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Boinkage ,

I don't think "house poor" is the correct term for people renting. House poor means you spend too much on home ownership. These people don't have too many of their assets tied up in their home, they're just dealing with very high rental prices. "Getting fucked by the housing crisis" is probably a more apt term of art for this scenario than house poor.

Boinkage ,

Have you looked up settings for this new resin? Or run calibration test prints with it? If you're using the settings for the old resin with a different kind of resin it won't be right. It looks like your exposure time is too low, the resin isn't being cured enough at each layer so it's not adhering. Bump up the exposure time a lot and see if anything comes out. Also bump support thickness and connection thickness up. You can see the supports not even making full connection with that spear in the photo.

Boinkage ,

Posting a screenshot of your settings may help to see what is going on. And pics of some calibration prints.

Boinkage ,

Is this really a world news event? Wrong community to post this in methinks

Boinkage ,

I use blender for editing STLs. Import your files, overlay them where you want them, select both objects, apply the boolean to subtract differences. This should cut the images out of the disc as a negative. Export as STL.

Boinkage ,

Interesting article, thank you for sharing.

Boinkage ,

This ain't even close to world news. Spam hustle culture click bait ass garbage.

Boinkage ,

Was their symbol really a giant phallus? Seems a little on the nose.

Boinkage ,

Reads reason - ah this user definitely said some fucked up stuff and now they're butthurt about people calling them out.

Checks comment history - yup.

Boinkage ,

A full article about a historic set of armor? Yeah, one super dark picture showing a hint of it is enough. People aren't going to want to look at the armor suit or the replicas or people wearing the replicas.

What are some personally spiteful things you want to do against society because of how much you don't like it's direction?

For example, I sometimes do want to vote for Trump. Not because I like the man. Not because I find him as a credible leader, in fact, he's a murderer in my eyes by negligence because of his handling of the 2020 COVID Pandemic....

Boinkage ,

What an insanely stupid reason to vote for someone.

Boinkage ,

Tell me you've never worked customer service without telling me you've never worked customer service.

Boinkage , (edited )

Would you rather be stocking shelves or cleaning mystery goo that a customer smeared on your workspace? Are the people working at Walmart other human beings with feelings or objects to be punished in a war against corporations?

With what degree of certainty would you be able to say that the mystery goo you're cleaning off of your counter has not been spit in or mixed with something really nasty by said vindictive and out of touch customer?

Boinkage ,

Retired neighbors with nothing better to do.

Unsure of the future with my current fiance.

So I'm not sure if I can or should continue my relationship with my fiance or try to fix things. We've been together for two years now. When we first started dating they said that they were working on finishing their masters degree but they have not done so. They also said they'd be going back to work after they finished their...

Boinkage ,

What do they say when you raise these concerns with them in a constructive manner?

Boinkage ,

Looks awesome. I would love to see a few more pictures of the details. And a recording of the sound!

Boinkage ,

Is this posted to be critical of OP? I thought they were being reasonable, maintaining sobriety is very hard and being around drunk people is a classic trigger for relapse. Is this community just about criticizing other people?

Edit I now see you are the op of the other thread. Are you the crazy town? I don't get this community at all.

Boinkage ,

The secret was AI-generated art of space DNA all along.

Boinkage ,

At this point Idiocracy isn't a parody movie, it's a roadmap.

Boinkage ,

Walmart delivery & theft by Walmart delivery person

Boinkage ,

If I was browsing through furniture on Etsy and the first image was that imprecise looking bezel I would close your shop and keep looking. It just looks like sloppy cutting rather than the hand of the artist. I would find other ways to show the artist's hand, maybe a hand-carved element or something. Especially for this style of piece which is emphasizing clean lines, having a wavy line looks sloppy not intentional.

When / why / how did "I hope you are well" become a standard email intro?

Practically every email I've received in maybe the past year has started with "I hope you are well". I even had an LLM draft a placeholder email for me and it started with the same thing. This has not always been the case and it's strange to me that everyone I interact with begins their emails with this line. Frankly, it's...

Boinkage ,

I use this when the tone of my email would otherwise be, where's my spreadsheet motherfucker?? It's nice to modify the overall tone of the email to something more friendly. I have a very curt writing style so I'm often concerned my emails will come off as blunt or demanding if I don't include a pleasantry.

I work in a very friendly, informal field so I find myself doing little pleasantries to fit in, email-wise.

Boinkage ,

I think you're answering your own question here.

Your blunt coworker has to explain himself or risks being taken as rude by people who don't know him. You yourself couldn't determine if he was being rude to you without some additional context.

Without further context, you don't know how to interpret an email that says where is my spreadsheet motherfucker.

In both cases, you're saying further social cues are needed to determine if someone you don't know very well is being rude or not. Hence, why people emailing people they don't know very well in a professional capacity include niceties to convey context and tone.

New York Criminal Defendant Already Being Real Pain In Ass ( )

(Trump lawyer Alina Habba — the one who fakes smart — argued on Fox News last night that this is a denial of Trump’s “due process” rights. Needless to say, LOL no. Habba also bellyached that Trump’s lawyers won’t get Passover off, because “Observant Jews have a right to go and pray to who they want and observe...

Boinkage ,

This is a really excellent writing style.

Boinkage ,

Thanks for sharing, that is indeed neat.

Boinkage ,

I don't think you should force friendship until you are ready to. You can co-parent perfectly well with minimal communication until you are ready to communicate more without it hurting a whole lot.

When my last long term relationship ended she wanted to be friends after. I was still really hurting and those random texts and phone calls and invitations to get coffee hurt me and reminded me of what I had lost on a regular basis. I went no contact for about half a year, when the mourning process was over and I had accepted that I was better off without her, it felt okay to be back in contact.

So I disagree with the other posters - protect your heart. Your kids will be okay. Your kids want a parent who is happy. They can't have that if you're forcing friendship contact with your ex that is hurting you and prolonging the grieving/healing process. Go minimal contact, take care of your heart, rediscover how to be happy as a single person, then when you're ready you can talk to your ex more regularly, if you ever want to.

As a child of divorce, what was more important to me was that my parents were happy. Kids can tell when their parents are hurting. And my parents being friendly never felt that important. You can be friendly and nice to each other at pick up and drop off without having to text and have phone calls and get coffee outside of strictly child related interactions. Your kids won't know if you and your ex are texting regularly. They will know if you are sad.

Boinkage ,

He would not, because the executive branch does not create laws. He could ask the legislature to pass such a law or to amend the constitution.

Boinkage ,

Caselaw which does not effect stare decisis.......

Boinkage ,

I had a friend that I never liked playing games with. He was extremely competitive and always had to win at everything. When I'm playing a game I'm very good at with someone less experienced, I take it easy and don't try too hard so that everyone is having a fun time. This guy was just incapable of thinking about games like this. For him he would always do his very best to win no matter what, even if he had just won against his friend (me) like 20 times in a row. For example, our friend group really casually plays DOTA, we don't know any competitive builds, we don't keep up with the meta, we just do comp stomps occasionally for fun. This guy will sometimes jump in when he sees us playing on steam and we all sort of groan because we know he's 1) going to destroy us all 20/0 with a high skill competitive build and 2) he's going to spend the whole time telling us that we should be using our characters differently or it would be better to buy this item to get this combo. But we don't want to play competitively. We have fun just dinking around trying silly builds.

Maybe it's something like that? This is why I stopped playing games with him. If you've been playing this game ranked for years, your skill level may be so high above someone who plays unranked for a few weeks that it's just not fun to play with you. Do you try really hard in every game? Do you tell them ways they could be playing better? Maybe you could try using a very uncompetitive build/character/car when you play with them, to lean into the messing around vibe instead of the serious competitive player vibe. Try to enjoy goofing around instead of being a high level competitive player.

Another possible explanation is that this is time for him to catch up with these friends. I play e every week with my friends, it's a time to catch up as well as play games. When new people we don't know join in it can be fun but it also disrupts our time when we're asking about each other's jobs and families and such. It's kind of like planning to get a drink with your good friends, then someone only one of you knows joins in, and you can't really talk about the good old days or how so and so's kids are doing because this new person doesn't know any of these details and you have to make small talk instead, which is kind of the opposite of catching up.

Boinkage ,

Witcher is a silly thing to use as your first example, it's a made up word for a translated book. I can't think of another word that behaves like that. Making a mountain of a made up molehill. A Molehiller, I would call you.

Boinkage ,

If someone thinks 4chan users have use for a dating app, they have no idea what kind of people use the hacker known as 4chan.

Boinkage ,

I feel like the way plants work the root ball is really the "head" or "brain" of the plant. The flower is more like an appendage or vagina sticking out than the center of thought.

(M23) Going through the usual breakup with (M23)

Been with this guy for 3 years now, I have been making plans in my head for when we are able to move in together, while unfortunately we were in a long distance relationship we still had a lot in common and were able to enjoy our time online together playing videogames and watching movies with the occasional visit once every 4...

Boinkage ,

You are worthy of real, earnest love. You deserve someone who wholeheartedly loves and desires you. You can find that person as soon as you end this relationship and finish mourning the end of the relationship you had. Breakups are a form of death in your life, but sometimes you have to let things go to be free for the next good thing in your life. Don't waste your time on lukewarm partners.

Aiming With Flashlights - Ziel Punkt Projektor (1970s) ( )

In the late 1970s, H&K partnered with Hensoldt to create the ZP/AP (Ziel/Aiming; Projektor/Projector) and then ZPP/APP (Ziel/Aiming; Punkt/Point; Projektor/Projector). This was essentially a calibrated flashlight with an aiming point and pressure switch. It projected a beam of light that was specifically 2m wide at 50m distance,...

Boinkage ,

Why wait for your muzzle flash to give away your position when you could mount a literal flashlight on your gun so the enemy knows exactly where you are at all times?

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