

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. For a complete list of posts, browse on the original instance.

taaz OP ,

Thank you for asking! Yeah, I am reading Stormlight Archive by B. Sanderson and their communities seemed to contain most memes specific to the lore haha

taaz ,

The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

W. Gibson - Neuromancer

Our [New Scientist] writers pick their favourite science fiction books of all time ( www.newscientist.com )

This is an interesting list. It's missing some of the true great classics, like Frankenstein, and it has a number of unusual, less well known titles, but there's a lot to like on it. There's certainly a lot for people to disagree about, but it may well have your less often cited favorites, too. What do you think?

taaz ,

Long Earth was good, lots of classics here as well

taaz ,

Registration hooks could be powerful

taaz ,

Why would you need this?

taaz ,

Thanks for the explanation, I have played with like 30 mods max so the built-in mod manager seemed enough.

Also FYI all your english comments here are posted with language set to dansk so I couldn't find it even though I got the notifications (seems lemmy does not really tell you you are trying to visit a comment in language you don't have enabled in settings).

taaz ,

Only people at .world won't see it. You can look at a post from different instance by pasting the URL into the search field of that instance (and if the instance does not have that post yet because of no subscribers or slow federation then you might have to wait a bit and try again).

taaz ,

I wouldn't recommend putting ssh behind any vpn connection unles you have a secondary access to the machine (for example virtual tty/terminal from your provider or local network ssh). At best, ssh should be the only publicly accessible service (unless hosting other services that need to be public accessible).

I usually move the ssh port to some higher number just to get rid of the basic scanners/skiddies.

Also disable password login (only keys) and no root login.

And for extra hardening, explicitly allow ssh for only users that need it (in sshd config).

taaz ,

4th? Man that commenter owes you nothing, nada. You did your best and the rest is their problem.

NPM - What services need what toggled? ( slrpnk.net )

Hiya, just got NPM installed and working, very happy to finally have SSL certs on all of my serivces and proper URLs to navigate to them, what a breeze! However, as I am still in the learning process: I am curious to know when to enable these three toggles and for what services. I assume the "Block Common Exploits", can always...

taaz , (edited )

I don't use nginx proxy manager but websocket has to be enabled for apps that use websockets (duh) - you would have to dive into docs or example infra configs to check if the service uses it.
Rule of thumb here would be to enable it for everything. Optionally you could check if the service works with/without it.

E: Websockets are used when a website needs to talk in "real-time" with the servers - live views and graphs will usually use it also notifications, generally if the website does not reload/redraw fully but data seems to change then there is a high chance it uses websockets under the hood (but there are ways to do it without ws, ex. SSE).

Example: Grafana uses websockets but qbittorrent web ui uses other means (SSE) and does not require ws.

taaz ,

borg backup with rsync.net

Borg does de-duplication and compression, I've used it for multiple things like backing up minecraft servers and it can reduce the final backup size by a lot (like 1-2 TBs to a hundred of GB, though that was with content that was highly compressible and didn't change much over-time so the deduplication did a lot too).

There is also borgbase.com which looks a bit better and focuses only on borg repositories instead of also being compatible with just about any usual tools (eg rsync, rclone etc)

taaz ,

I would try momentarily replacing the defined dns servers with nameserver and see if stuff improves, though the pull error would hint that docker did resolve the name but somehow didn't get an answer.
Hard to guess what else could be a problem apart from some obvious stuff - check if the internet connection is healthy and stable (ping, watch for spikes in ms or drops, also any outgoing firewall filters?)

With discord planning to show ads, how can the fediverse/lemmy benefit from another proprietary program making itself worse? (Like it was with reddit)

Do you think that the fediverse has something to gain with the enshitfication of discord? Are there voice chat programs in the fediverse that can benefit from it?

taaz ,

The reality is there isn't an alternative that would be easy enough for non-tech people.

I am never getting my friends off of Discord because there is nothing else that is easy for them and has same features - texting, calling and desktop sharing with sound.

taaz ,

The site does not work with https but your link actually links to https even though visually it dies not, I guess.


Also maybe the browsers are trying https first anyway and because the server does respond ,(but wrongly) it ignores/does no try the non-s.

Edit: weird, why is ff forcing the s even though it's actually not there in the link.

To acces the site you havs to open the link, then edit the url and delete the s in https://

taaz ,

There is a lot I should probably read one day but didn't feel like it yet:
S. King's stuff (haven't read anything by him yet), Wheel of Time, Brandon's Stormlight Archive, some of the Paolini's newer books (after Inheritance cycle), more of Laundry Files by Stross, more of Pratchett's Disc World (so much more I haven't read yet).

Though presently, something by Asimov might be my next pick

taaz ,

Saved! Thank you.

taaz ,

Same here, I like coffee but I don't need to spend too much on it. Recently tried their Crema e Gusto and now I have a whole 1kg here.
Good price/performance.

taaz ,

In practice, nothing changes for the Redis developer community who will continue to enjoy permissive licensing under the dual license. At the same time, all the Redis client libraries under the responsibility of Redis will remain open source licensed. Redis will continue to support its vast partner ecosystem – including managed service providers and system integrators – with exclusive access to all future releases, updates, and features developed and delivered by Redis through its Partner Program. There is no change for existing Redis Enterprise customers.

Seems this currently touches only cloud "resellers" of redis

taaz ,

El Salvador needs to offload bags of BTC, loud and clear

taaz ,

Welcome to federation, where basically every instance is a proxy to all others.

Btw you are also free to block any instance yourself.

taaz ,

The style of Neuromancer might not fit well with some people but if it does I would absolutely recommend it.

taaz , (edited )

Vouching for Cerave too, got a liter of their moisturizer here, does no leave my skin oily and feels great.

I also use La Roche-Posay exfoliant and anti-sebum cream to combat my forever acne (actually seems like one of the only things that work for me).

How to drop files from Android to home server?

I'm looking for an easy way to upload files from my Android smartphone to my home server. is there a - ideally dockerized - solution for that? Some simple web GUI where I can click on "Upload" and the files will be saved to a certain directory on my home server?...

taaz ,

There is also FX which can do this too, additionally you can browse/download/upload files to/from the phone locally from PC through browser (the app opens up a web server).

taaz ,

Edit: this comment is not written well, and is not describing the issue I wanted to actually comment on, I am tired and sorry

I will hop on to this to also point out that there actually were people willing to actively help (me included, see the original post on this community) but if I say it bluntly we were not "invited in on the show", let me expand that.

The problem is, as @nutomic points out here, we don't have the slightest idea how exactly your infrastructure looks, without that there is only the most general stuff we can help with.

From my point of view, joining the matrix chat later in the process, I watched you do/post stuff that I have no idea where it comes from, I don't have the full context of what has been already tried and crossed out and what's the current plan.
You @db0 would have to stop chopping and start networking with the people - that is definitely not easy to do effectively, especially if more people join later (and too have to be updated with the sate) but we could have fast tracked the docker/compilation stuff ruling lemmy out sooner.

In retrospect, if we had full picture of how the infrastructure looks the chance someone would go "oh you have split backend and database servers, check the latency" would definitely be a lot higher, but we didn't know (hell I actually assumed your deployment is same or close to the lemmy ansible one). I am aware this is easy to say after the solution has been found but hopefully you get the networking/communication idea.

taaz ,

I didn't want to devalue your communication, I think I have worded my previous comment very badly in that sake, I am sorry about that. (I also really need to go to sleep so I will be blunt here.)

There is a nuance to the internet communication when it comes to asking OSS community for support, at least speaking from my own experience as someone working in tech.
Getting one or two people actively bouncing ideas of off is a already big success - quality of OSS support is often very spotty across projects and it's understandable because people do it in their free time which is limited (also if the project is complex, there is often less people experienced with it, less total sum of free time for support, I think this currently applies to Lemmy a lot).
With that in mind, when I come asking for support I am mostly prepared to not get any, I am prepared to have to dive into the codebase, debug, deconstruct, debug, swear, swear some more. Maybe this is just me and I had really bad luck mostly, but I don't know.
Should the devs/owners of any OSS project be ready to provide (some) support for their product if they want it to survive, probably yes, and how much is good depends on the project, you, anyone.


What kind of effect to do you think this might have to other potential lemmy hosters?

My opinion is that currently, lemmy is simply not ready for non-tech people. (And I can't really imagine it will ever be, unless there is a lot of people active in the development and are willing to help others. At least currently there is just too much moving parts that require at least some amount of technical experience. Also lemmy is not something like... GUI application - some application to be used by non-tech people, in the sense that if you want to deploy your own lemmy instance you the admin is the target user of that software, not talking about UX/UI)

Also as someone else has commented here, hosting something for myself is easy, hosting for friends is just a slightly bit harder, but hosting something for the public, getting hundreds-thousands of people makes it by a magnitude a lot more difficult (now you need active monitoring, durable backups, ...).

Rethinking Moderation: A Call for Trust Level Systems in the Fediverse

The current state of moderation across various online communities, especially on platforms like Reddit, has been a topic of much debate and dissatisfaction. Users have voiced concerns over issues such as moderator rudeness, abuse, bias, and a failure to adhere to their own guidelines. Moreover, many communities suffer from a...

taaz , (edited )

I think your idea is not necessarily wrong but it would be hard to get right, especially without making the entry into fediverse too painful for new (non-tech) people, I think that is still the number one pain point.

I have been thinking about moderation and spammers on fediverse lately too, these are some rough ideas I had:

  • Ability to set stricter/different rate-limits for new accounts - users older less then X can do only A actions per N seconds [1] (with better explained rate-limit message on the frontend side)
  • Some ability to not "fully" federate with too fresh instances (as a solution to note [1])
  • Abuse reputation from modlog/modlog sharing/modlog distribution (not really federation) - this one is tricky, the theory is that if you get many moderation actions taken against you your "goodwill reputation" lowers (nothing to do with upvotes) and some instances could preemptively ban you/take mod action, either through automated means or (better) the mods of other instances would have some kind of (easy) access to this information so that they can employ it in their decision.
    This has mostly nothing to do with bot spammers but instead with recurring problem makers/bad faith users etc.
    Though this whole thing would require some kinds of trust chains between instances, not easy development-wise (this whole idea could range from built-in algorithms taking in information like instance age, user count, user age and so on, to some kind of manual instance trust grading by admins).


All this together, I wouldn't be surprised if, in the future, there will eventually be some kinds of strata of instances, the free wild west with federate-to-any and the more closed in bubbles of instances (requiring some kind of entry process for other new instances).

[1] This does not solve the other problem with federation currently being block-list based instead of allow-list based (for good reasons).
One could write a few scripts/programs to simulate a federating instance and have tons of bots ready to go. While this exact scenario is probably not usual because most instances will defed. the domain the moment they detect bigger amount of spam, it could still be dangerous for the stability of servers - though I couldn't confirm if the lemmy federation api has any kind of limits, can't really imagine how that would be implemented if the federation traffic spikes a lot.

(Also in theory one could have a shit-ton of domains and subdomains prepared and just send tons spam from these ? Unless there are some limits already, afaik the only way to protect from this would be to switch to allow-list based federation.)

Lot of assumptions here so tell me if I am wrong!
Edit: Also sorry for kind of piggy-backing on your post OP, wanted to get this ideas out here finally

taaz ,


  • /bin - Binaries.
  • /boot - Files required for booting.
  • /dev - Device files.
  • /etc - Et cetera. The name is inherited from the earliest Unixes, which is when it became the spot to put config-files.
  • /home - Where home directories are kept.
  • /lib - Where code libraries are kept.
  • /media - A more modern directory, but where removable media gets mounted.
  • /mnt - Where temporary file-systems are mounted.
  • /opt - Where optional add-on software is installed. This is discrete from /usr/local/ for reasons I'll get to later.
  • /run - Where runtime variable data is kept.
  • /sbin - Where super-binaries are stored. These usually only work with root.
  • /srv - Stands for "serve". This directory is intended for static files that are served out. /srv/http would be for static websites, /srv/ftp for an FTP server.
  • /tmp - Where temporary files may be stored.
  • /usr - Another directory inherited from the Unixes of old, it stands for "UNIX System Resources". It does not stand for "user" (see the Debian Wiki). This directory should be sharable between hosts, and can be NFS mounted to multiple hosts safely. It can be mounted read-only safely.
  • /var - Another directory inherited from the Unixes of old, it stands for "variable". This is where system data that varies may be stored. Such things as spool and cache directories may be located here. If a program needs to write to the local file-system and isn't serving that data to someone directly, it'll go here.
taaz ,

In this case, yes anything under /run should not be considered as normal files.

taaz ,

We’ve consolidated all our code into a single repository – just clone ente-io/ente on GitHub, and you will have at your disposal a state of the art, end-to-end encrypted, full stack (mobile/web/desktop clients, the server, and a CLI to boot) alternative to Google Photos and Apple Photos.

taaz ,

Dungeon Crawler Carl and Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Sanderson

taaz ,

I have been on the hunt for Awesome WM wayland alternative and this actually looks pretty close to my current setup.

Looking for a few good project ideas that are ideally good for internship or full-time entry-level jobs for 2024

2022 grad, missed the narrow gap for getting a job, and in this recession, it's been really hard to get one. I'm sick of the tutorial hell. It will also be hard to explain this gap for master's degree, and I also don't want to take a loan for master's, so right now, I want to be able to get a job to fill my resume/CV....

taaz ,

You might want to focus on what you can do the most right now (fullstack) and change tracks later (embedded).

As a SWE in primarily python backends I can give you these ideas:

  • Basic CMS in Django, let's say an eshop
  • Messenger-like app with FastAPI (with user management, chats, chat history, big plus would be fulltext search), this explores asynchronous events processing, this could include websockets with redis and some databases like Postgres or Maria, Mongo could work too or you could try Firebase (which is a valid trade experience but for me, experience with "real" databases/caches is more valuable).

Also last time I heard there is always space for Java backend engineers (Spring Boot).

Focusing on fullstack you could try one of the big frameworks like Next.js (React), Nuxt (Vue) or Nest.js (backend framework) with static serving Vue/React (I might be wrong in these, I am not directly working with these tools).

Either way, personally, personal projects are cool but the main thing that counts is if you can navigate the problem space of the given field, not necessarily the absolute skill in a given framework (but definitely being a plus), for frontend it's often about UI designs, UX etc and backends are about efficient representation of data, the processing of them and then designing something like HTTP API around them.
So choose any project you like, from websites to just processing-heavy HTTP backends (trading?), learn what problems you encounter and remember how to overcome them.

taaz ,

I can get that AAA FPS Shooter does not benefit much from Linux user-base (statistics-wise) but in this case it sure seems like a big missed opportunity.

taaz ,

A bit of rant but I hope this can fix some of the discrepancies I have found between free Nginx and the Plus one:

If I want to configure (minimum amount of) proxy connections to keepalive then I have to use upstream ... { ... } directive, but by using that nginx changes how upstream proxy url is DNS resolved. Within docker this can actually cause problems when the nginx container starts sooner then the upstream service - afair to fix it one needs Nginx Plus because in free upstream DNS resolution "mode" can't be configured.

taaz ,

As a programmer most of my utilities are CLI oriented.

fzf (integrated into zsh, improves reverse search, killing processes and more)
zoxide - for quicker navigation into folders I visit often
Other programs I use from time to time: jq, btop, bat.

Flameshot - best screenshotting tool for linux (and also windows)
Redshift/Gammashift - blue light filter
ddccontrol - controlling monitor brightness and contrast without having to fiddle with buttons

Last but not least my Awesome WM (tiling) config - makes working with multiple windows/desktops so easy.

taaz ,

I don't really have it ready to publicize but it's based on powerarrow-dark from awesome-copycats github repo (I have mainly removed things I don't use and added some more mappings like media keys etc).

I'm looking for a TOS-breaking telegram client that strips out all the premium shit

Hello fellow pirates! I'm tired of having all the telegram premium ads and antifeatures in the client and I'm looking for a client that removed them even if it's against the TOS. Any tips? I'd rather use an actual open source fork than a cracked version of the original...

taaz ,


No one gets to decide what i run on my device
No one gets to decide where i run my app
No one gets to decide what must be deleted

taaz ,

The article mostly says it was some kind of error but I can't help it, censorship and china lives closer together in my brain...

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