Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic ( )

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. military launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China’s growing influence in the Philippines, a nation hit especially hard by the deadly virus.

The clandestine operation has not been previously reported. It aimed to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China, a Reuters investigation found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation.

Reuters identified at least 300 accounts on X, formerly Twitter, that matched descriptions shared by former U.S. military officials familiar with the Philippines operation. Almost all were created in the summer of 2020 and centered on the slogan – Tagalog for China is the virus.

Censored ,

Fuck Trump.

Snowclone ,

Really sounds like the CIA is a thing we don't need.

Shyfer ,

It seems like if you'd take it's net impact throughout world history and it added it all up, you'd end up in the negatives. Like it's been actively more bad for the human race than good.

Censored ,

Who needs the CIA when the Pentagon is doing their work so well?

Lucidlethargy , avatar

Where is the source for this? I see zero source.

AdrianTheFrog , avatar

Reuters is the source, they’re fairly reputable.

Lucidlethargy , avatar

It was mentioned, but it was emphatically not linked.

androogee ,


It's the primary source. It's original investigative journalism, not a Wikipedia article or a listicle. Link to what? Itself?

Ulrich_the_Old ,

Yeah and trump ran a very public anti-vax campaign in the USA.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

COVID was a real instant-karma moment for American foreign policy

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

Trumps supporters were anti vaccine, but surprisingly he was pro vaccine

Red_October ,

He was also pro injecting yourself with bleach.

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

It's a funny meme, but Trump didn't say that.

However, the words he did say don't make that much more sense.

CileTheSane , avatar

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside "

He's either talking about injecting disinfectant, or injecting light. Either way it's the ramblings of someone who's not all there.

Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In ,

He definitely doesn't know what he's talking about. He seems to be trying to say that scientists should experiment, but we can't be certain.

mightyfoolish ,

Didn't he point at his own butt when he mentioned the light thing? I guess he wanted someone to shine a laser pointer through his butt.

secretlyaddictedtolinux ,

this is exactly why i use linux

archchan , avatar

Username checks out

Coreidan ,

It undermines the entire world including the US. Fucking morons.

secretlyaddictedtolinux ,

This is why the US lacks credibility.

When I hear about Tienanmen Square and all the protestors killed, I want to believe the US... and not believe China... and yet, I can't be sure that anything coming from the US isn't just made up garbage. It's probably not... but I can't really know!

It's a horrible policy decision too allow things like this and creates major distrust of all US government narratives, when almost all of them could be true.

salamandermander ,

Yeah all the photos and film of Tiananmen Square are surely just propaganda right? That event was just made up by the US and definitely wasn't witnessed by and broadcasted by several different countries' news services.

The US has done some bad shit, and still does. But do not let that blind you to the crimes of other countries. There's a reason why the Chinese government censors mentions of June 1989 and the mass deaths due to famine during the great leap forward.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Yeah all the photos and film of Tiananmen Square are surely just propaganda right?

The crazy thing about Tianamen was that the Tank Driver stopped and tried to move around the protester.

It was a remarkable moment of humanity between two people who clearly did not want to be in conflict with one another.

I can't imagine a modem day officer treating any protesters the same way.

There’s a reason why the Chinese government censors mentions of June 1989 and the mass deaths due to famine during the great leap forward.

That's completely untrue.

Here is an exhaustive response from a Chinese national. Not only is it not illegal, its documented in Baidu, China's most popular social media site.

The claim that Chinese schools and leaders simply don't talk about the First Five Year Plan is entirely fictitious. On par with claiming Americans don't teach their kids about the Founding Fathers owning slaves.

It's pure Western propaganda.

OsrsNeedsF2P ,

I don't think anyone who knows about Tiananmen square thinks the tank ran over Tank Man. But the other cases? Mmm. (Nsfw)

Edit: lmao, post a link of evidence and you just get downvoted. I wait for the day people just call this AI generated instead

HomerianSymphony ,

Just remember that you can't trust every anonymously sourced photo on the internet. Don't forget to try to evaluate the genuineness of what you're seeing.

For example, ask yourself if you can actual see identifiable features of Tiananmen Square in the background of these photos. (You would expect to be able to, right?)

Especially with an emotive topic like this. These photos inspire strong visceral reactions, and sometimes they're counting on that. They want you to be so overwhelmed with disgust that you don't stop to realize that some of the photos are obviously fake or mislabelled.

Like the ones that show piles of meat claiming to be the bodies of students run over by tanks. A moment's thought will make it obvious that they are fake, because people's clothes do not disappear when they are run over by tanks. But they want you to be so overwhelmed by disgust and anger that you don't think about it.

Sometimes they rely on sheer quantity, but don't mistake quantity for quality.

Anyway, I'm not going to push a side in this post. I trust that you can think for yourself.

OsrsNeedsF2P ,

I mean like, whether the guy who looks like paint on the road is really "squished by a tank" or not, the whole "Tiananmen didn't happen" defense sits from anywhere between "300 people, mostly soldiers died" to "nothing happened at all". I'm noticing you didn't explicitly say what happened, only what didn't, so likewise I think you've shown you actually know what went down that day.

HomerianSymphony ,

I'm noticing you didn't explicitly say what happened, only what didn't

I didn't say either of those things.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

I can’t be sure that anything coming from the US isn’t just made up garbage

I mean, ACAB is a safe bet in any country.

The narrative around Tianamen is that it is the consequence of a totalitarian Communist economic policy, and that our liberal free markets mean it can't ever happen here.

The reality is that it was blowback from Chinese economic liberalization. This response is exactly the same as what you'll find aimed at unionization drives around a sweatshop in the Philippines or a student protest on the Columbia college campus. Liberalism will not keep you safe from a row of tanks driving through your neighborhood or a police officer black bagging you for protesting on camera.

Tianamen was a warning to the world of what was to come. But US media transformed it into a reason to be afraid of Chinese people.

Kolanaki , avatar

I don't care if they are considered our enemies; that's fucked up. Our government's grievances are of their government. Not the people. Not the culture. Not the land itself. Doing shit that harms the average person is incredibly vile.

assassin_aragorn ,

It's fucked up when we do it, it's fucked up when Russia does it, it's fucked up when China does it. This is terrible.

masquenox ,

Our government’s grievances are of their government. Not the people.

Have you noticed how all those nukes the US government maintains don't target governments but population centres instead? The mass-slaughter of civilians have always been the US way - this time, they just did it with misinformation.

Kolanaki , avatar

Why would you think I am okay with nukes?

masquenox ,

Didn't say you were... that's not the point. The point is that the US has always treated civilian populations as perfectly expendable - to be kind of honest, I'm not even sure they don't see the US population in the same way, either.

Madagaskar_sky ,

They don't target population centers, they target military bases that always happen to be near a population center. In the 50's and 60's missile targetting was shit so they had megaton yield bombs to make sure they got the bases. Nowadays they have lower yield bombs so they can have more bombs that specifically target bases.

It's no use targeting population centers as those bombs could be used instead to cripple them militarily. It's just that no country would have a good day if nukes went off anywhere near them.

masquenox ,

They don’t target population centers, they target military bases that always happen to be near a population center.

That's exactly the excuse they used to justify every aerially-delivered atrocity from Hamburg to Hanoi. Britain was routinely doing it in the middle-east nearly a decade before the Nazis did it at Guernica.

If you don't want to believe me, you can believe Curtiss Le May himself.

There are no innocent civilians. It is their government and you are fighting a people, you are not trying to fight an armed force anymore. So it doesn’t bother me so much to be killing the so-called innocent bystanders.

The mass-slaughter of civilians was the point then, it's the point now - the nuclear ballistic missile is simply the logical conclusion to this. It literally allows for mass-murder at the push of a button.

You need to stop confusing the propaganda with the actual reasons.

Lets_Eat_Grandma ,

As an American, I am ashamed that my country's government does acts of pure evil like this. I'm sorry rest of the world, I wish my voice was more than but a whisper while on a St Patrick's Day bar crawl in Boston.

In my honest opinion whoever proposed this, approved this, and ultimately executed this should be persecuted for something akin to shouting fire leading to a stampede and deaths.

Actions like this are exactly why we probably shouldn't have a completely opaque society.

Zaktor ,

General Jonathan Braga was promoted to Lieutenant General in August 2021, months after the new Biden administration was informed about and canceled the program.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

He followed orders and ran an effective disinformation campaign.

Think of the Pentagon as a bureaucracy that just does what they're told. If the President says they should invade a country X, they draw up the plans, figure out the logistics, and invade country X. If the President says invade country Y, same thing, just with country Y instead of country X. They follow orders, it's kinda a big thing in the military.

Trump ordered a disinformation campaign in the Philippines, so this guy ran an effective disinformation campaign in the Philippines. If the President wanted to run a disinformation campaign in Russia this would be a guy they'd want to do it.

Follows orders and is good at his job, that's the criteria needed for a promotion.

The blame lies on Trump for giving the order.

hglman ,

Following orders is no excuse and the campaign should be is and is a crime of meaningful scope and scale.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Well sorry to break it to you, there's no international law making disinformation campaigns illegal. It was a bad order to be sure, but not an illegal order.

Soldiers are responsible when following an illegal order. When it's a bad order, then it's the person giving the order that's responsible.

It's just how military works. They have to follow the law, but not your personal morality. I mean what's the morality around killing a person because they're wearing a different uniform? Do you think that's fine while a disinformation campaigns are crossing the line?

hglman ,

Cool technicality. It's a crime by any sane definition of harm.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

The law isn't based on your feelings.

hglman ,

It is in part based on my feels.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Thinking the world conforms to your feelings is basically the definition of delusion.

TokenBoomer ,

You just legitimized Russian, Iranian and Chinese disinformation campaigns against America. Good job, I guess.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

It is what it is. War is a much more horrible thing than a disinformation campaign. So let's just make war illegal, problem solved!

Unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

Whether Russian, Iranian and Chinese disinformation campaigns against America are legitimate or not isn't all that relevant. They're happening and will continue to happen regardless of how legitimate anyone considers them to be.

Eventually there may be treaties countries will agree to stop doing disinformation campaigns. But Russia, China, and Iran aren't going to sign on to these agreements if they're the only ones with the capability to conduct disinformation campaigns. Why would they give up their capabilities to disrupt their adversaries if their adversaries didn't have the capability to disrupt their countries with disinformation? Gotta have Mutually Assured Disinformation before you can get everyone to agree to stop these activities.

Just how global politics works.

TokenBoomer ,
SpaceCowboy , avatar

We're already at the bottom, son.

hglman ,

Whats funny is the poster here was very likely part of said disinformation campaign. This is an attempt to distract from the moral wrong excuted here with the cover of legality. No laws existed that made the Holocaust illegal yet the post laws and trails are valid and necessary. The acts here should be seen as a form of biological warfare, a crime against humanity with all the reprehensible disgust and reasonable punishment due to those who did not stand up and walk away.

Following orders is not just how it works and the criminality of following illegal orders has been established many times.

This is a crime, regardless of the laws today, regardless of my feelings, it is never acceptable to attempt to infect others with a deadly biological agent directly or indirectly.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Is it a crime to kill a person simply because they're wearing a different uniform from you?

That's what the military does, right? They kill people for wearing a different uniform. What's the morality around that? Is it more or less moral to lie to someone than it is to kill them?

We can debate the morality of the existence of militaries all we want. But people in power in places like Russia aren't having that debate. They will use their capabilities to expand their power in absence of a force to oppose them. We need military capabilities and that we means we need to have people willing to kill people for wearing a different uniform. God forbid they might lie to people sometimes, right? Killing people we're fine with, but disinformation crosses the line!

girlfreddy OP , avatar

That excuse didn't work for the Germans and regular soldiers in WW2. Why would you think it should work for America now?

SpaceCowboy , avatar

Are you claiming that a disinformation campaign is a war crime and therefore an illegal order?

That's kinda a stretch don't you think?

Zaktor ,

I'm 100% willing to claim that. The expected end result of this is fewer civilians taking the Chinese vaccine (with likely spillover for other vaccine efforts) and thus more disease deaths. That's a pretty solid justification for war crimes.

Just like "shooting a gun" isn't a war crime. It's not the act that's a crime, it's the expected results and the victims.

Zaktor ,

You're sanitizing this as a "disinformation campaign", stripping away that the target was civilians and the likely result deaths. If the president ordered a general (this isn't some nobody private with no agency) to implement a plan of bombings against civilian targets, that isn't just "a bombing campaign" and following orders is not correct.

SpaceCowboy , avatar

In my honest opinion whoever proposed this, approved this, and ultimately executed this should be persecuted for something akin to shouting fire leading to a stampede and deaths.

That would be Donald J. Trump. It's in the article.

We knew he was bad at managing the pandemic and we know he was bad at foreign policy. This was a two for the price of one deal.

masquenox ,

Nothing shocking, nothing surprising.

We here in South Africa had our turn with US psyop shitfuckery last year.

HiddenLychee ,

Please share! I fell out of contact with my friends there over the pandemic and heard nothing about this.

masquenox ,

A Russian ship docked in Cape Town last year carrying armaments destined for the "War On Terror - Mozambique Edition." The US embassy pretended it didn't have access to that intelligence, and accused the SA government of (supposedly) supplying Putin with weaponry. The rapidity with which these accusations was championed by white supremacist political organisations (including the second largest political party) made it all even more suspicious. We literally had people here (you can imagine which kind) calling for the US to regime change us.

The incident raised more questions than anything - but the white liberal media here in South Africa didn't bother with those... it merely seemed interested in using the entire affair to attack the ANC. It was pretty clear to people here that there was something bigger going on than merely one measly little Russian ship - and, personally, I suspect that the ANC's "sudden" concern over what is going on in Gaza is a retaliation against the US for this. They sure as hell didn't have these concerns when they allowed Israel to buy up South African corporations left, right and centre...

mightyfoolish ,

Covid is related to SARs which East Asian people seem more susceptible to. This is very evil. Well, hopefully this was only under Trump's turn, Biden doesn't need more ammo for Genocide Joe.

bloodfart ,

If you don’t feel disgusted by this enough: the Biden regime shut down the insulin price cap faster than it shut down this program.

TachyonTele ,

We all believe you .ml

assassin_aragorn ,

The article says Biden shut it down in Spring 2021. Turns out your comment is completely wrong -- Biden shut down the program faster than it implemented insulin price caps.

This is why the person replying to you mocked .ml. You can't even read the damn article.

Technically, accounts were still in place afterwards and they didn't properly clean up the disrespectful mess of a program, but that isn't what you said. You said shut down the program, which demonstrably happened quickly.

bloodfart ,

The Biden regime stopped all trump regime executive orders on January 20th, 2021, two days before the trump regimes part d insulin price cap would have taken effect.

The stop on January 20 was called a “pause” because after 60 days to evaluate the ones it wanted to keep, the Biden regime said it would continue the good executive orders. I can’t find any indication that the insulin price cap actually went into effect until a year and a half later as part of a huge bill I can’t remember the name of.

The Biden regime shut down the insulin price cap before it shut down the cia antivax campaign.

TachyonTele ,

Does saying regime multiple times make you feel special?

bloodfart ,

No, I say it to at least recognize that there is an entire apparatus behind these decisions as opposed to attributing them to one person.

I choose to use the word regime to in some small way make reference to the different relationships to different power that each apparatus has. It’s important to not equate the two.

TachyonTele ,

Are you American?

bloodfart ,

Yes I am, why do you ask?

TachyonTele ,

Which state and city are you even in? Because I don't believe you. I've already called out other non Americans for trying to influence the US elections here, I've been correct, and frankly you being a part of .ml is one of the biggest red flags on Lemmy.

Your wording is simply not something Americans use. So you can either stop trying to influence a different countries elections than your own, or you can sit back down in your mom's basement and keep your immature opinions to yourself.

bloodfart ,

Of course, send any abuse or what have you over to my address:

200 N Blount St
Raleigh, NC 27601

Surely you don’t think a person from the instance focused on open source and privacy would just dox themselves, right?

TachyonTele ,

So, another non American ml account. Got it.

bloodfart ,

If you want to go through my post history I bet you could put together where I’m at.

What would prove I’m American to you aside from doxing myself?

MataVatnik , avatar

I always wanted the US to counter China and Russian troll accounts, but not like this.

IzzyScissor ,
rambling_lunatic ,
  1. The antivaxxers were complaining a conspiracy when this whole time they were the conspiracy.
  2. This whole time antivax kept getting blamed on Russian troll farms, when the troll farms were Western all along. Golden.
Duamerthrax ,

This whole time antivax kept getting blamed on Russian troll farms, when the troll farms were Western all along. Golden.

Just because the US was doing it, doesn't mean Russia wasn't also doing it.

archomrade ,

Right because that changes the ethics of us doing it?

Duamerthrax ,

Not what I said.

captainjaneway , avatar

If we spent half the energy on improving our lives that we spend on fucking people over, we'd have a utopia by now. Or at least less lead in our pipes.

America is a global superpower which - apparently - spends some of its most secretive efforts on petty lashbacks to Chinese propaganda. And I'll be damned if our most secretive efforts don't also end up costing us the most taxes (relative to their effective output). I know that Twitter opens its firehouse of data to government programs to support social media analysis. I'm sure Google and Meta do as well. They are aiding these psychological campaigns.

VirtualOdour ,

America is a utopia

For the billionaires

Etterra ,

Goddammit Pentagon. That's not how diseases work.

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