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Family whose roof was damaged by space debris files claims against NASA ( )

Alejandro Otero, owner of the Naples, Florida, home struck by the debris, was not home when part of a battery pack from the International Space Station crashed through his home on March 8. His son Daniel, 19, was home but escaped injury. NASA has confirmed the 1.6-pound object, made of the metal alloy Inconel, was part of a...

young_broccoli ,

Being in orbit is just falling with style.

young_broccoli , (edited )

Futility by Wilfred Owen.

Im not really too much into poetry, Im more of a song person, so obviously I found about it through a song that uses the poem as lyrics. I think I somewhat relate to to it, the feeling of futility expressed in it, even tho I havent seen the horrors he must have seen. All of his poetry is quite good, and it was written during WWI and from the trenches which makes it way more powerfull and sad IMO

I also like The Sleeper by Edgar A. Poe but that its mostly because I was a bit of a goth kid and its also been turned into a song

young_broccoli ,

I really like all of Wlfred Owen's work. So fucking sad. And I dont mean just the poetry but his life. When I found about him I read his biography and it made me cry a little. You probably already know this but not only did he fought and wrote his poetry in the first WW but he also died there with only 25 years. Just writing this Im starting to tear up, trully heartbreaking.

young_broccoli ,

Strange poem, kinda sad. I liked it, It gave me chills reading it. Do you know who the author is?

young_broccoli ,

Thanks c:

young_broccoli ,

They clearly know when the open source definition by the OSI starts by stating the exact oposite with almost the same wording

Open source doesn’t just mean access to the source code.

young_broccoli ,

They often involve being chased by something, often huge and very threatening looking insects or someone like a really tall dude with extremely elongated hands or being late for something like class at school. Running through corridors that then become really tight spaces that I feel Im gonna get stuck in and/or ruined buildings where I have to jump over deadly holes in the floor or broken down stairwells. It usually starts with a weird version of the apartment I grew in or my former high school and, for some reason, It doesnt feel like its wrong that the building is that way, its just how things are. And it often ends with me trapped in a room, sometimes alone sometimes not, while the insects somehow still crawl in. One time a huge spider attacked my cat and they fell from one of those stairwells and the spider then ate my cat and I woke up crying.

I also have a sleep paralysis demon. It likes to climb on top of me, grab me by the head and breathe on my neck. Good times!

Whats yours tho?

young_broccoli ,

I dunno why the focus on High School, I'm 34

High school is a recurring setting for me too, goes to show how deeply high school can traumatize us, I guess.

young_broccoli ,

How is that in bad faith?

Theres lots of blind support and promotion for team blue on here that I think Ozma was providing a needed counter balance. You say you dont want an echo chamber but I think this acomplishes the opposite.

So whats the ratio of good to bad news that we must share in order to not be banned?

young_broccoli ,

The whole board is full of people giving Biden shit

And more often than not is followed by a variation of "vote blue no matter who" or its heavilly downvoted or gets several replies all telling them how dumb and wrong they are. Thats what I meant, but I admit that it isnt as one sided as my comment might imply.

Anyways, I dont think their descicion of only sharing negative news about biden is not inherently in bad faith. In fact, I believe them admitting to doing so proves the oposite, they were telling people directly what types of news they are sharing and what their view of the situation is, instead of pretending to be objective when theres clearly a bias.

young_broccoli ,

Thats an ok conversation I guess. But, in order to make your defense, you had to willfully ignore the fact that biden (and both party leaders) have a very pro israel/netanyahu stance and all of them are sponsored by pro israel money which, I believe, is what the comment you replied to was saying, even if this specific issue wasnt directly related to biden Thats what I would call blind/dishonest support for team blue.

young_broccoli ,

Nice argument; So im some sort of shill/bot/alt now?
I guess this conversation is over then.

young_broccoli ,

Sometimes the accusation is just cowardly implied, as mozz is doing here.

PS: But for some reason is Ozma the one arguing in bad faith.

young_broccoli ,

I still cant see how Ozmas posting was in bad faith.
Obsesive? Sure, it could be seen that way but it says nothing about their intentions other than they were prioritizing negative/critical news of biden and the dem. party, and I can see why, since theres a strong push back on the fediverse against those types of news.

young_broccoli ,

Agree to disagree.

They explicitly said "I prefer to share the bad news" not that it was their only interest and, as I already pointed out, theres a legitimate reason as to why that could be.

Nothing of what ozma posts and comments makes me think they have a pro-trump agenda. I believe your personal opinion of Ozma is influencing how you interpret their words and their banning is based solely on the your assumption of what they meant.

All this said, I could be wrong to since im not inmune to my opinions shaping how I see things but even if I thought they were pro trump, i think the comment in cuestion is not evidence enough of their agenda (or lack there of)

young_broccoli ,

Why does the blame for the results of a democratic farce that allows authoritarianism to rise falls on those not participating in said farce?
If anything, is those participating in it, advocating for it and validating it that should be blamed when the system they enabled inevitably puts in power an authoritarian idiot like trump. (not my way of thinking, but if we are gonna point fingers...)

Who would you blame if Biden wins the popular vote and your "very democratic" electoral college gives the win to trump? Like it happened to Clinton.

young_broccoli ,

Why do I think people who don't even bother to do the bare minimum to keep a fascist from gaining the highest office in the land share blame in letting a fascist gain the highest office in the land?

I wonder.

Demanding a more democratic system that will actually give power to the voice of the people and make it harder for fascism/authoritarianism to rise seems like a better option to me than pretending the current system that allows people like trump into power, with ease and against the democratic consensus, will someday fix itself.
Im not sure about this but I think most dictators and authoritarians around the world were "democratically" elected.

Also, a little bit hypocritical/naive, tbh, considering the US has its far share of fascism already. Theres no arguing that trump/republicans are the worst option with almost immediate consequences for the US but if the objective is to "fight against fascism", perpetuating the democrats in power as is wont do you any favours either. In terms of fascism/authoritarianism Trump is cyanide and Biden is mercury. Both will kill you but one will take much longer.

Offering non-cooperation without alternatives isn't anything except enabling fascism through passivity. You want to delegitimize the system? Go ahead. But you better have a fucking plan that gets real fucking rolling before inauguration day...

Thats very unrealistic, theres no "solution" that will guarantee Trump wont get into power. Not even voting.
However, if a change wanted to be made, protest and denunciation of the problem would be a good start; Election boycott and abstentionism are part of it. Its a shame that it is now that people is voicing their discontent now instead of when trump was undemocratically elected but thats how this things go.
I still dont believe that you can honestly blame the people not participating (nor those who do) for the results of an undemocratic and rigged system. But you do you.

And why is it that "we" have to come up with a magical solution that wil erradicate fascism in a few months when what you are advocating for not only cant prevent authoritarianism from getting into power but it enables it, encourages it and rewards it.

... or else I will regard it as the work of a dumb fuck fascist enabler.

"Insults are the arguments of those who are wrong"

young_broccoli ,

Aww, just one?
I have several, but the bestest IMO are Masters of war, All along the watch tower and Forever young (this one sometimes makes me cry)

young_broccoli ,

I did the same thing yesterday after this thread, listening to everyones faves. c:

young_broccoli ,

The sheriff seems to care more about the safety of his deputies than the morality of dragging elderly people out of their home.

If they cared about morality they wouldnt be cops.

young_broccoli ,

I dont care if they scrape my comments I just wouldnt want to see sneaky "promoted" posts aka ads and I enjoy the idea of boycotting facebook.

Ultimately the decision is for the instances owners and admins to make, not ours. I will just migrate to one that doesnt federate with facebook if I have to.

young_broccoli ,

I like to browse by "all". And nobody is forcing me to use an instance that federates with facebook either, like I said, I'll migrate if I have to.

young_broccoli ,

See Grrgyle's reply. That would be mine If I could explain things as good as them.

Fake eclipse glasses are hitting the market. Here’s how to tell if you have a pair ( )

As the total solar eclipse, occurring across Mexico, the United States and Canada on April 8, draws near, experts are reminding spectators to grab a pair of eclipse glasses to view the celestial event safely — and to make sure they aren’t fake....

young_broccoli , (edited )

Pro tip: Use a polarized glass above shade 10 (or maybe 12) from a soldering welding mask. not expensive and more durable.

Edit: Corrected my comment according to the experts. Thanks for the corrections, although, with one was enough lol.
Edit2: Whatever you use for protection, test it beforehand as the article explains c:

young_broccoli ,
  1. Welding and soldering are the same word in my language (soldar) my bad.
  2. Honestly I wasnt aware there are shades of welding mask glass, here I just ask for a replacement mask glass at the hardware store and give me the right one (based on the fact that Im not blind) still, my bad.

Guess thats why you shouldnt listen to internet randos :v

young_broccoli ,

So the conclusion is: Test your eye protection, whatever it is, like the article says.

I have heard those words before but forgot about them and often get confused with the meanings. Thanks for the explanations, good read.

I have seen a lot of auto darkening helmets

Those look awesome but they are too expensive here and I always worry they will take too long to darken

I suppose there's also the possibility that the equivalents of ANSI or OSHA or whoever sets the standards for welding lenses in your country, may use a different system or terminology than we do here in the states, which could make most of what I'm saying here largely irrelevant.

Probably. I think we are also a bit careless when it comes to safety measures. Like Ive seen DIY videos on YT that makes me think the maker is being a bit paranoid about safety only to then read the comments telling them all the other safety measures they skipped and all I can think of is "I would have done it worse" lol.

Got a new windows 98 gaming PC, and boi she's huge!! ( )

I've gotten really interested in old Computers since I got my Commodore PET 2 months ago, so to play some good ol MS Train Simulator and Stronghold 2, I got this massive beauty. Here is a little size comparison between it and my main PC...

young_broccoli ,

The "turbo" button switches the cpu speed from its native speed to half of it but it wont boost speeds beyond what it was originally intended.

young_broccoli ,

She thicc.
Like seriously, I've seen tall machines but yours is also very wide.

young_broccoli ,

You can wire it that way, I do, but it doesnt mean you are making the cpu go faster than what the label says. You are still switching between normal speed and half speed, it just feels better.

young_broccoli ,

The chart says that 50% get rich by exploitation and the other 50% by inheritance.

Edit: NVM, Im dumb and misread the meme. Still I doubt they were litterally "dirt poor" so birth lottery still applies.

young_broccoli ,

From your other comments I gather that these people were born about 2 generations ago. In a time of economic growth and prosperity, I count that as luck.
Also, I said "I doubted it" mr. nuance.

young_broccoli ,

Mineclone2 has sprint since the "sprint update" long ago. You get it by pressing "E" (or the "use" key if you remapped it)

young_broccoli ,

Nah, it was because they were butthurt that the cubans kicked them off of their island.

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