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Delphia ,

In universe they are justified because Tyranids.

Tyranids won't just kill every person on a planet, they will eat everyone, every animal, every tree, every insect and strip a planet back to the minerals and then do it again. They arent immoral because they have no morals.

In the face of that literally anything is justified even if it's horrific.

Delphia ,

This is Lemmy, where absolutely no nuance is tolerated!

Delphia ,

I can get an X3 for $5000.

The perception of wealth is not wealth, the people who are the problem have people to drive them.

Delphia ,

Australia, and our dollar is worth less than yours. Theres 4 of them on Facebook marketplace right now for $5k within 50km of me. Around 08 models with relatively High kms.

Its not a status symbol its a low to mid range car.

Delphia ,

I maintain that Mac and Cheese is one of those foods that weirdly gets better the worse and more fake it is.

Ive had some gourmet shit and I always think "I miss the old Kraft one with the tinned cheese."

Delphia ,

This is one of my favorite movies and I think I know why, Its a chick-flick for guys.

If you swapped the genders of everyone involved it would be a generic "woman with love troubles" story but because the protagonist is male it hits different. We do have feelings too, we promise.

Delphia ,

Yeah, I have a gay buddy who is very supportive of most aspects of LGBTQI+ but HATES when people try to make kinks part of what he believes the culture is. "Leather harnesses, Fursuits and getting your dick or tits out in public has nothing to do with being gay."

Which I kind of get, but more historically speaking is also kind of wack because straight kink communities were some of the earliest supporters of gay rights. Gay peoples opinions like a rainbow are also a broad spectrum.

Delphia ,

Why are the victims of random gun violence never people for whom the irony would be absolutely delicious?

Delphia ,

I always do the goat scream if my wife has it on, its our fun little thing.

Until we were doing a late night grocery run when our baby was having a sleepover at Nannys place and my sleep deprived ass goes and does it in the middle of the fresh produce. 2 people looked at me like I was mentally Ill and one guy pissed himself laughing, my wife was mortified and angry.

Delphia ,

Id say the one thing I kind of disagree with here is the emails. If I'm at my computer and the email says "Are you able to handle this 15 minute job for me by EOD?" I respond immediately "Yeah, I can fit that in." and then go back to whatever it was I was doing and handle it later.

If someone is asking me to do a big job I dont reply immediately and go do some prep work for the big job and email them an hour later. "Not a problem, Ill get on it ASAP."

If you respond and get tasks done immediately sometimes it makes them think you must be in the middle of something when you dont. When someone gives you a big task that will take 4 hours and they check in on you 3 hours after you reply to the email and you're almost finished, it puffs up your ability.

But in general I agree, responding to emails is a great tool for managing perceptions and expectations.

Delphia ,

I worked with a guy that if he slept in or ran late for work tossed his gym gear on instead of his work clothes and ran into the office apologising and went to the bathroom to get changed.

People thought that he was a fitness NUT and he always stayed back to make up the time so he was called dedicated. In truth I knew he trained after work and regularly stayed up mega late playing COD and slept through his alarm.

Delphia ,

Hypothetically say the price of membership goes up 20% and they put all of that back into keeping prices on goods lower.

It would benefit big families and people who shop there more than people who dont. Keeping the whales happy is more important than the guy who just likes cheap rotisserie chickens and hot dogs.

Delphia ,

It could very well backfire, just saying that "putting membership price up to save you money" sounds like bullshit but in the context of retaining people who spend thousands a month at the cost of (potentially) the people who barely use their memberships and spend very little does make some sense.

Delphia ,

Its all hypothetical but remember they have literally unlimited access to our analytics including name and age and we pay them for the privilege.

If their marketing and research people have concluded that if they up membership $10 annually from 130,000,000 members, lose 1000000 people who have decided that the price hike is just too much, take the 1.2 Billion in extra funds and pump it back into making bread, milk and eggs significantly cheaper to get more people doing their weekly shop there that they will make 2.9 billion more on impulse purchasing they will do that.

Corporations gonna corporation, its on consumers to not be dumb fucks.

Delphia ,

I dont mind the subscription for the retro catalogue, but expand the fucking catalogue already. It shouldnt be as limited as it is.

Delphia ,

I get the mindset for these people. Their dog is probably never going to go nuts and maul someone, the vast majority will never go nuts and maul someone, it's your big good boi! Its not the animals fault it literally has been bred to be a killer, you didnt train it like that, thats not the environment it lives in... and yeah thats all true but when it goes wrong it goes spectacularly wrong and people die.

Its like people who have pet bears or big cats, like... yeah all the positives and all but its absolutely equipped to kill the fuck out of you should the mood strike it.

Delphia ,

"Ate da catz, 'Ate da postman, 'Ate da neyborz kidz. Simple Az."

That dog looks like it should have an Ankle bracelet, a thick gold chain and be wearing stolen Nikes.

Delphia ,

Chewing nicotine gum.

Havent had a smoke in years but trying to give the gum up means I turn into a raging asshole.

Delphia ,

No way, Ive been on the antidepressant merry-go-round before. They were not a pleasant experience for me.

Should we have a Star Wars instance?

I previously posted this topic on the main Star Wars community, but it was removed for being too meta. Which is fair enough but it does leave is in a Catch 22 situation as you can't exactly get a SW instance started if you can't discuss starting one. Fortunately, @blaze was kind enough to suggest this instance would be a good...

Delphia ,

Im gonna create one, put in all the work to make it thrive and then delete it.

See if I can create a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. Make users fear something terrible has happened.

Delphia ,

Everyone wants revolution, nobody wants to lead the charge.

Be the change you want to see in the world, do it yourself.

Delphia ,

Man think about all the kids who were in the cast, only like 3 of them had decent acting/musical careers after that movie and Lauryn Hill and Jennifer Love Hewitt were not there. This had to be a really great reunion for them, everyone performing looks like they are having fun.
That was one of the movies we had on vhs back in the day so their performance made me smile and didnt cost me shit.

Delphia ,

I dont beleive that most police forces would take an armed MAGA uprising lightly. The cops have some serious problems but that would be a direct threat to their authority and they REALLY dont like that.

Delphia ,

He kind of is...

He does always publicly come across as a very friendly, intelligent, open person. He is in amazing shape (Yes, anyone with half a brain knows that theres some 1% genetics and almost certainly PEDs) but a lot of hard work too. Never seems to be short on charisma and is a great speaker. I mean... who wouldnt want all of that and his bank account?

But this is all his public persona, maybe 30 years of it is catching up to him, maybe he has always been a bit of an asshole behind closed doors and it just never got out. Maybe the dude is just tired and needs to take his foot off the gas.

Delphia ,

When I became a supervisor at work I learned just how valuable your clock punchers were. Forget the flakey people who can be your best guy 3 weeks a month and your biggest liability the 4th week. "Turns up, does work, fucks off" is such a godsend.

Delphia ,

"Hey Zoom AI... Filibuster"

In all seriousness, the potential use cases for this are more useful for senior management than for the employees who actually have to have the meetings. Being able to have your avatar sit in on a meeting and get a condensed transcript to skim later still gives you a more accurate idea about what was actually said in the meeting than a report or the meetings minutes. The AI doesnt have an axe to grind on bias.

Delphia ,

I cant wait to jump on Amazon and order my net launcher.

Delphia ,

I loved this movie as a kid.

Fuck the review, Imma watch it and enjoy it again just to spite him.

Delphia ,

Tried that again for a trip down memory lane recently, couldnt get saves to work which really screwed with my ability to have fun.

Because the AI is so shit Id focus on building a small but defensibly untouchable base and let the 3 pc teams on hard and cooperating expand massively before going on the offensive, making taking them down a real grind.

Delphia ,

Hey man, lots of people were white back then.

Delphia ,

Now I absolutely mean this with zero disrespect.

If you guys were a younger harder band, possibly with a punk leaning The Slappers would be an amazing name but having watched the video, Greyson and the Argonauts fits better.

If someone said "Come see this band "The Slappers" Ive seen them before and they are really good!" you guys arent what Id expect.

Delphia ,

Got my blood tests back and I have low testosterone so I have 2 choices.

  1. do a bunch of hard and long term fixes to try and drag it kicking and screaming up to as high as I can.

  2. Take the results to a TRT clinic, get on "the good shit" be able to adjust my dosage to get to the high end of whats naturally possible, get jacked but possibly have my nuts shrivel up and not be able to have any more kids...

Shitty decision.

Delphia , (edited )

I do have most of the common symptoms to some degree, Ive had it described as "TRT makes men with low test feel the way people wish antidepressants made them feel" You gain muscle and lose fat easier, you're more motivated, more energetic, more stable moods, less irritable...

So knowing its low enough to qualify me for TRT is like a red-pill, blue pill scenario. If I take the TRT I definitely get the results and the side effects. If I dont and try to bring it back naturally, I might achieve nothing, I might bring it back to "normal" but it could take a long time and be very difficult.

Now I know its an issue, I kind of have to do something. My biggest worry is that if I try natural I'll raise it just enough naturally to not be eligible for TRT but not get it high enough to really feel great.

Edit: it is also worth mentioning that as a regular gym goer the idea of being able to dial in my testosterone levels to as high as I can before the side effects really kick in does have a significant appeal. Ive basically got an opportunity to be on prescribed low dose steroids.

Delphia ,

Get more/better sleep, reduce stress, get more vitamin d3, more zinc, have a healthy cholesterol level...

All might have huge effects, might not.

I wasnt worried about it, I was thinking I wasnt seeing the results I should at the gym. So I went looking for a reason.

Has anyone here been prescribed TRT? Or had a partner on it?

Got my bloods done and my Testosterone levels are LOW. I'm working out a lot and kind of pissed Ive been doing it on "hardmode" for god knows how long, but before I take the doc up on the script I'm doing my due diligence on the realities. It seems like every article I find is either written by a trt clinic or is a one sided hit...

Delphia OP ,

I didnt want to create a wall of text in the post and I'm not looking to massively overshare but the truth for me is somewhere in the middle.

Ive been counting calories, tracking macros, wearing a fitbit and hitting 4 to 6 crossfit workouts a week for 2 years and while I'm happy with the progress Ive made, Ive also watched people who started well after me experience more dramatic transformations in their physiology in shorter time and after bitching about it at the gym, one of the guys said "Bro, your almost 40. You have a small child, you get up at 4am for work and you're always stressed about something. I bet your T levels are destroyed" So I got them checked and they are. So I googled "Symptoms of Low Test" and fuck me if "harder to lose weight and put on muscle" werent right next to "Irritable moody asshole who sleeps like shit and always seems unhappy" (Yep... not like I'm proud of it) which was a very welcome surprise because yeah... if the shoe fits but I cant find the other one I will be a grumpy ass about it and it will ruin my day.

The big catch is that TRT in my country is something some doctors just dont take seriously (Which is why I got my bloods done privately) They think everyone asking for it just wants to look like Jack Reacher so they tell you "Reduce stress, sleep better and get some exercise" then charge you $80. The ones that do take it seriously will refer you to an endocrinologist who will take 6 months to see you, is just as likely to do the same as the first doctor, or will have some set of wacky criteria that they use to determine if they will give it to you. I got told a story from a nurse friend of a guy who literally lost his balls to cancer and still had to go have his bloods taken 2 months apart to prove that he had low test because that was the practices policy on prescribing TRT. That and I havent had a regular GP since I moved so any doctor I see is going to be our first meeting and I'm going to be like "Hey, I want testosterone please" which even with bloods is likely to go poorly.

We also have private TRT clinics, which is who I showed my results to because fuck jumping through the other hoops just to ask some questions and I'm absolutely eligible BUT (and this is me being a self aware grownup) the TRT clinic would never tell me about the possible pitfalls and side effects and negative experiences because they want my money and (If I'm honest) I DO want to look like Jack Reacher and private medical practices arent always known for setting healthy limits on their customers and being even more honest, I'm not super great at doing it to myself. I want the mental improvement as well as the physical, but I know how good I am at lying to myself about shit too.

So I'm trying to do research online but its a bit of a mixed bag, lots of heavy bias. I DO plan on talking to a GP before I make a concrete decision but I want to have smart questions to ask before I do.

Delphia OP ,

I did catch the beginning of that one when I had a look on YT and I was planning on coming back to it, glad you recommended it because its a really good video.

Just dropping this one here too for anyone else curious on the topic. Its from a very "Bodybuilding and steroids" community viewpoint but also some good no-bullshit information.

Delphia OP ,

Ive mentioned it in a other reply but theres a private TRT clinic thats happy to take my money and give me what I apparently need. But regular GPs often treat guys wanting TRT like junkies seeking pain meds. They will only prescribe it or recommend it if your levels are utterly fucked mine are pretty damn low but not abysmal.

Im going to talk to a GP before signing up (If I decide to) but I want to have smarter questions to ask than I have now.

Delphia OP , (edited )

Truth be told some of the supposed benefits of TRT are improved sleep, improved moods, feeling more "whole" and being less Irritable. Is it low because I sleep like shit and Im stressed or do I sleep like shit and I'm always stressed because its low.

Edot: That answer seemed a bit flippant, Theres a bit of light at the end of those tunnels, in that my daughter gets more reasonable every day and we just sold our old place and moved into a tiny shitshow of a place to save money while the new one is built so hopefully in 12 months she might ne going to bed on time in her nice new bedroom. Works always going to be work though.

Delphia OP ,

Yeah my reading pretty much says twice a week is the best balance between stability and fewest injections.

Delphia ,

Probably a gambit to remind people that Red Lobster exists and trying to pump the brand back up before offloading it or an attempt at a loss leader strategy hoping they would make up any loss on the shrimp in drinks and extras.

Delphia ,

Good breakdown.

Ive explained it to people as "On the grand scheme of entertainment, its insane and not very good. On the scale of "indie films made on a $0 budget" its better than it has any right to be and for what it is, which is an animated science fiction war movie with no dialogue made in an ex soviet country on a pc by one guy its a fucking masterpiece. "

Delphia ,

The worst part about my best concert story is that it was a Kid Rock concert. Imagine being 16, getting right into the middle of the crowd thinking "Im totally up for this" right before he opens up with Bawitaba...

You felt the anticipation build with the intro, like the whole growd just simultaneously shotgunned a whole pot of espresso. he started screaming his name. Some big ass dude behind me leaned over and shouted "Kid, when he says "Rock" jump for your fucking life." and grabbed a fistful of the back of my hoodie. That dude kept me on my feet the whole song, Ive never been more scared or filled with adrenalin my whole life.

He might be a right wing asshat now, but 24 years ago his show was epic.

Delphia ,

The Bonehead Podcast.

Its all about a single Games Workshop game, The fantasy football one - Blood Bowl. Ben the guy who runs it is just so full of life about a nice of a niche of tabletop gaming that I do enjoy it, even if I never play anymore.

Delphia ,

Yeah but the comments were usually kind of a shitshow.

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