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paddirn ,

This was the election where Biden seemed to have actually turned the whole election around in his VP debate with Paul Ryan. Obama did pretty shitty in his first match-up with Romney, just really put in a poor performance, then Biden came in and it was like a kick in the butt, he virtually walked all over Ryan.

paddirn ,

Part of these past two elections feels like it's just the hubris of the top candidates, unable to bow out or allow anyone else to stand in for them. 2016 was Clinton psyching herself up to be The First Female President and thinking that Trump was a joke (most of us did see him as a joke candidate and that'd it'd be a cakewalk). I think in Biden's case, he didn't see any other strong mainstream Dem contenders and felt he was the best shot the Dems had at beating Trump. They seem to completely ignore their progressive wing and just assume they need a centrist candidate to have a hope of winning. I just wish he'd change his VP pick, Harris is just dead weight. He needs to shake-up his campaign and pick Stacy Abrams or something (though obviously this didn't work for McCain/Palin).

paddirn ,

Yeah, I mean, nevermind all the pending criminal charges and evidence of incompetence from Trump's 4 years in office where we had weekly "infrastructure week" failures, a constant stream of garbage tweets parading as "official Presidential communications", and egregious power grabs by the Executive branch. Trump said all his same BS in a more convincing-sounding voice during last night's debate and the guy with a known stuttering issue just didn't have a strong-sounding voice, that's all the convincing I needed. Biden is just so old, I literally can't tell them apart <teeheehee>!

paddirn ,

Biden is well past his prime, had a shitty performance last night, hate his record on Israel, but I’m still voting for him because he’s not Trump and I’d prefer that our representative democracy continued. Moving to a braindead, functionally illiterate dictatorship just seems like an all-around worse move in every respect. Not sure about his chances, but whatever, there’s not really any other alternative at this point.

paddirn ,

That’s pretty much been the playbook since day one, just shotgun blasts complete bullshit left and right, it’s the equivalent of verbal chaff. Misdirect, confuse, and trip up the opponent so that they have to waste time refuting your BS than actually talking about the facts.

paddirn ,

Pretty sure it's alien dyson spheres all the way down, that's the only logical explanation here.

paddirn ,

If/when they screw up gmail, I’m blacklisting Google for good, that’s gonna be such a goddamn pain to disentangle myself from.

paddirn ,

I wonder if it's a result of feelings of powerlessness and just a general impression that government is ineffective. It's almost on par with a foreign invasion, but it just seems like anything we do is just to try to mitigate or contain the effects. We can't actually "fight" these diseases as a society, it's this incredibly individual battle that each of us goes through, some of us make it, some of us don't, and that's it. You can wear a mask or reduce your exposure, or the government can give out tests, monetary aid, provide information updates, or whatever, but none of that tackles it head on, it's natural disaster that washes across the entire country. So people just get frustrated with it and realize that government can't really help them that much.

paddirn ,

I’m voting for Biden still bc Trump is a piece of shit, but Biden is coming off old and weak in this debate. Trump is lying his ass off about everything and not getting called out on any of it, and because he’s spouting so much of it so quickly rapid-fire, it’s obfuscating and confusing the issues.

Haitians wary as Kenyan police arrive on latest US-backed mission ( )

Hundreds of Kenyan police officers have arrived in Haiti as part of a US-backed security intervention aiming to rescue the Caribbean country from a criminal insurrection that toppled the prime minister and brought death and chaos to the streets....

paddirn ,

Kenya may be a relatively stable democracy in Africa, but there’s still rampant corruption in their police forces. Police officers are typically underpaid, so to supplement their income they’ll do things like set up random checkpoints on roads in order to shakedown drivers for money. Them going to Haiti doesn’t seem like it’s really going to help with anything.

paddirn ,

Yeah, they’ve had shitty elections for years now. Odinga has been in like every election and contests it everytime, even causing really bad election violence at multiple points. This led to them reviving the role of Prime Minister specifically for him to placate Odinga that election. They’ve literally only ever had two prime ministers in their history (President is their head of state), they abolished it again after Odinga’s term was over.

paddirn , (edited )

Most disasters, fires, mass shootings, etc that you see on the news are actually created by the News organizations themselves in order to grab people's attention. Those news vans you see driving around, those are sabotage squads going around committing all the violence. How else do you think they're able to get on the scene so quick to report the news? They're literally creating the news themselves. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!

(I don't actually believe this, it was an idea for a short story I had at one point though)

Texas school district agrees to remove ‘Anne Frank’s Diary,’ ‘Maus’ and 670 other books after right-wing group’s complaint ( )

Conservative activists, led by a local pastor and outspoken Israel advocate, pushed the district, Mission CISD, to excise books mostly about gender, sexuality and race. Their demands represented an extreme version of a nationwide culture war over books that has played out in recent years — and ensnared a number of books with...

paddirn ,

Wouldn't want people learning from history, now would we? How else are we supposed to repeat it?

paddirn , (edited )

So useless that they're probably just going to convert over to AI chat apps and you'll just know from the get-go that everybody you talk to is a bot (instead of just 4 out of 5 users being bots). I'm guessing they'll farm that sweet, juicy user-data from however many years now to train their AI on. Base level will be a semi-interested friend, but the higher-subscription level you pay into will unlock romantic options, naughty (ai-generated) pics, and they'll eventually add a feature where you can go on virtual dates with your AI companion and they can scan your pictures/photos and make comments on what you "saw together" on your date. Maybe they'll even insert themselves into the images to make it seem like they were really there. Hell, they'll probably even get to a point where you can have live voice chats with them.

paddirn ,

You could say that about literally any library of books, not just RPG books. Even if I myself may not read the books regularly, I still read them at some point, OR potentially I’m like a torchbearer, I’m just taking care of all these books for the day when somebody else discovers them and is able to read them. I may be dead and gone by then, but I’m doing my part to keep the books and the hobby alive.

paddirn ,

Why did it take this long in the first place? We've literally had Russian mercenaries attack US forces previously in other countries, where was the fear of escalation then? Give Ukraine whatever aid they need and stop kneecapping their war effort by trying to micro-manage it.

paddirn ,

Yeah, I was wondering which restaurants this guy was able to eat his wife out at. Every time I've tried I get the old, "Sir, this is White Castle, even we have standards."

paddirn ,

After living 7.5 years in an Ecuadorian embassy, I wonder if he feels like that portion was all a waste of time, going to those lengths to avoid extradition. Though maybe the timing worked in his favor in this case, given its been years since Wikileaks was relevant, whereas had he been extradited years ago he might’ve be faced a harsher situation.

paddirn ,

It’s getting to the point where a hardworking guy can’t support his family and his mistresses family anymore.

paddirn ,

At this point, why is Hamas still even holding onto any hostages? Whatever the original plan was has obviously blown up in their face and the hostages aren’t really giving them much leverage. If anything, it gives Israel a thin veneer of an excuse to continue with the genocide, they don’t really seem to concerned with accidentally killing any of them. If Hamas released the rest of the hostages though it takes away one more excuse Israel can hold onto, though at this point, it may not make a difference one way or another.

paddirn ,

Nobody seems to talk about in the US either, one of the most basic human rights is in crisis and it’s just business as usual.

paddirn ,

Here’s a hint, guys: Bitches don’t like being called “females”.

paddirn , (edited )

I’m not full vegan/vegetarian, but I’ve cut out all the beef/dairy that I can from my diet, just because of how bad cows in general are for the environment with their methane farts, though I think there may be methods to reduce emissions. I’m guessing that costs money though, so fuck that, we need cheap beef. I think if people just took that step of cutting that one animal out of our food chain, it’d be alot easier for people to do, rather than trying to cut out all meat and going vegan.

paddirn ,

This isn't a serious proposal and it's not even really meant for Ukraine to even consider. It's meant for Ukraine's Western allies who will start getting bored and antsy and may start applying pressure on Ukraine to look for a deal. Putin knows he just needs to outlast fickle Western governments, or wait until Russian-backed right-wing governments get into power, then Ukraine will lose its support and likely crumble.

paddirn , (edited )

It just felt like they were trying too hard in every scene. Ragnarok was great, one of the top Marvel movies, but the humor in that was unexpected, it hadn’t really been done like that before with Thor. We were used to this almost Shakespearian Thor, so it was a breath of fresh air. They needed to tone it down some more, maybe actually make it a bit more serious in L&T. They could’ve used it to question religion in general or something even.

Also, Thor getting chained up and stripped down naked was apparently fine for a Disney movie, but when I do it at the theme park I’m a “sex offender” and “exposing myself to minors”, what the fuck Disney?!

paddirn ,

Wakanda Forever. First part where we’re saying goodbye to Chadwick was good in a sad way, but I couldn’t stand anything else that happened after that. I was just so annoyed with every character, I hated every minute of it.

Secret Invasion is by far the worst Marvel production though, just a total shitshow and primarily what caused me to cancel D+, I was just done with the shitty writing.

paddirn ,

Would it only be Texas though? Is there a chance that other US states might also join along with them, not because they wanted to secede before, but because the GOP is a cult and they can convince their people to go along with anything? Plus, how many military personnel would “defect” over to this new Texas Republic? The idea of Texas leaving and trying to go it alone against the rest of the current US is fairly one-sided, but what if Texas peels away a sizable chunk of the US with it? I wouldn’t doubt that Trump would support it if it meant saving his skin from all the trials he’s involved in (though given the status of most of them it may not be necessary).

paddirn ,

And this would’ve been all just one family.

paddirn ,

A situation where color-coding seems more than appropriate, I’m surprised they didn’t color code the grades.

paddirn ,

Sounds like a shitty implementation, it adds an additional prompt everytime you ask something that you have to confirm if you also want it to lookup with ChatGPT and then it just looks it up via text? Kind of wish it was just tied to an extra command, like “Hey Siri, check with ChatGPT…” and then it spoke the thing out. Otherwise, if I just wanted to read and write prompts, I’m just going to type stuff out directly with ChatGPT, without talking to Siri in the first place. The only benefits Siri has is voice communication and telling my kids stupid knock-knock jokes on command, they’re not really adding anything to it.

paddirn ,

There was that one time that lead singer Jimmy Urine was accused of grooming, sexually assaulting, and molesting a 15-year-old girl, so that was kind of a thing.

paddirn ,

My daughter didn’t check the toilet after she flushed it right before bed. It was in a back bedroom that nobody else really goes to. It ended up flooding overnight and I didn’t discover it til the next morning, when I found my kitchen flooding from the ceiling. It apparently wasn’t from poop though as I didn’t see any fecal matter around (unless it was in the ceiling that got torn out). Whole kitchen ceiling got torn out, along with the floor of the bathroom. Not a huge amount of damage, but the most the house has sustained… so far.

paddirn ,

Still no idea, she could’ve put a paper towel or something in there or just used too much toilet paper. This was a month or two ago, so not likely we’ll ever know.

paddirn ,

TIL I’m German. I just always doublecheck everything has gone down, just a listen for something not right, a quick glance. It’s not like I’m hovering over the bowl like, “Yes, my little fecal babies, your time with me may be at an end, but your journey in this world has only just begun…” I mean, who does that? Not this well-adjusted person.

paddirn ,

“I don’t want none of MY tax dollars going to the poor and needy! If we’re gonna give anything away it needs to go to chickenshit police departments, global corporations, and the obscenely wealthy.”

paddirn ,

Like woah… woah. Can we just take a minute to appreciate how long the Battle of Verdun was? 9 months, 3 weeks and 6 days. At the start of the battle, you could’ve made beautiful sweet love to a woman, impregnated her with your seed, and dropped a few more loads in her in the mean time, and then 9 months later that baby comes out and the battle would still be going on. That says something about humanity. I’m going to repeat that. That. Says. Something. About. Humanity. In this 10 pg, double-spaced essay, I will talk about how awesome Verdun was and why we should be naming our children after it.

paddirn ,

Don’t mess with Texas. Seriously, they’re delicate and can’t handle being messed with.

paddirn ,

I always think he looks like Budget Steven Spielberg.

paddirn ,

They have to eventually roll out a Passwords+ subscription service that people will pay for.

paddirn ,

The rabbit holes was big for me. I think it started changing after Google Reader and other aggregators came along, but before then you’d go from one site, which would link to another, then to another site, until after an hour you’d gone across a dozen or more different sites and you were on a completely different topic than what you started.

It still can happen in the current web, but it all feels alot less connected now, every website is like an island almost, no external Links and completely separated from any other sites. Before, finding new sites and content from a site’s ‘Links’ page was a big thing, I feel like that’s how I found alot of stuff. You would just bounce from one site to the next, read what they had, check the Links, see something else, bounce to that and repeat.

A corporate landlord was raided by the FBI in a rent-fixing investigation—but renters online long fostered complaints ( )

"FBI agents raided corporate landlords Cortland Management in Atlanta on May 22, a dramatic step forward in a potential antitrust investigation into price-fixing by property management companies who control over 70% of the United States’ multi-family rental units."

paddirn ,

I hope this is part of a wider effort to put pressure on these bastards to bring rents back down to Earth, though I don’t know that we’re ever going to be able to go back.

paddirn ,

Is he saying a child wouldn’t have survived against the swan or that he himself could easily kill a child?

paddirn ,

“expected to make a full recovery,” somehow I doubt that.

paddirn ,

I hope so, because those are probably the only good traits I have.

paddirn ,

I feel like he’s making these moves to try to bring in right-wing voters who say they care about immigration, but literally none of them will give a shit and they’ll still accuse him of being soft on immigration. All he’s doing is just pissing off people in his own party for no actual political gain.

paddirn ,

Wow, who would imagine that nobody wants to do an activity that you literally have to pay people to do on a regular basis? It’s almost like they’re not paying people enough and nobody wants to work for shitty wages.

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