
I’m just this guy, you know?

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solidgrue ,


The tears will be delicious, and I shall slurp them.


solidgrue ,

Live by the Mango, die by the Mango.

No love for CNN here, but that was the right move this time. One hopes it's the fresh start they needed.

(Also? One despairs that, at long last, this is that fresh start that won't be.)

The History of the World According to 'Ancient Aliens' - "I watched every single Ancient Aliens episode to uncover the deep lore of ancient astronaut theory. It wasnt worth it." ( )

This is from 2021, but it was news to me and yeah, we all know that show is nuts, but to have it all laid out in one place is pretty amazing.

solidgrue ,

Ancient Aliens Debunked (Full 3 hour feature, YouTube) is good entertainment

solidgrue ,

It'll be remembered a dark age when the lights go out and all the disks rot. And, if I know archaeologists, they'll call our data centers ritual centers or temples.

Otherwise there will be disbelief at the inexplicably sophisticated engineering, and how we could have achieved it all with no written records. Probably it was all just ancient aliens.

solidgrue ,

You could source a pair of gigabit media converters and a length of fiber on Amazon for about $100. Just use the media converters to extend the Ethernet port from where the Internet hands off in your house over to your office. You can affix the fiber along baseboards and up over door frames with adhesive cleats and zip ties, or those nylon staples on a nail they use to tack down coax cable.

If you're willing to spend a little more on the fiber for a custom color, you can probably even order the fiber in a more neutral color than SMF yellow to blend into the trim better.

solidgrue ,

I love this for VA-7. We need more of this

solidgrue ,

I get it. Like trump and Milwaukee, I love gin while I'm drinking it but the next morning I'm like "noooooo, why?"

This is like that, but ipso reverso.

Gosh, I dislike that trump fella.

solidgrue ,

Don't be baffled, White House, you're being played. We all see it. We know you see it. Quit it.

Pull back the package. Give it to Ukraine instead.

Baffled. Hah! Geopolitics 101 here. Yeesh.

solidgrue , (edited )

I knew it! Barad-dûr is Tolkien's metaphor for Turin. Which puts Rohan in France, the dwarves in Switzerland-Austria and the Shire in Wales.

solidgrue OP ,

Click here to learn four secrets about chopping vegetables your grocer will hate

solidgrue OP ,

Da fuq? That was hilarious. Also, maybe.

solidgrue ,

He needs to take Dark Brandon mainstream. Anti-hero is so hot right now.

"Brandon in my veins" has a flair to it.

solidgrue ,

I think this is the point, as much as it is indoctrination.

It will have two effects, one of which is to water down the efficacy of the US military with a bunch of disaffected conscripts and the other to attempt a capture of the "activist" years for what will be the dominant post-Boomer voting block. It is to stamp out some of the more extreme progressive tendencies, like "let's try not suck hot shit on everything from climate to racial equality to gender equality to economic inequality."

What do you all check instead of the news?

I've realized that I check the news several times a day but not because I'm curious about what's happening on the grand scheme of things, but because my brain wants to check something that keeps changing with new, evolving information. It fills a slightly different niche than social media, and I don't watch sports so I don't...

solidgrue ,

I'm a junkie for YouTube maker videos and other forms of creative infotainment. I binge on This Old Tony and Farmcraft101 videos, but I also listen to several podcasts adjacent to my (rather technical) professional sector.

Ugh, and politics. Stresses me out too.

solidgrue ,

The article discusses several classes of medication, and calls out a few brands. Here's the digested list:

  • Diuretics ("water pills" commonly used to manage high blood pressure and some kidney diseases) make you pee.more -> dehydration
  • ACE inhibitors (blood pressure management)
  • Beta Blockers (another class of blood pressure medication)
  • Calcium channel blockers (another class of BP meds)
  • "Antipsychotic medications such as haloperidol, olanzapine and risperidone"
  • "Some antidepressants" which lead have side effects of excessive sweating and repressing thirst -> dehydration
  • "Stimulants, such as amphetamines and other drugs used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder"
  • "Some over-the-counter antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl), promethazine and doxylamine (Unisom)"

Short story longer, if you regularly take any of these classes of drugs and heat advisories are actove, be sure to follow precautions and stay hydrated, avoid strenuous outdoor activities, wear loose, light colored clothing, and consider adopting a neat looking wide-brim hat as part of your summer "look." I'm going to shill for Tilley hats here, because they're rugged construction, timelessly stylish, and are appropriate in most situations.

solidgrue ,

Then, you're filling the military with a bunch of people who don't want to be there. Suddenly a sizable portion of the US military is composed of new recruits who don't want to be there. If only half the people who come up for mandatory service actually get drafted, that's still more people than are currently in the US military. This will do *wonders* for effectiveness and morale.

A gift for Papa Putin, you say?

solidgrue ,

Putin can get fucked.

Shouldn't that be a default position in the West?

solidgrue ,

Protected from whom,.exactly?

This is one of the more dystopian forms of 'protected' I've seen used by that camp. Nope, not buying it.

Nope, nope, nope.

solidgrue ,

This is the court doing its pro forma duties. Of course it's a troll. It'll amount to naught, but it'll be fun watching Team Trump try to make hay of it.

solidgrue ,

Are they gonna take this bait and run with it??

(Narrator: They did take that bait.)

solidgrue ,

I heard people saying Comer is a drug kingpin. I don't know whether it's true, myself, but its certainly consistent with the opinion that the GOP is a crime syndicate.

solidgrue ,


Probably I'm neither a tankie nor not a tankie, but I like tossing grenades in these sorts of surveys.

solidgrue ,

How's he gonna shoot anyone on 5th Ave now? Won't someone please think of the machismo??

solidgrue ,

I get where you're coming from, and I share in that cynicism. Nevertheless, at least one jury disagreed with that outcome. Several, in fact.

solidgrue ,

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), at the time of its release, was based on a short story called The Sentinel by Arthur C Clarke. In that story, the roots of the Tycho Monolith plot segment of 2001 of is sketched out, and then expanded as both a screenplay and a full-length novel.

solidgrue , (edited )

Oh, and then I guess it inspired Bowie's single, Major Thom

solidgrue ,

The SMS network ran on FIDONet for a good long while. It might still do, for all I know

solidgrue ,

hard for an average person to even obtain this many felonies

It's OK, when you're rich they just let you do it.

/s because because

solidgrue ,

Is there a tl;dw? I don't have all day here.

solidgrue ,

I'd finally have time to read The Silmarillion.

solidgrue ,

If you just want each physical interface on your server to participate in a single VLAN, set the corresponding switch port as an access port in the desired VLAN, and then configure each
server interface as a normal untagged interface.

You would only do tagged frames (802.1q trunking) if you wanted to support several VLANs on the switch port.

Trump's plans for health care and reproductive rights if he returns to White House ( )

This week on the campaign trail, Donald Trump suggested he was open to restricting birth control or allowing states to do so. He later walked it back on Truth Social, saying he will “never advocate imposing restrictions on birth control.” President Biden and Trump are proposing vastly different visions for reproductive...

solidgrue ,

Soooo... which is it? Answer: whichever gets more votes.

This is the reductio ad absurdum of the "both sides" argument. At least, it is for those keeping notes.

solidgrue ,

That's bad. Don't do that. Major repairs are really expensive.

Also, this reeks of propaganda. You can't have a mortgage without also carrying insurance for at least the value of the principal. The mortgage terms on the note tend to stipulate how much coverage and what riders you must carry until the loan is paid. One does not simply, "not have insurance."

solidgrue ,


Anything else goes. 🔥❤️

solidgrue ,

It's the basis of Terry Pratchett's Going Postal novel, a biting send-up of modern corporate kleptocracy.

Also a BBC miniseries.

solidgrue ,

May you live as long as your name scintillates in the ether. GNU, brother.

solidgrue , (edited )

It's mainly about managing risk, but also not all ISPs allow residential accounts to host services on their IP addresses.

Opening a port to the internet exposes the service to the whole internet, which means you need to secure the service with strong credentials, set up SSL, manage the certificate, and keep software up to date. You incur a lot of extra work, and also extra risk not only to your self-hosted service, but to any other services you host that "trust" your service.

All that work requires extra knowledge and experience to get right which, let's just be honest here: we've all probably followed that one How-To blog post, and maybe not understood every step along the way to get past that one pesky error.

Running a secure VPN overlay like Tailscale has much less overhead. You generate some keys, and configure your lighthouse server so the enrolled devices can find each other. It effectively extends your LAN environment to trusted hosts wherever they might be without exposing any of the services to the Internet.

Overall, Tailscale is simpler and much less work for individuals to set up and maintain than to secure multiple services against casual or targeted intrusion.

Tailscale also has the benefit of being a "client" in the view of the ISP, who see your IP address reach out to your VPS to initiate the tunnel, and not the other way around. If there's any CGNAT going on, Tailscale would tunnel through it.

solidgrue ,

I mean, we can't tax the businesses for their behavior. They might, I dunno, leave?

solidgrue ,

Its not exactly lightweight, but the Netdata integration will get you all of that.

Securing Netdata itself can be a bit of a chore, and then the integration requires creating sensors of interest in your configuration.yaml file. Have a look, it might be an interesting project if you're up for a challenge.

Curious to hear what others are thinking too.

solidgrue ,

I was suggesting TST would be suing Louisiana for access to hang their articles, not suing CoS for IP violations.

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