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partial_accumen ,

So odd that he's referring to the dead like they're so different than himself. Its possibly the videographer is already dead himself.

partial_accumen ,

The imposter may stop self immolating the Russian economy.

partial_accumen ,

I knew exactly which user lemmy posted this just by the headline.

partial_accumen ,

Aren't you proud of your reputation? You've worked hard to cultivate it.

partial_accumen ,

For clarity: Fuel oil tanks. The white dots in the center. Not combat vehicles like T-90.

partial_accumen ,

But why are the women doing this?

Child support payments from one of the richest men on the planet probably aren't small.

partial_accumen ,

I'm not quite following you here. For most buyers I would agree with your point, but you call out those that have paid off their current house (or owe very little).

Needless to say, anyone around here who bought before the market went crazy… is absolutely stuck, even if they currently owe very little or own outright.

Doesn't this mean that their owned property has also increased in value? And since they own outright, if they are buying a house of the same value, then they don't need to get a mortgage, so interest rates aren't a factor, right?

Are you making an argument that these buyers would have difficulty if they are buying a bigger house than they currently own? If so, I can see that.

partial_accumen ,

OMG! His heart was still beating which means it was still receiving signals from his Medulla Oblongata at the top of his spine. And with the heart beating he may have still been getting some bloodflow to the brain. Does that mean was still alive after the drone strike for a time?

partial_accumen ,

Clearly didn't clean the lint filter in the dryer. Your furball is huge!

partial_accumen ,

That first unburned tank in the video looks like the drone hit the ladder first, probably saving the tank. The burning tank wasn't so lucky.

partial_accumen ,

According to Torres, the Filipino sailors were under orders not to show their weapons in a confrontation, and one of them lost a thumb.

I'm guessing that policy is about to change.

partial_accumen ,

Haven't we seen Russian men refusing to serve have 2 year prison sentences? That seems like a much better choice than 4 days of training before being killed in a meatwave 7 days after being deployed.

partial_accumen ,

I can tell you that if you give me a gun to fight in my neighbor country where I have nothing to gain and high probability of dying I will just shoot every ranked officier i see

I'm betting you're not alone, which is why you likely won't get a gun until you are quite far away from any officers with barrier troops between you and the officers. The lesson seems like its: kill all visible Russian officers before you get a gun.

Fisker files for bankruptcy protection, the second electric vehicle maker to do so in the past year ( )

Electric vehicle maker Fisker filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, the second electric startup to do so in the last year as even industry leaders struggle to lure more buyers beyond the early adapters of the technology....

partial_accumen ,

With 3 bankruptcies they get become eligible for a free 8oz frozen yogurt with choice of topping.

partial_accumen ,

If they bring their prior bankruptcy court rulings to Customer Service between the hours of 10am and 5pm Eastern Time, their card can be reissue. Note: this is a one time courtesy, and will not be repeated.

partial_accumen ,

Are those high explosive grenades being dropped instead of the regular fragmentation kind?

partial_accumen ,

I get that cnn is just barely reputable tier news source, but you can read the actual report instead of having to filter out the cnn ELI5. That report is here: The Henley Private Wealth Migration Report 2024

They're tracking these wealthy people:

"New World Wealth tracks the movements of over 150,000 high-net-worth individuals in its in-house database, with a special focus on those with over USD 30 million in listed company holdings. The database’s primary focus is on company founders (50%+ of the database) and individuals from high-value companies who hold the following positions: chairperson, CEO, president, director, and managing partner."

... and can see the actions a person takes before leaving with Visa filings and other actions:

"Most migrating high-net-worth individuals do so via work visas, ancestry visas, and family visas or owing to having additional passports by birthright. New World Wealth estimates that currently around 25% opt for investment migration programs to secure residence rights or additional citizenships."

I believe their estimates:

"It is important to note that the high-net-worth-individual migration figures in this report and dashboard focus only on people who have truly moved, namely, those who stay in their new country more than half of the year. Many wealthy individuals acquire residence rights for countries but never relocate to those countries. Such individuals are excluded from our figures, which are therefore on the conservative side."

It looks like this is part of the management consultancy they do as a business. They likely base their projections on key indicators from prior years that prove out. So when they say they X number of leaving, I'm betting they're pretty close. This report alone has 18 authors and contributors at that company.

partial_accumen ,

It feels like that education you're suggesting may involve a cork bulletin board with documents and photographs tacked on it connected varying lengths of red yarn.

partial_accumen ,

So plenty of FUD from a firm that…

I only skimmed 5 pages or so of the report but, I'm not seeing much FUD. It looks like analysis from primary and secondary sources. You can certainly disagree with their conclusions. I'm not versed enough in that industry to speak authoritatively on it.

Helps wealthy tax avoiders avoid tax. OK.

It absolutely can be used for that. Or more specifically, there are those that are already doing that and this can provide other the path to do the same.

partial_accumen ,

learn how to check your sources and their bias, dear.

You're telling me to check my sources? Before I got here, "the source" was a half-assed summary of a summary from I'm the one that found the original authors and the original report from the CNN article, honey.

These clowns literally shill for the rich because that’s their clients…

Of course they're shills for the rich, everyone is that serves that market. You've made a total of 4 posts in this thread so far. Not a single one is offering an opinion on the topic. I have no idea what you agree or disagree with on the topic except 50% of your posts here are attacking people with ad homiem or vague references of superiority.

Any time you'd like to join the conversation on the topic with a post of substance, you'd be welcome. So far I'm seeing nothing from you.

New York's top court declines to hear Trump's appeal of gag order in hush money case ( )

New York’s top court on Tuesday declined to hear Donald Trump’s gag order appeal in his hush money case, leaving the restrictions in place following his felony conviction last month. The Court of Appeals found that the order does not raise “substantial” constitutional issues that would warrant an immediate intervention....

partial_accumen ,

If Merchan lifts the gag order before sentencing, Trump will immediately give all the justification for a harsh sentencing.

partial_accumen ,

They've already appealed and the court didn't see enough to justify an appeal. So that appeal was declined. Thats what the OP article is about. Sentencing doesn't stop or interfere with the appeal process.

partial_accumen ,

I hadn't heard of this. Here's the rates which I was interested in I found in a separate article:

The new tax, set to take effect Jan. 1, will apply to any portion of taxable income above $1 million. For example, a taxpayer earning $2 million will pay the state’s current 5% tax rate on the first $1 million. The second million dollars will be taxed under a higher rate: 9%. That adds up to an extra $40,000 in state income taxes."

The tax also applies to “one-time millionaires,” including people who make more than $1 million in taxable income from selling their homes or businesses. According to an analysis by the Center for State Policy Analysis at Tufts University, an estimated 0.6% of tax filers would see their tax bill increase as a result of this measure.


partial_accumen ,

Great, all three people who have an INCOME of a million dollars a year might have to pay tax if they don’t move.

Up to $1M would still pay the same tax as everyone else. Its income from $1m to $2m per year that would get the higher that would pay this new tax.

partial_accumen ,

This might actually save Tesla as company.

partial_accumen ,

I would be fine with Sinclair taking on the burden of Newsmax. If Newsmax continues on its libelous ways it will bankrupt this new Sinclair/Newsmax unholy chimera. Society at large would benefit from that.

Steve Bannon won’t be spending his prison term in a ‘Club Fed’ as he had hoped, sources say | CNN Politics ( )

When former Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon goes to prison, he won’t be serving time at what’s known as a “Club Fed,” the most comfortable type of facility in the federal system, as he had wanted, according to people familiar with the arrangements....

partial_accumen ,

. . . Bannon spoke at a conservative gathering in Detroit this weekend where Trump also spoke. Bannon vowed that Trump’s political opponents and federal law enforcement authorities would face blowback if Trump wins a second term as president.

As if we need more reason to NOT vote for Trump.

partial_accumen ,

What words would you use in their place?

partial_accumen ,

But I would expect it to be something that conveys a sense that the money is being decommissioned rather than mobilized, or annihilated rather than gathered.

We have those already in economics and government spending when money is actually being decommissioned or destroyed. Quantitative tightening is one. That is when currency is being removed from the economy raising the value of each dollar remaining in the economy. However neither that or any other destruction method of money is whats happening here. That you're choosing to see the action of taxation and spending of tax revenue as negative is more of a reflection of your personal preferences or politics.

But the sense of deactivation or destruction is usually a negative feeling, so I would want to find a word that puts a slight positive spin on it. This is a happy conclusion to the money’s journey. Its task is done and the inflationary pressure associated with its work is now relieved.

You're not telling the whole story with that, and even worse, leaving off the most beneficial part of spending of tax revenue. You're missing the Multiplier Effect. The reason spending of tax dollars is a good thing besides the obvious benefits to society of working roads, fire departments, education, and food supply guarantees, etc, is that each $1 dollar of taxes spent get spent again and again by those that receive it. If $1 of tax revenue is spent on building a road, that $1 goes to pay salaries of workers that then pay for food, which the store and eventually the farmer receive a portion of to feed their families and expand their businesses, which goes into pay other workers. Also each time this $1 is spent it is taxed, so a portion of that revenue drives more spending on society.

The spending of a tax dollar is the beginning, not the end, of the benefit.

partial_accumen ,

Government spending does not require taxation if deficits are an option.

Unless the government has revenue from some other channel besides taxation (import tariffs or fees on government services like passports perhaps), deficit spending is rarely ever possible in perpetuity. So what other option are you referring to for long term support of a society without taxation?

In that sense, spending is decoupled from taxing and the multiplier effect is not dependent on tax revenues, so I’m not sure that addresses OPs statements.

You are defining an extremely narrow use case, which is possibly factual, but so far removed from any part of the discussion that I agree with you that your point doesn't seem to address anything the OP is asking about. The Multiplier Effect is often referenced with deficit spending, but there's no requirement I'm aware of that it ONLY requires to deficit spending.

partial_accumen ,

I, uh… think we got off on the wrong foot. I don’t see spending or taxation as a bad thing.

I came from your first post as you being anti-taxation (under any circumstance). While I don't agree with that position (because I like a society that pools our resources for all of us to benefit), I do understand it. Your statement quoted here confuses me even more.

I mean, peep the, for a hint. And I did specifically say that I wouldn’t recommend any terms to replace “raise” and “revenue” that have a negative connotation, such as “deactivation” or “destruction”.

I took that as you want synonyms for "destruction" that don't sound so negative. That sounded like whitewashing to me.

I will quibble with this:

The spending of a tax dollar is the beginning, not the end, of the benefit.

The spending is the beginning, yes – but not a tax dollar.

Governments don’t need to tax first, in order to spend second. It’s the opposite. That’s why “raise” and “revenue” are such terrible terms. Because they prime you to think that taxes are how we pay for things.

Those words don't make me think how we start paying for things, but rather how we sustain paying for them.

We pay for things by just paying for them. The government spends dollars into existence.

To make this a truthful statement, you've got to skip 4 or 5 very important steps. Stable governments don't spend dollars into existence to begin with. That ability is the product of a long set of other actions over decades before a government can do that. "Spending dollars into existance" is NOT Step One, as it appears you're presenting it here. Its the product of strong national monetary policy, a stable government, and the issuing of governments bonds.

Taxation is just there to incentivize economic activity to chase those new dollars and keep a stable value.

The is a huge oversimplification. You're handwaving away mountains of effort of government just ensuring that stable value.

If you view taxation as necessary to gather the funds to do something, you can have a bunch of resources just sitting around doing nothing and never be able to utilize them because you can’t gather the funds without destabilizing the economy. But if you can just spend the money into existence, you can go ahead and increase the utilization without taxing first and then adjust taxation as needed from there on out.

I don't mean to be insulting, but this sounds like a very naive view. Yes, in the short term a stable government and perform deep deficit spending to accomplish important short term goals (national defense from being invaded, disaster relief, etc) and its the right choice irrespective of the consequences of that deficit spending because there is an immanent and existential threat to the nation. However, it is an extremely rare government that can deeply deficit spend without dire short term and long term consequences. "Adjusting taxation as needed" ignores all the realities that increasing taxes anywhere will cause economic reactions. Some of those reactions may be "worth it" but the government has to plan for that to happen and be willing to accept that consequence. Nothing in your post addresses any of that.

And it turns out, this is how money has always worked. Taxation has always been a cleanup step to keep the spending productive, not a prerequisite to enable the spending in the first place. The myth of tax as revenue is relatively new.

HUGE citation needed here. Prior to the use of fiat currency, there were hard limits on the amount of money in circulation. This alone was barrier on spending (and growth). Let me make it clear, the abandonment of the gold standard was good thing.

partial_accumen ,

I never thought about it before, but the most critical piece of gear was that Ukrainian flag. Without that, the tank, once in motion again, would be targeted by half a dozen kamakazi drones in a matter of minutes.

partial_accumen ,

I'm calling it now:

Future orc turtle tank version will be a T-62 with a T-55 welded to the top of it as "armor".

This will also fulfill the prophecy of the phrase “Turtles All the Way Down”.

partial_accumen ,

Apparently Yahweh has nothing better to do then talk to this lumpy pillow crackhead.

Slight correction.

partial_accumen ,

Wouldn’t be an issue if people got paid properly for their work

This is one place where that actually wouldn't fix this problem. There is finite capacity at the parks. Disney keep raising the prices as a a disincentive to go. People keep paying the higher prices. source

If everyone was paid properly, that would mean even more people going to the parks.

partial_accumen ,

People have serious issues and want to be heard, but Biden is too busy dining with George Clooney in California than campaigning in Michigan…

Biden with George Clooney in California:

oh no, sorry. That's in Warren Michigan in Feb 2024 source

Biden with George Clooney in California:

oh no, sorry. Thats in Detroit Michigan in May 2024

Biden with George Clooney in California:

oh no, sorry. Thats in Michigan where he was supporting Union workers in Sept 2023 source

And like, am I the only one that forgets Hillary’s victory lap and focus on big donors instead of boots on the ground campaigning being one of the reason we already got stuck with trump for four years?

Why are we just doing it again?

Err, if your memory is anything to go by....we're not? You're painting this false narrative as a strawman saying Biden hasn't been in Michigan and he was there LAST MONTH!

partial_accumen ,

If you get a bonus, that might be taxed withheld at 50% because payroll is too lazy to figure out your taxes. You get the remainder back when you file your taxes. (Note this may mean you owe $200 at the end of the year instead of owing $1000. That still counts as you “getting” $800.)

One very slight correction in bold.

partial_accumen ,

Its taught me all languages are broken in some way. Romance languages have words that have arbitrary gender needing conjugation. Some have two genders, some three! Then the Romanian language comes in with its own tricks.

Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) lack an alphabet so words are conjunctions of smaller words, or sometimes worse the phonetics of smaller words without the meaning of the word.

Starbucks (the coffee company) in Mandarin is 星巴克. 星 is the literal translation of Star. So far so good. However 巴 can mean "to hope". 克 can mean "to restrain". The reason they use 巴克 for the second half of Starbucks is that when you pronounce them they vaguely sound like "bahcoo" (buck). So the first half is the traditional use of direct translation ignoring what it sounds like phonetically, but the second half ignores direct translation and instead uses the phonetics of the second two characters to sound like "buck".

partial_accumen ,

"buck" is a common slang for a US Dollar. Its also a male deer. These are both very common words in American English. The "buck" in Starbucks doesn't use either of these meanings, and thats fine, in this case you're right that that part of Starbucks doesn't carry any meaning from English...HOWEVER neither does "star" in Starbucks. The modern Starbucks logo has no star shapes in it, and nothing referencing astronomical stars. Its equal to "bucks" in that it is just a set of sounds. Yet in Mandarin, the "star" is literally translated as "star" like the astronomical body and spoken it sounds close to "sheen", while the "bucks" sounds close to “bahcoo” for a total pronounced word of "sheenbahcoo". So literal for the first part, phonetic for the second part. Essentially using two completely different sets of rules inside one word.

Florida Governor DeSantis rejects climate change rationale for record-breaking rain ( )

At this point, it's fairly common for significant rainfall events to have attribution studies showing that they're a result of the higher temperatures that fossil fuel burning has given us. Whether or not we end up with one for this particular event, it's something that we know will be more common if we keep on extracting and...

partial_accumen ,

This was bad policy by the USA. The Chinese vaccines weren't as good (lower efficacy) than others available, but they were much better than nothing. Where there was no availability of better vaccines, this discouraged people from getting any protection. People died because of this stupid program.

The military program started under former President Donald Trump and continued months into Joe Biden’s presidency, Reuters found – even after alarmed social media executives warned the new administration that the Pentagon had been trafficking in COVID misinformation. The Biden White House issued an edict in spring 2021 banning the anti-vax effort, which also disparaged vaccines produced by other rivals, and the Pentagon initiated an internal review, Reuters found.

Why is there zero surprise this was done by the Trump administration and undone by Biden?

partial_accumen ,

I would have liked it to end sooner, but there was a lot to undo that first year.

partial_accumen ,

in the dashed line circle on the right those look much smaller. MiG-29 jets perhaps?

partial_accumen ,

Maybe I'm too optimistic, but I assumed they were just like us.

partial_accumen ,

Err, I'd argue that lots of the rest of us have "unquenchable sexual appetites" and in that way it would be completely normal for a number of them too as well.

partial_accumen ,

You're underscoring the reality we now know. I'm not disputing that. I'm saying the whitewashed view that a good chunk of America isn't also "hot blooded" and "sex obsessed" is the implied lie from the christian community.

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