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eatthecake ,

I was really hoping for some theory of how sociopathy could be contagious. Nothing. I'ts just name-calling.

eatthecake ,

Listen, it’s a very easy premise: these anti-gay workers and activists believe homosexual thoughts are something everyone struggles with, because they experience similiar thoughts and urges all the time

What is the mental defect that makes people think everyone is like them or everyone is the same?

Series: Conservatives of Lemmy: What do you think has gone awry in modern society and how might it be constructively addressed?

I'd like to start a series seeking viewpoints from across the political spectrum in general discussions about modern society and where everyone stands on what is not working, what is working, and where we see things going in the future....

eatthecake ,

Equality isn’t treating people differently because they are different, it’s treating people the same even if they are different.

This idea really breaks down when you apply it to people with disabilities who have different needs than the norm, and that problem applies to systemically disadvantaged people too. Society isn't one size fits all, we need to cater to everyone.

eatthecake ,

It's possible you might be a violent type. I cannot imagine breaking someone's nose over something that 'obviously didn't hurt'.

eatthecake ,

Inb4 “but it didn’t hurt, it’s just liquid”, that isn’t the point. Should it be ok for people to just throw liquid on you?

Kinda, yeah. It's pretty funny when people throw milkshakes at politicians. Getting wet should not result in violence or police in my opinion, provided the liquid is harmless. It's also somethimg that happens by accident very easily and people overreacting to that and getting violent is a bigger problem than a ruined shirt. Not that i throw liquid on people, i just think people need to calm down, it's not an attempt on your life. I would certainly yell but throwing punches seems like an unnecessary escalation.

eatthecake ,

I don't think the average person gives a toss about any of those things or sees them as adding any value to their lives. They believe that journalists are lying propagandists, universities are elitist and out of touch, welfare serves lazy immigrants and social and democratic systems have failed them. Noone really beleives in society anymore, the right would like to create a new one where they fit in.

eatthecake ,

Carry tampons at all times.

When the monthly misery ends i block out the whole experience and the very existence of menstruation until next time, when i am shocked and angered that this is happening again, already!?! I'm looking forward to menopause.

eatthecake ,

So people who only post positive articles are also propagandists who should be banned?

I really don't understand how this is classed as bad faith, which wikipedia describes as:

Bad faith (Latin: mala fides) is a sustained form of deception which consists of entertaining or pretending to entertain one set of feelings while acting as if influenced by another.[1] It is associated with hypocrisy, breach of contract, affectation, and lip service.[2] It may involve intentional deceit of others, or self-deception. >

eatthecake ,

The mod even stated that the articles weren't bullshit and please explain how the posting behaviour amounts to bad faith as defined by wikipedia:

Bad faith (Latin: mala fides) is a sustained form of deception which consists of entertaining or pretending to entertain one set of feelings while acting as if influenced by another.[1] It is associated with hypocrisy, breach of contract, affectation, and lip service.[2] It may involve intentional deceit of others, or self-deception.

Ozma was not being deceptive, pretending feelings or paying lip service. He was honest snd consistent, people just didn't want to hear it.

eatthecake ,

If that hyphenated so called word comes into use i will be irritated by it for the rest of my life.

eatthecake ,

Don't forget to copyright yourself.

I predict that they will track everything everyone does and make a borg ai out of their employees.

eatthecake ,

The guys he stabbed want to deport him to afghanistan (they want to send all migrants back to where they came from), i'd want to stab anyone who tried to send me to afghanistan. I don't agree with the stabbing, but i think it sort of makes sense from a general self defense perspective.

eatthecake ,

Bombing everyone in Gaza is a great way to turn many of them into hamas. How are those kids going to grow up sane and normal and make peace with Israel? Imagine a whole society with PTSD, it's horrifying. Israel knows this too, which is they want to protect themselves through genocide. They really do think those kids are hamas.

eatthecake ,

Probably because we don't make cars, or anything else. We dig stuff up, send it to China and buy it back in the form of goods.

eatthecake ,

Others have even told Akhtar that their companies printed his face on keychains to express their disappointment with employees or on mugs, presumably to prevent them from drinking too much coffee.


eatthecake ,

Remember: we live in an economy and children are our most valuable resource.

eatthecake ,

I actually like annoying vegans. The truth is that you are right and I just don't care enough about the planet. You're far better people than I am. I also think that's an awfully frustrating thing to say to a vegan.

The cognitive dissonance says i should really try to make some kind of vegan food... Don't give up.

eatthecake ,

knee-jerk downvotes because “muh fee-fees"

Self fulfilling prophecy.. i do want to downvote this childish crap. It adds nothing and makes you seem unserious.

And Democrats would also be wise to consider the experience of European countries where right-leaning populist parties have lately been doing especially well among younger voters. Far from repelling these voters, many find the antiestablishment and elite-bashing politics of these new parties attractive, channeling their dissatisfaction with the recent past, the status quo and “politics as usual.”

I agree with this wholeheartedly. Maga communism is a fascinating development in that area and i think it's here on lemmy.

eatthecake ,

Perhaps your tone is why noone gave it the time of day. I seem to be the only one who agrees with you at all and you're still hostile..

eatthecake ,

The Onion needs to start using these titles and then writing about the obvious outcomes.

eatthecake ,

This explains so much about the ml people. Literal marxists for trump.

eatthecake ,

The US desperately needs large scale institutional change. With how broken those institutions are, that’s going to require a groundswell of public support, something that can only be done by an inspiring reform candidate, not an establishment figure.

Isn't that how Trump happened? People seem to get inspired by some pretty fucked up shit.

eatthecake , (edited )

Well, a lot of trump supporters are anti establishment, and he has had a groundswell of public support by people who see all the old institutions as broken and are looking for real change. So yes, I'm blaming the slide into fascism on those people.

And these people:

eatthecake ,

And now i want a maple bacon cheesecake.

eatthecake ,

If you slice off razor thin slivers of jam filled chocolate mudcake covered in buttercream it's absolutely divine. I ate a quarter of a cake that way once.

eatthecake ,

I saw this movie on tv when i was about 8. It was an unforgettably weird experience. Would recommend.

eatthecake ,

How is having numerous private companies all concerned with billing in any way efficient? Imagine if everyone was covered and the money and time and intelligence used to decide how much they pay and how much you pay went towards actual healthcare. The whole existence of health insurance is an inefficiency.

eatthecake ,

Well thanks, that explains why my search suddenly went to shit last week. The web tab is all the way to the right so out of sight. I don't suppose there's a firefox extension to auto select web.. i know nothing about these things

eatthecake ,

I got ublacklist and got rid of tiktok and instagram immediately but i still dislike the whole format. Tried a bunch of other search engines and they all seemed pretty similar.

eatthecake ,

I think he was using hannibal lecter as an example of someone in an insane asylum. He seems to be a fan of the cannibal though so it's quite confusing.

eatthecake ,

I thought it was meant to be the new twitter, by design.. wut?

eatthecake ,

Technological progress neutralised the Malthusian warning: “The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man.”

Malthus always gets a mention in talk on population. He didn't know about the tech bros and their space colonisation plans.

I think we need to talk about what constitutes quality of life. I don't need a pet robot when i can't afford a home. I'd rather have a little land than fashion and air fryers. What are we building with all tbis productivity? Computers are awesome but most of what is sold these days seems like waste to me. I save 50% of my income and i can't afford anything but a 2 room shithole.

eatthecake ,

I don't think that locking people into bubbles is good for anyone, anf if you think that your bubble is the correct one then you should welcome a wider audience.

eatthecake ,

What people post in that sub disagreeing with the nazi sympathisers? What if people change their minds? Nothing will change if we are all walled off from each other, we will just become more polarised. I don't want to live in an echo chamber.

eatthecake ,

Andy Serkis is still good, so that's a bit of hope...

eatthecake ,

And that rotation is pointless in they eyes of most. The important thing is that if being houseless is a crime then society owes these people a fucking house. You can't criminalise extistence.

eatthecake ,

What is happening now is we’re importing people into the country that want to be in America … but have no interest in being Americans, and that’s very different and to disparage the comments is to chill the conversation so that we can continue to bring in more people that we never met that are un-American,” Perry said, according to the recording.

TBH, a lot of migrants to the west do not share my progressive, secular values and that bothers me a bit. It's also forbidden to speak of on the left. To be intolerant of misogynist and homophobic religious nutters from elsewhere is racism of course. Obviously it's not a conspiracy, just economics driving people to where the money is, but can we not admit that it has an effect on the culture?

eatthecake ,

How is this not first degree murder? He admitted to trying to kill her before and depression is not a defence for murder.

eatthecake ,

Daily surface air temperature in the tropics:

Its actually worse than the sea surface temperature and that's also been off the charts:

eatthecake ,

That's a nice chair

eatthecake ,

Thanks, i'm ignorant and did not think of that.

eatthecake ,

They remind me of chairs my great grandfather made about 140 years ago, i love those chairs..

eatthecake ,

I want a casino for board games. You play monopoly, connect four, pictionary, whatever. You can bet against the other people, have some drinks and pokie machines are banned. Daytona 500 tournaments, street fighter tournaments. I want real games and small bets. Seems like fun to me.

eatthecake ,

Good for them. But i've also heard of public relations so i don't trust these things. Im sure priests also offer support services for victims of child abuse.

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