
Blaze Mod , in Hi I'm Will Ropp! Ask me anything! avatar

Hello Will, thank you for the AMA!

As a first question, what do you think are the biggest misconceptions people have about the movie industry?

nelly32418 OP , (edited )

I think a lot of people would be shocked by the amount of "name" actors who still audition for roles. I'm not yet a "name" but have some friends who might be considered one, and they still have to grind and audition for pretty much any decent script/project that's put in front of them. Unless you really break into that top one percent of celebrity status, you're always fighting for the next job. Which is also why a lot of actors have started to make their own content, kind of flipping the power dynamics and giving yourself more control in your career as opposed to waiting for the phone to ring.

Blaze Mod , avatar

Thank you!

The film industry is sometimes considered to have a lot of nepotism, is it correct or not based on your experience?

nelly32418 OP ,

I’d say it’s the same amount of nepotism as pretty much any other industry. If you know someone or are related to someone important, you’re afforded more access and opportunity earlier in your career. But even still, if you have that advantage, you still gotta show up and do good work!

SteefLem , in ‘Furiosa’ First Reactions Say It’s a Stunning Powerhouse (But No ‘Fury Road’) avatar

No Mad Max no thanks

autotldr Bot , in ‘Furiosa’ First Reactions Say It’s a Stunning Powerhouse (But No ‘Fury Road’)

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The embargo broke for social media reactions to Furiosa, the eagerly anticipated prequel to the 2015 stunner Mad Max: Fury Road.

Early social reactions can sometimes be a bit different (typically more enthusiastic) than official critic reviews, and surely there are many more to come soon.

But based on the first batch Monday evening, Furisoa is a visual stunner with “ferocious, wild and unrelenting” action and a story that “spans decades,” with strong performances from the two leads.

Furisoa is in “a different gear” and “won’t match Fury Road’s splendor” in a way that “might frustrate” some audiences.

Different than is not necessarily bad, however, and this might be a case of viewers having a tough time shaking off their expectations going into the theater (the Furiosa trailers, after all, sell the new film as being rather exactly like Fury Road).

In any case, many consider Fury Road one of the best action films ever made — certainly one of the best this century — so any comparison, even one where Furiosa comes up a notch or two short, is still complimentary.

The original article contains 296 words, the summary contains 182 words. Saved 39%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Cossty , in Vin Diesel’s New ‘Riddick’ Movie Moving Forward for Fall Shoot

I will miss his family.

Aussiemandeus , in "Grow up. These are my movies, not yours": George Lucas Won't be Happy How Star Wars Fan Group is Illegally Saving the Original Trilogy avatar

I would pay good money to have the original trilogy owned digitally and in 4k so I can have it forever.

It is still jarring to me today to watch the movie and see the changes, they're not the films I grew up watching over and over on VHS.

mindbleach , in "Grow up. These are my movies, not yours": George Lucas Won't be Happy How Star Wars Fan Group is Illegally Saving the Original Trilogy

Art belongs to its audience.

That's what the money was for.

TheControlled , in Vin Diesel’s New ‘Riddick’ Movie Moving Forward for Fall Shoot

These movies are a blast. I genuinely like them. I think if FF didn't exist, people wouldn't be so publicly cruel to them. People act as if Vin Diesel is some kind of piece of shit, when really he's just a typical movie producer and dork.

NoSpiritAnimal , avatar

Riddick is the most interesting thing Diesel has ever produced. I love these movies. They're a bit self serious and sorta cheesy, but a lot of the best scifi is.

inclementimmigrant , in "Grow up. These are my movies, not yours": George Lucas Won't be Happy How Star Wars Fan Group is Illegally Saving the Original Trilogy

No. But thanks for letting me know that you don't like it that I'm sharing the originals.

BTW, good essay on the value and detriment of director's cuts by hbomberguy:

grue , in "Grow up. These are my movies, not yours": George Lucas Won't be Happy How Star Wars Fan Group is Illegally Saving the Original Trilogy

No George, you piece of shit, the films belong to the Public Domain and we're graciously allowing you to profit from them for a bit. If you're gonna bitch about it we can revoke your privilege!

rickyrigatoni , avatar

They're a few decades or centuries off from public domain.

grue ,

All works are inherently public domain: copyright isn't property, which is why it expiring isn't an unconstitutional "taking." Congress merely chooses to temporarily remove it from the public domain and grant control back to the Creator for a while, as an incentive to create more works. It's a power Congress has, not an obligation: they don't have to do it, and if they didn't, all works would be public domain from day 1.

It's ironic: publishers claim copies are "licensed, not sold," but that's a lie; individual copies are property, and are sold. The real "licensed, not sold" is Congress granting the temporary monopoly privilege itself.

rickyrigatoni , avatar

what the fuck are you smoking

grue ,

The same thing Thomas Jefferson smoked, I guess? I'm not saying anything much different than what he wrote in this letter explaining his philosophical underpinning of the Copyright (and Patent) Clause. I won't quote all the relevant parts for reasons of brevity, but here's the most important bit:

It has been pretended by some (and in England especially) that inventors have a natural and exclusive right to their inventions; & not merely for their own lives, but inheritable to their heirs. but while it is a moot question whether the origin of any kind of property is derived from nature at all, it would be singular to admit a natural, and even an hereditary right to inventions. it is agreed by those who have seriously considered the subject, that no individual has, of natural right, a separate property in an acre of land, for instance. by an universal law indeed, whatever, whether fixed or moveable, belongs to all men equally and in common, is the property, for the moment, of him who occupies it; but when he relinquishes the occupation the property goes with it. stable ownership is the gift of social law, and is given late in the progress of society. it would be curious then if an idea, the fugitive fermentation of an individual brain, could, of natural right, be claimed in exclusive and stable property. if nature has made any one thing less susceptible, than all others, of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an Idea; which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of every one, and the reciever cannot dispossess himself of it. it’s peculiar character too is that no one possesses the less, because every other possesses the whole of it. he who recieves an idea from me, recieves instruction himself, without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, recieves light without darkening me.

damdnation , in Vin Diesel’s New ‘Riddick’ Movie Moving Forward for Fall Shoot

ill believe it when i see it. i feel like a new reddick movie has been "moving forward" for ages.

downpunxx , in Vin Diesel’s New ‘Riddick’ Movie Moving Forward for Fall Shoot avatar

I seem to be in the minority but I'm a fan of the Riddick movies, they're weird high budget scifi, and Vin Diesel is a big enough on screen badass to pull them off. I'm down. Bring on the night.

shalafi ,

I'm in. Let Van Diesel drive this thing, but someone remind him what made Pitch Black a classic, beg him to dial it back to the franchise's roots just a bit.

downpunxx , avatar

Dude traded his GROOT voice overs for rights to the Riddick franchise. True story.

GiantRobotTRex ,

He got the rights to the franchise in exchange for a cameo in Tokyo Drift.

downpunxx , avatar

I must have been mistaken. Cheers.

GiantRobotTRex ,

No worries. You had the spirit of the story basically right even if you had the details wrong.

SupraMario ,

Pitch black was amazing....then the next two just went a bit overboard. Needs more of the scifi horror that made that first amazing.

PhAzE ,

I dunno, I enjoyed the overboard in #2. Movie 3 he actually did dial back quite a bit since 2 didn't sell very well. 3 felt a lot closer to 1.

Delusional ,

Yeah 3 was great with the surviving on a planet full of beasts just like the first. Can't believe that was released over 10 years ago.

Guru_Insights99 ,

Oh, bless your heart, you poor misguided soul. You actually enjoy the Riddick movies? Seriously? I mean, I guess there's always that one person in the world who thinks the sound of nails on a chalkboard is soothing, so I suppose it's no surprise that you find Vin Diesel's grunting and growling in those cinematic disasters to be entertaining. But let me tell you, my friend, you couldn't be more wrong if you were trying to eat soup with a fork.

First of all, let's talk about the plot, or lack thereof, in the Riddick movies. It's like they took a bunch of random sci-fi clichés, tossed them in a blender, and hit the "disaster" button. I mean, seriously, how many times can we watch Riddick go from being a lone badass to being caught up in some convoluted space drama? It's like they're recycling the same tired storyline over and over again, just with different sets and slightly different bad guys. Talk about creativity at its finest!

And let's not forget about the acting, or should I say lack of acting. Vin Diesel's impressive range of facial expressions consists of a permanent scowl and a look of constipation. It's like he's trying to portray a badass with all the depth of a puddle. And the supporting cast? Well, let's just say they're about as memorable as a goldfish with short-term memory loss. The performances in the Riddick movies are so wooden, I'm surprised they didn't start sprouting leaves.

And here's the best part: the special effects. Or should I say, the lack of special effects? I mean, come on, did they blow their entire budget on Vin Diesel's paycheck? The CGI in the Riddick movies is so laughably bad, I've seen better graphics on my grandma's flip phone. It's like they hired the intern who just learned how to use Photoshop and said, "Hey, can you make it look like Riddick is fighting aliens in space? Great, you're hired!" It's a visual train wreck of epic proportions.

But hey, if you enjoy watching Vin Diesel mumble his way through a nonsensical plot, with cardboard characters and effects that would make Ed Wood blush, then by all means, bring on the night and indulge in your guilty pleasure. Just don't expect the rest of us to join you in your misguided love affair with the Riddick movies. Because when it comes to quality sci-fi, Riddick is about as good as a jar of expired mayonnaise left out in the sun for a week. So, good luck with your questionable taste in movies, my friend. You're gonna need it.

Boinkage ,

You are a shit troll.

jordanlund , avatar

First of all, let's talk about the plot, or lack thereof, in the Riddick movies. It's like they took a bunch of random sci-fi clichés, tossed them in a blender, and hit the "disaster" button.

That's a common complaint among people who haven't actually watched them. Look at Chronicles of Riddick for example... it's LITERALLY Macbeth with Riddick in the role of Duncan. Of course to get that, you'd have to be familiar with Macbeth.

And let's not forget about the acting, or should I say lack of acting. Vin Diesel's impressive range of facial expressions consists of a permanent scowl and a look of constipation.

The first time I ever saw Diesel was in his short film "Multi-Facial", his performance there is DEVASTATING. Clearly he CAN do more than what he's given. Iron Giant was phenomenal. I've heard nothing but good things about Boiler Room but I haven't seen it.

Multi-Facial can be seen on Youtube, worth a watch:

Boinkage ,

There are dozens of us! Dozens!

ringwraithfish ,

I'm with you. Knowing the general dislike of them, they've always been a guilty pleasure.

psmgx , in Vin Diesel’s New ‘Riddick’ Movie Moving Forward for Fall Shoot

Studios think this is a good idea? Listen, the Necromomongers had a cool aesthetic, but that's about the only thing the Riddick universe has to offer. Vinny D needs another set of IP that's not Riddick or Fast and Furious

UKFilmNerd OP Mod , avatar

I was just saying to someone that I think Riddick is one of those characters who are better the less you know about them, like the original film.

Of course all the sequels try to answer those questions.

On the other hand, the Xbox game, Escape From Butcher Bay, was one the better film tie-ins I've played.

GiantRobotTRex ,

No, the studios probably don't think it's a good idea.

Vin Diesel really loves Riddick. It's his passion project. Universal was willing to let the franchise die after two films but he wasn't, so he did a cameo in Tokyo Drift in exchange for the rights to the franchise. Then he independently raised funds for the third film and fronted a bunch of his own money, going so far as to mortgage his house to keep the production afloat.

I'm sure it's the same with this fourth film. The series was never all that profitable so the studios wouldn't push to make another one. It's gotta be Vin Diesel pushing to have it made because he personally deeply cares about the franchise.

Duamerthrax ,

I can respect that.

xkbx ,

You mean like xXx?

deadbeef79000 ,

Oh for a sweet blessed time I'd forgotten about xXx.

But, more Riddick, please.

The_Che_Banana , in Vin Diesel’s New ‘Riddick’ Movie Moving Forward for Fall Shoot avatar

Riddick 8: the Fast and the Furyaosa!

HelixDab2 , in Vin Diesel’s New ‘Riddick’ Movie Moving Forward for Fall Shoot

Goddammit, could we not?

Can we get some entirely new films, please?

dohpaz42 , avatar

Riddick has to catch up to the FATF franchise.

Woozythebear , in Vin Diesel’s New ‘Riddick’ Movie Moving Forward for Fall Shoot

Pitch black was the only movie worth watching in the series. That movie was really good. The rest were meh at best.

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