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PeepinGoodArgs ,

Okay, so like....the green skills are stupid.

These could be technical skills relevant to renewable industries (knowing how to preserve water systems or install heat pumps for example), or broader skills such as climate action planning, corporate sustainability, sustainable procurement, sustainability reporting and impact assessment

Corporate sustainability?! Come the fuck on.

I got one.

Boomers are desperate to be good people but the experience of a whole three generations after them said they are so underskilled they actually pose a 'risk' to democracy.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Huge fan of water, personally. I drink literally a gallon of it every day. Usually more.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Because activists like them are known for rollin'!

Declare bankruptcy and rinse and repeat.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

It's like a double negative in my head, and it's very confusing

PeepinGoodArgs ,

What's the roadblock? Oh, of course, corporate heavy-handedness against the government:

This year, a former Caltrans executive said she was demoted after raising concerns about a repaving project that surreptitiously widened 3½ miles of the freeway where the toll lanes were being proposed. That project removed bushes and paved the median, creating more space for lanes. State regulations demand environmental analysis, a public airing and mitigation before major freeway widening, but none of that occurred.

Surprise surprise!

PeepinGoodArgs ,

This is going to be counter intuitive: being a POS is something some people want. They especially want it if it promises them comfort, luxury, or status.

I mean, look at all the trash people consume everyday despite how bad it is for them. We all know it's bad. Still, we gotta have it.

Being a POS is like drinking soda with no one to tout the benefits of drinking straight H2O. The left needs to make drinking water sexy!

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Yeah, I get it. It's really hard to understand. It's just basic respect, right? How could someone not value basic human decency?

I can't answer that question. All I know is that some people just don't.

It doesn't make sense to me that domestic abusers will beat up someone that loves them, yet it still happens. Politicians push legislation that they know will hurt their constituents, yet they still push it. Parents will try to force the lifestyle they desire for their children on their children out of love, even as it alienates their children, yet they persist. Some (many/all??) criminals know what they do hurts other people, yet they still commit crime.

I don't get it either. I only know basic human decency isn't valued by a lot of people. And you can indignantly scoff at such people all you want, incredulous that they just don't get the basics of empathy, a fundamental human emotion. They'll hurt others all the same.

Me, though? Drawing on my empathy, I hope such people find the happiness and freedom they're looking for without the pain and suffering they cause.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Lol they believe Biden is going to be amped up to the point of being able to overcome their god emperor.

Imagine implying that some caffeine and pills would make someone better than God himself.

So much for Trump's supposed superiority.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

The KKK was never left wing.

God damn. Who tells people these things? And why does anyone believe them?

PeepinGoodArgs ,

More like statistics degree. Medical studies are notoriously difficult for regular people to understand. And since people who do their own research never link out it, it's impossible to say how crappy their thinking is.

What do you all check instead of the news?

I've realized that I check the news several times a day but not because I'm curious about what's happening on the grand scheme of things, but because my brain wants to check something that keeps changing with new, evolving information. It fills a slightly different niche than social media, and I don't watch sports so I don't...

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Some people like waste particles on their exposed toothbrushes. It keeps them healthy like vaccine: a daily tiny dose of literal shit.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Fukushima caused me to question whether technology and the increase of productive forces create a better society,” he said. “The answer was no.”

I'm right there with him. I have a hard time seeing how all this technology has made a better society.

Sure we wiped out Polio, but we don't have a society anymore where a modern Jonas Salk would not patent the vaccine and give it away for global health. It wouldn't make economic sense.

We might have televisions with 8k resolution, but we're watching a show of people living their lives rather than living our own.

Social media is ubiquitous and ironically the reason the US has a loneliness epidemic.

What's the point of all of it if society isn't better off? It just feels like we're wasting energy to waste energy then become alarmed when they energy creates problems, so them we have to waste more energy to solve it.

Imo, it makes me sense to...just stop. Take a step back, sit down, and chill out.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

It sounds good if you don't think about anything

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Who cares if they do? They literally lie to slander the "radical left" as they call it. They're shameless and half the eligible voters are too.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Exactly. Don't uphold the law to avoid being shamed by Republicans. Do it because it's the right thing to do and because it's extremely important to the integrity of our society.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

More the love of money is the root of all evil

Warning to Trump’s new pals on Wall Street ( )

Republican donors – including those who had said they’d never support Trump again after Jan. 6 — believe the current regulatory climate for businesses is also an existential danger. Kathy Wylde, president and CEO of the Partnership for New York City — a nonprofit organization representing the city’s top business...

PeepinGoodArgs ,

That's too broad sighted. They don't care about the country. They'd be plutocrats of a well with a Korean curse on it if meant they had more water than the poors.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Hence, given the immediate relevance of the monetary growth imperative for degrowth, one would expect that degrowth scholarship would feature the issue of money rather prominently. The same is true for the development of concrete policies addressing distributional issues or monetary system design. However, a lack of concrete policy proposals from the degrowth literature has been lamented repeatedly over the years in different contexts...

This is my criticism of most leftist ideas: how do you get from here to there? Most of the stuff I've read on degrowth is often about why it matters based on the result it's intended to science, as if people aren't taking the idea seriously enough. But there's so little on how to get from here to there, what should happen if we do take the idea seriously.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

From your link:

With the creation of the Socialist Party of America, this group formed the core of an element that favored reformism rather than revolution, de-emphasizing social theory and revolutionary rhetoric in favor of honest government and efforts to improve public health.

I think you're both wrong and right. People do recognize the necessity of producing and consuming less. But that doesn't necessarily lead to degrowth's proposed goals.

But focusing on the goals as such is the more effective approach. If we want people to consume less, then we should give them a reason to do so. A day spent at an animal festival (just randomly off the top of my head) is one less spent doom scrolling and buying something from Amazon and is fun af.

Why people consume less matters less than that they do so, imho.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

I have the Purple Harmony pillow. It took some getting used to, but yes, it's worth it. I use a silk pillow case because of my hair: 4C hair is dried out by cotton and people recommend not sleeping on it as a result. My hair has never been longer though, so I think that's true too.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Can you explain to me how this is a joke?

His audience laughed because they're dumb. But to me, this looks like the negging thing where you anticipate being called out for your insult and say "It's a joke. It's just a joke!"

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Sometimes, I forget how awful Trump is.

He can say true truly outrageous things and then somehow have them written off as less important than they really are because the media reports on it.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

LOL, I hope they ban it.

I love women, and a ban would galvanize them like abortion did in 2022. And then Clarence Thomas can die, Biden or Harris, whichever is alive at the time, can replace him with a young upstart progressive and then get shit done and undo the absolute bullshit that's been going on for the last four years.

For once, I sincerely hope they obey their evil corporate masters.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

It’s insane how we’ve relied far too long on a sort of gentleman’s agreement around presidents and congress and all. I don’t think the founding fathers could have EVER anticipated the amount of corruption that could occur.

They did. The entire point of the structure of Congress was to ensure that the passions of the people were tempered and "cooled" through the political process. Between competition between the three branches and the structure of government, they did their best to ensure this wouldn't happen.

What they didn't anticipate was that competition would give way to collaboration among so many competing elements. From state legislatures to the federal House and Senate, across to the Supreme Court (intended to be insulated from political generally to focus on the well-being of the nation), and across again to the president. Those stars shouldn't align all that often. But anti-American authoritarians, the underhanded bastards they are, have made it so that those stars align more often than not for their political goals.

So, that's the problem. What do you do when all the elements of the government are working together? Sure, Trump absolutely abused his position, but so what? We're barely holding any of these anti-Constitutional people responsible for the damage they've done to the political process and democracy in general.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

AMD is probably slightly undervalued. But until they get their shit together and really go after Nvidia, that's not a stock worth buying

PeepinGoodArgs ,

I think that's a different person. Byron Donald's said the Jim Crow thing.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Its up to us to supercharge these people into a wakeful mindset. Grab all these examples, shove them in the face of moderates constantly.

This is actually the only way I think we have a shot. Republicans have a massive media presence. Unless regular people who cere about democracy make it a point to inform low information voters, they simply won't know wtf is going on

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Ruth Ben-Ghiat's Lucid blog, about fascism, and Patricia Roberts-Miller's blog, about the rhetoric of demagoguery.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

It's a quote attributed to Aristotle.

In that light, such anger would be virtuous (being neither too extreme nor timid, too late nor early, based on the proper reason, and with an appropriate response).

It's too bad none of the "decline of Western Civilization" people care to heed this quote. They seem to have abandoned virtue altogether, preferring vice and viciousness instead.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Texas' highest court ruled that the state law never required that the risk to a mother’s life be “imminent” when weighting whether they are eligible for an abortion. Because of this, the court wrote: “Ms. Zurawski’s agonizing wait to be ill ‘enough’ for induction, her development of sepsis, and her permanent physical injury are not the results the law commands,” the Los Angeles Times reported.

Oh, now that's interesting (in the dumbest way possible). Because the lawmakers who wrote the abortion law were ignorant fucks that wouldn't know a vagina from their own urethra, the near death experiences these women endured weren't caused by their attempt to adhere to the law?

That's just straight up malicious. If following the law puts your life at risk, then wtf is the point of following the law? Why shouldn't these women get an abortion if the choice is between abortion and jail or a very high likelihood of death?

Wtf does governing mean in Texas?

PeepinGoodArgs ,

I knew this comparison would materialize...and I fucking hated the idea of it, let alone an actual article.

In short, Trump is no Debs, not by any stretch of the imagination, even the imaginations of his deranged supporters.

The Targeting of Infrastructure by America’s Violent Far-Right ( )

The U.S. government has taken notice of far-right extremists’ renewed interest in targeting critical infrastructure, releasing numerous bulletins and warnings to educate the public and communicate transparently about the nature of the threat. According to CNN reporting, in late April 2023, a Department of Homeland Security...

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Idk, it's the flu. It's going to infect everyone.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

You can read Project 2025 for yourself. What details aren't public?

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Just have fun dancing

I did this sort of thing once at a Halloween party. I was by myself just dancing and it was fun af. Some random dude told me twice that I was the best dancer there, and I got to dance with a really hot girl for 2 seconds.

So follow Kat's advice. Just say fuck it and have fun!

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Give the people tangible policies to vote for.

This is bad advice because that's obviously not what's attracting Trump voters. What Biden and the Democrats really need to do is give a reason for voters to shun the Republican party and Trump especially, or basically do what Republicans are doing to Democrats.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Exactly. And Democrats have been trying to push their policies as good ones since forever. But outrage politics that so popular from TikTok to the NYT focuses more on the moral failures of politicians than their policy prescriptions or outcomes. That's why they believe Biden is a pedophile while Trump's name was on Epstein's plane list multiple times. Most people are going to hear that Biden is pedophile because it shows up on the news in some form repeatedly, while being completely unaware of Trump solidifying a place for himself in hell.

That's all to say, that yeah, it's a horse race, but it's not a horse race about winning exactly. It's about which candidate gets covered in the most horse shit and mud to deter voters. And the right-wing media ecosystem is vast and repetitive.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Do not show those tapes. It'll just empower assholes further.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

To be fair, they're going after bigger, slippery-er fish

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Laying the ground work for when Democrats get their shit together for a reasonable Supreme Court to undo the current version's bullshit.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

People seem to hate the concept of enshittification for some reason, but it's a perfect encapsulation of the modern economy. Things that were once good are abused to extract wealth for shareholders. That is their only purpose. As far as the board of directors at Boeing are concerned, if they narrowly miss an accident they don't have to report and it nets them an additional $1 million, then all the better. High quality engineering, the collaboration of engineers and machinists, and especially safety are only valuable insofar as they make more money. And they'll be damned if they leave any money on the table to avoid a plane breaking up mid-air, killing everybody.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

Being underpaid despite working really hard and being a victim of Wells Fargo's overdraft tricks in the late 2000s.

PeepinGoodArgs ,

"The government sucks!" says the person electing people to ensure the government sucks.

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