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audiomodder ,

This might have been true in the past, but Biden has been too busy putting rainbow stickers on the outside of the boat to use a bucket.

I’m not saying the recognition is bad, but ffs actually try to plug the holes. He was elected basically saying “I’m not going to make things worse” and he’s barely kept that promise. Don’t know why people thought he would actually make things better

audiomodder ,

I’m sure you could. Are queer people actually safer under Biden? Or has their safety just not gotten worse? Abortion rights? Health care? Separating families at the border? Has the average American’s life actually improved or is it just “not worse”?

And here is the part where you list all the excuses about why Biden and the Dems couldn’t do anything about those things. And yet, they’re gonna continue to campaign and ask for money on a combination of “we’re gonna do those things” and “OMG Trump scary”. And then they won’t actually act on them.

Like every time Republicans go more fascist, Democrats see it as an excuse to move to the right and go “vote for the not fascist”. Fool me in 2016, shame on me. Fool me again in 2020, shame on you. Play the same goddamn game in 2024, I’m not sure what to say anymore.

And before you say it, I caucused in 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020. I’ve tried to change things from the inside. The absolute bullshit I saw at EVERY LEVEL made me nauseated. I’ve watched as politicians left the Republican Party, came to the Democratic Party, continued voting with the Republicans AND WERE HIGHLY FUNDED BY THE DEM PARTY OF MY STATE. And they still are! I watched as “progressive policies” like “let’s push against Republicans trying to privatize Medicare” were tabled because they didn’t want to “offend moderates” EVEN WHEN THEY POLLED AT 70%+ of folks polled in the state opposed privatization.

They are a lost cause beyond all repair. They may have not lead the march into fascism, but they sure as hell haven’t done anything to slow it down.

audiomodder ,

Back to voting third party. Which is where I was before younger me was convinced that it was “throwing away my vote”

audiomodder ,

You know what, I take this back. This is perfect. Because Democrats are bailing water instead of trying to plug the fucking holes.

audiomodder ,

So you’re saying that I, a trans leftist activist, am a fascist because I’m voting for a 3rd party instead of Biden? You know some of us actually do stuff other than bash people on Lemmy, right?

audiomodder ,

Oh, I completely agree. Republicans have consistently gotten worse. At the same time, so has literally every Democrat since Carter. Every Democratic president since Clinton has moved to the right. For example: Obamacare? More like exactly what Reagan proposed to “fix” the insurance industry. And people forget that Biden was the “moderate” to pull that crazy “leftist Obama” back towards the “center”. And now Biden is called a crazy leftist. So now we have 2 right-wing choices. One that thinks capitalism fixes everything, supports genocide because it’s profitable, and says “but we like queer people (as long as they have money and don’t ask for anything)”. The other is a literal fascist. The fact is that either party is good for big business and bad for everyone else.

audiomodder ,

“Student voices should be heard. I mean, I’m not going to do anything different, but pretending to care is a core value of the Democratic Party.”

audiomodder ,

The irony is that the poor behavior explains why many women would pick the bear

audiomodder ,

Israel wouldn’t do that. They want to give the beachfront property to American politicians as a “gift that’s totally not a bribe”

audiomodder ,

Math major here: by inductive proof

If marriage is allowed for n, then we must also allow for n-1.
Therefore: newborns can now get married.

audiomodder ,

They were definitely still biased. The difference is that the opinion was built into what they covered vs what they didn’t cover. ABC has always been a left-leaning network, CBS a right-leaning network, and NBC somewhere between. So while they might cover most big things very much the same, sometimes what they chose to cover or how much to cover it would reveal their leanings.

That being said, they were much more in-step than our news networks are now.

audiomodder ,

AKA women who no longer produce large gametes are no longer women.

audiomodder ,

Israel won’t nuke Gaza. They need that prime beachfront real estate.

audiomodder ,

Teacher here. I can explain this as: at any given time only about 1/2 the class is listening to instructions. I’m guessing that 4th period is a smaller class, but they did well because the teacher could better monitor what they were doing. I’d be willing to bet that 7th period is the largest class.

audiomodder ,

Our school did that, but ran into an issue that not everyone around us did the same. So students that were involved in after school sports would sometimes be leaving after 5th period (in an 8 period day) 2 or 3 days a week. They’d need to leave around 2/2:30 to get to a 4pm game and have time to warm up. That had a pretty negative effect on their academic performance.

audiomodder ,

It used to be correct APA/MLA formatting to use “he/she” when the gender of a subject was unknown. That was changed back in the mid 00’s I think. The preferred format is now “they” over “he/she”.

That being said, people use singular they/them all the time in casual conversation. We just aren’t used to using it when we know or think we know the gender of the person. But let’s be honest, there have always been people that have been hurt by being misgendered. Hell, it was common for some racists to use they/them with black women in an attempt to dehumanize them. So this idea that the singular they is new is absolutely ridiculous.

audiomodder ,

I haven’t seen a ton, but I primarily use TikTok as social media app. I’ve seen them on YouTube despite me rarely using the platform, and I see them occasionally on Hulu and Amazon.

But they’re right, I have yet to see any ads that are pro-Palestinian.

audiomodder ,

Dementia has never stopped Republicans. Reagan, anyone?

audiomodder ,

What the actual country fried fuck? It’s the folks protesting the Gaza genocide shutting down “opposing views”? Was that before or after their pro-Israel presidents called the cops to arrest them?

audiomodder ,

That guy that endorsed Trump? Not me. That was Rich McConnell.

audiomodder ,

This source is hot garbage. It’s a right-wing conspiracy theory rag

audiomodder ,

I mean, same with remote work

audiomodder ,

The honest answer is that if the office real estate market crashes, so does the US economy

audiomodder ,

Not really. In this case we have a great example of this happening: the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008. The entire real estate economy is held up by wishes and prayers and mutually assured destruction.

when you're above the law & your pockets are lined by lobbyists from private prisons and insurance companies ( )

for screen reader users... Calvin "change my mind" meme; top text "Texas & Arizona pass laws prioritizing dead cells over fully alive mothers, Oklahoma outlaws HPV which 90% of people will contract"; bottom text "GOP = Gaslighting Ourselves for Profit. Change my mind"

audiomodder ,

I thought this meant HPV vaccinations so I googled it. Nope. They said up said it’s illegal to “be recklessly responsible for” the spread of HPV. Like WTAF?!

audiomodder ,

It began several years ago with trans health care. Trans folks warned y’all this was coming, but you chose not to listen.

audiomodder ,

This is inaccurate. Democrats just won’t drill any more holes.

audiomodder ,

We gave them money to buy a pump. They spent it on advertising bragging about the buckets.

audiomodder ,

$360 for a set with that many pieces is about right. The math in our house is about $.10/piece

audiomodder ,

It skews “non-Western”, which doesn’t work well on a chart like this.

audiomodder ,

Which is why we need an independent autopsy.

Don’t Think of It as a Contest Between Biden and Trump ( )

Personality certainly matters. But it might be more useful, in terms of the actual stakes of a contest, to think about the presidential election as a race between competing coalitions of Americans. Different groups, and different communities, who want very different — sometimes mutually incompatible — things for the country....

audiomodder ,

They had that in 2020. And they did absolutely nothing. So while they SAY they want those things, it’s funny how when they had the opportunity they didn’t actually DO those things.

audiomodder ,

Had it not been the 2 of them it would have been someone else. Democrats, FOR DECADES, have been the party of bark and no bite. Their goal has been to appear to stall our slide into fascism while continuing to serve their corporate sponsors. Which is why you see things like their constant appeal to “undecided voters” by shifting positions to the right. Isn’t it funny how Republicans never seem to worry about that?

audiomodder ,

That’s exactly my point. If it wasn’t Manchin and Sinema it would have been someone else. You see stuff like this all the time in DC, where a party “supports” a bill but a couple defectors oppose it and it fails. It might have been those 2 this past time, but it will be another couple next time and we’ll say things like “oh, they’re in a purple state we have to just deal with it if we want to stay in power.” But what’s the point of “maintaining power” if dems don’t do anything with it? We KNEW an overturn of Roe was coming in 2020. What did Dems do? Nothing.

I’ve seen this exact play SO MANY TIMES that I know it when I see it. Hell, Biden WAS the Manchin in the Senate for a while, and now he’s supposedly a flaming liberal.

My point is, it’s often that there’s a group of people who will vote for a bill because of “optics”. Most people in the room know if a bill will succeed or fail before it comes up for a vote because it’s been decided behind closed doors before the vote is called.

audiomodder ,

He has always been right wing. People forget that he was picked as a VP for Obama because Obama seemed “too radical” to the DNC. He was at best a centrist, at worst a 1990s centrist, which is to say, a Republican. All you have to do is look at his voting record.

audiomodder ,

He’s secretly gay and has a degradation kink?

Nazis mingle openly at CPAC, spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories and finding allies ( )

At the Young Republican mixer Friday evening a group of Nazis, who openly identified as national socialists, mingled with mainstream conservative personalities, including some from Turning Point USA, and discussed race science and antisemitic conspiracy theories.

audiomodder ,

They’re the same wing. They believe that the current Jewish state isn’t Jewish enough and that the true Judaism is actually Christianity.

I wish I was kidding, but I actually know people that fall into this camp.

audiomodder ,

There was a speaker at CPAC who just said that they’re trying to make the US a Christian nation by force, even if it means abandoning democracy.

audiomodder ,

I like the idea of 18 year staggered terms offset by 2 years. Each president gets to nominate 2 justices each presidential term. It needs something to prevent the Senate from essentially saying “no” to every nominee like McConnell did, but it’s better than lifetime appointments.

audiomodder ,

Not a man, I’m an enby, but I’ve been married to my wife for 15 years.

Showing a woman love often means shutting up, listening, and empathizing. Not fixing.

audiomodder ,

I disagree with this. She’s a pretty amazing song writer, which is really uncommon for pop stars. I can see why someone would think she’s more like pizza if you only listen to the hits, but if you actually sit down and listen to a whole album you’ll find that there aren’t many songs that are just flat-out bad. Actually, one my favorites by her is a B side. You can actually track her progress as a musician from fairly generic country artist to someone who has a really unique and uncomplicated sound. I mean, I get why people go for the “simple = easy”, but that’s simply not the case. It’s really difficult to write a song that is as clean and as well put together as she does and still have it be good. To continue your food metaphor, Taylor would be like sushi; there doesn’t have to be a ton of ingredients to be incredibly delicious.

Then you also have to consider that she’s Gen Z, has been doing this for 18 years, and has managed to stay fairly relevant most of that time. Like she really is the only Gen Z pop star who has managed to stay in the limelight without dropping out of being a complete tool (Justin Bieber).

You also have to consider that for a long time she had a carefully crafted public image as a champion of the LGBTQ+ community. Whether she actually is or isn’t doesn’t really matter (I personally think it’s a lot of rainbow-washing) when you have bops like “You Need to Calm Down”. Or the fact that she features a bunch of trans people in the video she directed for “Lavender Haze”.

audiomodder ,

The word you are looking for is “pick-me”

audiomodder ,

The answer is “no”. The reason Iowa was forced to use crappy software by the DNC was because Iowa has a history of not supporting the Corporate Democrat. People give Iowa a lot of crap, but there are a lot of very progressive people here, especially in the rural areas. The problem is the DNC pushes people like Hillary Clinton and completely alienates the rural progressive base. There’s a reason that Iowa rarely ends up picking the candidate, and it’s because Iowa democrats tend to be more progressive than their east-coast cousins. I’m a rural Iowan, and my caucus in 2020 went 3 delegates for Bernie, 1 delegate for Warren, and 1 delegate for Buttigeig. We had exactly 1 person the room of 50+ people that supported Biden (he was a day-of registration and I know him…he had a Trump sign in his yard), and the 1 Buttigeig delegate was a coalition of the corporate candidate supporters.

So long story short, the DNC actually has a vested interest in NOT having Iowa first. It doesn’t benefit the candidates they actually want.

Trump lawyer tells appeals court president can murder political rivals without being prosecuted — unless impeached and convicted by Senate ( )

The stark question was posed to Trump’s attorney John Sauer by Judge Florence Pan: Was a president immune from prosecution for any unlawful act, at all? Could a president order his political rivals to be assassinated by Seal Team 6 as an official act? Could he sell pardons at his pleasure if he saw fit and then face no...

audiomodder ,

Of course it’s a trash lawyer. Do you think a lawyer of any intelligence or repute would still be working for Trump?

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