@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar



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captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Why didn't you like Hashicorps Vault? I want to know for my own edification.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Well I'm guessing they actually did testing on local AI using a 4GB and 8GB RAM laptop and realized it would be an awful user experience. It's just too slow.

I wish they rolled it in as an option though.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

I think it makes sense. I like ChatGPT and I appreciate having easy access to it. What I really wish is the option to use local models instead. I realize most people don't have machines that can tokenize quickly enough but for those that do...

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Lay it on me

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Laughter helps a lot. But if I'm consuming a ton of media, it's sometimes better to just take a break and drink water while doing nothing else. I also have mantras about life like: "if I have my family, I'm ok", "home can be anywhere", "nothing in life is more important that food, shelter, water", etc. Sometimes I worry about bills, future costs, etc. But worrying doesn't always make it easier. A little bit of worry keeps me from ignoring finances all together. But too much worry isn't helping. If you can free yourself from worrying about money, you'd be surprised how much weight gets lifted. I'm privileged because I have family and friends that I love. If I ever hit hard times, I know I have a home with them. Reminding myself of that keeps me from staying up all night with worry.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

I just picture you floating in an endless void 100 billion years after entropy has moved every single subatomic particle away from each other. Somehow you have been sustained. The last sophisticated entity in the universe. Your billions of years of loneliness have already driven you to the point of insanity, enlightenment, insanity again, and finally a state of which no one could imagine. Because you don't consume food or water, you're in a perpetual state of hunger and thirst. You don't feel harmed, but you do feel peckish all the time. You could do with a draught. Your wish didn't allow for pain "thank God", you think.

captainjaneway , (edited )
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Are we to judge simple supply and demand now? If they haven't been smart enough to save for a disaster, then perhaps they deserve what they get. If they would rather die they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population. Bah. Humbug. A poor excuse for picking a man’s pocket every natural disaster.


captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Paper waste is really something that was overstated in the early 2000s. Yes paper is made from trees. But trees are renewable compared to the silicon and carbon consumed in these electronic tags. It's way more environmentally friendly to use paper.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

It's Gerrymandering. That's the answer to the question: why?

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

I'm not very pro-working but why not fire the manager that didn't notice the employee's lack of output? Seems suss that by just keeping a computing online, you can circumvent actually producing anything.

As always, measure output not the how or why something gets done.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

If we spent half the energy on improving our lives that we spend on fucking people over, we'd have a utopia by now. Or at least less lead in our pipes.

America is a global superpower which - apparently - spends some of its most secretive efforts on petty lashbacks to Chinese propaganda. And I'll be damned if our most secretive efforts don't also end up costing us the most taxes (relative to their effective output). I know that Twitter opens its firehouse of data to government programs to support social media analysis. I'm sure Google and Meta do as well. They are aiding these psychological campaigns.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

We're getting closer and closer to wrapping back around and just having community. Just remove the sex aspect and boom you got a community going.

How do I not stop feeling like I am doing nothing outside work?

I am professionally a software developer for 8 years and I simply don't have ideas for personal projects (Can't find any problem that I can fix with programming). At times I feel like that's natural and I shouldn't worry about it. But on the other hand, I do like to imagine having something personal that I can work on so that...

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

If you want to build stuff but are struggling to motivate yourself, take a walk or go exercise and stop thinking about it for a bit. Sometimes that helps me. I'm in the same boat. I tend to work on a lot of things but I have a treasure trove of 10%-50% completed projects.

Lately, I've used ChatGPT 3.5 to help me figure out ideas or work through places I'm stuck.

I've gone to 4 conferences in the past 6 months. Most of the open source devs there that made big waves in the community are actually doing their jobs and their company open sourced their work. React, by way of example, is a Meta project that was open sourced.

So, sometimes, the intimidating projects have someone working full-time on them. So don't feel like you should try to accomplish that.

As other people said, if you end up not being interested in doing development in your free time, don't worry about it. It's normal and fine to just go home and enjoy your life.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

That rich mofo was born in a manger and had three kings visit him. Plus I don't trust zombies.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

People are so dumb. Why not binary for way less skin?

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah way more space written out but way less skin.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

I think this article does a good job of asking the question "what are we really measuring when we talk about LLM accuracy?" If you judge an LLM by its: hallucinations, ability analyze images, ability to critically analyze text, etc. you're going to see low scores for all LLMs.

The only metric an LLM should excel at is "did it generate human readable and contextually relevant text?" I think we've all forgotten the humble origins of "AI" chat bots. They often struggled to generate anything more than a few sentences of relevant text. They often made syntactical errors. Modern LLMs solved these issues quite well. They can produce long form content which is coherent and syntactically error free.

However the content makes no guarantees to be accurate or critically meaningful. Whilst it is often critically meaningful, it is certainly capable of half-assed answers that dodge difficult questions. LLMs are approaching 95% "accuracy" if you think of them as good human text fakers. They are pretty impressive at that. But people keep expecting them to do their math homework, analyze contracts, and generate perfectly valid content. They just aren't even built to do that. We work really hard just to keep them from hallucinating as much as they do.

I think the desperation to see these things essentially become indistinguishable from humans is causing us to lose sight of the real progress that's been made. We're probably going to hit a wall with this method. But this breakthrough has made AI a viable technology for a lot of jobs. So it's definitely a breakthrough. I just think either I finitely larger models (of which we can't seem to generate the data for) or new models will be required to leap to the next level.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Yes and that's how we ended up with American Football. In the original timeline, it never existed.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

I don't understand. They do take away our social security and roads. DoD is strong though but it doesn't really function in service of us.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

More like A.I. is polluting our science?

Regardless, I blame the science industry as a whole rather than A.I. The pressure to produce papers is dumb. Why should we force publications? I think we all have had that uncomfortable feeling that - even prior to A.I. - some papers were more fluff than fact. For every instance of a paper being discredited for manipulating data (or just incorrectly running the stats), I'm sure there are at least a few others that slipped under the radar. And of course this depends heavily on your topic, publication, and how radical your paper alters your science.

I got my master's and my wife got her PhD. Both of us got them in stem fields from public universities. We've been around a lot of the science journal obsession and I think it's a problem. It's not only wasting our own time for reviewing papers that frankly don't need to be written. But it's wasting the time of our future successors who must now wade through the garbage to find truth.

Yes A.I. is a problem. Yes it should be checked. But we've been pointlessly driving people to get published and it's making it much harder to see through the A.I. driven BS.

Idk am I way off base here?

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Anything "salad" where the salad includes tuna, mayo, or egg. I can't handle it. I don't know why. Egg salad. Tuna salad. 🤢

I like salad. I like eggs. I like tuna somewhat. I like mayo somewhat. But any of those weird combinations make me sick.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Happy Gilmore. A pretty good - albeit goofy and weird - movie.

Why are Asian products so often wrapped in really *thick* plastics?

I live in Europe but sometimes shop at Asian supermarkets here. One of the things I notice with almost everything I buy there is that plastic packaging feels a lot thicker than that on European products. Is there a rational reason for this? Are plastics simply cheaper? Or do people worry more that products might spoil? Are these...

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Tell me where is Gandalf for I much desire to speak with him.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

I think he would have made a great luchador.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

I think he's just got a horrible golf swing.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Rittenhouse was invited to speak at Wednesday's event by the university's Turning Point USA (TPUSA) chapter. Founded in 2012, the non-profit promotes conservative politics at schools and college campuses.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

What starting jobs does your plant offer right now? Are they hiring? I'm not interested but I am wondering if your experience is colored at all by a different job market.

Did you have any experience prior to 3 years ago?

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

That's insane. Good info though. Thanks for the details! If I ever need a career switch, I'll consider it lol

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Muhammad Ali's blood is probably dried up by now. I don't know any other boxer that can claim they are "unjabbed"

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

The Big Lebowski deserved a LOTR cross over

I got a callback from one of the many job application (finally), had to complete a task (I didn't even get started), and I think that the requirements were pretty unreasonable?

It was an internship for a full-stack developer role. I was given two days - today is the final day, and I did not even start with the project as I was too stressed to complete the task, worrying about designing and modelling the database part, and because I have a really vague idea about system design. The skill requirements...

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe 1, 1, 1 -> 49, 48, 47 is a better example though. But same thing.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar
  • Marvel but it's waning
  • Grand Theft Auto
  • South Park
  • Cheers / Frasier saga
captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

They're doing their best! It's not great, but it's their best!

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Genocide is clearly defined, in my opinion. It's just that it's hard to prove. Much like hate crimes can be hard to prove. Unless Israel comes out and states their intentions behind the violence, NATO is tied. But America does not need to be providing the weapons or the funds to keep this massacre going. And genocide or not, the violence is wrong.

AFAIK Cardassians were pretty bad. They enslaved an entire planet of people. I believe the mining operations were concentration camps for the slaves.

This is the definition in Wikipedia:

In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly.

Gaza has been experiencing all of that: murders, bodily harm, mental harm, etc. By way of example they are being starved out - not because they are terrorists but because they are part of a nation state/race which Israel is targeting.

I agree with you. Words are slippery. Dig too deep into any word and the meaning can become elusive. What is rain? Is it when water falls down from a cloud? Do we have to define the state of matter? How quickly does it fall? Is chemically induced rain still "rain"? Words are not as clear as we think they are at first glance. Genocide is no different.

I just feel like these people need to take a step back and realize that this violence is wrong. It's not self-defense and it's not aimed at evil people. Good, kind, people are being torn to shreds. Those people deserved to have a chance to wipe sleep out of their eyes, eat a nice meal, drink fresh water, and speak once more. I don't really know how we would be more "actionable". I don't want a reckless UN that goes around ruling with an iron fist at any whiff of international dispute. But I also don't want a weak UN that is too scared or unwilling to do the right thing when the issues are clear.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Who governs this body of K.O.S. targets? Is it a democratically elected position? What happens if the wrong person is elected to this position and suddenly Muslims, queer, or communists are placed on this list?

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

I parked behind one yesterday. Dude backed up into my car during my brunch. He comes into the restaurant to fess up. I tell him I'm the owner. He was nice enough. All he did was put a square dent in my license plate and bent it. I told him it's an old car and that it's ok. But as we were walking to my car he said "you parked close behind me and I couldn't see it as I backed up". I had half a mind to make a remark about having a clean, lifted, truck that probably hasn't hauled anything in 2 years, but I just shut up and let bygones be bygones.

Still, I hope that guy realizes having a 9ft truck isn't worth the sweat every time he backs up. I have a Toyota Camry. Not the fanciest thing in the world. It's 20 years old and I do most of the work on it. So I'm not phased by a dent in the license plate (and possible minor trauma to the bumper). But it's the kind of car that a lot of people own. If he can't see that, he probably should consider lowering his lifted truck. Or perhaps learning to look behind his car before he hops in and tries to exit a parking space.

People like that probably will never learn. They are buying an aesthetic, not a tool. It's like buying a high caliber pistol, an expensive phone, or a McMansion. It's not about having a tool. It's about having a sense of visible identity.

Based on my long rant, I can tell I have not entirely "let bygones be bygones" despite shaking his hand and letting him drive away without a lick of shame.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

This might be the most disturbing news I've read this week. Crucifixion is brutal. People are monsters.

New to Linux? Ubuntu Isn’t Your Only Option ( www.howtogeek.com )

Ubuntu's popularity often makes it the default choice for new Linux users. But there are tons of other Linux operating systems that deserve your attention. As such, I've highlighted some Ubuntu alternatives so you can choose based on your needs and requirements—because conformity is boring.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Linux Mint is a popular alternative.

But all options can be dual booted as far as I know!

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

Oh that is news to me. I always assumed a partition was all it needed.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

The study notes, "We report the first instance of growing chickpea (Cicer arietinum) in lunar regolith simulants. We used soil regeneration techniques common on Earth with LRS for the first time, using both AMF and VC. We also achieved the first documented chickpea yield in an LRS mixture. Our results show that regeneration methods used on Earth soils can help condition lunar regoliths. Despite promising results, all plants in LRS showed signs of chlorophyll deficiency."

Much like me, all you have to do is look at them.

captainjaneway ,
@captainjaneway@lemmy.world avatar

I'm not an expert, but as a lay person I agree with you.

However, I'm guessing people running these experiments are just looking at all the options. Hydroponics is pretty much a solved solution, no? I suppose it makes sense to run these experiments to prove what we already know. I suppose there is a hyper slim chance that lunar soil was somehow beneficial for the plant and made growing easier.

I think the nitrogen issue is probably secondary to the water issue. Hydroponics use way less water. Water is heavy and expensive to ship to the moon. Anything to reduce weight will probably be the priority.

I don't see how shipping more soil and more water would be better than hydroponics, but sometimes we write papers for problems we don't have yet, but might have in the future. Some moon colony might be struggling for physical space and need to use soil to grow supplies in an emergency? Might be nice to know they can reserve some moon land and follow these guides to produce food in the soil.

My wife got her PhD in Physics and one of her favorite anecdotes is the critical piece of technology that made her project possible was derived from a mathematical paper written 200 years ago. The dude didn't have the technology or science to know where his math would be useful, but he published it anyways. Eventually, someone needed it and found it useful.


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