@lawas@mastodon.social cover
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar



Somewhere on the Olympic Peninsula.
Atheist, Marxist, explorer, Southern expat.
Decriminalize everything.

Solidarity forever.

No war but class war.
He/Him šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

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lawas , to random
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

The Case For an Independent Left Party by Howie Hawkins is a well written piece on the need for leftists to break with the Democratic Party and form a real mass party of the working class.

Forming an actual working party separate from the establishment is crucial to any real or movement in the USA. Channeling revolutionary energy into a party that represents the interests of the rich will only prolong the rule of capital.


lawas OP ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

On a related note, Coalition Politics: Turning the Century by Bernice Johnson Reagan is a rather entertaining and thought provoking piece based on a presentation at the 1981 West Coast Womenā€™s Music Festival about coalition building. She talks about coalition building and the importance of protecting yourself and your own values while coalescing with others. Short, sweet and very relevant for the left in a time when a mass movement is sorely needed.


hannu_ikonen , to random
@hannu_ikonen@zeroes.ca avatar

I don't know who needs to hear this, but the Left is not to blame for the

ā–«ļø Actions of fascists
ā–«ļø Actions of the Capitalist Class that fears accountability so they inevitably court (and accept being courted by) the fascists,
ā–«ļø Actions of the Neoliberal Enablers of the Capitalists who merely seek to put a nice, shiny veneer on the failings of Capitalism (i.e. keep the grift going) rather than correcting policy failings in a way that manifestly improves the lives of human beings.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@gentrifiedrose @hannu_ikonen Yeah there isnā€™t really a unified left in the U.S. at the moment, which is why I think that the immediate task of the American left is to form a mass organization outside of the Democratic Party.

I donā€™t think the left will be a real force in the U.S. again until we stop chaining ourselves to the least-bad bourgeois party.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@CStamp @gentrifiedrose @hannu_ikonen I donā€™t really think thatā€™s a big issue. More a distraction really.

We need a mass left (not liberal) movement, not a candidate that can win a bourgeois election. American institutions exist to protect the rule of capital, and frankly weā€™re not going to change that operating exclusively within the bounds of the bourgeois electoral system.

Weā€™re not going to vote our way out of this mess, so overemphasizing elections is actually detrimental.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@michaelgemar @gentrifiedrose @hannu_ikonen The majority of elections are won by the person who spends the most money. Weā€™re not going to win by playing their game, they can always outspend the rest of us. It was designed that way.

The U.S. political structure as it stands has to be destroyed. It exists to preserve the dictatorship of the rich. Insisting we play by the rules they write is dooming us to failure, hence the need to organize outside the establishment.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@Pagan_Animist @gentrifiedrose @hannu_ikonen Iā€™m not always opposed to voting in bourgeois elections if it means material gains for workers, but it needs to be stressed that defeating Trump this year is not the same as defeating fascism, which grows out of capitalism in crisis.

The mechanisms that allow people like him to get power will remain in place under Biden because they represent the same capitalist system. Dems donā€™t serve our interests either.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@EdSanders @gentrifiedrose @hannu_ikonen Is there really a better argument for taking it over?

You just said yourself that our current parties have an interest in maintaining our current system and we all know money fuels politics, so what makes you think taking control of the existing apparatus is possible?

We need to end capitalism and thatā€™s not going to happen using a party built to support capitalā€™s rule.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

What youā€™re describing is what Marxists call reformism. Itā€™s been tried before, taking the ā€œpeacefulā€ and ā€œpracticalā€ path to socialism, and it resulted in the rise of fascism in Germany, Italy and Austria when moderate ruling parties suppressed an active workers movement and allied with the capitalists against the communists.

This has also led to the demolition of the CPUSA and the weakening of labor unions. Now more than ever we need a party that actually represents workers.

lawas , to random
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

That Jacobin article on was hot garbage.

The comparisons to are especially bizarre given that is probably one of the more prominent anti-communist liberals out there. Heā€™s spent his career paying the most basic lip service to Marx and then ruthlessly criticizing socialist countries with no regard for larger historical context. He actually peddles the idea that Leninism is a right-wing perversion of Marx and referred to as an ā€œirrational cult.ā€

lawas OP ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

He talks like a radical but has proved to be pretty hostile to actual radicals. In effect, heā€™s just prolonging the status quo. Like other prominent liberals, he actually acts as an another defense for the rule of capital by endlessly belittling and misrepresenting real left movements.

lawas OP ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

His views on the socialism and communism range from unhelpful to actively harmful. For someone whoā€™s made a career out of being critical of the U.S. state, heā€™s sure spent a lot of time talking shit about the leftists who are actually trying to challenge that power.

Heā€™s just another liberal. His fairly accurate criticisms of the U.S. state fall flat when he wags his finger at revolutionaries and insists we can co-op our way to anarchism or something.

lawas OP ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar
lawas OP ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@corq @Radical_EgoCom Huh?

The problem is that Chomsky very obviously is NOT knowledgeable on Marxism or communism in general. His ā€œcritiquesā€ are not based on anything meaningful. If you listen to him talk about the USSR, for example, youā€™ll see he employs very little ā€œnuanceā€ in the way he talks about socialist countries.

His dishonest critiques directed at numerous revolutionary movements only serve to preserve the current ruling order. So yeah, thatā€™s bad.

lawas OP ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@dobody @corq @Radical_EgoCom Sorry but you have no idea what youā€™re talking about. Chomsky is literally wrong when he talks about communism and other leftist movements. His critiques are not meaningful. By spreading misinformation about revolutionary movements, he actually impedes social progress.

Sorry that I actually care about making the world a better place I guess ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

lawas OP ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@dobody @corq @Radical_EgoCom I posted about Chomsky spreading misinformation. Like actual factual errors.

Your response to that was something like ā€œSilly leftist treating politics like religion!ā€

You completely missed the point just to take shots at me and imply my point was emotional and unreasonable.

If you want a constructive response, offer a constructive critique or ask a question. Iā€™m always happy to explain my reasoning when asked.

You get what you give.

Radical_EgoCom , to random
@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar
lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom Shame to see how far CPUSA has fallen. I mean how does a communist party renounce Marxism-Leninism and the idea of revolution?

Revisionism and reformism must be combatted at every turn. It always leads to failure.

lawas , to random
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

Do Biden people know they come across as psychos when they try to use Palestine as a selling point for him?

To me it always reads like ā€œYeah Biden is doing a genocide, but Trump would genocide them even HARDER!ā€

Not really a good talking point guys

appassionato , to palestine group
@appassionato@mastodon.social avatar

Israeli forces have destroyed all the water wells in northern Gaza.

The lack of water is making the near-famine conditions across the Strip worse, and most children and adults there donā€™t have access to clean drinking water.

"If water is life, then it's denial is certain slow death."

Video shows children drinking water from puddles & collecting seawater.



lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@Savvyhomestead @appassionato @palestine Because Biden is literally sending Israel weapons being used to murder people indiscriminately. If he wanted to do something about it, he could, but heā€™s choosing not to.

Radical_EgoCom , to random
@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

Where there is revolution, there will also be counter-revolution, and if it is left to grow, it will crush the revolution. Revolutionaries can NOT allow counter-revolution and reactionism to spread through the speech and actions of its adherents, and if that means restricting the speech and freedom of those who support counter-revolution and reactionism, then so be it.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom ā€œA revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.ā€ -Mao Tse Tung

PacificNic , to random
@PacificNic@zeroes.ca avatar

For years they said fascism was coming, but it was here all along. You couldn't have stopped it with voting.

You never could have.

The state was never going to tell you when it became fascist.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@wallamidyl @PacificNic Right? Nazi settler colonialism was literally based on the way Americans settled and exterminated the native population in the states. The USA showed the way, they just had to follow.

A violent, racist state from the very beginning.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@wallamidyl @PacificNic Youā€™re totally right, and thatā€™s what makes it so hard for me to engage with liberals. They donā€™t see the state as it really is, a weapon for class domination. Liberal democracy is nothing more than democracy in name.

Fascism is capitalism in decay/crisis. Itā€™s the system gathering forces to protect itself. People want to treat the symptoms without addressing the cause and thatā€™s the case with so many social issues Dems claim to support.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@violetmadder @wallamidyl @PacificNic

ā€œFrom an indigenous perspective, basically the Nazis won and we're all speaking German right now.ā€

Wow, that really puts it in perspective. Totally stealing this quote in the future, that was very well put!!

dacig , to random Spanish
@dacig@mastodon.social avatar

https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/11/chiquita-banana-deaths-lawsuit-colombia Florida court finds banana company funded far right deaths squads in Colombia. They also had access to the company 's port to import weapons/export cocaine.
I wonder how much of the violence in my Home country, MĆ©xico, is being fueled by extractivist companies from Canada the US and elsewhere.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@dacig Chiquita (United Fruit Company) continues its long and storied history of committing atrocities in Latin America in pursuit of profit. The 1954 Guatemala coup they supported is probably still the standard model for crushing a democracy. Shameful.

I wouldnā€™t be surprised at all if, in several decades, some CIA document gets declassified revealing intelligence operations in Mexico.

Radical_EgoCom , to random
@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

"The State is a temporary institution of class rule. As classes disappear under socialism, as productive capacity increases, as the regulation of goods and serious increasingly social, the State withers away."


lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @theceoofanarchism I think you nailed it there.

The Marxist conception of the state is that itā€™s a tool of class domination. The organization of the armed proletariat exercising a monopoly on violence would be acting as a ā€œstateā€, but even Marx and Engels said the dictatorship of the proletariat wouldnā€™t be a state in the proper sense of the word.

And crucially, they stress the bourgeois state must be destroyed. We canā€™t simply take hold of the state as is.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@M_el_viejo @Radical_EgoCom @theceoofanarchism Iā€™m sure there are other ways to organize, but Marxism-Leninism has proven to be one of the only ideologies to actually overthrow the rule of capital for any significant amount of time.

If we want to win, we need to raise the class-consciousness of the proletariat. Thereā€™s no victory without mass support and education. Theyā€™re not ready now, but they can be if a real vanguard party leads the way.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @M_el_viejo @theceoofanarchism Any reading youā€™d recommend on Luxemburgā€™s tendency? Iā€™ve read Reform or Revolution, a brilliant work, but havenā€™t really done a deep dive on her stance.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @M_el_viejo @theceoofanarchism Iā€™ll add it to the list! More theory is always good. Thanks comrade!

And just as an aside, Iā€™m really thankful for the Marxists Internet Archive, itā€™s such an incredible resource.

lzg , to random
@lzg@mastodon.social avatar

fascists only see your moral rectitude and adherence to rules as weaknesses to be exploited. you can have the higher moral ground forever, they donā€™t care.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@lzg Lots of people appealing to the ā€œRule of lawā€ and vaguely gesturing at American ideals of ā€œFreedom and democracyā€ like their touted bourgeois democracy isnā€™t what got us here in the first place.

Like news flash, the people enabling the fascists are the same ones who pay the lawmakers and by extension make the rules. Insisting we act only within the bounds of this system is equivalent to advocating surrender.

Lilmikesf , to random
@Lilmikesf@c.im avatar

jury awards $38.3 million to families of eight killed by hired by banana ( formerly known as United Fruit Company and an long embedded in 's political ). The plaintiffs' of six week trial given by Jack Scarola , an attorney who aided victims of Jeffrey .


lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@lerxst @Lilmikesf Yeah itā€™s hard to reverse the absolute destruction of democracy that the U.S. has orchestrated in Central and South America over the years.

I mean the CIA robbed entire nations of their futures and regularly handed over power to dictators. Itā€™s a really horrifying, shameful, and all too common feature of U.S. imperialism.

I hope it sticks too. But not enough people are concerned about the terrorism the U.S. gov carries out on the reg for big capital.

arstechnica , to random
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

People are seizing, being intubated after eating microdose chocolates

"Extreme caution" urged as at least 8 people in 4 states sickened, 6 hospitalized.


lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@ChallengeApathy @arstechnica I get that itā€™s not your thing but have you considered that some people actually derive a benefit from some of these things?

And people donā€™t all do drugs because theyā€™re depressed. Thereā€™s a lot more to it than that.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@ChallengeApathy @arstechnica The idea that these things all ā€œfry your brainā€ is a false one. When used responsibly a lot of things donā€™t actually cause harm and do the opposite.

MDMA assisted psychotherapy, for example, is often an effective treatment for PTSD. Psilocybin has been effective for treating cluster headaches and depression. These things have proven to have a positive impact in real conditions.

Just because itā€™s not your path doesnā€™t mean itā€™s the wrong one.

vivianshadows , to random
@vivianshadows@girlcock.club avatar

Liberals stop posting pictures of U.S. soldiers/veterans with lines like "look it's Antifa lol"

The fact that Germany was fascist in WWII does not make the U.S. anti-fascist

The U.S. is the primary fascist state oppressing the world today. We very easily could have joined WWII on the side of Germany. The Nazis got a lot of their wacky race science ideas from us.

After the war, we immediately turned on the Soviet Union, our ally who actually defeated Nazi Germany.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@vivianshadows People also conveniently forget that the U.S. shielded Nazi scientists/doctors from justice post WWII and employed them to fight the USSR (among other things). They got new names and lived out the rest of their Nazi lives happily. Just normal antifa stuff!

I also love when libs post literal propaganda from this time period unironically. Simping for the U.S. military in any capacity is just gross.

LeftistLawyer , to random
@LeftistLawyer@kolektiva.social avatar

@BjarneK has a new blog post up.

** In the contemporary context of fascismā€™s resurgence in late capitalism, from the point of view of the victims of neoliberal optimization, fascism becomes a nostalgia for under-optimized times.**

Hmmm ā€¦ That sounds about spot on.

Read on. Bjarne has an amazing way of breathing riveting modern insight into historic theory.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@LeftistLawyer @BjarneK If you havenā€™t already, I highly recommend reading R. Palme Duttā€™s Fascism and Social Revolution. Itā€™s an older book (1934 I think) but I find it extremely illuminating when it comes to understanding our current state of decline.

He essentially puts forth the view that fascism is capitalism in decay/crisis and explains the rise of fascism quite succinctly in Germany, Austria and Italy.

AnarchoNinaWrites , to random
@AnarchoNinaWrites@jorts.horse avatar

I mean generally I just assume you folks don't rate violent imperialism and colonialism very highly in your calculations because you genuinely have no idea what we're doing out there, half a world away. I guess that's my polite fiction that gets me through the night.

But when the pictures come out, and you're still defending this shit, that forces me to realize that you're absolute fucking monsters and at that point I dunno what business we have together. None that I can see.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@AnarchoNinaWrites I honestly think the only reason they care about fascism here is because it risks subjecting white people in the U.S. to the state violence the U.S. has always exerted on brown folks in its imperial pursuits. Itā€™s kind of telling that they still canā€™t put it all together.

Or maybe they can, but realize on some level that their status could impacted by the U.S. being anti-colonial. Either way, thereā€™s no excuses to not know better at this point.

cascadepine , to random
@cascadepine@mas.to avatar

Wading heron, sailboats, and the Olympic mountains. Low tide at Golden Gardens in Seattle.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@cascadepine Wow wow! Donā€™t usually see the Olympics from that angle, thanks for sharing

currentbias , to random
@currentbias@open-source-eschaton.net avatar

"When Joe Biden became US president, many Cubans hoped he would loosen some of the restrictions on trade and travel imposed by Donald Trump. But Biden has increased the pressure on Cuba, greatly worsening the islandā€™s economic difficulties.

[...] Moreover, the embargo remains in clear breach of international law. This is a point that successive, overwhelming UN votes have determined since the early 1990s, usually with only the United States and Israel dissenting."


lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@currentbias I also donā€™t know if most people realize the U.S. is still attempting to support anti-government actions in Cuba via USAID and likely other agencies.

Decades of relentless attacks on the democracy of a nation right in Americaā€™s backyard. But hey, Biden did say nothing will fundamentally change, so I guess continuing this economic warfare is par for the course.

corbden , to random
@corbden@defcon.social avatar

You know, we already had a large, decades-long, stable, self-regulating anarchy.

The Internet.

We can learn from what happened on the internet what would happen to any geo-politically situated anarchy.

This is why I watch discussions about anarchy with great interest, follow anarchists, and try to learn from them. I want it to be real. I want it to work.

It did work. For awhile.

Until powertrippers came along who used the strengths of anarchy against itself, to destroy it and replace it with technofeudalism that spread not only within the system they have nearly finished taking over, but the systems outside that: Our lives.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@corbden I like the idea of anarchy and think most anarchists have an admirable goal. From a Marxist perspective, however, Iā€™d consider anarchism a form of utopian socialism.

Both anarchy and communism have the goal of a classless, stateless society but the abolition of the state is part of an end stage in Marxist thought, not something that can happen at the beginning.

I guess I just think communism has a more developed and realistic plan to reach that end stage.

wallamidyl , to random
@wallamidyl@tech.lgbt avatar

ngl helldivers 2 really gives me unself aware colonizer energy.

yeah kill those "foreign subhuman beings" for "democracy"

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@wallamidyl And people just refer to it all as ā€œforeign policyā€ and pay no mind to the unending misery the west exports to the global south to make our way of life possible

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@wallamidyl Right? Itā€™s pretty sad how ubiquitous racist/nationalist ideology is in the ā€œcivilizedā€ world even among the progressive liberal types.

Capitalism has stripped so many people of their humanity. We need less national pride and more international solidarity. Cause youā€™re right, we are all part of the same struggle

RadicalGraffiti , to random
@RadicalGraffiti@todon.eu avatar

Improved military billboard spotted in Rochester, New York

lawas , (edited )
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@waitworry @portcitystudios @RadicalGraffiti Lol right? There hasnā€™t been a draft recently, they made a choice.

The U.S. can only carry out its atrocities across the world because people willingly sign up en masse to be its hired guns.

sidereal , to random
@sidereal@kolektiva.social avatar

Before Biden was elected people were like: "Look, he's not perfect, but he's better than Trump. Just vote for him and criticize him from the left."

And then every single time I have criticized Biden this entire time, the same people are like "What so you want Trump to win?"

I'm criticizing Biden [explicitly because] I don't want Trump to win, actually, and it seems like Biden is hellbent on pursuing policies that are going to alienate most people and deliver a Trump victory.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@sidereal Yeah itā€™s pretty obnoxious being Biden-splained constantly. You canā€™t say anything about the guy without someone explaining in the most condescending way possible why youā€™re completely wrong and/or a Russian agent.

The left has been begging for meaningful reforms for the working class for years. If the Dems are so worried about the fate of our democracy then why arenā€™t they doing this stuff and winning?

The Dems are enemies of the working class and it shows.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@dbattistella @sidereal I do agree that their purpose is to loseā€¦but Iā€™d like to note the U.S. government has always been a government of the bourgeois. While the messaging might have shifted at some point, Dems have always been insufficient. Just another arm of the ruling class.

Bourgeois democracy is not democracy. We need to smash this system completely before capitalism kills us, and the Democrats arenā€™t going to help us do that.

Radical_EgoCom , to random
@Radical_EgoCom@mastodon.social avatar

Workers are forced into wage slavery under capitalism, unable to escape the cycle of poverty.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@janisf @Radical_EgoCom Again, a mass of the working people have to want a systemic change. Iā€™m not interested in forcing people to do anything, Iā€™m interested in raising class consciousness so workers decide to seize the means of production and as a result the full value of their labor.

The reason these people even have to scrimp and save for retirement and work into old age is because of capitalism. Toppling this system built on unequal distribution fixes that problem.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@janisf @Radical_EgoCom Iā€™d encourage you to read about some Marxist thought. I didnā€™t recommend those books to be snarky, I did it because it doesnā€™t seem like youā€™re that familiar with communist thought so itā€™s difficult for me to give good answers in such a short form. Those texts are accessible starting points for understanding the Marxist critique of capitalism and the alternative world we envision. Itā€™s a comprehensive philosophy, not just an economic system.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @janisf @TessRants This. I think the point I was trying to make that was overlooked is that we actually have to convince people to change the system. Educating the working class to prepare them for proletarian rule is a key part of Marxist thought.

We need to convince working people to abandon the system and overthrow the class that work against their self-interest. I wish people would read theory, this has all been covered by thinkers much smarter than us.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar
lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@Radical_EgoCom Okay Iā€™m done with this thread, not worth pouring anymore time explaining concepts basic to the communist worldview to people who keep acknowledging how horrible capitalism is but still want to keep it because some people will be able to retire one day?

I just donā€™t get it. Bending over backwards to justify and perpetuate this mess weā€™re in.

Iā€™m just gonna keep learning, educating, agitating and organizing until we can smash capitalism and the bourgeois state completely.

lawas ,
@lawas@mastodon.social avatar

@janisf @Radical_EgoCom Personally I donā€™t think weā€™re going to vote our way out of this one. Iā€™m not saying not to vote for material gains, but we need a totally new system to fix this. See Leninā€™s State and Revolution.

I appreciate you listening, Iā€™ve just reached the end of my mental capacity on this topic for now. I really hope you check out some of the stuff I recommended (all free online.) I know itā€™s a tough sell in short form here, but these ideas really make sense. āœŒšŸ½

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