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hitmyspot ,

The tldr says 72% efficient. If it can store excess solar or wind from times they are not in use and release at times of higher demand, it should be great.

Better is always on the road to perfect.

hitmyspot ,

I think it’s normal for all films to get a standing ovation there, so this is not really news.

hitmyspot ,

Yes, but given the scope to alter, why not better different?

hitmyspot ,

We don't have burger king in Australia. Its called hungry jacks. There was another chain called burger king, now gone, and burger king bought an existing chain called hungry jacks. So it would work!

hitmyspot ,

Its community based so his opinion could be ignored, unlike when he's on a board and his opinion was ignored.

hitmyspot ,

I would assume it means having sex outside marriage. Not seen as a big deal on France. Big deal elsewhere, but its a spectrum. There are lots of promises we make, that we don't keep. Some are big, like infidelity, in most countries. Some are smaller and breaking them isn't immoral.

If you promise to pick up bananas on the way home and forget that's not a moral issue. I assume the same level of commitment is considered in France by some, for sex. For others, they may just accept infidelity as normal and just ask that its kept private.

hitmyspot ,

Well written and well researched article that is neither alarmist nor hopeful. The question is going to be how this house of cards collapses and when. I was sure it was going to be evergrande and Chinese property? Instead will we sleepwalk into another middle east war and this then joins with the Ukraine Russia way through proxies.

Are we looking at a financial event or the finances forcing us into a different event?

hitmyspot ,

Maybe but I'm expecting some form of crash event as it snowballs. Staying with a slow steady decline seems less possible mathematically. Especially given levels of leverage

hitmyspot ,

Haha, yes. Hours to code. Don't turn it off or its gone!

hitmyspot ,

I wonder of the desperation will cost more than the money can help.

hitmyspot ,

I wish they actually showed news. Imagine the increased empathy and better voting habits from an informed populace.

The problem is less information overload and more using information overload to obfuscate and hide relevant information. Diverting attention rather than drawing attention.

hitmyspot ,

Jared Leto is in good films. They’re just not good due to his efforts. He’s not so awful he stands out, but he’s not generally good. How he continues to get major parts is amazing.

hitmyspot ,

How shocking. Why is he even involved in these decisions. Attention?

hitmyspot ,

It will be slightly different for all, it most posts are on the top 10 instances. Beehaw, hexbear and dbzero are defederated from some instances. So those posts and comments will be absent on instances that don't federate. Yes, you may miss some content due to that. But you can change instance if its generally content you want to see.

There will be some difference based on voting too, depending on how you sort.

If younspin up an instance and federate within the top instances, you'll see more content than those instances that have more users but defederate from some. However, community discovery will be lower, so you might miss content in other ways.

Try not to think of content as complete anywhere. You can't read all comments on any social media. Just participate within communities you like and are federated with.

hitmyspot ,

Do they mean northern Ireland? This is the first I've seen that would suggest similar problems in ROI?

hitmyspot ,

Oh, I get that. The impkovstion from the article was the same kind ofntun off that has been a big media story in the UK of late.

Its just frustrating for Irish people to constantly see British based press refer to bad stories about northern Ireland as ireland and positive toiries to be about Britain. It happens with athletes, politics etc too. The BBC and sky are worst but the guardian is not great.

hitmyspot ,

I assume they mean in the original term, that technology should be used to make life better, not to damage peoples employment.

Somehow (through no fault of my own) I was not fired today...

Long story short, I'm a security guard and after a couple of months decided that with a history of suicidal ideation I probably shouldn't carry a pistol, I told the doctor at my work, they said I could no longer carry a pistol and I figured they were going to bring me in today (yesterday now), fire me and that's that. Well,...

hitmyspot ,

Are you in the USA? Most other countries, security would not carry a pistol, so perhaps they feel you can still do your job?

The fact that they want you working days instead may be a sign they are trying to work wkth you to find a solution but don't feel firing you is warranted.

Do you want to be fired? If security is not for you, you'd be better served finding a different job and continuing to work days until you find something else that hopefully you like and is better for your mental health. Even working days rather than nights may be helpful.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but as someone who doesn't work security nor janitorial, I'd think of a janitor as a harder worker worth better hours and needing more training/experience. Security is often better paid but more dangerous, with unsociable hours, hence the pay. Your comment made it sound like you think yourself better. However, I presume you intended it as just that you can't complete security tasks.

I'd go in tomorrow with an open mind.

hitmyspot ,

They are saying that while homelessness exists, no protests to save people from a genocide are valid. Homelessness should be solved at hone before any aid abroad.

The point is to say that if those protesting really cared, they would volunteer for the homeless or give them tents rather than protest themselves in tents.

Its a false equivalence to undermine them.

hitmyspot ,

Probably because his ideas is what made popular psychology known to the world. His ideas have largely been debunked but there are nuggets that have been developed and become something different, rather than abandoned.

His ideas about ego, id superego etc are more commonly understood than the current psychiatric terms.

So, just like we call it pop culture, pop psychology is well known and he's the head.

hitmyspot ,

This article is overall negative, but isn't that a good sign? We certainly don't want it tonriae much further, but we wouldn't want stagflation either. This seems a sign that underlying demand is better than expected. There has also just been news that the EU has avoided recession.

hitmyspot ,

Both is better. Centralised is more efficient for maintenance and cost. Distributed allows less transport cost for the power and less chance of total failure, ut more chance of individual failure.

One of the issues with transitioning is the grid is designed with large plants in mind. Using existing infrastructure more efficiently makes renewables more attractive for investment, which hastens the transition.

hitmyspot ,

Lol, no social pressures?

We know that pink is considered a colour for girls. We know that historically it was a colour for boys. You can interpret that as no biological preference, only social.

My son still expressed that pink is for girls, not boys. We don't assign gender roles or colours to a gender. It comes from media, friends, daycare, school etc. Social pressure is not just what you do. Sure, there are differences in interests between genders. There are also variations between kids.

You have a set of 2 and are immediately writing off their differences as gender based, based on biology. If you had 2 girls or 2 boys with varying interests, would it also be biology?

There is no normal interests for either gender. Just more or less common. And much of that is societal pressures, not biological. Do you think stone age women cared about high heel shoes?

hitmyspot ,

I completely agree. However, its a spectrum on both sides, not a binary is the point. It just skews more for each gender. They are not exceptions, they just fall differently on the spectrum.

Nurturing like teaching, chef and doctor? Those are all traditional male roles.

Lots of behavior is learned. Lots is instinctive. Puppy's learn by play fighting. Cats learn by play hunting. Pupoys don't instinctively pee lifting a leg. They learn it from other dogs, yet we see it as innate behaviour. How much is nurturing and wrestling innate vs learned? Its impossible to isolate from society, so we can only speculate and study the degree to which it applies, with broad accuracy.

As it happens my other son attends the same daycare and pink is his favoyrite colour.

hitmyspot ,

except that the uk ageeed to controls between mainland and Northern Ireland. They are now turning a blind eye, as it’s politically expedient. Shafting Northern Ireland yet again.

How the overseas owners of the UK’s water companies clean up by polluting our rivers | George Monbiot ( www.theguardian.com )

So that’s how they do it. I’d been wondering how, when more sewage has been entering our rivers than ever before, some of the water companies have managed to improve the ratio of the sewage they treat v the sewage that pours untreated from their storm overflows into our rivers and the sea. Now we know....

hitmyspot ,

If waste is diverted away from sanitation plants into upstream rivers, why can they not be fined or prosecuted for pollution? It all a farce.

hitmyspot ,

Crashed the family car on my first day driving. Into our house. Our driveway is a mini hill with a turn to get in and then loop to the side with the corner of the house being at the corner. Accelerating up the little hill meant the house jumped in front of the car! As it was my first time driving, the blame was placed. Firmly on dad, as teacher.

Luckily the damage wasn't too bad to repair, but still the two most expensive things were broken on one day.

hitmyspot ,

Lol, probably the spellcheck inputs. I also have a new keyboard that means muscle memory is a bit off.

I am not a robot. Promise. But that's what a robot would say.

hitmyspot ,

Lol, the comments from network 10 and endemol are asinine. Basically, they know its just for the money and no benefit.

Do people still watch masterchef? I havnt seen or heard much about it in years. Is it still the guy who doesn't pay his staff or was that too much bad publicity, but sponsorship from polluters is fine?

hitmyspot ,

To do so, there would need to be a centralized or federated list of all accounts. If it was centralized it would be against federation principles. If it was federated, then anyone who sets up a server would potentially have access to all email addresses. Perhaps,more in the style of email, like @user but that would likely lead to more confusion as people would put their email and it is essentially the same information.

I do agree that log in as the opening page is not a great experience. Helping people to find an instance should be easier to filter. Rather than a list by popularity, let them know choosing by interest or location can help find relevant content and have easy to use clickable filters to do so.

hitmyspot ,

It would be nice to have options. Log in with a new log In. Use your existing log in and join accounts. Use your existing log In and sandbox them.

hitmyspot ,

If its illegal to share in Australia and happened in Australia, then I can see ho legally there is a distinction. However, the same would be true of Tiananmen square.

One government should not have control outside its borders. The USA has already eroded this with their attempt to get Assange. This is just a natural extension of that.

Government control ends at our borders. So does other countries.

hitmyspot ,

Lately? He's old, tired, orange, overweight and covered in makeupwith a ludicrous hairstyle to hide his appearance.

hitmyspot ,

It’s an Australian onion.

Ireland has Waterford whispers news.

I’m sure most countries have a satire news site, these days. They can be hit and miss, but often the hits are worth the misses.

hitmyspot ,

Why not let it collapse. Let them claim bankruptcy. It might mean lenders in the future require better governance. Or it might lead to pushes to reclaim monies inappropriately siphoned off.

hitmyspot ,

Exactly. Let the investors and banks that allowed them, eat the losses. That's what privatization is. Risk.

Unfortunately, commercial interests in the governments ear will try to say that it will cost them as they will get less for future provatisations. Good. If they are not commercially viable, don't do them. They forget in that argument that they may get more but they would be on the hook for more later to clean up similar messes.

hitmyspot ,

There is some benefit in not letting perfect be the enemy of good. There is also overtones window shift. Accepting his leadership as normal will tend to normalose it.

If the bar is only as high as let's not be completely useless and dysfunctional, they are better off politically ,and the country is better off, by letting the crazy side show their craziness as a negative. They will shown the people, and by extension, more moderate Republicans.

The reason the crazies took over is that they offered political advantage by courting the racist, bigoted vote. Moderates held their nose and went with it. They feared losing power on an individual basis as well as collectively. All politics is loacal. So if the crazies mean your voters stay home or are more likely to flip, you are more likely to disagree with them and push the out. If they are winning you elections, that's not going to happen.

hitmyspot ,

That goes to my overton window shift point. The amount of shift is still a spectrum. What are now moderate Republicans may not have been considered moderate before, but there are degrees before batshit.

hitmyspot ,

Not if you look at the rate of change as well as the change. If it’s trending towards zero, it can be a curve rather than straight line. That can then trend negative.

Think of a car going fast, then applying the brakes. It slows down until it eventually stops.

Now think of a boat. It doesn’t have a brake. It has a reverse throttle. When you want to slow down, the motor goes backwards. When you hit zero, you start to then go backwards. That’s what they are extrapolating.

hitmyspot ,

Yes, I agree. However, looking at other similar data could lead to that conclusion. I don't necessarily agree, but its not that left field.

I was even simplifying as in didn't want to look at juatbthebrate of change but also the difference between positive and negative values.

hitmyspot ,

Yes, but that cool factor was more valuable as a marketing tool than a reveal in the film. It wasn't a plot point so, I don't blame them too much but it did reduce the impact in the cinema.

hitmyspot ,

Nope, he's crazy. And someone told him a wind turbine conspiracy once and he runs with it.

hitmyspot ,

Double edged sword. It’s also a case of only being shown what they want to show us. Certainly change the information asymmetry, some better, some worse.

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