@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar



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flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

You obviously have no idea how bad it can get.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I am, that's why I know that the lived reality in Germany and the US doesn't resemble Nazi Germany in the slightest. The pogrom in Rostock-Lichtenhagen, the MOVE bombing, the Waco siege, and so on happened decades ago. In Nazi Germany, the state wantonly attacking “others” on that scale while crushing resistance like that was the daily norm, cheered on by the general public.

There's absolutely no comparison to what's happening these days: not in scale, not in public acceptance, and not in institutionalization. It's tragic what people are suffering from, but it's completely insane to think that we're living under fascism. Have you seen the images of Auschwitz? Have you read a single interview with someone who actually survived fascism?

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

What an asinine take. I choose to live in a city because I can meet many different friends in many different interesting spots, where we can e.g. eat excellent iterations of different cuisines.

All without sitting my ass in a car and driving for an hour to meet a single couple that lives in some other hamlet. Or having to plan the exact amount of drinks and food to consume before the evening starts. And I can do that multiple times per week if I please.

You like living in the countryside, I get it. Don't pretend that's somehow objectively better lol

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

“the dispossessed” is an absolute classic and I enjoyed it a lot.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I mean, hippos are one of the most dangerous big animals

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

If you read the article, you will see that two thirds (so also his voters) take the hush money trial seriously.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

Good advice, bad biology: mushrooms aren't plants and therefore nor vegetables.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

The both-sidesing was already telling. Sometimes the only “controversial or alternative viewpoints” are just idiotic conspiracy drivel and should be presented as such (or not at all)

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I'm starting to feel like I made my account on the wrong instance if those people are the average

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

Or they just didn't know that other angles existed

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

Hold your horses, the point they were trying to make is “don't have some fleshed out straight white characters in your game and then add diverse ones as a two dimensional afterthought”

If everyone is a 2D caricature, that's fine. If the main cast is diverse, that's great!

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

Hahaha OK I have to update: this is the most shit take I've seen on Lemmy so far.

Truly the dumbest garbage. How did did you manage to register here? After all you have to be able to type your password twice in a row.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I think you finally made me understand. You say “moderates” but see yourself as a real leftist. So it's a matter of ideology to you, not of cause and effect.

But it wouldn't make you a hypocrite to acknowledge that as fucked as the US democracy is, voting against orange guy could make a material difference. If the next US election was like so many others, just one run-off-the-mill neoliberal ghoul vs another, I'd say you do you. But Trump has the very real potential to be so much worse.

Trump is racist, sexist, anti-left, and anti-lgbt, and he wants to 1. be a fascist dictator and 2. make policies that punish those he hates. And the international radical left watches with abject horror that some of you don't vote in for the guy who wants to keep women's rights, immigrant rights, and rights for queer people.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

People like myself? Like anarchists? Who don't live in the US?

Why would we be “grateful for Trump”

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I'm from Munich and followed that very closely when it happened.

The reality isn't lock-in. The reality is lobbyism. Ballmer literally interrupted his skiing holidays in the 2000s to offer the then mayor a better deal when that mayor started the Linux project. But Ude stood firm.

Then the next mayor came, and with him, a new opportunity. Microsoft was planning to build near Munich you see, and it would be a shame if that had to be cancelled. So they met the next mayor, Reiter, behind closed doors to talk about the building project, and a bit after that, the (by then already clearly successful) Limux project was undone.

Not cancelled, that would imply that they weren't done switching everything yet. They were. They just did the whole migration in reverse because Microsoft wanted them to.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I own a flat that I rent out to people who make similar amounts of money as I do.

That allows me to take a lower paid job that allows me to do more open source work.

I agree with your second paragraph.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I'm renting to people who rent as a convenience, not because they can't afford to buy a flat. I offered them decreased rent during COVID and they declined.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

Haha I would really like the thought process of the person who downvoted you. Maybe “since I'm forced to live in an immoral system, I can't live a perfectly moral life and having a phone is OK. But going one iota beyond what I do is immoral”

IDK. I wouldn't have posted if I wouldn't have wanted to read people disagreeing with my assessment of the morality of what I do. But I was probably wrong to hope for a more nuanced criticism that actually tries to engage with my arguments instead of just knee-jerk downvoting.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I think it's hard to morally judge if it's good or not. I don't know who would have bought it if not for me: some faceless rent extraction company who keep increasing rent at the maximum legal rate? Or (unlikely in that spot, but possible) a couple who would live there?

As it is now, there's a couple living there. Software engineers who already said they'll move on soonish because they think Berlin is cooler. They pay below average rent and the one time something broke, I simply sent a repair person ASAP. Not really people I feel I'm taking advantage of.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

Nope, that's very much not correct lol. I'm working. It's just that you don't find jobs that pay super much for open source work.

And the people renting my apartment are DINKs, they have a lot of choice about how much free time they have.

No idea about the market price thing. But I'm going to assume you got that wrong too, since the rest of your comment was baseless speculation.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I think the situation is different in different countries.

The assumption in your last last paragraph is very likely incorrect, I asked them outright if they wanted one and they said no, they're software developers and warming pretty well in their cushy home office, thank you very much.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I am working as much as the people I rent to. I'm just working a job that generates more value for the public and less value for the company than a comparable job that I could get elsewhere. Therefore they pay me less than if I would work exclusively for some company's bottom line.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

They're probably not. They might be pretty average for the region though.

XZ Hack - "If this timeline is correct, it’s not the modus operandi of a hobbyist. [...] It wouldn’t be surprising if it was paid for by a state actor." ( lcamtuf.substack.com )

Thought this was a good read exploring some how the "how and why" including several apparent sock puppet accounts that convinced the original dev (Lasse Collin) to hand over the baton.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

Arch was never affected, as described in their news post about it. Arch users had malicious code on their hard disks, but not the part that would have called into it.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

Very funny. Lying to get people riled up is truly the greatest form of humor. Yawn

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I mean, teachers are not practicing the science they teach. They only need a textbook level understanding.

Please, for the love of God, VOTE! ( pawb.social )

I don't like Biden either, but anyone with half a brain knows there are two choices in the 2020 election. If we had a sane voting system, voting third party might be worth it, but as it stands, no one but you knows your favorite candidate exists and unless you want to become their campaign manager that will still be true in...

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

Wow what a horrible take. Just think about why this comparison is complete bullshit for a second and you'll see.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

Have fun sailing off the cliff.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

What do you mean, “support”?

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I'm German. I really hope you guys don't vote for the fascist this time, but seeing comments like yours make me extremely happy that my partner emigrated from the US instead of still being there.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I just think your humble opinion of the legislation being easily reversible is doing a lot of work here.

Are you really that sure that there will be no long term consequences if the guy comes into office who has explicitly stated his intention to become a “dictator for ‘a day’”, is really intent on stacking courts, fucking with elections, calling immigrants “vermin”, and so on?

Because if you're wrong, there might be a civil war. And MAGA nut jobs statistically have more guns than us leftists.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I'm aware that more than two parties technically exist in your country. I'm also not under the illusion that voting for one of them in the general election has an effect that's distinguishable from not voting.

I mean, except for the individual third party voter, who has to leave the house and stand in a queue when voting third party.

It's great to have a political system that allows for diverse political parties. Sadly the US in not a country where such a system exists.

Under normal circumstances, you won't be able to ever reach critical mass with a third party, and they won't give up power.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

Almost all of these criticisms are basically “GMOs are somehow considered tainted or something, so we need to prevent them from mixing with non-GMOs” which an ideological premise, not based on facts.

Regarding herbicides/pedicures: actually GMO eggplants in Bangladesh save lives because they need less spraying.

So all that's left is policy issues and FUD. And political problems have political solutions.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I don't actually. All stuff I care about is on code hosting platforms

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah, the corporate heads could have ended up in any industry, they don't care where the money comes from.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I mean, he might like the smell of his farts, but that doesn't mean they'll improve the world.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

I mean, one option accelerates it faster. So while we don't solve it that way, there's still impact.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

Accelerate compared to which other realistic option?

Acceleration only exists in relation to a reference point. With no voting system that allows for more than two parties that have a chance, Trump is the one who would accelerate things.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

A vote for a 3rd party is a vote for the opponent. Everyone says this. I simply do not buy it.

That's the part you got wrong. The voting system means that no 3rd party has a chance. Therefore you'd effectively abstain. And that means you don't vote to keep the candidate you hate more out of the office.

And if you really think that Trump isn't worse in every way to your interests as a leftist, you live in a deep hole under a rock.

flying_sheep ,
@flying_sheep@lemmy.ml avatar

In Vietnam, they had bread that was basically tender like milk bread, but with a slightly stronger crust, so just grabbing it, no matter how carefully would result in compressing the inner bun while fracturing the crust.

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