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Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else” - Workers stayed remote even when told they could no longer be promoted. ( arstechnica.com )

Big tech companies are still trying to rally workers back into physical offices, and many workers are still not having it. Based on a recent report, computer-maker Dell has stumbled even more than most....

odelik ,

Dell is out there just proving that the best promotions are external promotions.

odelik ,

I mean, technically, that's a conspiracy. It's just not a conspiracy "theory" like the faked moon landing, Area 51 &aliens, etc etc. It's just the regular, boring, type of conspiracy. And it was perfectly legal,very legal, the legalest, and legalsideboob (thanks autocomplete for this one. )

odelik , (edited )

This is a diverging bar chart sorted by the date in which the film was supposed to take place.

The vertical line on 2000 represents the "Distant Future, a new millennium" that a lot of sci-fi and dystopia media looked at in the past.

The left side of that bar represents the ~year the film was produced in our reality. This chart would make more sense if they included the production/release year of the film instead of an approximation on the condensed scale.

The right side of the bar represents the year that the film takes place.

odelik ,

"Go commit a hate crime! And one of you is definitely going to escalate beyond burning and we won't be there to support you when you commits physical violence to a member of the LGBTQ+ community!"

odelik ,

Stasher silicone storage bags (which these appear to be, or at least their non-NA counterpart brand) are PFAS and PFC free.

odelik ,

Firefox + "I Still Don't Care About Cookies" extension makes post GDPR UX shenanigans so much better.

odelik ,

Steps for using a bidet:

  1. After pooping, remain seated on toilet seat with bidet
  2. Turn on bidet to desired pressure.
  3. Wiggle your butt around letting the water jet spray you down.
  4. Turn off bidet.
  5. Grab a few squares of TP and fold them over.
  6. Wipe water off and inspect for cleanliness.
  7. Repeat steps above if TP wasn't clean.

Congrats, you're now a pro, an clean, pooper.

odelik ,

I just wish it was an either/or situation.

I don't always need my lawn mower/blower/weed trimmer on batteries. I wish I could easily plug them in when doing light dut work close to the house. But then they couldn't tie me into their battery ecosystem as easily.

odelik ,

So do you like Biden for this, since you've been blindly critical of Biden for "supporting genocide"? Since this is Biden escalating repercussions to Israel, this is a good thing in your eyes, right?

Or are you posting this because Israel is now being crticial of Biden and any critical message about Biden is OK with you?

odelik ,

Do one of the following:

  1. Tell your mother you're not comfortable hosting that type of content as a non-believer.
  2. Lie and hand back the propaganda movies and say you couldn't rip them to some unknown rip protecting they use and there's not enough resources online to figure it out.
  3. Host the content and let your mother liver her life and don't say anything.

I'd personally use option 1, but you do you.

odelik ,

This is where all of you are mistaken.

These are public service positions, not professions. Thinking of these as professions only encourages entitlement, power, and greed.

odelik , (edited )

"The show was great, hilarious even, until Jerry opened his mouth and said something." - Me imitating Seinfeld

But seriously. I loved a few of the kooky characters, and would always stop channel surfing on a Kramer scene. But Jerry would always say something dumb and I'd move on.

odelik ,

Twitch, OnlyFans Cams, another cam site.

Gotta sell what you've got and sexualize it to high hell.

odelik ,

Or in very tight clothing. Mystery sells. Mix in some ASMR and wham bam thank you ma'am.

odelik ,

It's a tone thing.

There's a few regular article posters than either post articles with a certain tone to the headline or they editorialize the post title to fit their narrative. It's similar to how you can notice how somebody you're familiar with writes and uses language and can identify potential alt/sock puppet accounts from them.

Due to this I've come to believe that these people are astro-turfers with a disengenous agenda.

odelik ,

I wouldn't expect much explaining to come from a Tropical Ding Dong.

odelik ,

This has me thinking

The resurgance of sand batteries has been interesting. While not great for converting back into electricity, it's great for heating and cooling which is a massive portion of our energy consumption. They can also store quite a ton of energy with crazy efficiency, especially when paired with heat pumps. And from what I've been able to deduce, they aren't dependent on beach sand and can use rougher or man-made sand reliably.

First if we could get enough large buildings and neighborhood/home installation sand battery heating & cooling infrastructure operating with heat pumps. Then when during high times of energy production we can dump the energy into the sand battery infra and help keep the grid stablizied and keeping our heat & cooling overall percentage of use down.

In the end, we're going to need tons of solutions and strategies for storing excess production during low demand times. I'm hopeful to see where we go here, the crazy things were seeing in energy storage is extremely interesting. I'm super excited to see the advances were seeing in calcium and sulfur based batteries expand in adoption and the production lines can scale with demand.

odelik ,

They'll have Elon Musk spread more lies on Twitter about migrants illegally voting or something.

odelik , (edited )

I vividly remeber the lead up to Jan 6.

I remeber the language being used by these idiots online. Coded language telling us what was going to happen.

I remeber people exposing "private" conversation histories private forums, discord's, etc where these groups were planning Jan 6 to the internet masses and telling progressives, liberals, and other left leaning people to stay away from the Jan 6 proceedings and not to show up to counter-protest. We knew from those exposed convos they planned on using any counter-protester presence as a patsy.

And of course, I vividly remeber Jan 6 and watching 3 different news streams the same time and and scouring the internet for any live streams from idiots broadcasting their shit on social media. I remeber hey gleeful those fuckers were, how they espoused that "revolution!", "Hang Mike Pence."

I also watched the Jan 6 Senate Comitte Hearings and have read through the highlights of the Final Report.

The FBI didn't entrap shit. You fuckers planned this in broad daylight. I'm gonna Look Up when you tell me not to, because I see you for the liars you are.

odelik ,

You get 30 days of continued pay with an assigned internal recruiter to help you do an internal job search.

But honestly, who the fuck wants to get the, "you're being laid off." and still want to work for the company when there's a giant severance check waiting for you to get out of that toxic hell-pit?

odelik ,

And you'll have a choice to not install them. Or to install versions that you know how they were trained and have guardrails you approve of.

odelik ,

I'm an American, I won't get the luxuries of the EU court rulings.

odelik ,

Give Trump the Boote [BOHT]!

👻 ➕ 🗳️ 🟰 ⛵

odelik ,

I mean, technically, conttaips are composed of chemical compounds. Mainly dihydrogen monoxide which is one of the most dangerous chemicals there are!


odelik ,

They keep getting stalled because they proposed bills to remain on DST instead of not participating. To remain on DST requires US Congressional approval and the bills were ignored and were never brought up to vote.

Washington is looking at putting forth another bill to stop participating in DST altogether since that only needs to pass the state legislators and Governor sign-off.

I'd prefer to stay on DST permanently, especially on the summer solstice where the sun sets super late and you can enjoy summer. In the end, I just want to stop dealing with the fuckery of DST.

odelik ,

That's because the anti-Biden propaganda coming from Russian bots & alt-right astro-turfing is effective.

The astro-turfers are everywhere (including the fediverse) , and a ton of them present themselves as "concern trolls" since it's a little harder to identify them that way.

odelik ,

Fun fact. Dippin Dots, the ice cream of the future, is stored at -40 degrees

Extra fun fact. -40 degrees is where the Celsius & Fahrenheit scales intersect!

odelik ,

Game dev is extremely hard to break into. I've been in and out of the industry for some time now.

If you're dead set on working in the industry I'd strongly advise going the platform integrations route.

  1. Gain experince working with API services and creating some C++/C# integration wrappers for UE and Unity (GoDot potentially too).
  2. Pick up some contract work doing API development outside the games industry to strengthen your knowledge and experince developing solutions.
  3. Find a game team that needs a platform(s) integration engineering role or a central publishing engineering role.
  4. Develop a host of solutions professionally for a year or two.
  5. Make the jump into the role you actually want.

This also gives you a ton of job flexibility in an industry that values knowledge breadth and has waves of job stability. Automation & tooling engineering, API development, services engineering, etc.

odelik , (edited )

What do you think Trump is going to do?

He's either going to order us to drop bombs ourselves to wipe out Gaza or demand Israel given everything we've got so Israel can drop all the bombs.

All while pulling out of NATO and embracing Russia's invasion of Ukraine, before assisting in the push to Finland, Estonia, and Latvia, with Belarus droppong the charade and publicly passing sovereignty back over to Russia.

That doesn't even mention what's going to happen here. The RNC is publicly saying they're going to end democracy to a hall full of cheers. The "day one dictator" is going to try and fucking do it. And his sycophants will allow him. Followed by mass deportationss and concentration camps of "illegals". Then declarations of naturalization of certain people to have been illegal (DREAMERs beware) to be in the next wave. Simultaneously our trans friends will be picked up. Every gay man and women will have to tread carefully or be declared a pedophile and rounded up too, and it'll only be a matter of time before they round up every outed gay person that doesn't provide them some leverage over some group.

I dont think Biden is great by any standard. And his continued support of Israel's actions in Gaza are no different than any president since Israel was forcefully taken away and given to them post WW2.

Let's remember what's at stake here. We either defeat Trump and fight for Biden to implement incremental progress and push away from Israel. Or Trump wins and the USA becomes a fascist Russian puppet state and the world is going to descend into another war.

Progress is incremental until there's a wave of change. History has repeatedly shown this. And we've seen what that wave of change is when the fascist wave comes. And the world vowed to never let it happen again. Let's not forget what our grandfather's and great grandfather's fought for.

odelik ,

Newsom can't win middle America. He's seen as "Arrogant California Elite" outside the coasts. He's a great candidate on paper and did amazing things for Cali even if there's this he did I was infuriated by. But outside the coasts his image is sullied by his political history as a California governor.

Additionally, Newsom is not running and wouldn't even think of running unless Biden dropped out, which isn't going to happen unless he has a tragic health event.

odelik ,

I wouldn't say it's a either or thing. I'd say they're equally genocidal.

odelik ,

Ahh, yes, isee. You're just as delusional as my mother.

odelik , (edited )

The Toyota 3000GT is also really effective. My friend and I used to play this religiously back when it was new. I used the GTO, him the 3000GT. We'd spend hours doing custom tuning and testing before saving our cars to memory cards and hanging out to race.

odelik ,

Yes, the sundowning, unstable behavior, throwing childish storm offs in court, and rampant narcissistic behavior of Trump sure aren't mental health issues. Yep, not showing mental health issues at all!

DeSantis orders Florida National, State Guard members to Texas border ( www.orlandosentinel.com )

Gov. Ron DeSantis said Thursday he is sending National and Florida State Guard troops to Texas to help that state put up razor wire fences on the southern border, a move in apparent defiance of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on the contentious immigration issue....

odelik ,

Have you ever see somebody's ears after they've stretched them without the rings?

odelik ,

Check out Avocado. Do yourself a favor and get one of their pillows while you're at it too. Bought one of their mattresses a while back and the first three months afterwards I didn't want to get out of bed. I just wanted to lay in the heavenly paradise and recover the terrible sleep I was having for the 3 years prior before waking up one day with the worst neck & back pain of my life.

odelik ,

Feet sweat. A lot. Like a pint (450g) of sweat a day or more if particularly active or you have larger feet.

So for me, daily at the least. On particularly active days, multiple times.

odelik ,

I mean, you could have easily searched "how much do feet sweat per day" and verified this yourself.

But ok, here's one of hundreds of the results from podiatry clinics that say roughly the same thing.


odelik ,
odelik ,

Yes, an article written by a podiatrist, peer reviewed by a podiatrist, and completely cites their credentials, sources, and reference materials.

Just because you don't think it's credible, doesn't make it not credible.

odelik , (edited )

As somebody that's been working on computer hardware since the early-to-mid 90s, installing the drivers before connecting the printer was the norm. It was actually the norm for most peripherals. Just be glad you didn't have to do manual irq assignment. Hell, that is probabaly the issue, is that the driver installer borked the irq assignment when the device already had a handshake agreement with the hardware.

I digress though, this shouldn't have been the pattern for a modern printer in 2007, when PnP had been standard for several years at that point.

odelik ,

"quiet(ING) concerns" is not a unique phrase here. It's meaning is meant to be comprehended as "addressing somebody's concerns with compassion and giving acceptable solutions and paths forward".

It's language that used to be far more common when people weren't shouting at eachother continuously. I'm not even that old and have been part of situations where that term had been used to describe the resolution of a conflict/point of contention.

odelik ,

I see that you're using your red herring to move those goal posts.

That's rather efficient of you.

odelik , (edited )

Washington has a few grocery store franchises, but only a few standard grocers with Kroger & Albertsons dominating the market.

Standard Grocers:

  • QFC (Kroger)
  • Safeway & Albertsons (Albersons)
  • Red Apple


  • Saars
  • Grocery Outlet


  • Winco
  • Costco

Super Centers:

  • Walmart
  • Target
  • Fred Meyer (Kroger)


  • Whole Foods
  • PCC
  • Trader Joe's
  • Metropolitan Markert


  • H-Mart
  • Uwajimaya


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  • Subscribed
  • Moderated
  • Favorites
  • random
  • test
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