
datavoid , in I was the target of a harassment campaign on Reddit as a teen. This is my story.

Who could have known that the mods of tardtales would be assholes

blindsight , in I feel like there should be a difference between "rent" and "mortgage rent"

Essentially, there's four different things going on:

  1. The interest payment portion of the mortgage
  2. The principal payment portion of the mortgage
  3. The opportunity cost of capital invested in the downpayment and home equity (principal payments)
  4. Market exposure to rising/falling housing prices

We can simplify it a bit by imagining a 0%-down, 0-principal-payment mortgage: if mortgage rates are 6% (for easy math), then every $100K of home value costs $6K/yr in interest, or $500/mo. So, at 6%, a "fair" rent on a $500K house is $2500/mo.

What that means in reality is that with $100K invested in the down payment, the owner is paying $2000/mo in interest (with the rental money), and is "earning" $500/mo on their $100K investment. (Plus, on average, they are investing 1/360th of the $400K owed on the house in home equity through principal payments... greatly oversimplifying compound interest and amortization schedules).

That $100K in the stock market could instead earn, on average, about 9% in equities, or ~$750/mo. That's the opportunity cost; instead of buying a rental property, the next best alternative is likely something like stocks.

But the owner also gets exposure to the housing market, and could also earn a return on home appreciation.

Now let's add the 5th component: damage, maintenance, vacancy, and "deadbeat" tenants. Owners also take on the risk that renters will not pay their rent, that they won't be able to find renters consistently, or that the home will be damaged. There are lots of horror stories of tenants doing $50K of damage in a year they only paid $20K in rent.

Anyway, all that said, it's a lot more complicated than just "paying their mortgage for them". I don't know what it's like in your area, but in the market where I live, rental prices are not covering the full mortgage payments... but it still usually works out if housing prices continue to go up forever. Once that bubble bursts, a lot of rental property owners are going to be losing a lot of money—especially since home appreciation was their only profit in the first place!

This comment so far ignored maintenance costs and land taxes, but they should probably add another $500/mo to both sides of this equation; it doesn't affect the rest of the analysis, though, since it should effectively be a wash between the owner and the renter.

danhab99 OP , avatar

So (feelings opinions)

It sounds like owners are taking on a whole lot of risk just so the banks don't. If that's the case then is the equity actually good enough to merit me being the banks money armor?

And 80% agree with the equity argument, I just can't help not have hope for the future and am literally asking who is gonna buy my house in 40 years? Less kids are being born, this country is falling into Republican hands so can't rely on selling my house to immigrants now can I?

I feel like Americans have known why we're here for so long and now this generation doesn't. I can't tell if it's for a reason someone is keeping secret or if the answer doesn't exist bc we're not supposed to be here anymore.

blindsight , (edited )

who is gonna buy my house in 40 years?

A sad but serious answer is that your house will either be worth less or worthless because of climate change (looking at you, Florida, but also wildfires/water scarcity) or extra valuable for those seeking climate refuge.

Completely seriously, it was a major consideration when my wife and I decided to move to where we are now, to one of the safest areas of our country for climate change risks.

loops ,

Same, though living on the coast I want to get a place that will likely not be underwater in the next decade or so.

autumn , in how's your week going, Beehaw avatar

hooray for fixed plumbing!

i mostly have dog news (no surprise there).

echo is officially part of the family as of saturday. signed the paperwork and sent it in! i've got her signed up for a trainer evaluation next weekend so she can get into a canine good citizen class.

i took the other two dogs (loki and jean) to a fast CAT trial on saturday as well. loki peed in the ring his first run (immediate disqualification, oops) and didn't seem to know what i wanted him to do. kinda kicking myself for not signing him up for two fun runs instead of paying for two scored runs. i swapped his second run to a fun run so i could walk down the length of the track, and he did way better that time. the lure spooked him at one point, but he recovered, and i think we'll do a couple more fun runs to see if he likes it enough to keep doing it.

jean absolutely crushed it! her fastest run was 9.477 seconds, which boils down to 21.58mph (34.93kmph). the slower run was somewhere between 10-11 seconds, but i forgot to write it down. she ran right to me at the end and leapt into my arms like a champ both times. she was also great around all the other dogs who were barking and yowling and generally being amped up. looking forward to seeing the photos that were taken later this week, which i'll be sure to post over on !animals. 😊

loki & jean after the trial.

aussie and chi mix

echo spending her day with another rescue volunteer.

brown and white border collie sniffing a daffodil

jean is heading to another fast CAT trial in a couple of weeks, and loki has a rally obedience trial coming up the weekend after that. this year is really going to the dogs. 😅

krellor ,

Very fun, thanks for the pictures. For whatever reason the speed of your dogs jogged my memory of skiing with my old dogs. We would skin up backcountry peaks, them with booties and leg wraps in the -20f cold. Then at the summit I'd take the skins off my skis, and the booties off their feet (otherwise they get lost), slather their feet in mushers wax, and race down the mountain. I always had to watch my speed since they maxed out around 20mph, or roughly what your dog's clocked at.

Have a great week!

autumn , avatar

that sounds like so much fun! my little dog would hate that (she’s cold in any temp under 70F), but i’ll bet my aussie would absolutely thrive on a snowy slope.

xilliah , avatar

Wow great follow up! And hey your car has a doggy cup holder!

autumn , avatar

we desperately need to swap this sedan out for a hatchback or wagon. crates are so much better for car rides. 😩

xilliah , avatar

Girl you're gonna need a bus with all that love.

BurningRiver , in how's your week going, Beehaw

I’m sick to my stomach. My healthy labrador died suddenly on Saturday. He was fine Friday afternoon, got nauseous Friday night, and I was waiting for the vet to open at 8am Saturday to get him in there. He got unresponsive and barely breathing around 6am and I rushed him to the vet ER, and he didn’t make it. The vet said he had a “torsioned spleen” or something like that.

I’ve got an absolutely soul crushing amount of guilt that I didn’t get him to the ER on Friday night. My dog trusted me to protect him and take care of him, and I completely betrayed that trust. I’m in such a place of deep sorrow that it’s impossible to explain with words. Every time I start to fall asleep, I’m suddenly wide awake trying to figure out why I decided not to act sooner.

Not sure why I’m sharing this, I guess I just had to get it off my chest.

LallyLuckFarm , avatar

I'm so sorry for your loss and what you're going through 🫂

It might not be possible right now but please give yourself some grace. You were attentive to his condition and when it worsened you acted immediately. I can't imagine a better kind of human to place trust in, and I can't imagine him not knowing how hard you tried, how much you cared, or that he would ever blame you.

BurningRiver ,

Hey thanks, I appreciate you. What you’re saying is all probably true, but I can’t shake this horrible feeling that I failed him. I like my dog more than I like most people I meet, and he was with me all day every day. I hope this feeling lessens with time.

LallyLuckFarm , avatar

I'll tell you that it does - or at least, the remembering becomes slightly less painful as time goes on. The lessons really stick, but it becomes easier to remember all the good stuff, and those are the things you should hold on to the hardest during those difficult times.

And I'm glad you shared with us, if for no other reason than helping you process your grief. I'm sure we're all sending our love, hoping to lighten the load in some small way.

BurningRiver ,

You’re an amazing person, and I hope you know that. Thank you.

acastcandream ,

Hey just came across this and I hope you’re doing alright today. Losing a pet is never easy. It’s easy to second-guess yourself after the fact but there’s no way you could’ve known what was happening. What you saw was pretty standard “my dog got into something they probably shouldn’t have“ territory and any vet worth their salt would’ve probably told you “just wait to bring them in tomorrow unless you see lots of blood.”

BurningRiver ,

I did talk to my dog’s usual vet and he basically said the same thing - there probably wasn’t anything I could have done. There wasn’t any blood and he wasn’t crying at all, he just laid there. I’m doing better than I was when I posted, but its still painful. He was only 6 and acted like a big puppy up til the last 12 hours he was with us.

Thanks for the reply. I truly appreciate it.

acastcandream ,

Happy to help. Stay strong and remember you gave him a great home!

Alice ,

I'm so sorry 💔 Your actions sound completely responsible given what you knew. I don't think anyone here would have predicted the outcome.

apis ,


Choked up just thinking of how you are feeling. Losing a pet, and so suddenly is the worst.

Please be gentle with yourself. Hesitant to suggest much, as you sound so vulnerable just now.

What kind of things do you think might be distracting or soothing when you notice your mind has drifted into the self-blame stuff? Are there any friends who live nearby that you could visit?

BurningRiver ,

Just following up because it seems like you’re interested. It’s been two weeks now, and after talking to his usual vet about what happened, he convincingly reassured me that I didn’t do anything wrong, and after opening up to other people I know, I’m in a much better place now. I’m still heartbroken, but at least I’m not blaming myself anymore.

apis ,

Am so glad you spoke with the vet and that you've escaped that part of things.

Much love to you!

Gaywallet OP , in On Tone Policing avatar

Dropping this in the chat community because I'm not sure at this point whether it warrants a formal philosophy doc. Not opposed to cleaning it up and adding it to the documents in the future, but mostly wanted to address what happened recently in LGBTQ+ and make a few things as clear as possible

DessertStorms , (edited ) in Ableism avatar

You're not imagining it.

I've seen it (and many other ableist slurs) used far too often, especially for a site that is generally supposed to be more left leaning (which tbf isn't saying much when it comes to combatting ableism because we seem to have very few true allies) but is also full of tech-bros, who love punching down at others based on perceived intelligence, and who also have quite a lot of crossover with 4chan type cesspits, so sadly it isn't unexpected.

I call it out it when I see it, and generally block and report, but what I find most frustrating is that mods throughout lemmy/fediverse (again, even on the most supposedly left leaning instances like just ignore the reports and don't remove the comments (I know people are busy, I don't expect instant action, I give it a week or two in general before I check the modlog).
I've had to block several large communities, most that I'm actually interested in (mostly tech and science related, again, places where people love feeling superior based on perceived intelligence), because I get the message - making people like me feel safe and included isn't a priority in those spaces, so I refuse to occupy them.

Whether the privileged group accept it or not, that is the result of using slurs - making already marginalised people feel unwelcome and excluded.

And when they tell me not to be so easily offended, I link this (or maybe this or this) with the full knowledge that they will probably never read it, but with the hope that someone else might, and that it might make them reconsider their use of certain words (though I don't hold my breath in anticipation of society at large giving a shit).

Vodulas ,

Those are some awesome resources, yoinking those for sure.

Ableism and fatmisia are some the last bastions of acceptable and casual bigotry, so they are for sure the hardest to get rid of. Usually when you bring up the eugenics origin, at least for people around me, folks tend to take a step back. Often I lead with that.

jarfil , avatar

Fat shaming is likely to be the most difficult to combat, because it's based on an unhealthy condition anyone can slip into, so it has a warning component similar to drunk-driving shaming, the Darwin awards, various "fails", etc. where people suffer the consequences of their own choices.

Vodulas ,

it’s based on an unhealthy condition anyone can slip into

I am not saying this is what you believe, but you're right that people for sure over simplify it into that, and say things like "just eat less and exercise more." The truth is much more complicated. There are a ton of factors involved and often people have unrelated conditions they can't get help with because doctors will just say "you just need to lose weight."

That and a lot of "overweight" people are not unhealthy.

As usual, the truth is far less cut and dry as people think, and should just stop shaming people for it.

jarfil , avatar

When I say "based on", I mean that there are some cases where overweight is actually unhealthy, and some otherwise healthy people can, for a series of reasons, become unhealthy.

The problem about shaming above-average BMI people, is that it has two extremes:

  • on one hand, a thin-cult that leads to eating disorders
  • on the other, "fat activists" and "plus size" models dying of heart attacks at ages of 40 and under

What I believe, is that the shaming itself is a bigoted take on a warning against the latter. My point was that it's going to take extra effort to remove the bigoted behavior, when there is a valid reason to have a warning.

Ideally, we should get to a point where the root cause of unhealthy behaviors could be addressed directly, but we're like two or three layers away from that.

DessertStorms , avatar

Those are some awesome resources, yoinking those for sure.

The more the merrier!

Ableism and fatmisia are some the last bastions of acceptable and casual bigotry

Yup, the other day I had to really quickly back out of some comments sections on articles related to fast food because the comments were so full of fat shaming it made me rage. People don't think twice about either.

Usually when you bring up the eugenics origin, at least for people around me, folks tend to take a step back.

In my experience they get even more defensive, because eugenics is something they recognise as bad, but not their casual ableism, or the existence of a relationship between the two.. But then these are randoms on the internet I'm talking about, not people actually close to me, they'd probably be much more reasonable if it ever came to it lol

You have inspired an infodump, some links specifically go in to the eugenics connection, others are a bit more broad (I also have a bunch about the relationship between capitalism, "productivity", and ableism, and some on the myth of independence, which I wasn't sure were closely related enough, but am more than happy to share as well!) if you want more articles to yoink: (the entire project is worth a look) (the entire blog is worth a look)

Vodulas ,

Hell yes, thanks for the resources!

DessertStorms , avatar

Sure thing, I'm always happy to share useful info!

Also, was the "hell yes" to more links or just in general? You're good either way, don't worry.. 😂

Vodulas ,

To more links!

DessertStorms , avatar

Cool. I figured I'd just troll my bookmarks and paste anything related, but there was more than I realised lol. I did cut back, but this still feels like a bit much, sorry 😂

Language related:

Capitalism/"productivity" related:

Independence related:

Covid related:

Internalized ableism:


Vodulas ,

lol, It is not too much at all. I mean, I won't be reading it all at once, but I love having resources

DessertStorms , (edited ) avatar

It's always nice to meet a fellow link collector lol

I'll admit it might be a while since I've read some of these myself (or in the case of the book pdf - not fully yet) so they might not all be up to date, but the gist should still stand.

t3rmit3 , (edited )

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • DessertStorms , avatar

    I'm seriously not debating this with someone trying so hard to justify continuing to use intelligence based insults that they literally compare disabled people to Nazis (who are not, and never have been a marginalised and oppressed group like the disabled people they literally mass murdered. Fuck you) to try and make their logic work.

    If you are actually willing and able to set your defensiveness and biases aside, feel free to read through the links I left in reply Vodulas, or continue to do your own research in to what disabled people have to say about the matter, not those who aren't directly impacted.

    Either way, I am here to reassure a comrade, not philosophise with ableds about ableism, you either listen to disabled people and do your best to be an ally, or you don't, that's your choice.

    t3rmit3 , (edited )

    Whoa, I was not "comparing disabled people to Nazis", I said that Nazis should be an oppressed and marginalized group.

    what disabled people have to say about the matter

    I literally was quoting the links you recommended to read!

    trying so hard to justify continuing to use intelligence based insults

    There is a disparity in YOUR SOURCES between how they are discussing slurs, and I am asking you what YOU believe, between those sources, is the answer:

    • Affinity is taking an absolute stance against intelligence-based slurs in any form
    • Cultrface is directly offering intelligence-based slurs like "ignorant" and "inept" as acceptable alternatives to 'stupid'
    • Genderbitch is differentiating between "oppressive" slurs and non-oppressive ones, and saying only the power dynamics matter

    I've removed my first comment, since it was too unproductive.

    fracture ,

    fwiw you've conveyed the same general question i have about the situation, albeit far more eloquently than i would have been able to

    i am totally down to stop using words that disabled people find offensive, but i need alternatives to express that someone is being needlessly / purposely ignorant or otherwise harmful and is generally worthy of scorn and contempt

    which isn't to say that providing that is the onus on disabled people (it's really not, their only real obligation is to express their experiences)... but it does make it a lot easier to action on the request

    it's also kind of interesting to approach this conversation both as an outsider, but also as someone who these words do apply to in some capacity

    MangoKangaroo , in how's your week going, Beehaw avatar

    I came out to my mom, which went about as well as it could've given she has a terminal case of way too much Fox News. She's now taking it upon herself to more-or-less concern troll about my mental health which is funny. I'm still hoping it'll turn out well with her, but I'm prepared for the worst. 🤷

    LallyLuckFarm , in Please help: What's your take on woman drinking guy's beer without asking after he starts dancing with her? avatar

    When I was younger, and as long as it wasn't my first beer, I'd have interpreted that as "I want some of what you've got" and been flattered. Probably some quip like "okay this round's on me but you're getting the next one".

    But not everyone's flirtation styles line up, so be(e) kind to yourself. Make this time a joke to prepare the guy next time, and use their reaction to gauge whether the flirt will pay off (use your best judgment and be safe!). I'm glad you went out on a limb, and I think there'll be someone who can roll with what you're bringing

    appledinosaurcat OP ,

    Thank you for the thoughtful comment and encouragement! Do you think there was anything that could be done to fix the situation once it happened? I'm a little worried how much it's been on my mind since it happened a few nights ago but it is definitely improving with time. I think I'm just feeling lonely romantically nowadays

    LallyLuckFarm , avatar

    To fix it? Maybe a "sorry, at least let me buy you a fresh beer" but we've all got those idiosyncracies that can change how we're feeling in a moment. I don't think it's all on you - there are myriad other ways he could have responded that might have given an opportunity to clear up the misunderstanding.

    And besides, who's to say he's not doing the same thing you're doing, but saying "she was totally flirting with me and I froze, ugh"? But I also agree with some other folks in the thread about asking being the best option next time. Open up those lines of communication, and get yourself a second dance

    RobotToaster , in Why some people are ok with authoritarianism

    One overlooked reason was highlighted by the Milgram experiments. Authority doesn't just command, it takes away the responsibility for needing to think about, and live with, the morality of ones actions. The authority can claim to be acting for a higher authority (god, the state, the corporation), and for it to absolve you of your crimes all you have to do is follow orders.

    Even if that sin is murder, as long as you follow orders the authority promises to save you from damnation, or at least prison. Sometimes those orders are an old fashioned crusade, sometimes it's fitting substandard aircraft parts.

    luciole , in Unsure where to post but does anyone else think beehaw is s little too closed off? avatar

    No. I came here for a nice place and I'm uninterested in instances that Beehaw defederated from and in banned users.

    I subscribed to basically every Beehaw community plus some communities from federated instances, and I browse by "'Subscribed".

    More activity would always be cool, but I don't miss doomscrolling through reposts and trolls on other platforms either so.

    MangoKangaroo , in How's your week going, Beehaw? avatar

    Hey, that's not Alyaza! (ik they're probably busy with other stuff ty wallet for making this)

    Tried to unalive myself two weeks ago, since then I've just been on autopilot. Last week we changed out our core switches at work. What was supposed to be a 2-hour late-night jam ended up a) getting delayed by several hours because our ER had a last-minute critical patient come in, and b) turning into a fucking 25-hour slog of our firewall deciding it was sick of our BS and taking down literally everything with it. Between that extra-long shift and my being kept up for 30 hours in an ER the previous week, my sleep schedule is absolutely toast.

    The_Che_Banana , avatar

    Glad you're still with us.

    LallyLuckFarm , avatar

    Really glad you're still here. I hope you'll be able to catch up on some sleep, deprivation makes everything worse.

    Gaywallet OP , in How's your week going, Beehaw? avatar

    Started off pride month practically in heat. Spent the last few days having a bunch of gay sex. Emotions be going wild, not sure what's up. I feel kinda all over the place lately. Maybe I need a day to myself to introspect? Honestly not sure.

    theangriestbird , avatar

    Spent the last few days having a bunch of gay sex.

    all according to the gay agenda 🏳️‍🌈

    PeepinGoodArgs , in "To be mad at the right person, for the right reason, at the right time, with a proper response, isn't possible."

    It's a quote attributed to Aristotle.

    In that light, such anger would be virtuous (being neither too extreme nor timid, too late nor early, based on the proper reason, and with an appropriate response).

    It's too bad none of the "decline of Western Civilization" people care to heed this quote. They seem to have abandoned virtue altogether, preferring vice and viciousness instead.

    Powderhorn OP , avatar

    Appreciate the sourcing. As with so many things, the original is better.

    lvxferre ,

    Frankly I also like the original better. It seems more reasonable, less like "it's impossible" and more like "it's really hard".

    CluelessLemmyng , (edited ) in Does anyone else ever just realize that you're not even sure why you want a relationship at all?

    So I see where you're coming from. If your group of friends can collectively address all your needs, you would really feel like you don't need a romantic partner. And maybe you don't, which is perfectly fine.

    I don't know where you are in your life. Personally, I'm in my 30s, and I've had close friends that have come and go. I grew up with making and losing friends constantly like any kid who had a military parent. All of this is to provide a bit perspective for when I say that (at least in my experience) friends don't stay. There isn't a reason for them to put you first in their lives. As they get more involved in new or existing relationships of their own, romantic or otherwise, there will be drifting and shifting of priorities. And unless you're really good at making friends, it gets harder to make friends as you get older.

    A romantic partner is supposed to put you first on that list of social priorities and for a very long time. And it's that feeling of counting on someone to be there for you when you need it that provides a sense of safety and comfort when your overall social network changes.

    Sombyr OP , avatar

    I can see that perspective, and maybe subconsciously it is that stability I'm looking for, especially because I've gone through 2 separate traumatic events that resulted in me losing every friend I had, the second, the only person who stayed with me was my ex, who I was dating at the time.

    I guess though I kinda feel like I have achieved some level of stability even without a relationship. That ex I just mentioned is still a good friend, and he and his girlfriend talk constantly about trying to move closer to me, because at this point they both consider me more of family than just a friend.

    And it's like that for most of my close friends. I've got some that come and go, but my tightknit inner circle seems here to stay at least, at least for a very long time. I can see the appeal of wanting somebody to be there for my entire life though. Granted, the only people I can think of that I want that out of are the friends I already have, but on account of the fact that my friend group is practically composed purely of exs and people who've rejected me romantically already, it seems I'll have to look elsewhere. Although that's kind of a sad prospect to me, that I don't get to choose any of them to stay by my side forever.

    CluelessLemmyng ,

    If you feel safe and stable now, then keep doing what you're doing. There's no shame in just living the life you enjoy. And I hope you didn't need to feel like you have to defend your lifestyle and relationships to me.

    I just wanted to come from angle where my perspective is both from a potentially different upbringing and life experience and what having a romantic partner means to me.

    All anyone should want for another person is for them to be happy.

    Sombyr OP , avatar

    Ah, don't worry, I wasn't trying to defend myself. More trying to understand my own feelings via comparison. Because I know that for some reason I do still want and enjoy romantic relationships, but I don't know why, since I get so much from my friends. It makes it difficult to know when somebody would be a good romantic partner for me because I don't know what I want from them in the first place, as evidence by the fact that all my exs have ended up making better friends for me than partners.

    jarfil , avatar

    People change and get into different places over time, there is no reason you couldn't revisit some ex or friend at some future point in time if you feel comfortable with them.

    Anyway, you shouldn't think of a relationship as keeping someone to stay forever. It might happen, or it might not, you can't predict the future. Pick a relationship if you think you can grow together at a given point in time, but remember that growing apart is also a possibility.

    ulkesh , in What's a hobby or interest of yours that you really love explaining to others? avatar

    Btw, I use Arch.

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