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saigot ,

I mean not really. Greater jihad is a fully inner struggle to be a good person. Lesser jihad is about converting others, the lesser jihad of the pen/tongue is about debate and proselytizing, onky jihad of the sword is about violence and only those in active combat. For all Muslims the greater jihad is the most important part, and for 95% of Muslims the jihad of the pen is the only relavent part. In the Qur'an there are roughly 30 references to greater jihad, and 10 or so for the lesser jihad.

saigot ,

Not to be cynical, but how can you monetize peertube as a creator. Even if you are established enough to do in video sponsorships, your sponsors aren't going to really accept views from peertube when they evaluate how much your worth. So it either does nothing or it sinks your career.

saigot ,

I think people seriously underestimate how much disney controls western values.

What does the world think of India?

I am an Indian and I have noticed that Indians are way too proud of their country for some reason and at the same time lack any civic sense towards it, they are extremely loud and extremely proud. We feel like the world revolves around India and our culture is superior to that of others. Also, a considerable chunk of the...

saigot ,

Yep and when they pay for better they tend to ship the engineer to their base of operations. Huge brain drain.

saigot ,

I recently got to buy myself a new oven, and I got one of those double compartment ones for exactly that reason, and it's awesome, especially for pizza.

Obviously I'm not suggesting you replace your oven just for that, but if anyone is in the market for one I highly recommend a double compartment oven

saigot ,

I mostly wfh so not really a problem anynore. However, I had a trick from before covid. My companies av is trash, it scans any new files created with a single thread, there's a exception for the directory we compile in (although it's frequently failing and scanning anyway 🙄) but I keep a repo outside that directory for when I want make my compile take 6hours instead of 10minutes. I also have this as my screensaver

saigot , (edited )

The currency is sometimes considered a proper noun, the individual denominations are always considered common nouns.

if I'm working on the stock exchange I might track the value of the Dollar (a proper noun). If I'm buying from your lemonade stand I'd give you a dollar (a common noun).

likewise the Ouguiya is worth about 1/400th of the US Dollar. If you go to the bank, they could give you a 1 ouguiya coin.

Here's a source and here is the MLA style guide not capitalizing dollar.

saigot , (edited )

the old owners of my home neglected to get the the eves-troughs fixed (they were shitty landlords), it cost me about 10K for the replacement which will last 20+yrs. the leaking water ruined every window frame in the house, and cost us about 50K to repair that damage. replacing those windows also like halved our heating/cooling bills (and made the upper floors comfortable to exist in). Luckily we got a nice interest free government loan because it's greenifying our home.

they had all kinds of other landlord specials, like pouring concrete (not levelled right) down the basement drain and making the stairs to the attic out of plywood. fuck landlords. Did I mention they made over 400k on the appreciation of the house and were probably making 2-3K more per month than their mortgage from renting.

saigot , (edited )

I have a buckwheat pillow. I find it extremely comfortable, it reduced my neck pain. It is hard, but molds to the shape of your neck in a very comfortable way. It doesnt get lumoy in the same way a traditional pillow does.I have replaced it once now, first set lasted about 2 years. I personally greatly value that it is renewable material. The up front is kinda high, but the cost to replace the stuffing is low. I think it'll be comparable to a cheap regular pillow after one more replacement, which I think it's definitely durable enough to get to I also bet im paying a but more for hulls than i needed if i was willing to shop around. It's also cool cause you can clean the pillow itself quite easily by just emptying the hulls out. It stays cooler than a standard pillow.

For downsides, it is like sleeping on a beanbag. I've heard some say it's "loud" in that your ear is pressed right up against it and you can hear the hulls(?) Move around if you move, nit a problem for me, but people with sensory issues beware. I found that the grain made a texture that overtime annoyed my cheek, but a second pillow case was enough to fix that problem for me. It's quite heavy, I like this because it neans it moves less, but my wife finds it annoying.

I got one, had my wife get one after trying mine and I'm thinking of a gettibg a 3rd at some point. I got mine from comfy comfy and I would recommend their contour version as it seems to keep the hulls distributed more evenly than the standard.

How dense would the atmosphere need to be to result in a cataclysmic chain reaction during a nuclear explosion?

Famously, Oppenheimer and co worked out how close a nuclear bomb test would be to causing a chain reaction of nitrogen fusion in the atmosphere. They made a lot of worst-case-scenario assumptions and still came to the conclusion that no, a nuclear bomb test wouldn’t scour the surface of the world....

saigot , (edited )

I'm pretty sure birds take way more effort than dogs and cats.

I'm pretty sure, as a dog owner that ferrets are both more effort and more work than a dog.

saigot ,

I buy maps as art pieces, I would never use a map for navigating but I guess I rarely go somewhere remote enough that power is a concern.

saigot , (edited )

They don't appear to even have basic protections against ai. They didn't even get rid of the context menu to download them, and the app shows up in google image search which means google has the thumbnails. It's a losing battle, if you can see it so can ai, but they could at least but a few speed bumps.

saigot ,

I mean they do label it, just over on the right side of the graph instead of the usual left

saigot ,

The communist manifesto is a good place to start with the communist perspective. It's written intentionally to be relatively easy to understand, but it was also written 200years ago and translated from german.

saigot ,

If this application is legit it's going to get snatched up by Apple/Amazon/Google to make their voice assistants better, right now they can't handle cross talk at all.

saigot ,

Most smart watches don't have cameras so Machine vision-y things.

Obviously the pin is way off from where it would need to be for that to be useful though

US Lemmys what could Biden do in the next 6 months to EARN your vote? (other than just not being Trump)

Sorry this is kinda political. Is there an asklemmypolitics group this would be better for? I'm hoping not to get into the libs vs progressives political debate we see everywhere on here... Just want to know what people are actually looking for.

saigot ,

I'm not American but The Inflation Reduction Act is the biggest climate bill that's been passed ever. It has plenty of flaws, but it also has a lot of long term positive consequences, that can't be easily undone when the administration changes.

saigot ,

A bunch of nazi's used it as a dog whistle and it got added to a database of hate symbols.

saigot ,

You know this is an international community right?

saigot ,

Y&eah I really enjoyed the game and thought it had a lot of room to be expanded witha sequel. it really left me wanting more which is pretty rare.

saigot ,

The use of Lady/Male is kinda off putting

What are some free interests/things/hobbies you can do in the city?

I live alone and I'm just wasting away my time here. It's actually making me very depressed to be honest. I do live in the city which makes think there ought to be at least something to do out here. Though I can't really afford to spent money on it every day....

saigot , (edited )

Community theater is great for meeting people and usually basically free

If you have a university in your town often they will have some clubs that are open to the whole community and occasionally public lectures.

Museums and art galleries are usually pretty cheap especially if you keep your eyes open for the free stuff. I go whenever I see free stuff, or a new exhibit I'm particularly interested in.

I know people that do the indie concert scene, just going for any random concert under 20 bucks. Sometimes the bad ones can be just as entertaining as the good. you go to maybe 1 show a week and spend the rest finding the concerts and maybe listening to them on spotify/sound cloud.

Indie movie theaters can also be a vibe. Mine is about 10bucks a ticket, but sometimes they have a free night and sometimes a pay what you can deal. I go every month or so. Last one was a scooby doo one, it had a "cheer whenever they say scooby" game, a drinking game and the previews were funny clips about scooby (robot chicken and that sort of thing) it is a very social experience and a lot of fun. Not free but clearly not for profit.

I think the best thing is to just walk around more, and just be on the eye out for stuff that interests you. Actually read the fliers on posts, join local social media groups to find out what's up, keep an open mind and look to push your comfort zone and look out for local community stuff over corporate for profit stuff.

saigot ,

You don't deserve to be downvoted for that and I think the option you describe might be a cool idea, but I don't think the goal of t-bagging is neccesarily to make you rage irl, I for one certainly don't see it as rude unless it's excessive, i see it as an invitation to a rivalry and would be sad to see that culture go away. It might be worth you or your friend to introspect on why that behaviour makes you feel the way it does.

saigot ,

To me the problem seems to the racism and shittalking that you have attached to all your examples, not the tbagging itself. I totally agree, harassment has no place in any game.

Part of having fun in a competitive (as in pvp) experience is goading and being goaded, that's what creates memorable experiences. Friendly rivalry can be very rewarding. They got one over on you this time, and took a risk to celebrate it, next round you can take a risk to target them, and maybe celebrate as well.

I don't really mind it if the enemy team is joking around and just being playful about it, but some people are clearly out to just put people down and I don't think they should be the priority;

So why not go after the problematic behaviour directly rather than the behaviour that is sometimes playful.

saigot , (edited )

I guess I find it hard to believe that 90% of the people in my games are ragaholics, including the people I'm joking around with in all chat. That just seems implausible, but maybe the cultural difference is that I mostly play as a stack against people in a stack, which means they are guaranteed na certain amount of social skills.

saigot ,

Skibidi toilet is actually one of the first gen alpha memes, not gen z.

saigot ,

It will be interesting to see if tiktoks newest big selling point (relatively free from US influence) will be able to offset it's loss in users.

saigot ,

The Obama AMA was in 2012, That to me is the turning point for reddit, it's when it's population exploded overnight (which meant old users could no longer enforce cultural norms for the platform), it's when news media really started taking the platform seriously and I think when a lot of the political influence of reddit was realized.

saigot ,

IOT devices shouldn't connect to wifi. ZWave or zigbee is much better suited to IOT stuff, but it seems to mostly get adopted in very limited, locked down proprietary shit like Hue Lights.

saigot , (edited )

I have my alarm clock require solving 5 arithmetic problems before it cancels (e.g (16*8 +10-6)/6) . It makes me alert way quicker and now I'm pretty quick at mental math.

saigot , (edited )
saigot ,

I got a new phone sent to my work once, left my old one at work and didn't turn the alarm off, my coworkers were more than a little annoyed!

saigot ,

You appear to be able to download the apk from here:

Not sure it'll run without play services though.

saigot ,


saigot ,

Iran said that after tonight's attack, the "matter can be deemed concluded" unless there is more violence.

So hopefully not something that will escalate further

About 31 people were treated for anxiety or injuries they sustained while heading to a protected area when sirens sounded.

Fucking lol.

saigot ,

The rate at which things are getting worse has certainly slowed, which has me somewhat hopeful. But things are definitely still not getting better.

saigot ,

I genuinely think he's trying to scuttle the site to hide negative press for him and other billionaires.

Sure he could have just shut it down immediately as he bought it but if he did that, everyone would go to a single alternative, doing it slowly means that the people leaving go to a myriad of smaller (weaker, less likely to survive and less influencial) sites instead.

saigot ,

I find it very useful for cleaning as well, scraping off stuck on stuff

saigot , (edited )

What does it do and what does it look like?

saigot ,

The classic would be fight club, I think even the author has said they enjoyed some of the symbolism that was added.

saigot ,

I liked most of the books, but I hate the long songs. Maybe this is a hot take but authors should not put in songs longer than a few lines.

saigot ,

I think the whole point was that Eragon wasn't right for Arya, I thought that was quite refreshing and a pretty important message for adolescents. It's a pretty big deal, imo that they don't end up together at the end, and eragon has to get over it. I think thats an original part of an overall cliche but enjoyable book. I do agree with roram and Katrina's plot though.

saigot ,

Google did this because of a settlement with getty

Almost two years ago, Getty Images filed antitrust charges against Google in the EU, taking issue with the company's image scraping techniques to display image search results. Earlier this week, Google and Getty Images announced a partnership and Getty withdrew its charges against Google. Changes like the removal of direct image links were apparently part of the agreement.

saigot ,

ok I got a bike lane put in in my city and bike ridership is up 15%.

I gave my mum a Palak Paneer recipe and now she eats it once a week

My district saw a 10% swing in the last election and surprise elected a green candidate.

I think your the delusional one if you think change isn't possible. just a few years ago conservatives were hoarding incandescent bulbs.

saigot ,

More bike lanes -> more bikers -> more people voting for bike lanes. And then suddenly gm is marketing their fancy overpriced bike to you instead of their car.

saigot ,

And if your trying then you aren't a doomer.

saigot ,

Can't hold a pitchfork while your stuck inside your hummer.

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