@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar



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How people manage to play and chat online with random people?

This may sound dumb for some of you but I just can't play online, or at least I can't play anything with chat or a very social aspect. That's why I only play tekken on my xbox since that doesn't require socialisation but I have so many games and I feel half of them are worthless now that I finished the campaigns because I don't...

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

I don't bother communicating. I just play silently and usually mute the chat if it is toxic. Even games like overwatch worked out ok playing without communicating.

The only time I had a decent experience playing with strangers was when I found specific gaming subs or Discord communities (e.g. casual gaming, gaming dads, etc) and played in a Discord voice channel. This was actually a really good experience in games like Street fighter or Apex legends. I could do dumb shit in game and they'd be completely chill and say "it happens" and carry on to the next game. Haven't done this for the last couple of years though.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

Dude, I'd love to get a group going for this and make it happen; but honestly I don't play Overwatch anymore and it's difficult to make time for multiplayer games anymore with kids and busy work. I only get a chance to play a bit of Street fighter 6 and some quick single player games.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

Spider-Man Remastered - 80% completed the story and left it there. Lost interest. Didn't see any point in exploring most abilities when a hand full of AoE enemy clearing abilities were so effective.

Guacamelee 2 I left close to the final boss and still think of it as one of the best games I ever played.

Cuphead - had plenty of fun, but lost interest in replaying bosses so many times over and over.

Eldest Souls - excellent game, but I took along break from it and when I came back I forgot how the mechanics and ability synergies worked out and felt like I was relearning it from scratch (except I was on advance and difficult bosses).

Overcooked 2 - my wife stopped making time to spend on the game and would rather watch TV together instead.

It Takes Two - my brother's schedule never lined up with mine.

Sifu - got too difficult.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

The remastered copy on Steam let's you speed up the game. It is much quicker running around at x4 speed and clearing random encounters. Then slow game speed to normal for major bosses and events. I would highly recommend this route rather than trying to find a PS2 again.

If you haven't played FFX-2 or FFXII then those are worth checking out too.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

8 ads? So the funeral only lasted 5 min?

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

If ads were interesting and creative, I might have turned off my adblockers to watch them.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

I'm not religious at all. But in responding to your question OP: we don't have to understand why people believe. Religion just isn't for us, and that's fine. Other people find it has value, and that's fine too. The fact that religion has lasted this long with this many people is proof in itself that there's some value people get out of it. We don't have to get it to understand that.

All the comments here that explain religion solely as dumb or irrational are just as closed minded as the people they're talking about.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

It's expensive and blood can only be stored for so long. Easiest to stick with compatible blood types.

There are also loads of other antigens in blood that can cause a reaction. These are just the commonly known ones. So blood should still be cross matched anyway if it isn't an emergency.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

I have no idea what I've missed.... Till I go to someone's house and watch raw YouTube and it's unbearable.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

StumbleUpon toolbar

It was an era of Netscape navigator and toolbars

What do you all check instead of the news?

I've realized that I check the news several times a day but not because I'm curious about what's happening on the grand scheme of things, but because my brain wants to check something that keeps changing with new, evolving information. It fills a slightly different niche than social media, and I don't watch sports so I don't...

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

Don't bother with the 24 rolling news updates. It is much better to watch a video news summary a few days later. A really really good YouTube channel called TLDR news (they have a number of subchannels) that I would highly recommend.

The other thing is to use RSS...never news websites. RSS presents news chronologically. Websites curate to put absolute shit on their front-page so avoid that. If you use an RSS app like Pluma, then it lets you set a blacklist (like I've excluded news about Biden, Trump, Covid, vaccines, Israel, Ukraine, Superbowl, football, etc)... It really let's you exclude what you don't want to see and improve what shows up in your list.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

I haf a gaming laptop for over 2 years. Sold it this year to replace with a PC and I'm convinced I'm never going back to a laptop.

Laptops run noisy and hot. The hardware is tuned down for poorer performance compared to PCs. Using one is not ergonomic at all. It's a pain working around power management (I.e. forcing it to stay on to use as a server, etc), features like wake on LAN are hit or miss. They're overpriced compared to similar PC parts. They're hardly repairable or upgradeable at all.

I've made a much faster PC for almost the same cost I sold a 3 year old laptop for. The laptop was always used with a monitor, KB, mouse anyway. If the portability is required then the Steam Deck makes for a much better portable gaming machine and an old secondhand workstation laptop will be dirt cheap and fast enough for all your office needs.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

I'm in my 30's too and teach at university and train a lot of staff in their early 20s at work. 20s really seems like and extension of teenage years to me now. I would feel like I'm dating someone underage.

cRazi_man , (edited )
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

I agree with the principle, but not in the same way.

It feels good to portray another person as an "idiot" or obviously wrong. Feels superior and legitimate.

The lesson for me has been: people are allowed to have their own thoughts and opinions, no matter how ill-informed I think they are. It is going to be just as difficult to force them to believe my opinion, as it would be for me to believe their position. So shouting "facts" and "logic" doesn't work at all. If you can get over branding someone an idiot you might be able to listen to why they actually believe such misguided information, but this would take non-judgemental questioning.

So I agree: stop arguing with people.

You cannot make people change their minds in a single sitting. You should aim to be less closed minded than they are. Stop thinking of others as "idiots" to begin with.

If you're really interested in diving into this, here's the first of a 3 part series talking about how to have difficult conversations with people who see the world differently, how to have better debates about contentious issues, and how to ethically and scientifically persuade one another about things that matter – in short, this is a three-part series about How Minds Change.


(I'm not affiliated with the podcast or this guy's books.....I just listen to a lot of cognitive science podcasts)

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

This is something commonly misunderstood as:

Logic = correct = good

Emotion = irrational = bad

In truth your emotions are trying to tell you something. You certainly shouldn't be acting completely on emotion. But you do need to learn to interpret what your emotions are telling you and what that means, because there is critical information there that you would ignore at your peril.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

I can calculate 0% of anything in my head quite quickly. Try me.

cRazi_man , (edited )
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

Privacy/no data mining is (frankly) a huge deal and a major problem in modern society is that this is not valued at all. To me, this is really analogous to the climate crisis in the sense that we've known about the impending climate crisis for decades and no one valued it till we got to the point of no return/crisis point. I really cannot emphasise enough what a big deal it is to value your data/information/privacy.

Other than that, Linux really is a functional OS and there will be other benefits like multiple desktop styles to choose from, the possibility to do more advanced things if you need to (if learn how), the OS is virus-free, better performance (because the computer doesn't need to work so hard on your OS and can spend that energy on other things), giving life to old hardware that Windows no longer supports (and saving your money as well as the planet from thr e-waste), the importance of an alternative choice so the market is not monopolised by predator corporate giants. There will be loads more benefits, but those are a few to begin with.

It also has downsides (as mentioned above).

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

Why recommend Gnome as a windows alternative? Surely KDE is a much better option if you're trying to make a windows user feel more familiar with the interface.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

Same. It was unpleasant. It was expensive. It was lonely. It wasn't well supported. Life only started looking up once university finished.

The problem is that no one is learning for the sake of learning when university costs more than a house deposit and then some. Opportunities are gated behind university degrees, so people have to do them. So the marker of success will continue to be how many people find high paying jobs.

Make education affordable. Make education accessible. Make wages reasonable to afford a basic standard of living at least.

3rd year in university and getting nowhere. What should I do?

Lemmy, I have completed tens of modules across several different universities. I have been course-hopping for long enough that I’d have a bachelors degree by now had I found and stayed on a course that suited me. I can’t be asked to commit to one and study it for yet another 3 years before I get a degree*. Yet I feel like...

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

Completely agree with this point. OP sounds like they need to figure out their issues first. I don't think any commitment should be made to any longterm course or career yet. Probably best to take an entry level job in any area of interest with the current qualifications and go from there. Develop a focus, develop and interest, know what to aim for.

cRazi_man , (edited )
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

The online dating community seems so messed up. Doesn't it make sense to move away from that and seek out the people who aren't embedded in that app culture? The ones who are going to meetups and classes and activities to meet people in person the old fashioned way.

cRazi_man , (edited )
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

Post the site in this comment section for those interested here.

Other than that, you could pick male specific communities. AskMen, Dads, AskMenOver30, etc. There are subs for "casual conversation" as well. Search for places like that and plaster the site everywhere if you're trying to publicise it and then follow on to related subs in the sidebar.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

That will just leak wind upwards instead of downwards.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

Lemmy hasn't really gotten over the fragmentation of communities. There are multiple gaming subs, some have double digit users, some have thousands. That shit needs to be consolidated.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

It will if Lemmy becomes successful. It will have to stay tiny and very niche. Or else all communities have to deal with Eternal September if they start getting a lot of users. Then communities will gravitate towards the same lowest common denominator content and comments seen elsewhere.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

True, but Lemmy doesn't have the number of users needed to populate so many subs.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

What was the drama there?

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

Stories like this have been posted every so often to reddit. I'll believe this is possible when I see it available in consumer electronics (and not just lab conditions).

cRazi_man , (edited )
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

DDG still uses Bing as a backend. Ive been using Brave search and have been really happy with it. They even have their own implementation of AI with search results if you're interested in that. They also use bangs which you might be used to from DDG. Highly recommend search.brave.com


cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

The first step is normalising the idea of privacy so people can even see the point of paying for something they can easily get for free.

The next step would be to make products people can easily use without being tech savvy. A synology NAS has been great for me and I praise the setup to anyone who will listen, but even with something like Synology people will need some basic knowledge.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

Sounds like you're handling a difficult time pretty well. Good stuff.

For financial planning I found it much easier to change my current account to a bank that automatically categorises and displays spending data really well in their app. Budgeting is easier when you have tools to make it easier.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

My mother wanted to get me a wide brim sun hat with a neck flap: https://imgs.search.brave.com/fVuBnMVVBRH1g28fcDzOX0uUoC4Si8j5_V0yd65cJL4/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9tLm1l/ZGlhLWFtYXpvbi5j/b20vaW1hZ2VzL0kv/NzEzZDRjWUhZNUwu/anBn

She thought it would be good to save me from the sun while mowing the lawn. I asked her to return it. There was no way I was going to wear that.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

My main concern was it doesn't provide enough sun cover. I wanted more. I had her buy me this instead: https://cdn.ezcosplay.com/media/catalog/product/p/o/power_rangers_white_ninjetti_ranger_cosplay_costume_1_2.jpg

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

I was born an "old man" really feel like I'm finally growing into my true phase of life. So not really any grumpier I would say.

I've developed a real interest in reading about cognitive science and psychology, and I really feel like that's made me more relaxed in accepting how different peoples' ideas, opinions and lived experience is; and it has really made me get over judging people for thinking the "wrong" thing.

cRazi_man , (edited )
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

Been a busy week at work. I've taken on an additional management role and I'm repeatedly surprised by how childish my peers are.

Now there are 2 kid's birthdays my son is invited to. He's autistic and my wife can't handle him. So it's going to be a busy weekend for me.

Trying to keep regular with the gym after hours. Annoyed about having to put time into figuring out what's broken the network connectivity on my computer now that I'm using Linux.

At the end of it all, I'm loving life. Happy to try to make the world better through my job. Really happy to spend time with my kids and try to support them through the world at large.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

I came to suggest this. The book is one of the best zombie media ever. The movie is one of the worst.

Early seasons of The Walking Dead TV show are also really good.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

As long as people keep buying this shit and the industry succeeds in calling this a consumer problem, nothing will change. The onus needs to be on the manufacturer and doing wasteful shit like this needs to cost them dearly.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

Keen to try eating some vegan human meat.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

Ah damn it. It took me ages to find a calculator app that fits my needs..... And now I find out it works like the one on the right.

cRazi_man ,
@cRazi_man@lemm.ee avatar

Credulous is the word.

Under the guise of objectivity he gives all fringe opinions equal significance.

Edit: here's a good explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZAQYI_hYp0

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