWoodFrame , in Uproar as after-school Satan club forms at Tennessee elementary school

The uproar is the point.

The Satanic Temple makes it clear its members do not actually worship the devil or believe in the existence of Satan or the supernatural.

But somehow conservative Christians believe that there are huge swaths of people who agree that their religion is 100% correct but worship the weak bad guy character.

(Which is not to mention that there are actually multiple bad guys who got combined, Satan and Lucifer and The Snake were originally different people)

flipht ,

This is a long standing joke - what do you call someone who believes in Satan?

A Christian.

nicetriangle , in Uproar as after-school Satan club forms at Tennessee elementary school avatar

The outrage these assholes are feeling is what the rest of us feel every time we see them trying to force their dogma into every facet of society.

Linkerbaan , in US homelessness up 12% to highest reported level as rents soar and coronavirus pandemic aid lapses avatar

But Biden fixed the economy it's better than everrr!

loxo ,

Homelessness is a very complex issue encompassing things like mental health and climate change. The president has no direct control over rent prices, they may be able to influence them to a degree, but that’s all. This is an integral part of late-stage capitalism. People in need are being left behind because America is filled with greed. One of the many things to help alleviate this would be the construction of subsidized dense housing in areas with high levels of amenities.

EmperorHenry , in ‘Greedflation’ study finds many companies were lying to you about inflation avatar

The title of this post might as well be "Water is wet, the sky is blue, ice is cold"

Of course corporations are lying to have a reason to raise prices when they don't need to.

TigrisMorte , in Texas power plants have no responsibility to provide electricity in emergencies, judges rule

It is almost like natural monopolies, such as primary power generation and supply, should be under the control of the Government and not private individuals.

girlfreddy , avatar

They all used to be. Then Reagan and Clinton happened.

TigrisMorte ,

ding ding ding. We have a winner! Give that man a prize!

girlfreddy , avatar

Thank you, thank you.

My prize will sit proudly in my woman cave.

originalucifer , in Body Cameras Were Sold as a Tool of Police Reform. Ten Years Later, Most of the Footage Is Kept From Public View. avatar

we get it. cops are cowards. why else would this be one of the only countries where officers are lethally armed around the clock. cowards.

NounsAndWords , in A Political Candidate Beheaded a Satanic Temple Statue. Now He Faces Charges.

For reference, the seven tenants listed next to the destroyed display:

One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.

The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.

One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.

The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.

Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.

People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.

Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.

It makes a lot of sense to me why Christians would be against this.

JohnnyEnzyme , avatar

Christians have an utter landslide of reasons to believe the most outlandish of complete nonsense, but I've always been a fan of science, facts, and reality.

So I thank you. <3

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