homesweethomeMrL ,

Elvis Presley’s Suspicious Minds – was followed by the tinny sound of Justice for All, a rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner sung by defendants jailed over their alleged roles in the January 6, 2021, insurrection.

Their alleged roles?!?! YOU FUCKS goddammit Guardian what the motherfucking hell are you doing? They were convicted by a court of law there's no alleged about it!! FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

HubertManne , avatar

well that and they where on video that they took of the event! in case anyone wants to go with the oh the court is rigged or something. definately no alleged about it.

klemptor ,

Who exactly does this schlocky shit appeal to? This is obvious theatre; it's scary how manipulable his base is.

helenslunch , avatar

They were convicted by a court of law there's no alleged about it!!

Ah yes, the US courtroom, the one infallible entity in this cruel world...

PrincessLeiasCat ,

He added: “We have languages coming into our country … they have languages that nobody in this country has ever heard of. It’s a horrible thing.”

He comes up with the weirdest shit.

1024_Kibibytes , avatar

What languages nobody has ever heard of? Spanish? Mandarin? German?

Daft_ish ,

If you knew, it wouldn't be unheard of.

billiam0202 ,

Well in Trump's case, English.

thefartographer ,

It's from the underground country of Hipsterkistan. You've probably never heard of it.

Sterile_Technique , avatar

What languages nobody has ever heard


...I'll see myself out.

1024_Kibibytes , avatar

Lol! Good answer.

TakiMinase ,

You are the champion we need

lurch ,

Maybe Latin or Sumerian?

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,


Uglyhead , avatar

I’ve heard of talking backwards in code to the beat of a babies heart. And then sucking the last drop of adrenochrome from the teet, sinking teeth to eat, ketchup, the walls! The walllls

NounsAndWords ,

We have ____ coming into our country … they have _____ that nobody in this country has ever heard of. It’s a horrible thing.”

It's ad libs at this point.

PrincessLeiasCat ,

Always has been.

GustavoFring ,

Does he mean like when English came into this country and nobody had ever heard of it?

dangblingus ,

In the 1800s and earlier, this kind of talk would be met with bayonets.

LemmyKnowsBest ,

Let's make it happen

crystalmerchant ,

Can somebody just put the full text of the speech here?

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I'm genuinely creeped out that someone saying these things can have so much support. Honestly I just want to go home and hide under the bed. A year ago when people said things about Trump like "authoritarian" and "fascist" and whatever else it was kinda true but also some hyperbole. Now it's just plain true.

blazeknave ,

It was never hyperbole. Remember when he tried to overthrow democracy? Sorry, but you're just coming to acceptance. This isn't new. Ask historians.

just_another_person ,

Exactly. Anyone saying Trump criticism was just hyped up bullshit is a straight moron, or completely in denial. Sure, he's just saying it plainly now, but it was really fucking obvious previously.

blazeknave ,

Same as his cultists who can't face reality. They didn't take him seriously and they don't want to admit they were duped. (Yes, that's an intentionally vague "they" because it applies to both sides)

sleepmode ,

You should see how they talk when they think they're in their echo chambers. Hell, they just do it in the open now.

dangblingus ,

You should hit the streets and let everyone you know that Project 2025 doesn't have to be real.

go_go_gadget ,

Sure sounds like Trump is a big threat. I may not know much but it seems like cutting off arms supply to Israel would be a bargain if it means this guy doesn't get elected again. I'm sure some moderate will come in and educate me on why they should get to have their cake and eat it too.

assassin_aragorn ,

This would be the progressive dream. Not arming Israel and Trump losing is having my cake and eating it too. It'd be a dream come true.

go_go_gadget ,

People need to start hounding moderates that it's their turn to compromise. They've dominated the party for so long they think they can just elect whoever they want in the primaries, refuse to compromise and blame somebody else.

bigMouthCommie , avatar

thank you for doing the hard work

assassin_aragorn ,

The reality of the situation is that there are a lot more moderate Democrats than there are progressives. They have the bargaining power. If we refuse to compromise, they can just turn to independents and moderates (overall moderates, not Democrats). So we're left with three scenarios:

  1. Get the best possible bargain and compromise we can, vote against the common fascist evil.

  2. Refuse the deal. Moderate Democrats instead try to pander to the center, and if they win, they move to appease the center allies.

  3. Refuse the deal. Democrats pander to center, but they lose. The fascists win instead and push us further right.

The only way to not move further right is to negotiate for the best deal we can, and take it. Plus, we have seen some progressive initiatives in return, like the IRA (happy to give my spiel on this) and a corporate minimum tax that eliminates loopholes.

I know this isn't ideal. But we don't hold the necessary power -- yet. My long term strategy is continuing to work with Democrats until the Republican party is no longer a threat. It's vulnerable, and a decisive loss in 2024 could be enough to fracture the party into irrelevance. Once they're tiny enough that we're safe, the Democrats and Progressives split into separate parties. Once enough Boomers die off and Zoomers are mostly all able to vote, progressives should have the numbers to rival moderate Democrats, if not eclipse them.

It's going to take a lot of time, but I think this is the best case scenario to work towards. If we want to have serious economic changes, we need to first hold strong and defeat the party that constantly tries to fuck with social rights.

blazeknave ,

Stop equivocating. There's no tomorrow after this. Short sighted. I'm starting to despise people like you as we get closer to the election. And before you try to debate me, THIS POST IS A FORUM ABOUT THE THREAT OF A TRUMP VICTORY. No response of yours refutes the fact you're steering the conversation. You're working toward a Trump victory no matter what you claim your motivation for your comment.

go_go_gadget ,

I'm not equivocating. I'm saying if the situation is this dire then surely cutting off arms supply to Israel is a fucking bargain isn't it?

It's time to compromise with leftists and progressives. If you won't do it now when "there's no tomorrow after this" then you never will. Make a choice.

Mastengwe ,

compromise with leftists….


As a rule, no one should compromise with those that will not compromise. You end up giving away everything and getting nothing. Which is pretty much what it’s like when dealing with the entitled.

go_go_gadget ,

As a rule, no one should compromise with those that will not compromise.

Are you under the impression Biden won the 2020 general election without the help of progressives and leftists?

Mastengwe ,

Go away.

go_go_gadget ,

So you are aware progressives and leftists compromised and voted for Biden in the 2020 general election.

Surely that means it's time for moderates and Biden to compromise yes?

Mastengwe ,

Go away.

go_go_gadget ,

Nah don't end the conversation now buddy. Democracy is about compromise right? I gave you an example of leftists and progressives compromising now surely these moderates compromised somewhere right? It's not like the majority voting bloc would be so selfish and stupid as to risk losing democracy rather than give up anything? Right? Right?

ferralcat ,

I think Biden makes compromises. That's the leftists argument against him. But here he's probably weighing the cost of pissing off a Jewish block of support and leftists.

I also doubt it's much of a choice. The leftist won't support him regardless because he's not bernie sanders.

Mastengwe ,

Well said.

blazeknave ,

Shut the fuck up about the Jews. Every American Jew I know hates what's happening in Gaza and wants it to stop now. You're talking to one. Stop reading fucking headlines. You sound like a right winger. Want to rub my horns to find the space lasers?

jobby ,

“Want to rub my horns to find the space lasers? “

Pretty sure there’s an OF niche market for that.

go_go_gadget ,

You think Joe Biden won the 2020 general election without the help of leftists and progressives?

Pratai ,

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  • anticolonialist ,

    yes, even a so-called third party has a remote chance.

    Pratai ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • anticolonialist ,

    what is Jill Stein polling right now? or Cornel West?

    Pratai , (edited )

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • bigMouthCommie , avatar

    voting for fascists won't keep your freedom safe

    Pratai ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • bigMouthCommie , avatar

    biden literally wrote the 1994 crimebill and the usa patriot act. he is no friend of freedom

    Pratai ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • jordanlund Mod , avatar

    He's not wrong. In response to the first attack on the World Trade Center, Biden assisted in creating the bill that would be dusted off and implemented following 9/11 as the Patriot Act.

    Biden not only owns his involvement, he has been proud of it.

    Pratai ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • jordanlund Mod , avatar

    If you take the Patriot Act as being anti-freedom, as many people do, then yeah, I could see saying Biden is no friend of freedom.

    It's an overly simplistic read, but it's not way off base. ;)

    anticolonialist ,

    none of this has any bearing on whether so-called third party candidates have a remote chance.

    Pratai ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • anticolonialist ,

    looks to me like they have a remote chance. like 1 to 50,000

    Pratai ,

    ROFL! Thanks for proving my point!

    anticolonialist ,

    i thought you said they don't have a remote chance.

    Pratai , (edited )

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • anticolonialist ,

    If it was this easy for me to dupe you

    i wasn't duped at all. you said they didn't have a remote chance (or implied it by way of a rhetorical question), and i disproved that.

    Pratai ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • anticolonialist ,

    anyone can see exactly what happened here.

    Pratai ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • anticolonialist ,

    you're characterization of my response as petty or semantic is really a "you" problem. i said what i wanted to say, and i was right the whole time.

    Pratai ,

    If that’s what makes you fell better about things.

    anticolonialist ,

    you’re throwing away your vote

    no, i'm going to use it.

    Pratai ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • anticolonialist ,

    it will be counted just like every other vote.

    Pratai ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • anticolonialist ,

    democracy means people get to choose how they vote.

    blazeknave ,

    Seriously. Purported progressives acting like domestic terrorists thinking they're better than hippie anti vaxer moms showing up at the same rallies as nazis. I'm a fucking actual progressive. That's why I'm compromising with Biden to keep us on oxygen. I can't stand these fucking imbeciles..

    go_go_gadget ,

    Sounds like you'd rather lose to fascists than compromise with leftists.

    Mastengwe ,

    No one can. And as I said, they’ll be gone in a few months having moved on to some other half-baked non-truth to be outraged about.

    blazeknave ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • go_go_gadget ,

    Are leftists a minor wing that's too small to be compromised with? Because if so it's impossible for us to hold democracy hostage. Moderates are the majority voting bloc. They bear the lions share of the responsibility for any outcome. They elected Joe Biden in the primaries, they're responsible for how he does in the general elections.

    jordanlund Mod , avatar

    Removed, rule 3, civility.

    Mastengwe ,

    Well said. You nailed it.

    Mastengwe ,

    I may not know much…

    You nailed it right there.

    go_go_gadget ,

    Surely you can set me straight with a lecture about compromise or something.

    Mastengwe ,

    Not going to bother. You’re not worth the time.

    go_go_gadget ,

    Sounds like you think Biden can win the 2024 general election without our votes then. Good luck.

    Mastengwe ,

    Was this you?

    I'm not voting for Biden again. I'll be voting 3rd party or write in

    You already don’t matter. So I’m not really concerned with what you think.

    go_go_gadget ,

    Actually it's you who doesn't matter. You'll vote for Biden regardless of what he does. I will only vote for Biden again if he cuts off arms for Israel and promises to veto any attempts to block the rail strike in his next term.

    Mastengwe ,

    k. Go away now.

    go_go_gadget ,

    I'm not going anywhere. I'll be repeating this over and over right up until election day. So if Biden loses and you all are like "oh my God this is awful how could this have been avoided" there's gonna be a pile of evidence showing how it could have been avoided and thousands of responses just like yours rejecting it.

    You would rather lose to fascists than compromise with leftists or progressives.

    CileTheSane , avatar

    You would rather lose to fascists than compromise with leftists or progressives

    The projection is strong in this one. You are literally saying you would rather have Trump win than compromise and vote for Biden.

    I get it, Biden isn't the best choice. When the alternative is literal fascism the voters need to shut that down hard. Make the Republicans lose like they've never lost before to show it won't be tolerated. That will force them to run somewhat reasonable candidates in the future, which forces the Democrats to have to actually try.

    A marginal Biden win doesn't teach Republicans anything and they keep running wannabe Dictators, letting the Democrats continue to not have to put any effort in other than saying "It's us or Dictators."

    A Trump win means there won't be another election.

    go_go_gadget ,

    The projection is strong in this one. You are literally saying you would rather have Trump win than compromise and vote for Biden.

    That's a matter of perspective. You want me to believe the only choice is between Biden and Trump. I'm telling you the only choice is between compromising with progressives and leftists or losing to fascists. You don't have to agree with me. But if you think I'm being sincere then you've got a decision to make.

    I get it, Biden isn’t the best choice. When the alternative is literal fascism the voters need to shut that down hard.

    So you're acknowledging moderates made a bad choice in the 2020 primaries? Which is especially selfish and foolish considering literal fascism is at stake? Where are your lectures for moderate voters? Have you lectured anyone who voted for Biden in the primaries?

    Moderates continue to get a free pass to make selfish decisions in the primaries. Leftists and progressives compromised and showed up in the 2020 general election. Now it's time for the moderates and Biden to make some policy compromises.

    CileTheSane , avatar

    So you’re acknowledging moderates made a bad choice in the 2020 primaries?


    Which is especially selfish and foolish considering literal fascism is at stake?


    Where are your lectures for moderate voters?

    Those were during the 2020 primaries.

    Unfortunately that's the option we're stuck with now. I agree with not letting Dems have a free pass... unless the alternative is literal Fascism. When the Republicans are putting forward a candidate that won't dismantle democracy then go ahead and make your stand. Letting Fascists take over the government to stick it to the moderates is the definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face. "Women and minorities will die from lack of medical care, and I'll never be able to vote again. THAT will teach those moderates!"

    Pratai ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • anticolonialist ,

    a vote for a so-called third party isn't a protest. it's a vote. a protest is a protest.

    ecoanarchist ,

    he won without my vote in 2020. Jill Stein says the greens could hit 5% this year.

    buzziebee ,

    They really aren't worth the time. They probably aren't even a real person. If you look at their post history its literally nothing but FUD aimed at getting trump elected. Hundreds of posts every day. They either aren't very well (unlikely), or they are an agent of some kind. Don't feed the troll.

    Mastengwe ,

    Oh they’re absolutely either a right-wing shill or a Russian bot. The two are so interchanges they’re virtually the exact same thing.

    Suavevillain , avatar

    This man says so many things daily that shows he is unfit, and the best defense we have against him is Biden. It is going to be a rough ride.

    lukecooperatus ,

    No, we have other better options, but liberals will refuse to vote for anyone who they haven't had led to them by the DNC establishment, and then act like everyone else is enabling fascism by suggesting actual leftist leadership.

    dangblingus ,

    Why do you think that regular voters get to decide who the DNC candidate is during a Democratic incumbent administration?

    If you abstain from voting because you equate Biden to be as bad as Trump, Trump will be the next President. Don't be a fucking idiot.

    dangblingus ,

    Biden beat him the first time. Was that not good enough?

    tocopherol , avatar

    Trump still had a chance, and Biden is less popular than he was in 2020, I personally doubt Biden will win.

    makunamatata ,

    I’m afraid of it but I agree with you because “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity” so it’s very much possible for the orange leader to occupy the White House again, and possibly for the rest of his days.

    LemmyKnowsBest ,

    How are there not at least a million other citizens in the United States who would be better presidential candidates, not just these two old yokels.

    CileTheSane , avatar

    I hate Trump as much as the next guy, but that title is misleading:

    the unprecedented success of the United States of America will be my ultimate and absolute revenge.”

    tigeruppercut , avatar

    Sure, but that "success" are coming after his "day 1 dictator" comments-- just a few short dots to connect and come up with the original title here.

    CileTheSane , avatar

    Sure, but then quote the actual problematic comments, don't purposely mislead with the one thing he said that wasn't problematic. That just gives fuel to their persecution complex.

    tigeruppercut , (edited ) avatar

    Right, but every new article seems to treat him with a blank slate. You could write a completely unbiased true article saying "Convicted rapist who wants to be dictator 'for day one' of his presidency says that he'll use the 'success of the US' as his ultimate revenge."

    The news fucking kowtows to this fascist's feelings far too much IMO. Seems biased in the opposite direction, just so they can maintain a "neutral" tone.

    edit: of course all news has bias, I meant truth instead

    blazeknave ,

    Dog whistles

    SupahRevs ,

    These manipulative headlines only help Trump. In the same speech he says he is the only person who can stop WW3. A ridiculous statement that only a cult leader would say. He also said that Biden approved Nord Stream on day 2 of his presidency which is a complete lie. Nord Stream 1 was blown up and then Biden got Germany to cancel Nord Stream 2. The opposite of what Trump said. There is plenty of valid criticisms and no need to be manipulative of Trump's words.

    Toldry , avatar

    That's a new one

    RememberTheApollo_ ,

    Damn, these people have nothing in their lives but hatred.

    tygerprints ,

    I saw it myself on televised cameras. There was nothing "alleged" about the disgusting and utterly degrading assault of America than happened on January 6th, conducted by the lowest forms of vermin on earth. I saw it myself - it did happen.

    And furthermore, any human being who casts a vote for an excremental piece of criminal vermin like trump should be considered dangerously ill and NEEDS to be stripped of their American citizenship and their voting privileges. Society cannot afford to have sick cretins running around loose. Lock them up, or at least build gas chambers to get rid of them all for good so we can move on from this horror.

    JackiesFridge , avatar

    I'm frustrated too, but this is the rhetoric of the people you're railing against. Please take a moment and regroup.

    tygerprints ,


    WE can, And we MUST take up arms against these vermin, and one and for all give them a good god damn taste of their own medicine.

    decenthuman ,

    But what you're saying is literally what they are, just in the opposite direction.

    And to be clear, I think of the two choices that you'd be correct. However, saying people need to have their citizenship revoked because they vote for someone you don't agree with is the opposite of democracy. Just because you don't agree doesn't mean you get to throw out the rules.

    You're just being what they are.

    Stanwich ,

    Gee I wonder why democrats always get shit on /s. Guh let's just wait for the politicians and corporations to set things right. They have our best interests in mind. Meanwhile Republicans are literally barging into house and taking over. Fucking spineless. It's okay the most important trial in us history is about to get dropped because fani needed a booty call. .... from a Canadian standpoint. Your fucked.

    CosmicCleric , avatar

    You need to be better than they are, for all our sakes.

    phoenixz ,

    Funny thing though: the other side says the exact same thing.

    Of course, they are brainwashed and full of hatred, but again, they say the same about us.

    I'm just trying to say: you're right, but the other side isn't going for trump because they're insane. They're going for trump because they allowed themselves to be fooled, but they really believe all the crap trump is feeding them. These aren't so much evil geniuses as gullible people who want what they think is best. Since they're told were all evil and out to get them, well, they want to get rid of us. The age old "divide and conquer" strategy.

    The more you go "kill em all" the more they will too, that will lead to an ugly outcome. Even if we win, we still gotta live next to them, they're our neighbors, our family, our friends. Maybe focus your anger on those that are riling them up, that tell them to hate. Trump should at this point -frankly- be shot for treason, same for his kids who are very involved. Their followers, however, should be shown and made understood that trump is hatez that trump is lies and corruption.

    Phegan ,

    This is very antidemocratic of you. It's treating the symptoms and not the root cause. While I agree that trump and his supporters are vile, we should not advocate for removal of citizenship or voting rights of anyone.

    Trump exists because of a flawed system, not flawed individuals. We need to fix the system or will continue to get Trump after Trump

    youngGoku ,

    Those quotes sound way too coherent to be coming from Trump....

    How does he manage to say the most Fascist shit so clearly but then everything else is just mumbled incoherent garbage?

    rdyoung ,

    Because someone else wrote it.

    Trump is a moron and can barely string a sentence together when he is winging it. When he has a prompt and someone he owes money to tells him what to say, he is as eloquent as he can be.

    I feel like the only one who sees through the bullshit. I feel like I'm the only one who has realized that trump isn't a smart person nor good at speaking unless he has a script to follow that he can't diverge from because as soon as he does the crazy cat lady is on display.

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    He says to a community to agrees with him and is posting the articles that say that

    hydrospanner ,

    I feel like the only one who sees through the bullshit. I feel like I'm the only one who has realized that trump isn't a smart person nor good at speaking unless he has a script to follow that he can't diverge from because as soon as he does the crazy cat lady is on display.

    Yes, very special and unique little unicorn.

    You're the only one.

    rdyoung ,

    From what I see here and previously on reddit and when I was sort of (but not really) active on fb. I definitely feel like that or at the least I'm one of only a few willing to call out insanity and try to educate others so we all have a better future.

    If more people like us would step up and be more active online and off, we may have been able to avoid the whole trump in office bit to begin with. I know that most us are not spotlight friendly and would rather just be left alone but we can't live like that for the foreseeable future. Not until enough of the maggats and their leaders are in jail or barred from politics for life.

    I was telling everyone I knew about trump when he first ran this time around. Even in my circles I'm an exception who knew what trump was and has known for 30+ years.

    Pretzilla , (edited )

    It's written by Steven Miller, Bannon, and the like

    But yea, he's good at saying the fascist shit. Rolls right off his grotesque tongue and out his putrid KFC-hole

    Psythik ,

    The article explains that he used a teleprompter for this speech and broke away from it a few times to ramble incoherently.

    NounsAndWords ,

    Meanwhile I just saw an article about donors being worried about Biden using note cards...

    Nudding , (edited )

    I'd be more worried about the genocide.

    People ITT: Fine with supplying arms to a country engaged in genocide as long as it's the dems doing it.

    Hominine , avatar

    Yeah yeah yeah, you got us all figured out seeing as we're not slovenly throwing charged words around while using conspiracy to deflect in our edits.

    Maybe people are simply tired of hearing off-topic screeds? Nah, it's the children that are wrong.

    Nudding ,

    I'm sure when you vote for Biden he will get the message that you're against genocide.

    Hominine , avatar

    Well done, you certainly changed my mind. Before my posts were like, "yay genocide" but now I'm all, "genocide's bad."

    What pablum you feed yourself.

    Nudding ,

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  • acceptable_pumpkin ,

    People like you probably don’t even care about genocide. After all, I don’t see these same “accounts” standing up for Ukraine with such passion. You’re just a stooge who wants Trump to win because you’re a shill, some dumb “burn it all to the ground” idiot, or both.

    Nudding ,

    If we were sending missles to fucking Russia it'd be comparable. Now you're starting to get it lol.

    Mastengwe ,

    So… it’s only genocide if you truly believe Biden is supporting it?

    You really need to show your work on this one.

    Nudding ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • Mastengwe ,

    Grow up and stop with the insults. We’ll talk then.

    Nudding ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • jordanlund Mod , avatar

    Removed, rule 3, civility.

    flicker ,

    I don't think you'll succeed much by referring to anyone as a plebian. It's just animosity for animosity's sake.

    Nudding ,

    People who blindly support either party are stupid.

    flicker ,

    I didn't support anything. I pointed out that your language is condescending, which tends to make people uninterested in the message. And if you're intentionally alienating people then what are you trying to accomplish?

    Nudding ,

    I didn't say you supported anything. People are trying to accomplish things in the comment sections of a political sub? I sure as fuck ain't.

    Mastengwe ,

    And people who blindly bOtH siDeS the situation is provenly even more so.

    Mastengwe ,

    You’re absolutely hilarious! Thanks for the laughs!

    Nudding ,

    I'm glad 30,000 dead civilians is hilarious to you. Thank you for putting it in writing.

    Mastengwe ,

    Do you always choose the narrative for others, or is it something you only do online? You have to know I’m laughing at YOU.

    And nothing else.

    Nudding ,

    Do you always have absolutely nothing to add to conversations?

    Mastengwe ,

    I’m simply responding to your false accusations. Nothing more. People need to see bad faith arguments like yours scrutinized and called out.

    Otherwise, lemmy will become overrun with ignorance and clueless narratives.

    wakumul ,

    this accusation of bad faith is, itself, bad faith.

    Mastengwe ,

    But it isn’t though. And we both know it.

    wakumul , (edited )

    you haven't even engaged on the topic. you're rhetoric is purely accusatory, and doesn't deal with any of their specific objections.

    so, yes, your accusation is, itself, bad faith

    Mastengwe ,

    II don’t engage in wastes of time like them any more. I’ve done it before. I won’t bother again. Everything that kid says here are right-wing talking points and propaganda. So I call it out and move on.

    wakumul ,

    even characterizing them as "kid" is condescension. maybe some other platform would suit your behavior better. have you heard of Facebook? or X?

    Mastengwe ,

    I call it as I see it. Now go away.

    wakumul ,

    can I help you find the block button?

    Mastengwe ,

    Found it! Thanks.

    wakumul ,

    I haven't seen them use any right wing reasoning

    jordanlund Mod , avatar

    Removed and banned for misinformation. Biden is NOT engaging in genocide. Your propaganda will not be tolerated here.

    Nudding ,

    Tell me about the conspiracy of which you refer. I need to see the dems scramble to downvote your reply.

    harmsy , avatar

    I'm not happy about that, either, but my choice is between someone who'll maintain the current level and someone who'll make that genocide even worse and try to start one HERE, too. Both options are bad, but one is measurably and obviously less bad.

    Nudding ,

    I'm sorry that that's what your choices are, but at some point you have to start resisting and stop voting lesser of two evils, when both are blatantly evil as fuck. It's genocide for fuck sake.

    Mastengwe ,

    bOtH siDeS are not the same here, kiddo. No matter how hard your propaganda tells you they are.

    For starters, Biden is NOT committing genocide anywhere.

    Nudding ,

    I'm sure history will remember the likes of you with disgust.

    Mastengwe ,

    Such RAAAAAGE! Don’t worry, history couldn’t a shit about either of us. But the “likes of you” are usually remembers humorously for a while at least.

    I mean, manufactured outrage over events happening in a country you probably couldn’t have pointed to on a map six months ago, to people you weren’t even aware were at war?

    Things like this are usually never taken seriously at best- and laughed at at worst.

    Nudding ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • Mastengwe ,

    You’re batting 1,000 here with the insults, aren’t you?

    I never said anything about concentration camps. I simply pointed out that people like YOU had no idea about it six months ago- it was implied in what I said that this has been going on a LONG time.

    You only chose to be outraged about it because it’s the socially accepted thing to do.

    jordanlund Mod , avatar

    Removed, no calling other users "filth".

    Kedly ,

    Stop voting for the lesser of two evils so you can vote for the greater? WHY DIDNT WE THINK OF THIS BEFORE!?!?!

    Nudding ,

    Hur dur we're experiencing tyrrany but all we can do is vote hurr durr

    Moneo ,

    How about you vote for the lesser of two evils and also protest and do all the other stuff? Seriously do not understand what you're advocating for.

    braxy29 ,

    what do you care? i thought you were ready for everyone to die.

    Mastengwe ,


    FonsNihilo ,

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  • DragonTypeWyvern ,

    The one thing Trump won't do is start WW3. There are only two nations with nuclear arsenals that can threaten MAD, and the other is holding his leash.

    FonsNihilo ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • DragonTypeWyvern ,

    The EU would dick Putin down, and has a defensive pact as part of joining. Not to mention that there are multiple nuclear powers in the organization.

    FonsNihilo ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • DragonTypeWyvern ,


    FonsNihilo ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • DragonTypeWyvern ,

    Bro, you don't need to debate delusional people 🤣

    assassin_aragorn ,

    Have you already forgotten his random assassination of that Iranian general? Or when he was trading barbs with NK, "this is the calm before the storm"?

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    How do you imagine either of those things provoking MAD?

    assassin_aragorn ,

    Generally speaking I like to avoid wars in general, WW3/MAD or not.

    DragonTypeWyvern ,

    That's great, but the commenter specifically claimed he was going to start WW3 culminating in MAD.

    Like, literally what he said.

    assassin_aragorn ,

    Yeah I'll concede that.

    Nudding ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • Kedly ,

    We're far less of a virus than any other of the animals on this planet'd be if they had our level of control over this planet. We're just incompatible with Earth, moving on to other planets is the best thing we could do for ours

    Nudding ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • FonsNihilo ,

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Nudding ,

    No, I just think human exceptionalism is disgusting. We've driven 70% of all species to extinction, and continue to drive 150 more a day. If we found an organism that kills all the other species around it permanently, we would do our damndest to eradicate it.

    Kedly ,

    You say this as if Ol' Trumpie boy wouldn't also contribute to both the Palestinian genocide AND the Ukrainian one

    Nudding ,

    So then when he's the president doing the genocide I'll shit talk him. Pretty basic stuff.

    Moneo ,

    The fact that anyone thinks electing Trump will somehow improve the Gaza situation is absolutely baffling to me.

    PeckerBrown ,

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  • jordanlund Mod , avatar

    Removed, and 24 ban. Advocating violence.

    DoucheBagMcSwag ,

    This is a song I like to call: "please die."

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