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paddirn ,

This is an abomination and we need to launch the Butlerian Jihad to destroy all the thinking machines.

paddirn ,

Oh boy, so we get to live how Jesus would’ve lived.

paddirn ,

He’s called Wall-E, because he be knockin’ down that uterine wall.

paddirn ,

Fuck that, we should be making it easier and stop favoring one gender over the other in both divorce and child custody. Property/assets should be split based on who actually paid for those assets. If one person pays all or a majority of the mortgage on a property, why do they then have to split that property 50% with somebody who contributed nothing? Marriage is a dying institution that should be put out of its misery.

paddirn ,

I was just thinking about interactions like this I've had a few times with different nice drivers, where I think they'll be trying to wave me through (no flashing brights or anything), I'm assuming to be nice, but they're far enough away that I can't see them, so I'm not entirely certain of their intent. Usually it's a busy road, so there's very little margin for error, if I misjudge what they're doing, then there's gonna be a problem. And then you both end up missing a chance to go because they screwed up the process, when, if they just hadn't tried to be nice and just went like they were supposed to, we both could've gone. Just follow the dumb traffic laws.

The exception to this though is at my kid's school. To turn into the school, there's a system that most of the parents follow and it works well, we essentially treat the entryway as a modified 3-way stop. Whoever has the easiest time to get in/get out go last in the order. So people needing to pull out and make a left turn onto the main road get first priority, then people needing to make a left turn into the school, finally people making a right-hand turn either into or out of the school go last. Anyone not going into the school just keeps going.

This system works better than when a traffic cop is occasionally posted to direct traffic (for whatever reason). With the cop, traffic gets backed up everywhere around the school and it takes everyone forever to get where they need to go. Without the cop, most people follow "the system" and traffic flows smoothly. When someone doesn't follow the system, it's not necessarily a surprise because they just don't wait, but usually a car or two later follows the system and everyone goes where they need to. You're rarely waiting for long.

paddirn ,

Is this closer to how Old English was or is this even farther removed from Old English than Modern English is?

paddirn , (edited )

Well aktually, Johnny Cash issued a statement to the KKK telling them his first wife wasn’t black and appeared to have some racist attitudes in his youth, though he did come around later on and I wouldn’t say he was racist. Her heritage is described:

“In the image, Vivian, whose father was of Sicilian heritage and whose mother was said to be of German and Irish descent, appeared to be Black.”

Though in other images in the same article she doesn’t appear black at all, so I’m not sure. There seemed to be different attitudes about what was considered “black” in that time.

“The stress was almost unbearable. I wanted to die,” she [Vivian] wrote in her memoir. “And it didn’t help that Johnny issued a statement to the KKK informing them I wasn’t Black.” She did not think the campaign should have been dignified with a response.

So she may have been more upset that he responded at all, not necessarily being upset that he said she wasn’t black.

paddirn , (edited )

Yes, but I was responding the original posts claim that Johnny Cash came out and said his wife was black, which was the exact opposite of what happened. His wife being 1/16 African helps the claim that she had maybe a darker complexion I guess, it's hard to tell with most photos of her being in black & white or potentially colorized. I'm also 1/16 Native American and I really wouldn't claim that I'm actually Native American based off of that (though maybe some scholarships exist that say otherwise).

Her being 1/2 Sicilian may have had a bigger impact on skin-tone, but maybe the African great-great-grandmother was a well-known secret in her family and they tried to hide it as much as possible, I don't know. It's probably more important to ask, "Did she consider herself to be black?" Everyone has their own definition of it, but I've not seen anything that says that she actually considered herself as black, but it's also possible she tried to hide it early on given the racial climate at the time. Is the "One-Drop Rule" still valid here?

paddirn , (edited )

And yet it doesn’t even list ‘Plum’, or did it think ‘Applum’ was just a variation of a plum?

paddirn ,

Freedom of speech… until you try to use it.

paddirn ,

Yeah, but think about how much fun we had with cardboard boxes as a kid. Now we get to relive those glory days and we can build those cardboard box castles we always dreamed of.

paddirn ,

What’s the deal with college kids these days?

paddirn ,

I was about to write something similar to that original comment, but then started thinking about it a little bit more, isn't part of the problem with Capitalism that profit is nearly the only factor that businesses consider? It's like the only way we can motivate businesses to do anything "good" is if we give them some sort of carrot or stick that either makes them more money or lose less money if they do the good thing (that they should be doing anyways).

So even though I want businesses to "stay in their lane", there's a number of businesses whose lane is negatively affecting society and the planet, so they should actually be concerning themselves more with the environment or their products' effects on society. It's not that businesses should care less, it's that they should care more.

paddirn ,

I get the idea, but what if the kill-guy fights back and at the last minute decides he doesn’t want to be a sacrificial lamb? I can imagine that as some sort of 70s tv series about a guy on the run from the government and a president who wants all-out war.

paddirn ,

Done. The next day you’re hit by a bus. At your funeral, many people remark that you look extremely fit, despite being a corpse.

paddirn , (edited )

I agree that there is a difference in how sites like Facebook and Twitter operate vs Reddit and Lemmy, BUT I think they’re still both social media. One tends to emphasize personality and individuals more. You’re encouraged to Follow/Like/Subscribe to the people or accounts themselves. People are given big avatar images and/or profile pages, you can see who they’re following. The topics themselves aren’t as important, it’s more about, “What will Taylor Swift or Elon Musk say today?”. Individuals are given much more attention.

Contrast that with Reddit/Lemmy/forums, where people are more or less reduced to a name, less-emphasized avatars and minimal profile pages. The topics themselves are emphasized and typically communities as a whole come together and do things as a group (meme wars and whathaveyou). The individual is less important and the communities/subreddits are more the “stars” of these sites. You’re encouraged more to Upvote/Downvote/Comment, so you’re interacting a little different, but it mostly just amounts to different terminology. I’ll admit though, the only person I’ve ever considered following on forum sites is u/Shittymorph. Just because his posts were so goddamn hilarious, but finding them in the wild was what made them so epic, reading all the way through only to discover…. “Goddamnit!”

I think in both cases they’re still “social media”, but they are definitely in different categories and they emphasize different parts of the experience.

paddirn ,

According to this article from Feb 11,, the videogame industry is booming, and thus it seems like it's more an issue with companies wanting to show profitability for shareholders by reducing labor. I assume it's being justified with AI being hyped up and/or forcing out older/more expensive workers and bringing in younger/cheaper talent.

It does kind of make me wonder if the videogame market is oversaturated, as I look over my ridiculous Steam Library and see over a thousand games, many of which are unplayed. And there's another Humble Bundle that just launched with even more games I've never heard of that I can buy cheap as shit. And Epic will give me another free game or two on Thursday. And I just purchased two bundles with hundreds of titles in each of those. And I have shelves full of tabletop boardgames to go through. I have access to more videogames/boardgames than I probably have hours left in my life to play them, even if I were to be able to retire today and just play games non-stop. I rarely if ever buy new games anymore, there's just too fucking much out there now. Obviously, the industry as a whole is making billions of dollars, so people are still buying them, but it feels like there's just so much out there and too little time to play any of them.

paddirn ,

Time to pick up that line and move it further down.

paddirn ,

You can explain your argument to them, plead your case, but then you just have to let them decide. I’m sure if they’re 18+, they’re fully aware of how hard it is to be trans, no matter where they are in America. Being trans in the military though is still an opportunity for them, and not just for the military benefits. For a trans person, it’s an opportunity for them to potentially help in “normalizing” their lifestyle (making it more mainstream and accepted) and showing people that they can do anything that anybody else can do. It’s bound to be tough for them, but they’re showing alot of bravery putting themselves out there like that.

paddirn ,

That’s how it feels when I’ve been traveling… and then I’m back home. While I’m traveling I feel like I’m someone on a mission, I’m going places, doing things, I’m on an adventure, it’s a constant race of trying to get from one place to another, there’s always somewhere I have to be. Just a constant rush, rush, rush.

And then I’m home… trying to decide if I feel like taking a shower today or if I can push it one more day. It’s like, “Damn, I’m just like all the other stay-at-home peons now. I used to be somebody.”

paddirn ,

Curing Cancer is anti-Capitalist! Unlimited Growth Always and Forever!

paddirn ,

Because you should only want to help people if you can get something out of it or if you plan on visiting them.

paddirn ,

I could see businesses doing this, only giving you access if you pay for it or through getting a code on a receipt of purchase or something. In other parts of the world this already sort of common, you pay a fee to use a “public” restroom. It’s actually kind of odd that America hasn’t already started charging for restrooms.

paddirn ,

Ducks and dolphins are the serial rapists of the animal kingdom.

paddirn ,

They may be racists, but don’t ever call them antisemites.

paddirn ,

Can you be a non-religious chaplain? That feels like discrimination if there’s a religious requirement.

Edit: As of 2018 at least, nope.

paddirn ,

Because we’re seeing the enshittification of Lemmy itself. Like the snake eating its tail, or the human centipede feasting on its own digested shit, Lemmy is becoming the very thing it likes to harp on about.

paddirn ,

Got into Breaking Bad a bit after it had its series finale, but before Better Call Saul was a thing. I don’t know that the show has ever been “on its way out” though, it just wasn’t being talked about as much at that point.

paddirn ,

Is this a range of how much water content is in your poop? It seems to go from little/no water to too much water.

paddirn ,

I woke up once in the middle of having sex with my then-girlfriend. After we finished I was like, “You could’ve woken me up at least before we started.” She was like, “What are you talking about? You started all that!” So I guess it’s a real thing, my body just wants to bang at all hours.

paddirn ,

Professional Science

Professional Choice

Professional Wrestling

paddirn ,

The best discoveries are the ones that start with somebody going, “Huh, that’s weird…”

paddirn ,

The American mind cannot even comprehend a border between 3 countries being so open.

paddirn ,

They’re so close to finding the question to Life, the Universe, and Everything.

paddirn ,

These protesting college kids aren’t going to bash their own skulls in.

paddirn ,

They just pulled themselves up by their bootstraps while still in the womb.

paddirn ,

Does Trump really need a ground game though? Republicans have national propaganda outlets to get their people out to vote and he's got plenty of name recognition anyways. I feel like "ground game" is really more useful for local candidates or for Democrats, who have a harder time mobilizing their blocs of voters to actually go out and vote. Otherwise, how useful are these satellite campaign offices in this day and age for a presidential candidate? Hopefully we'll see it hurt local races more than anything and some sort of "blue wave", but somehow I doubt it. Trump voters will still come out to vote for Trump and anyone with an R next to their name.

paddirn ,

"I literally can't tell either side apart. Both sides are the same!"

paddirn ,

“I’ll take ‘Things I didn’t need to know’ for $500.”

Survey finds that 60 firms are responsible for half of world’s plastic pollution ( )

The two tobacco companies Altria and Philip Morris International combined made up 2% of the branded plastic litter found, both Danone and Nestlé each produced 3% of it, PepsiCo was responsible for 5% of the discarded packaging, and 11% of branded plastic waste could be traced to the Coca-Cola company.

paddirn ,

Nah, best we can do is privatize the profits and let the public pay the costs.

paddirn ,

The most consequential update to the Periodic Table since its creation.

paddirn ,

It’d go very quickly from “It’s Raining Men” to “Let the bodies hit the floor”.

paddirn ,

Didn’t Tesla already have issues with production anyways? Job cuts just seem like they’ll exacerbate the issue.

What was your most recent dream?

This post was inspired by a dream misadventure I had last night where I was just minding my own business getting gophers out of the rice field, then suddenly on the intercom/announcements (which I did not expect to have in my dream, since I was outside, not in a building), a voice said "attention, this is a representative of the...

paddirn ,

I can’t recall the last dream I had, it’s been years since I’ve either had a dream or had a dream I could remember. Supposedly everybody has dreams, but I can’t ever recall them and I used to recall them pretty vividly.

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