@corbden@defcon.social cover
@corbden@defcon.social avatar




I write things. Known for my book for #exmormons, Recovering Agency. Some fiction. Many other interests. 4% puns, 7% dad jokes. Absent minded. Can’t stop explaining the 90s zeitgeist.
Living rent-free in my own head.
I’ll help you see through the illusion.

♥Author (aka Luna Lindsey)
♥Cult Researcher
♥End #AbuseCulture

#cults #exmo #genderfluid #ActuallyAutistic #writer #culture #ReligiousTraumaRecovery #PTSD #GenX

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corbden , to random
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

Turns out the real reason sports are gender segregated is because men can’t handle being beaten by a girl.

alice , to random
@alice@lgbtqia.space avatar

I just went on a follow-fest for women with a PhD, but realized I'm already mutuals with almost everyone who shows up in the limited search results 😋

If you're a Dr. Gal or other female science communicator type, pop into the thread, say hi!

I'd love to learn about what you do 💜
(and I'm sure lots of others would too)

(on Tuesday)

corbden ,
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

@alice I’m a nonbinary woman+man scholar and writer working in the religious trauma and cult research spaces but without a related degree. Does that count? A planetary scientist from Los Alamos National Lab told me the research I did on my book related to Mormonism could have earned me a doctorate if I’d gone that direction. 😂 Anyway happy to meet you. 👋🏻

corbden ,
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

@alice Thanks! I follow some other amazing science women to recommend but I’m struggling with names tonight, so if I think of them I’ll follow up tomorrow.

corbden ,
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

@alice My brain has still not booted up this morning, but I remembered one name 😂 Have you followed @futurebird ? Her passion for bugs is ant-fectious!

corbden , to random
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

Utah has a new-new hotline to report DEI violations after the last one got spammed.

It sure would be a shame if people were mistaken about any violations they submitted. It sure would be a shame if, like the last one, this hotline became so popular that it could no longer be used as a tool of the fascist state to impose discrimination and eliminate anti-discrimination efforts. It really does suck when people refuse to be oppressed!

[Edit: The link is geographically limited. Please be a genuine citizen of the state of Utah or otherwise authorized to access the site as a VPN user from anywhere in the world.]




corbden , to random
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

But is there a nap for that?

GottaLaff , to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Via Jon Favreau:

  1. Republicans block a bill that would protect contraception

  2. Trump floats jailing his opponents; an informal advisor suggests executing them

  3. DataProgress poll: 63% of swing voters have heard little to nothing about Trump's guilty verdict

May I humbly suggest that Biden supporters use their feeds to put some of this info in front of people instead of continuing to complain/amplify stupid WSJ story …?

152 days to go. Lots of work to do. Gotta pick our battles wisely.

corbden ,
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

@GottaLaff My son made my mom know about the conviction. I was too tired/conflict avoidant. She’s in denial now (it’s a “witch hunt”) but I can tell she’s thinking about it. We did get her to not vote Trump in the primaries, she just didn’t mail her vote. I made it personal, about the personal existential threat to me as a queer person. She doesn’t like Biden, either, which is fine. She won’t vote for him but she’d consider just not voting. Which is fine by me. The “both sides suck” argument is an ok way to go in this case because it validates their negative emotions about democrats where they can comfortably rest while they evaluate their misguided positive feelings about the GOP and Trump. I let her know that I have problems with Biden, too, but I’m voting for him anyway. I got to this point by making it personal, addressing those emotions, my fear and sadness.

corbden , to random
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

No, no hear me out. We teach a man to fish, then rent him the fishing pole. Then we fence off the lake, and rent that to him, too. We only charge him 9 fish out of 10, and he still gets a fish! Which he should be grateful for because he couldn’t do it without us.

corbden , to random
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

Politician: attacks the foundation of democracy

Protestor: throws milkshake at politician

Internet commentator: I hate fascists too, but throwing a milkshake at one is attacking the foundations of democracy. I am very intelligent.

corbden , to random
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

It seems like some of yall still think fascists can "see reason."

All they can see is power. This fact goes against almost every value in my being, but not against my value for evidence, of my own experience, of the experiences of others, of history.

It would be wonderful if we could just simply persuade the fascists into not genociding. How very nice. But all they respond to is power greater than them directly thwarting their plans and preventing them from holding power.

When you pretend the world is somehow different from this, you help fascists. No matter how much you love liberation and want to see a post-PTSD world where we all heal each other instead of fighting.

I want that. But they simply. Do. Not. And we can't get that better world while they still rule it. And they will rule it forever until met by a stronger force.

It simply comes down to that. It always has.

ttpphd , to random
@ttpphd@mastodon.social avatar

More people should be screened for PTSD, especially considering the collective trauma we are experiencing.

corbden ,
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

@JSharp1436 @ttpphd It’s much higher than that. Just for childhood traumatizing experiences, 35% did nothave at least one.


https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/aces/about.html (There’s a chart if you scroll.)

Full paper:


StillIRise1963 , to random
@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

Each non nazi white person needs to convert 5 white nazis.

corbden ,
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

@philip_cardella Those who are fascist deep down due to selfishness and not ignorance… they are logically correct about almost everything. They’ve allied themselves with who they believe to be the strongest in order to achieve the highest position in society available to them.

But here’s where they’re wrong and where their self-interest will fail them:

If you ally yourself with those who will do anything for power, that “anything” includes backstabbing whoever is next. Which WILL be them at some point. History shows this over and over. The personal histories of those they support shows this.

If you admit that the strongest should rule, then anyone with some means to overpower them can and will have full reign over them. Their best selfish move is to align with those who want to protect everyone equally.

corbden ,
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

@philip_cardella And the best way to reach anyone who is closed to new information (ignorant or selfish) is by asking them questions. The Socratic Method. Get them to put their reasoning into words. Hold a mirror up to them so they can see themselves.

corbden , to random
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

All the internet people we’ve met.

corbden OP ,
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

All Internet People We’ve Met

Who gets to have that experience?

Out of all of human history, who has ever gotten to interact with as many people as we have?

From as many far places?

Living so many different kinds of lives?

What other humans throughout time have gotten to consider so many perspectives of reality?

What a fucking privilege.

corbden OP ,
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

And that’s the privilege that the close-minded, for all their privileges, want to throw away. They would trade this astounding rare wonder… for the right to trample anyone with a different perspective.

corbden OP ,
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

You there, internet person. We have bridged the gap enforced by the limitations of reality that would elsewise keep us apart. We have spanned space and time in order to perceive one another.

What a goddamned blessing. What a marvel!

corbden , to random
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

You know, we already had a large, decades-long, stable, self-regulating anarchy.

The Internet.

We can learn from what happened on the internet what would happen to any geo-politically situated anarchy.

This is why I watch discussions about anarchy with great interest, follow anarchists, and try to learn from them. I want it to be real. I want it to work.

It did work. For awhile.

Until powertrippers came along who used the strengths of anarchy against itself, to destroy it and replace it with technofeudalism that spread not only within the system they have nearly finished taking over, but the systems outside that: Our lives.

corbden , to random
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

I have so many book ideas, and I have all the skills. It's a shame that I struggle with disabilities and lack of supports to heal and live so that I can write those books.

While writing about Natasha Helfer's excommunication, it occurs to me that there isn't a book (that I know of) about prominent LDS excommunications. Each and every one of the political excommunications I'm citing are interesting all on their own. And some I'm not citing (like Fawn Brodie) because they don't connect to Natasha's story.

I'd write that book after finishing my scripture, then the one on Abuse Culture.

I've also got a bunch of unwritten novels in me, and two novels (sequels to Emerald City Dreamer) that are in first draft and need finishing and publishing.

These lacks of support are intentional. I'm less competition now. My ability to speak truth to power is severely fettered.

corbden OP ,
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

I would give my maximum my efforts and talents to making cool shit for everyone. All I ask in return is to be taken care of with my basic needs and comforts. I don't need much. The idea that we need to be threatened and cajoled into working by the threat of starvation is a lie.

The truth there is that we need to be threatened and cajoled to do THEIR WORK FOR THEM.

corbden OP ,
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

Here's an incomplete list just of feminists excommunicated from the LDS Church for their feminist activism and writings:

Sonia Johnson, Maxine Hanks, Lynne Kanavel Whitesides, Lavina Fielding Anderson, Margaret Toscano, Janice Merrill Allred, Kate Kelly, and Natasha Helfer.

Most of these women are still alive, but are aging rapidly. It would be nice for someone to write about them while they're still here to interview.

At least I'm getting Natasha's story. She might not say she was excommunicated for feminist activism, but I consider her sex-positivity work to be deeply feminist.

And this list doesn't count the other awesome people excommunicated for thought crimes.

dillyd , to random
@dillyd@allies.social avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • corbden ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    @dillyd @aaron They also shoot seeds up to 10ft. If you get them in your yard, do not let them get a foothold or you will rue the day.

    futurebird , to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    The correct way to eat a cupcake with too big icing.

    corbden ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar


    We join our friends in a university debate about whether or not a cupcake is a "sandwich."

    Dr. Cupcake: Your proposal is preposterous!

    Prof Sandwich: It IS a sandwich, and I can prove it!

    Professor Sandwich rips the cupcake in half

    Prof Sandwich: QED!

    Dr. Cupcake: That's it, I resign.

    corbden , to random
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    Nobody “falls” through the cracks. We are pushed.

    corbden , to random
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar
    futurebird , to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    Would they reduce your fine?
    Would they give you a second chance? A third chance?

    Let you insult them and threaten them and take no action?

    "It is prudent to avoid any appearance of impropriety so the process cannot be questioned when it grinds to its conclusion."

    But I don't trust that we'll ever get there. Because the answer to all those questions is "no."

    Our judges and politicians are terrified of treating rich men like normal people. Filled with fear so how can they protect us?

    corbden ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    @vfrmedia @maddad @futurebird The word “privilege” literally means “private law.” Rules applied differently depending on who you are.

    wdlindsy , to random
    @wdlindsy@toad.social avatar

    [Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • corbden ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    @wdlindsy Western Christianity has always been about colonialism since Constantine. At least some of my European ancestors, if not most, were converted by force, and my freedom and ability to deconvert (at great cost) in 2001 was a rare privilege.

    These roots run very deep. (And there are plenty of passages in the gospels as they stand today to support it. I’m not letting the recorded words of Jesus off so easily. Liberation theologies are possible, but the biblical stream pushes against it.)

    corbden ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    @wdlindsy I’d say in relative terms perhaps he stood in the liberation stream, but his heavy use of feudal values and terminology throughout the parables etc are what keeps feudal/monarchic ideas thriving today, in fact, the only continual uncritical cultural support of that value system. (Even most western fantasy, while glorifying those systems and lifestyles still usually assumes basic values of equality, which we take for granted, but haven’t always been ubiquitous.)

    We can’t really know what Jesus himself said, however, as the providence of the gospels is difficult to trace, and what survived in canon was chosen by (Emperor) Constantine and later distorted by actual monarchs. My jury is still out as to what kind of person Actual Jesus was (if he existed at all), and there’s plenty of evidence in my mind that at best, he was a run-of-the-mill cult leader, disruptive for sure as many of them are, but perhaps not coming from as pure motives as is claimed.

    corbden ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    @wdlindsy I might have been sloppy with my wording. What I mean is the set of values common to authoritarian societies with a single or small set of rulers (you say kingdom) w a clear line of strictly enforced authority from top to bottom, like feudal lords but also monarchs and emperors, both of which are quite at work in Jewish Palestine and Rome unless there’s something I don’t understand.

    Jesus isn’t talking liberation & equality like we are. He’s the “Lord,” (I’d be curious what the original word in the gospels meant), King of Kings, his father at the top of the chain, everyone else must fall in line or not be saved, and no one is expected to be able to raise a petition for redress of grievances in the Kingdom of heaven. It’s all fall on your knees; your only choice is who to kneel to.

    “Palestinian peasant” implies you’re supposed to kneel to someone, even if it wasn’t a proper European feudal lord. The democratization of Christianity is a retcon, an uncomfortable fit at that.

    corbden , to random
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    I've never seen the phrase "that I know of" carry so much water:

    '“There is no other religious organization in the world,” J. Anette Dennis, first counselor [LDS] Relief Society General Presidency, said, “that I know of, that has so broadly given power and authority to women.”'

    And oh wow, they're just giving up temple secrets–I mean sacreds–to the news media now huh?

    Anyway, apparently LDS women are supposed to be happy with the cookie they get but aren't allowed to eat, i.e. actually make real leadership decisions, without oversight from men, that affect anyone other than women and children.

    (Yes, I got the "priesthood" in the temple but wasn't even allowed to talk about it, that's how much power it gave me.)

    Keep trying, guys. Keep on trying right up until you give women real equal rights in that church.


    (lmk if the link is paywalled. It doesn't say that if is.)

    corbden OP ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    More from the BS–I mean RS– Presidency:

    'Dennis cited... President... Nelson, in which the current leader explained, “As a righteous, endowed Latter-day Saint woman, you speak and teach with power and authority from God.”

    'If some women have not always appreciated this fact, it is because, Dennis said, “the adversary [SATAN!] wants to focus our attention on what we haven’t been given and blind us to all that we have been given.”'

    Ah yes, DARVO. It's always the members' fault for misunderstanding. Even though I was told specifically and expressly and repeatedly that men were in charge and that I couldn't even talk about the honorary priesthood cookie I got in the temple.

    I got an ordination by filling out a form online that I've used more often to invoke religious authority than I was ever allowed to use my honorary LDS priesthood.

    You can get one, too, and you can make holy water or even officiate marriages:


    corbden OP ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    Great to see that the movement still has momentum, by the way. I'm to the chapter in my client's book wherein she is active early on in that movement early '10s, and I had worried it might have fizzled. But nope! Still making headlines. Still making the LDS church react.

    corbden OP ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    Heavenly Father: So the women will have receptivity to the Spirit and an enhanced moral compass. They'll be the nurturing and compassionate ones.

    Jesus: Cool, cool.

    Heavenly Father: Men on the other hand will struggle to tell right from wrong and will have to work hard to receive spiritual revelation. That way we can really test their faith.

    Jesus: Yep, yep.

    Heavenly Father: And that's not even the best part...

    Jesus: I'm listening.

    HF: We'll put the men in charge of everyone.

    Heavenly Mother: Uhm, hello! I'm STILL here!

    Heavenly Father: Did you hear something?

    Jesus: Ha ha ha! Good one, dad.

    corbden , to random
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    The gender that’s been defined as the most kind happens to also have been defined as the most passive and quiet. That’s no mistake. For the masculine abusers who have shaped this world, this means there’s is no predefined social role for anyone to keep them in check and there is no defined role for loud and vocal assertive kindness. Anyone in the past who has played this role did so only by defying those set gender roles.

    So let’s change that. Let’s be kind AND take up space! Let’s practice an assertive form of kindness by ENFORCING prosocial norms. It’s not kind to leave targets of bullying to fend for themselves. It’s not kind let abusers and fascists run amuck. You can abandon politeness to dress down a harm-causer as an act of kindness while also demonstrating humility to those who deserve it.

    Break free of your gender programming. You don’t have to be nonbinary to do this.

    futurebird , to random
    @futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

    A lightly left-leaning generally Democratic friend has just now noticed that freaking out about the election is reasonable... but they do take my opinion somewhat seriously (even after calling me "probably a communist" I have no idea)

    I made such a horrible face (involentary) when they said something about giving money to Biden I had to make another suggestion ... uh..."Democracy Docket?"

    Any democrats who might not get the help they need from the DNC but still might win I could also mention?

    corbden ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    @futurebird I’m interested in better places to put my money, too.

    In past years, especially when the legislature was up for grabs and I didn’t have money, I put in a little bit of time making post cards to swing states to combat voters apathy. It was a fun creative outlet and I feel like it really helped. You sign up and can request addresses in small batches. I was able to do a few dozen when while severely disabled and not working.


    corbden , to random
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    I hadn’t planned to, but I’m gonna watch this .

    corbden OP ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    The Speaker hates education, books. Death stare.

    corbden OP ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    Sometimes the Speaker gives a “welp you got me there” face.

    corbden OP ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    Pay teachers more.

    corbden OP ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    Make corporations pay their fair share.

    corbden OP ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    Deficit is GOPs fault because tax breaks.

    corbden OP ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    15% corporate rate not enough. End big biz tax breaks. Etc. Tax billionaires. Min 25% billionaire tax.

    corbden OP ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    Protect social security. Regular people pay more that billionaires into social security. GOP very upset at Biden’s framing. Biden arresting them directly.

    corbden OP ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    My instance has caused a delay.

    Shrinkflation, going after price gouging.

    Immigration, Biden is tough on it, gets GOP to boo then touts his bill. Will stress fentanyl smuggling. Dem legislature would pass it. Speaker looking smug l.

    Heckler. Marjory Taylor Green.

    Will not ban people based on faith.

    Acknowledging Native Americans, enslaved people.

    corbden OP ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    Disenfranchisement. John Lewis voting act. Equality Act. Transgender, has our back.

    Climate crisis. Bragging. EVs.

    Climate Corp??????

    Heckler? Not sure what he’s saying.

    corbden OP ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    Violent crime is down. Marijuana justice.

    corbden OP ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    Gun bans. Universal background checks.

    corbden OP ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    Middle East.

    Working for a 6 week ceasefire to free hostages.

    Mention of the temporary port. No US personnel on ground. Israel must allow aid. Lives aren’t bargaining chips.

    Openly supports two-state solution! This is necessary for Middle East peace. Calling for coalition.

    blogdiva , to random
    @blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

    ELON MUSK is just a front for a Saudi-American-Russian cartel of MIC groups plundering the world.

    so if #Xitter deleted media from 2011-2014:

    here's some historical archives & potential criminal evidence they deleted:

    #ArabSpring including Syrian war
    #FIFA bribes 2011-2014
    #4CHAN to #Anonymous to #QAnon

    but especially, what we do not know about Karl Rove's 2012 election meltdown caused by GOP's failed #ProjectORCA


    corbden ,
    @corbden@defcon.social avatar

    @blogdiva So much history is being lost. All of my protest footage from two Seattle Ferguson protests is either behind my now locked account, or was purged. I think I still have local copies, but without my commentary. (I haven’t checked if my downloaded archive contains media.) Throughout those decades I was so pleased with how much history was being captured in play-by-plays, starting with Iran’s Green Revolution in ‘09(?). Not to mention the gigantic hive mind holding massive conversations and coming to conclusions on social justice conventions that we live by now.

    I had no idea how fragile it all was.

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