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Remmock ,

S3 was the worst one in my opinion, but everybody is different. I just feel like the massacred Hopper’s character to pay homage to the “loose cannon cop” of the 80’s.

The Biden Campaign Has a Trump-Fatigue Problem ( )

Joe Biden’s campaign is facing a strategic dilemma. Since the president’s job-approval ratings have been consistently low, his path to reelection depends on making 2024 a comparative choice between himself and Donald Trump, his scary, extremist predecessor. That task is becoming more urgent as evidence emerges that a sizable...

Remmock ,

Yes, hello. I understand you’re giving out Presidental Campaign starter packages?

I’ll take the Newport parents, Ivy League College, multi-millionare basic bundle. That comes with the limited-time “My Parents donated to most of my future colleagues’ war chests” add-on, right?

Do I have to upgrade to get rid of the early-to-mid-life scandal?

Remmock ,

Abstention has historically been a way to declare your distaste for all options and, outside of America, is regarded as honorable. For some reason Americans don’t get that a massive absence at the polls isn’t just about “having better things to do”.

Remmock ,

Wow. You have a severe issue with people who are presented some options and say: “No, thanks.”

I have a civic duty that if I am not represented by a candidate, that I do not muster support behind that candidate. If a political party needs my support, it is their responsibility and not mine to attract the voters they claim to need.

You can watch the constant sliding of Democrats toward the right and the vacillating popularity of fringe-left parties to know that the Democratic Party doesn’t give a damn about winning left-fringe voters. After Nader secured over 3 million votes in 2000, do you think the Democratic party learned a single lesson? Or did they just shit the bed all over again in 2004? Did Obama run on any of the 2000 Green Party’s positions?

I’ll save you the effort: The Democratic Party opted to adopt 0 of the Green Party positions from the 2000 election.

So tell me all about how voting Third-Party somehow sends a message.

Remmock ,

The current anti-GW sentiment appears to be due to making female custodes.

Remmock ,


Remmock ,

We know this isn’t an age-restricted reaction, so cool it with the “shaming young people” rhetoric.

Remmock ,

While I’m so disaffected that I’ve had to have my fire rekindled to vote for the “least damaging option” yet again, and while I’ll be dragging my feet to the booth in November, I feel from key words in this conversation that their mastery of English is surprising to the point of suspect when I consider the errors they’re committing.

I’d advise saving your energy for a less disingenuous conversation.

Have a great day.

Remmock ,

I don’t really see you as being in a position to take a high ground on the basis of usernames.

Remmock ,

When the Democratic party’s strategists have decided that “you definitely don’t want the other guy voted in” in place of literally any other strategy is their best option, please explain to me why anyone further left of your centrism should believe that the administration will take another vote cast for them as anything but approval of the job they’ve done so far and an endorsement of more of the same.

On the flip side, to hold Biden himself accountable for the overreaction from University boards’ decisions on behalf of their corporate masters (donors, if that wasn’t clear), or responsible for the large number of Representatives and Senators making and voting for policy with their heads up their own or others’ asses, when he has been caught on the hot mic disparaging Netanyahu for how Israel is conducting itself is holding the wrong person accountable.

I get where they’re coming from. I get it on a level you clearly don’t because you have proven time and again that you have little capacity to sympathize with those who are clearly tired of voting for the “least damaging option”. Take a break and let someone else debate with them, because the more you criticize the further you’ll solidify their position.

Okay, dad?

Remmock ,

“Standards for thee and none for me” is all I’m taking from this.

Have a great day.

Remmock ,

Oh, okay. You just want to be mad without fixing the situation.

Well, you can kindly go fuck yourself.

Remmock ,

Game: Scion

A Scion of Odin, my concept is that when Odin gouged out his eye at Well of Urd at the base of Yggdrasil and tossed said eye in, he inadvertently created something new.

The droplets of blood and the eye were infused by the waters and bled into the roots of Yggdrasil. The most resilient among them trickled into the other realms. My character ultimately arrived in Midgard, in Venice Beach. Little more than a sentient blob of blood with a lone eye contained inside, he fed on smaller creatures and grew in the darkness.

Discovered by a bunch of surfers, he was taken in as a pet. He grew big and strong enough to take a form, amalgamating the looks of the other surfers into a new form entirely. At the start of his adventure he is called Grom, short for Grommet. He lives as a surfer bum, begging food and a few bucks off of people and living in an abandoned building by the beach. So long as he has the waves and his friends, he has everything he needs.

That is, until the arrival of a one-eyed young man who tries to kill him and cut his eye out. Grom wins the scuffle, coming out barely injured. It is only then that Odin comes to visit him, pleased at his victory. He forewarns Grom that because he has Odin’s other eye, others like him will be coming to try to claim that eye.

Grom is very physically adept, with points mostly put into Str, Dex, and Con. He’ll also have Appearance and Wisdom as backup stats. In the party he is the reluctant hero, wanting nothing more than to hang with his friends, but understanding that he must undergo this trial before he can live in peace again.

Remmock ,

Millennial here. We’re the generation that paved the way by being “so into anime”. Never heard that statement about Gen Z before.

Remmock ,

Nothing misleading about it. It bans protections, not protection.

Remmock ,

So the right CAN meme. This changes everything.

Remmock ,

“I don’t think poor minorities who are tired of picking ‘the least evil option’ exist.”

Well you can kindly go fuck yourself.

Remmock ,

Thank you for your perspective. It’s nice to know that you think I couldn’t possibly be a real human being just because I’m a financially impoverished minority in these United States and sick of being told that I need to vote for someone else’s option time and again because it’s the best possible option. Every time the leftist majority makes a decision I want, they don’t look for concessions to bring me in. They just beat me over the head with fearmongering.

If you want voters, appeal to them. I’m not responsible for the message put out by the party not convincing me.

Remmock ,

Thank you for the resource. I’ll look into it!

Remmock ,

I’m not sure you replied to the right person.

Remmock ,

Thanks. Suddenly I want to support your candidate. The scales have fallen from my eyes. You have enlightened me. I’m forever grateful. How could I not have realized that the decision was “stupid”? I needed no rationalization or evidence, just a person thinking I’m stupid on the internet!

Remmock ,

What an unhelpful comment.

“I’m in this Class Project. The whole class is in on it and every time we do a class project half the class tells me that I have to agree with them or else the other half decides how to do the project. I try telling them I will agree with them if they’re open to concessions to me. They just yell harder and threaten that it will be all my fault if I don’t agree with them.”

“Have you tried participating in Group Projects?”

Remmock ,

I never said Trump would help me. So your question is irrelevant.

Remmock ,

Did it my entire political existence. I’m the one that wasn’t helped. This is your party having no one to blame but themselves for how this is turning out at this point.

Remmock ,

Sounds like you’re exactly what I’ve been going on about this whole time. If you have nothing productive to say we’re done here.

Remmock ,

I’ve taken two. Try exploring exercises in reading comprehension.

Remmock ,

If you get the runs when dying of thirst it will kill you as sure as poison, you nit.

You’ve literally made my point for me.

Remmock ,

Where, when, and how have I ever argued for this? Can you even state my position in a single sentence?

Remmock ,

The analogy is perfect. You just don’t realize it.

Remmock ,

Why does it matter to me? I’ve made it clear that popular opinion no longer influences me because I sacrifice every voting round to elect the Neoliberal option that keeps the devil at bay. I’m not asking even for my candidate to win, but for concessions that matter to the lowest earners in America.

Withholding votes has long been a clear declaration that those looking to build a bloc need to do more than point at the other team and say: “You’re electing that.”

It’s not enough any more. I can’t keep voting your way because you need me to so absolutely desperately that you’re willing to do everything except give me what I’m asking for.

Why do you keep thinking that you can just bully me into voting your way?

Remmock ,

So far I’ve discovered in this thread:

-People don’t like traditional fantasy that takes itself seriously.
-People don’t like lighthearted fantasy that plays with the themes.
-People don’t like hard magical systems.
-People don’t like soft magical systems.
-People don’t like dragons being involved.
-People don’t like an absence of dragons.
-People don’t like character archetypes.
-People don’t like counterarchetypes.
-People don’t like when characters speak an understandable language.
-People don’t like characters meeting each other in common social meeting areas.

All good here? Great.

Just write whatever the fuck you want. There’s always an audience.

Remmock ,

I’ll be doing my civic duty by not voting. Voting is supposed to be about picking the candidate I want. Well, I don’t want either of these two candidates, and I won’t stand for the DNC rubbing its greedy little fingers together in the background, making deals and concessions with whomever they have to in order to push their candidate of choice.

Biden has done some good things. Honestly more than I expected. This does not now, nor has it ever, and nor will it ever give the DNC carte blanche to manipulate the primaries from the shadows to choose their preferred candidate to represent the party in a wide-open field of two people once every four years.

You want someone to blame for the fact that you’re all sweating bullets about how this election turns out? Look to the DNC when you want to point fingers, not the people who they’re trying to sucker into voting for the damage control option every four years.

Remmock ,

You need a lesson. The DNC conspired against Bernie Sanders the moment it was clear he was a threat to Hillary and did it so goddamned hard that there was a lawsuit about it.

A lawsuit that ended with the defense: “The DNC is a private entity so we’re allowed to do whatever we want.”

Please explain why they deserve to continue existing.

Remmock ,

Every election is “the worst election ever where we need everyone to come together and support our hand-picked candidate against their hand-picked candidate”. When do you get to vote your conscience?

When do I vote in a manner representative of who I am as a minority?

When will the ship not be sinking so I can choose someone who actually represents me?

Why is it my responsibility to vote for you when you don’t care about me?

“I know we didn’t do anything for you again these past 4 years, but if you don’t get behind us then it’s going to be bad!”

It already is bad. If you don’t realize that you sound like the privileged one.

Remmock ,

I’m not the Chess Master. I’m a pawn. I’m sacrificed and threatened and told if I don’t do what I need to all the time always then the other side wins.

So I’m not going to move the way I’m told until I get something I want.

I’m a minority setting myself on fire every election. This time I’m inclined to have others burn with me.

Remmock ,

The players decide the game rules.

Remmock ,

“When do I get to think about me when I vote?”

“Stop thinking about just yourself and think about other people.”

Are you even paying attention to the conversation or am I trying to reason with a recording? Is it any wonder why I don’t feel heard time and time again to the point where I don’t want to do what I’m told?

It’s zero sympathy. I have a duty to get shafted by the political system again for the promise that someday, somehow, something will work out for me.

No thanks, friend.

Remmock ,

It was me. I said I was honoring my civic duty by abstaining. You’re so mad about it that you didn’t bother checking who you’re replying to.

Well, I’m mad too.

What am I supposed to do about it? I keep getting told that if I just bite the bullet (again) and vote the way you tell me (again) then things will get better.

So I do.

And they don’t. Not for me.

I watch everyone’s boats rise, but I still have the same holes in mine and nobody is tossing me the supplies that I clearly don’t have to fix it even though I did what you told me. Good for you all. Really.

But after this many times, why do it again?

Remmock ,

You are a microcosm representing exactly how the Democratic party is treating me. No interest in asking what I want. No drive to sympathize. Just demand, demand, demand. The liberals in here are so beautifully reflected in you, demonstrating the same lack of motivation to engage beyond name-calling, coercion and, in some cases, internet tough-guy posturing.

Remmock ,

I absolutely detest the Flanderization of Drax and Thor. I appreciate moments of comedy, but I didn’t come to watch Abbot and Costello.

Remmock ,

You can enjoy it, but you’re insane if you don’t see a marked drop in quality from installation to installation in terms of map design, content, sound design and more. How many times are they going to reuse Mega Evolution with a new coat of paint instead of just keeping it already working?

Why do they prevent you from transferring Pokemon into newer generations? It’s not because they don’t have the space for the information. They’re saving money by not having to spend dev hours remodeling all the older Pokemon to fit the new art style or graphic threshold.

All in all, given the profits, they could put a lot more effort into making the experience more fun.

Here’s a decent breakdown of the issues between generations: (Warning: The presentation leaves something to be desired but the crux of the argument is sound.)

Remmock ,

You’re still touching the lunchmeat. It’s touching you inside. All over. It’s rubbing against your tongue, teeth… the roof of your mouth. It massages its way to the back of your throat rubbing itself against every inch of your esophagus, until it finally reaches the inside of your stomach.

But it’s not done there. Your lunchmeat - the same thing you revile touching with your fingers - begins to lay against the walls of your stomach lining as it is slowly digested. Some of it may even make its way into your small intestine completely intact. It touches you all the way through.

Is that really what you want for yourself?

Remmock ,

Much obliged. You and your wife have a very considerate, charming relationship and I’m happy you found each other!

Remmock ,

A superglued pull tab for an aluminum can.

An ingredient list and nutritional information on the side.

Remmock ,

I’d love to hear more. Would you please elaborate?

Remmock ,

Given the phrasing I was wondering if there was more to it than the scene. I didn’t know about the cut content.

Remmock ,

You’re the goodest girl. Thanks for bringing me up to speed!

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