[Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation

zeppo , in "Men are bad at picking up on women's hints." What are your actual thoughts on this sentiment?
@zeppo@lemmy.world avatar

One problem is that it's very socially unacceptable to mistake not-a-hint for a a hint. Maybe people should stop trying to 'hint' and be more direct.

Crackhappy ,
@Crackhappy@lemmy.world avatar

This right here. I do not try to take any hints. If you like me say so.

Mango ,

It's worse when they do that shit on purpose like it's some stupid power move. I catch wind of that and I'm immediately flaccid. All interest is gone. I don't need that shit in my life.

Fake4000 , in Now that you have settled here on Lemmy. What is your impression of it?

Less content to go through, so you end up going through posts and comments a bit more thoroughly. This translates to higher engagement from users overall compared to Reddit.

The con of course is less content to go through.

Car ,

Agree. For about half of what I’m interested in, there’s some activity on Lemmy and the conversations aren’t just “no u.”

I wish I didn’t have to, but I still lurk on Reddit for some very specific hobby and occupation hubs. I think there’s a lot more “blue collar” activity over there than there is over here.

deweydecibel ,

A lot more entertainment, too.

I'm still astonished there isn't an active movies or television presence over here. Feels like the topics over here are primarily news, technology, politics, but pop culture, movies, music, television, even gaming have somewhat low activity. Really bizarre those haven't gotten firm footing.

I'm wondering how much of that is the sorting algorithm. Waiting patiently for lemmy.world to implement 19.0 so we can get the scaled sort working properly, but that seems to have been...stalled or something.

Ludrol ,
@Ludrol@szmer.info avatar

!anime and !chat has good enough engagement that every week there is something to talk about

nexussapphire ,

So make some content. Almost all of these posts seem to be about not having content to consume, but someone has to make it too. Reddit used to have the same problem, the Internet was just smaller back then.

BillDaCatt , in On lemmy everyone acts like reddit is dying and only the worst part is still there. and on reddit they are saying lemmy didn't catch on and reddit's worst part are here so reddit is now better .
@BillDaCatt@kbin.social avatar

The difference for me is Reddit started treating it's loyal users like sellable assets. I loved Reddit, it was a comfort zone for a long time, but they betrayed my trust, so I left and I have no intention of returning.

I doesn't matter if Reddit is really dead or not. They are dead to me.

NoIWontPickaName ,


Slovene , (edited )

Not just the amen, but the awomen and the achildren too.

abbadon420 ,

Nah, not everything is a gender issue. I respect rans people, but everything has its place and this is not the place.

Jakeroxs ,

Hopefully you're joking, it's just a spoof on this line https://youtu.be/x5W2YPKH9XE?si=4NPsqHNlPGheI0GX

abbadon420 ,

Nice! That's a good reference. I've recently got to know some transgender people and I'm struggling to differentiate with what I read online and what's actually real in that regard. I guess my issue here is that there's a lot of loud folks out there who do a lot of meaningless, unnecessary complaining about gender issues and spoil the issue in the public eye. I guess I'm salty about that specificly right now. I'm also a bit drunk right now, so maybe that makes my whole point moot anyways.

ChunkMcHorkle , (edited )
@ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world avatar

deleted by creator

surewhynotlem ,



Me too


Yeah dead to me too though now and again i go there for informarion with adblock of course.

RememberTheApollo_ , in "Men are bad at picking up on women's hints." What are your actual thoughts on this sentiment?

If you get a “hint” wrong you could end up having a meeting with HR, being told to “fuck off, creep”, or some other negative result. So men might see what could be a hint, but the price of getting it wrong is too high for many reasons. So you either stop looking for them or just stop acting on anything that isn’t direct.

It’s also kinda the woman placing the responsibility and the work on the guy for making the “real” moves in an encounter or relationship. He needs to pursue her and pay attention, not the other way around.

Diplomjodler ,

Very well put.

Thisiswhatyoucallme ,

I would also add there is an element of the expected pursuit of the woman after she has said no. Like, no means try harder. I think it's a good thing that a guy (or whoever) backs off once someone says they aren't interested. You shouldn't expect the guy you like to push past the first rejection then call the guy you don't like a creep for ignoring your no.

Delphia , (edited )

Like there isnt decades of movies that hinge on this whole premise too.

Especially in a workplace. If you decide to actually ask out a coworker No doesnt just mean no, no means "be very careful about what you say and how you act towards them for the immediate future in case they take something you say or do as a further advance and decide to report you to HR. Or decide that you are now treating them poorly because they rejected you and decide to report you to HR."

Just to be clear, these arent the ONLY outcomes and yes are extreme but I have seen both happen first hand.

HelixDab2 ,

Generally speaking, don't shit where you eat. Which is another way of saying, don't try dating in the workplace. That is almost always a bad idea, in many ways.

dylanmorgan ,

Regardless of any other fallout, I’d rather be someone women feel comfortable around, not someone they think “oh jeez, I have to be sure not to give any indication he might read as flirting.”

intensely_human ,

Yeah. I would totally rather not be treated as a creep. Sure wish I had a button I could press to change that.

Illuminostro , (edited )

It's common sense not to flirt at your job. You say something like "I'm going to the Flaming Donkey for a few drinks around 8 PM. Drop by if you want." If he or she doesn't show, then that's it.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

I wasn’t making a judgment on the concept, only offering that it does happen. You are correct of course, it’s not good to date co-workers.

ShadowRam , in I got hit by a car today!

driver turned left

A-Pillar Blindness.

It's a common thing and more people need to be made aware of it. Glad you're ok.

Definitely sue. You don't know how this will affect you long term. Years from now, a pinched nerve can render your arm un-useable.

lady_maria OP ,
@lady_maria@lemmy.world avatar

Huh. I didn't know about a-pillar blindness. Definitely an important thing to know.

You're right, I need to look out for future me even if I feel mostly ok now.

PunnyName , (edited )

Get a lawyer. Don't mention how "fine" or "okay" you might think you are. Suing the driver is going to potentially care for any future medical issues. And ideally their insurance will take the bigger hit. This is specifically the kind of time you need to sue.

lemann ,

I'm a bicycle rider who's also learning to drive - the one thing I've found is that it's very easy to end up hidden behind a driver's A pillar.

In driving lessons I try to move around in the seat more to see around them, and when I'm riding my bicycle I try and position myself in areas where I can be easily seen, using lights whenever possible to additionally provide a reflection off the road in dark conditions.

Being hidden behind the pillar is really scary because you're literally not seen at all

Today , (edited )

My car is really bad for that. I've almost missed seeing pedestrians several times.
I agree with this post - you'll likely have medical bills well beyond what they find immediately.

Edit to clarify and to say I'm really glad you're okay.

mPony ,

my old car was bad for it too. I got into a habit of doing a "bob and weave" to look around the A Pillar while driving it.

I'm glad OP is okay.

kautau ,

Also if the walk sign was on and the driver turned left, they drove through a red light, so they’re absolutely at fault. I mean sue either way, as this commenter said, but they broke traffic rules and could have killed OP

lady_maria OP ,
@lady_maria@lemmy.world avatar

The walk sign was on, but they also had a green light; that's how most intersections work where I live, at least. I fucking WISH pedestrians got a light cycle to ourselves. Or at least a few seconds. 😫

But the driver still should have yielded to any pedestrians according to right-of-way laws.

ShadowRam ,

No, walk signs are on in the same direction of travel.

Thorny_Insight ,

I've had few occasions where the timing was just right and a car/pedestrian was perfectly hidden behind the a-pillar and then just appeared out of nowhere. There's even a famous junction in the UK that's known for being dangerous for this exact reason.

mPony ,

Thanks for posting that: I hadn't seen that video before. I'm glad they changed that junction to make it safer.

intensely_human ,

As a driver you should lean left and right to check around the A pillar.

Thorny_Insight ,

And even if you do these things are still bound to happen every now and then. Not a single human alive is capable of paying 100% attention to their surroundings 100% of the time.

ltxrtquq ,

And yet we trust almost all of them to operate a 2-ton machine on a daily basis here in the US.

Thorny_Insight ,

Yeah. And also hate the people trying to solve this by introducing self driving vehicles. Go figure.

gamermanh ,

You can, but with how close the a-pillar is to your face relative to where other things are you can quite often have to move LARGE amounts to actually see shit

Luckily my current car has really good A-pillar visibility with where I normally put my head, but when I had to drive rentals for about a year when this car was in the shop I FEEQUENTLY had issues with shit being near impossible to see behind the massive bar they though was smart to put there.

Never had an issue because I was aware and careful, but if even someone who's actively aware of it can have an issue then there's a problem at the design level

AA5B ,

I have this on my very own street - there’s what I always think of as a T intersection at the end but in reality there is a small private road just a bit offset. There’s little enough traffic that I just never really noticed for years …. Until one day when I found myself turning into the intersection and another car magically appeared. Effing A pillar. No accident and we both handled it well, but it’s a shock when you realize you’ve had that kind of blindness on a road you drive every day

Land_Strider ,

As someone who has been with their family day and night for about a month due to health stuff, I definitely have emphaty with the indecision about the situation.

On the one hand, some types of accidents can happen to anyone due to common variables aligning together and it is natural to chalk it up to "shit happens". Especially more so if the one causing the incident is as surprised about the incident and as cordial as possible afterwards.

On the other hand, even if you feel comparatively fine and seem to be on your way to rather quick and full recovery, you don't know if this will cause later harm, sometimes statistically known to be low as doctors would say a couple percent chance or something like that, sometimes not even considered.

You should sue for compensation without waiting for the "if things gets worse" to come to pass. It will be too late if you wait. Most people would also argue that you should take this as a "never talk to cops" thing so it would be advisable against cordially letting the driver know that you intend to take precautions about future risks by aiming for compensation, considering that it will not impact the driver's life nearly as it may impact yours on the worst case scenario. On this matter, you will have to trust your own judgement and the specific experience of lawyers, I'd say. Not fears of the bystanders that didn't see the incident, attitude of the driver, or don't have experience about how similar things turned out later.

solrize , in The frequency and duration of ad breaks is beginning to make me feel like I’m in that black mirror episode where they had to pay to stop ads from constantly playing.
Chuymatt ,

Gods, I love Randal’s hover texts…

tpyo ,

In case you can't easily see it for this strip:

"Branding: Actually, 'RSS&M is kinda catchy."

And that one actually piqued my interest

cheese_greater ,

lesbianic Github


PlasticExistence ,

Finally something to commit to

Classy ,


elbucho , (edited ) in Men: shopping with women
@elbucho@lemmy.world avatar

I think it's not so much about the genders of the shoppers, but rather their approach to shopping that is most telling. I take after my mother: I'm a Combat Shopper. When I enter a store, I have a specific plan of action, and my goal is to execute it as swiftly and efficiently as possible and get out. My father, on the other hand, was very much a lookie-loo shopper. He would spend hours at the store slowly walking up and down every aisle trying to think if anybody he knew would want whatever bit of tat was on the shelves in front of him. Drove me fucking nuts to shop with him.

I think that combat shoppers can shop with other combat shoppers, and lookie-loo shoppers with others of their ilk, but pairing one with the other is a recipe for hurt feelings.

Irinir ,

This is my experience also. Me and the wife are both combat shoppers. We plan, we go in, cart blazing, we execute the plan, we get out and away. If either of us was the other kind of shopper, it wouldn't work really.

livus ,

@Irinir me and my partner are both normally combat shoppers as well. I think @elbucho's right.

There are certain shops (e.g some bookshops) where one or the other of us might want to looky loo and we generally leave each other to it.


I love this classification!

neidu2 Mod ,

Ibvary between combat and lookeeloo, depending on the shop.

proudblond ,

Aaah, this describes me too. I particularly hate thrift shopping, because I always want something specific and the likelihood of finding it in a thrift shop is slim to none. I value my time more than a chance of monetary savings, I guess.

agent_flounder ,
@agent_flounder@lemmy.world avatar

My mode depends on what I'm shopping for and how much time is available, whether I feel like wandering, and whether I know the store at all.

Let's say I need, idk, a 6TB drive from Microcenter but I have like an hour to get it. Combat mode.

By contrast, this morning I felt like looking for some used blu rays at the thrift store and also felt like being a looky-loo.

If it is something we are both shopping for like garden decor, or we are there to browse like for antiques or furniture, then it's fun browsing.

I kind of feel like combat shopping is better solo. Unless the person can walk fast and help me find the thing if I don't have precise Intel on location.

Having another person could be redundant unless you don't know exactly what you want and need to compare and discuss a few candidate items.

therealjcdenton ,
@therealjcdenton@lemmy.zip avatar

My take away from this is the phrase combat shopper

slowwooderrunsdeep ,

I take after my mother: I'm a Combat Shopper.

My father, on the other hand, was very much a lookie-loo shopper.

There’s always two types of people, and they usually marry each other.

weeeeum ,

What mode I'm in depends why I'm at the store. Am I getting specific items and GTFO or am I looking for a solution for a problem. I cook a lot so I know what I want and when I go to the grocery store, it's fast. If I'm looking for a solution, potentially to fix or remodel something I'll probably peruse through home Depot for some time.

Katrisia ,

Totally! You explained it really well.

My partner and I are the lookie-loo shoppers. We often cover stores aisle by aisle. It's entertaining for us for different reasons. We like to see what people are buying, especially things like books, clothes, etc. We like to talk about the products and the things that follow; for example, we start by noticing the variety of flavors in pets food and end up talking about animals, foods, etc. We like to learn about new products, as we are often out of the loop and it's nice to find new gadgets or kitchen accessories this way. We try new things, like "try me" lotions or whatever. Overall, it is a fun experience.

Gormadt , in what are some silly things that you can put on a resume than most people don't realize?
@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Last time I filled one out I mentioned my DnD campaign I run

"I organize bi-weekly meetings with 5 people that last roughly 6 hours. I then direct people for these 6 hours through various problem solving activities that require teamwork."

Pandantic ,
@Pandantic@midwest.social avatar

This is so great!

original_reader ,

Until you are asked to elaborate in the interview.

SomeAmateur ,

Scenario based creative problem solving involving abstract ideas and imaginative visualization?

SpaceNoodle ,

Then it's fucking awesome

Gormadt ,
@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

NGL I got asked to elaborate

We went over on interview time by quite a bit because we talked quite a bit about organizing and ensuring that people were not only doing the roles they volunteered for but also having the opportunities to flex the skills they had in those roles.

Not to mention also having the chance to build their skill sets and branch out into new roles as they learned about what the other roles had to offer.

At the time I did that interview I technically had a play group of 15 people but we needed 5 for each session. So basically I'd pick a day for game day. We'd organize and plan the event recruiting players with various roles they had.

I ended up not taking the job because they changed which location I was going to be working at to being 45 minutes away (and in a state with income tax) from where I lived vs 5 minutes (in a state without income tax) from what I lived and also from 4 10s to 5 8s. Oh and the pay was going to be the same, so that was a deal breaker.

SpaceNoodle ,

You pay state income tax based on your state of residence, not your employer's.

Gormadt ,
@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

That's not true

If you work in a state you pay that state's taxes regardless of where you live.

I've had the unfortunate benefit of working in one state and living in another now for about 10 years.

SpaceNoodle ,

It looks like some localities try to double-dip in certain places, but that's the exception, not the rule.

For example, I've been living in WA but working in CA, and have zero tax obligations to the state of California.

shalafi ,

Florida and Alabama double dip, but I forgot which direction.

Gormadt ,
@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

That's quite the commute holy hell

I live in WA and work in OR. Oregon takes their taxes and in general I only get the transit tax back and sometimes a kicker if they take too much from everyone (like this year) and have a massive surplus.

SpaceNoodle ,

The trick is that I don't commute.

Gormadt ,
@Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

So you work from home then?

That's why you don't owe taxes to California. You don't work in California, you work in Washington.

partial_accumen ,

Not bad, but those are rookie numbers, you've got to pump them up!

  • Performed Project Management with complete Work Breakdown Structure and delegation of roles and responsibilities
  • Implemented regulatory compliance following applicable established v5 industry guidelines
  • Executed regular data gathering as well as reconciliation with disparate records at established intervals
  • Regularly dealt with influx of random data resulting in drastic situational changes requiring quick thinking, triage, and remediation of issues.
  • Operated without production interruption even with frequent team member exit during critical phases of operation
  • Resolved frequent conflicts between team members regarding the subject matter while maintaining neutrality and unity within the groups for continued execution
  • Included audit functions as part of continuous improvement efforts
  • Successfully completed multiple 6+ month engagements under these conditions
Nastybutler ,

This is pure brilliance

Lichtblitz ,

Very well written. I'd only change something about this paragraph:

  • Operated without production interruption even with frequent team member exit during critical phases of operation

Sounds like people were quitting on you because of terrible work conditions you fostered. An alternative could be:

  • Operated without production interruption even with occasional unexpected or planned team member absences during critical phases of operation
SorteKanin , in Now that you have settled here on Lemmy. What is your impression of it?
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

I think matured reddit is literally correct. People here at least seem older.

However people here definitely are also of a certain group. Which is not too surprising - it's a certain demographic taken from Reddit, not a random subsample. This is not really a good thing.

People here also seem more extreme in their political opinions (as in, not very "usual" or "casual" political views). This makes discussions a bit one-sided and polarized... But then again political discussions on reddit have always been so nice and proper and productive in comparison right /s

However I also see a lot of reasonable people and a lot of hope. I see more politeness (mostly outside of any political stuff).

I also like that people have choices - choice of instance and choice of client for example.

There's some good and bad but for me it's basically reddit with a bit less activity and slightly different experience but not significantly so. I'm confident that more people will come over time and that will solve most issues. And the benefits will still be there by then.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@startrek.website avatar

I like how on Lemmy we can actually talk about things such as Climate Change. If the question is 1 + 1 = ? then we can discuss whatever the actual solution might be - whether it be 3, -1, 1.9, 2.1, whatever - as opposed to "it's not even happening and you are stupid for thinking that it is".

That's not even Right vs. Left, it should just be Polite, and it is Engaging and Fun or at least more so than getting yelled at by bots and toddlers on Reddit.

Pr0v3n , in What's a piece of advice you've received that has stuck with you?

The 3 H’s.
When someone in your life comes up to you with a problem, you either figure out, or ask them; if they want to be Hugged, Heard or Helped.

A lot of the time when someone is venting at you, they just want to be heard and understood, and I’m the type of man to want to immediately fix the issue, and it’s a bit invasive and often off the mark, so I reign myself in and ask them if they want to be Hugged, Heard or Helped. More often than not, they just want to vent and don’t want me butting in with solutions to their issues.

So the next time someone confides in you, take a step back and analyse how you should respond going forward, it really helped me understand more.

Socket462 ,

Wow great advice and also works in Italian if you change H with A: Abbracciare, Ascoltare, Aiutare.

snap ,

Damn good advice. Thank you for that

FoD ,

Love this idea. It's an idea that's easy to break down to children as well, help them narrow down their options when someone is talking to them.

This is one that will stick with me for sure.

Aviandelight , in Just wanted to say a quick hello to all the other women out there on Lemmy
@Aviandelight@mander.xyz avatar

There are dozens of us! But seriously I've been so happy to be a lady on here and have good conversations with damn near everyone. As for treating myself, I am looking forward to my husband cooking us a nice dinner this weekend.

thegiddystitcher OP ,
@thegiddystitcher@lemm.ee avatar

Oh nice, what's the food plan? Or is it a surprise?

We'll be having crispy hawaiian tofu tomorrow which is just about my fave food in the whole world, husband is also doing the cooking (he actually does that every day because he's one of those weirdos who enjoy it). Still very much looking forward to it though, not having to cook for myself never gets old!

Aviandelight ,
@Aviandelight@mander.xyz avatar

We alternate cooking special meals on the weekends. Last weekend I didn't a pulled pork butt in the crockpot and this weekend he's going to do a nice steak dinner with mashed potatoes. Beef is a little expensive right now but we both wanted a real treat.

thegiddystitcher OP ,
@thegiddystitcher@lemm.ee avatar

That's such a cozy tradition, I hope it's exactly as delicious as you're imagining!

Ghidra ,

Would be very curious to hear about more about your husband's crispy hawaiian tofu! I love tofu in any and all fashions and am always interested to find new ways to make it :)

thegiddystitcher OP ,
@thegiddystitcher@lemm.ee avatar

It started with this recipe although I have no idea what tweaks he's made to it since! https://www.rabbitandwolves.com/crispy-hawaiian-garlic-tofu-vegan/

I do know the trick for us is to freeze the tofu first but as a fellow enjoyer I daresay you've got your own favourite prep method already.

Ghidra ,

You know I've done frozen tofu before for stir fry and the texture turns out pretty awesome, i just fell out of the habit because of the forethought to prep being ever so slightly more.

I'd be curious to try freezing then frying with a cornstarch dredge first, that's definitely my favorite crispy tofu method. I'm definitely gonna give that hawaiian garlic sauce a try, that sounds killer!

Willy , in If given a new life would you choose to be born the same sex that you were?

I like being a dude but why roll the same char twice?

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Because hard mode is too much work tbqh

adam_y , in Does anyone think life was better 15 years ago?
@adam_y@lemmy.world avatar

Yup that's a nostalgia.

It's part of growing old, it's part of coming to terms with mortality.

Soon, you'll say the words, "but music really was better back then, it really meant something, now it's just manufactured trash". You'll really mean it too.

You'll convince yourself that the crime rate was lower and that people were friendlier, no matter what statistics you are shown.

"We really respected our elders".

Next up, friend, the mid-life crisis where you think you can get it all back.

Dave , in My mom uses Linux, btw
@Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

She was sitting there, headphones on her head, sound coming through the speakers, watching her soaps like this is how it’s meant to be done.

So we have to never do this to be considered tech savvy? Asking for a friend...

FiskFisk33 ,

i have a friend with the same concern

fidodo ,

Lol I'm a tech lead and I've done this on a train no less. Thought I had my headphones paired but it took me a few minutes to realize why the sound was muffled.

itchick2014 , in I got hit by a car today!

As someone who knows someone who was killed as a pedestrian crossing the road…it is not your fault. Don’t forget that fact. Trauma does weird things to our brains even without head injury. Don’t feel guilty about pursuing a lawsuit either. It was the other person’s responsibility to be watchful and follow traffic laws…and they failed. Repercussions are normal in such circumstances even if it is an honest mistake. Hope that you don’t feel any more pain or have more unseen issues. Sometimes these things take time to surface. If you feel unexplainably sleepy at any point, don’t hesitate to see a doctor. Sometimes head trauma isn’t obvious. Wish you the best and hope you recover quickly and thoroughly.

lady_maria OP ,
@lady_maria@lemmy.world avatar

I have a feeling I'm going to be much sorer tomorrow, for sure. Thank you for the advice and well wishes!

BarrelAgedBoredom ,

If you weren't prescribed pain meds, ibuprofen and Tylenol taken together have synergistic effects comparable to a moderate dose of codeine. Make sure you stay on top of the swelling too, humeral fractures are no joke. I hope your recovery goes well!

lady_maria OP ,
@lady_maria@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you! Thankfully, they gave me something a little stronger, but I'll definitely need that advice when my script runs out, which'll be in just a few days unless the orthopedic surgeon gives me a refill.

intensely_human ,

Do you need someone to come advocate for you? Is there anyone in your life who’s going to push you to sue even when you feel like stopping?

I’m an uber driver and make my own schedule. I could come to where you are an act as patient advocate if you want.

lady_maria OP ,
@lady_maria@lemmy.world avatar

That's such a sweet offer. Thank you so much! But no. My parents and SO will definitely pushing me to continue if I start having doubts. Both parents are retired, so they can invest as much time as they want into helping me.

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