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audiomodder ,

They did violate orders. They were ordered to not get caught.

audiomodder ,

This is just guidance from the Iowa DoE. This has been a law for a year now, but the DoE wouldn’t put out official guidance on it, making school districts scramble to figure things out on their own.

If a student even asks a hypothetical “if I were to ask to be called by…”, parents have to be notified. Generic notice was given to our GSA that students that were unsure if their parents were supportive should ask to be called by their last names to avoid being deadnamed.

As a teacher, every student became a “they”, all my seating charts were done by last name, and I had to refuse calling students nicknames unless it was noted in our official system. As a trans teacher, I was targeted by a parent who tried to set me up. A student asked to be called by a shortened name where it was unclear if it was a different gender from their given name (think like Chris for Christina). They did not ask any other teacher to do this, and their parents refused to sign anything allowing it. So I refused, and parents tried to escalate it. Fortunately my admin is amazing and just removed the student from my class.

Side note: the same year they did this, they also passed a law that mandated that the student mental health survey that the CDC puts out every year be replaced by their own Iowa version. The only difference? They removed questions about sexual orientation and gender identity questions. These questions include things like “how often have you had thoughts of killing yourself” and “how often do you feel down or depressed”. We know, statistically, that these laws will increase suicidality among queer students, but now we don’t have any way to prove that the laws they passed had that effect. It’s downright evil.

audiomodder ,

The empire is DIRT. The crown is SHIT. Get it right

audiomodder ,

Little Village Magazine out of Iowa City.

Iowa Starting Line

I also follow OneIowa for legislation affecting queer folks

Biden says the next president may get to name two Supreme Court justices ( )

LOS ANGELES – President Biden on Saturday night said he expects the winner of this year’s presidential election will likely have the chance to fill two vacancies on the Supreme Court – a decision he warned would be “one of the scariest parts” if his Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, is successful in...

audiomodder ,

Yup. Until at some point the American people got fed up with the clown show. But some of us have been waiting for them to get fed up with it for quite some time. Maybe this would exasperate the issue to the point where we actually do something.

audiomodder ,

I think “ankylosaurus” is misspelled. The only reason I know that is because it has always been my favorite dinosaur.

audiomodder ,

Just to be clear, they follow 1 random Jewish student who says they “felt threatened” because they saw a swastika “on or around campus”. They then talk to another student who is the leader of a pro-Israel student group. They don’t talk to any of the people actually at the encampments. They don’t talk to any pro-Palestinian students. They take these 2 Jewish students word at face value. There’s no studies cited, and no other evidence offered.

This story is part of a larger media narrative to paint anything that is supporting Palestine or is critical of Israel as antisemitism. It accepts pro-Israel talking points as fact with little or no actual investigation into whether anything said is actually true.

audiomodder ,

I really want to agree with you, but I know several (especially older) people who are very intelligent but only get their news through mainstream media, and not just Fox News. These folks are convinced we’re seeing a resurgence of neo-Nazis on college campuses because that’s how every major news outlet, conservative or liberal, is reporting on them.

audiomodder ,

They don’t, actually. They only sell anonymized statistics and don’t allow advertisers to choose who they advertise to. As a result, they can’t charge as much for advertising. So they are actively taking less money to better protect your information in that respect.

White Dad Apologized to the Black Superintendent He Pushed On Stage, But It Didn't Go As He Expected ( )

“The outreach was really to indicate that he, Matthew, understands his mishap in terms of what he did, what he’s caused. He’s remorseful,” Briggs continued. “I took that as some form of apology, but that’s not something I think at this time amounts to a solid apology, from my perspective....

audiomodder ,

There’s 2 possible explanations here: he’s got deep-seated mental issues that lead to him interrupting the graduation ceremony of hundreds of students by aggressively pursuing a person who “rolled his eyes” at his daughter, or, and more likely in my opinion, he’s a blatant racist making excuses for his racist behavior in his town where half the boys of a graduating class took a picture in front of the school doing a Nazi salute.

Either way, the man needs therapy

audiomodder ,

Again, that’s according to what the father told police. And if you listen to what his “beef” is, he would have objected to the principal shaking her hand as well, but didn’t seem to.

audiomodder ,

A “World’s Okayest Dad” mug.

Alternatively, a certificate for a free vasectomy.

audiomodder ,

Boy this rhetoric sounds familiar. “Democracy is under attack by Republicans”. Oh right, it’s the exact same goddamn thing Democrats have been saying for the last 15 years. And yet even though they’ve been in power a significant part of that time, somehow we keep inching towards fascism.

At some point you realize that the only real question is do we want fascism next week, or do we want fascism next month? And while I agree that voting for Drumpf is a much worse choice for the country, maybe if Democrats actually did stuff to make every day citizens lives better then maybe it really wouldn’t be much of an argument.

audiomodder ,

I worked for a Sinclair station back in the early 00s. “Evil” is the only word I can use to describe them as an employer

audiomodder ,

Fired half the staff the week of Christmas. Started airing blatant far-right propaganda. Forced scripts that news personalities were mandated to read verbatim or be fired.

audiomodder ,

Compiled Java is still cross-platform. It’s been a few years for me, but when I last worked in C# it was a giant PITA to work on it in Linux or MacOS. I hope it’s gotten better.

audiomodder ,

Looks like SOMEone didn’t pay their CIA dues this month

audiomodder ,

It’s part of the Dallas/Ft Worth metro, but that cost is something like $18 per person in the town.

audiomodder ,

That’s kind of my point. $18 per person is a ridiculous cost. They have a population of ~37,000 people. It would be less inexcusable if it were in Dallas (~1.3m). I mean, police stations don’t need vehicles like that at all, but it’s even more disgusting that a town that small spent money on that.

audiomodder ,

They did. But now he’s taking money from the wrong people instead of the right people.

audiomodder ,

They’ll have leveled the entirety of Raffah, so now most/all of Gaza is almost uninhabitable. “I mean, we gonna bomb the rubble? Sure we’ll sign a cease fire. It never stopped us before”

audiomodder ,

Yup. Except this time the president won’t hold back the military like Trump did.

audiomodder ,

Because, they’re saying, WINNING sure didn’t do progressives any favors.

FWIW, we ran Hillary Clinton as a moderate candidate and lost.

audiomodder ,

Technically it’s a democratic republic based on a federal system.

Also, reminder: the electoral college was a compromise designed to give more weight to slave-owning states.

audiomodder ,

This is an asshole statement.

I am a member of the queer community, and this is the kind of garbage that distances me even more from Biden.

FWIW, I did vote for Biden, and it was the first time I had voted for a non-third party for president, but I won’t be voting for him again.

audiomodder ,

I am also really sick of hearing this crap from Biden supporters. “Oh, so you’re just going to let Trump win?” MF my life has gotten worse under Biden because Democrats didn’t do anything when they held the Senate, House, and Presidency all at the same time.

So now my state’s Republicans have proceeded to take away rights of queer folks and women with almost no resistance. Now when Republicans pushed through a school voucher program, tons of resistance. Emails, organizing, etc. But the NEA has money, and queer folks don’t.

audiomodder ,

Yup, I’ve always voted third party because they’ve always had a chance at winning. Because perfect is the enemy of good.

audiomodder ,

I can not figure out how people see him as charismatic. His voice grates my ears, he’s objectively ugly, wears poorly fitting clothing, and half them time when he’s speaking you can’t understand what it is that he’s trying to communicate. Like when people say he’s charismatic, it feels to me like they might as well say “have you met this pus filled boil? It’s so charming”.

audiomodder ,

There’s a difference: a trans person isn’t a threat to Trump supporters. Trump supporters are, quite literally, calling for the death of trans folks. Your family may not be part of that, but as a trans person if I see a MAGA hat I’m forced to assume they mean me harm. For the same reason that women often don’t feel safe around men.

audiomodder ,

Jeebus, I’m a teacher and I’m held to higher impartiality standards than SCOTUS seems to be.

audiomodder ,

This might have been true in the past, but Biden has been too busy putting rainbow stickers on the outside of the boat to use a bucket.

I’m not saying the recognition is bad, but ffs actually try to plug the holes. He was elected basically saying “I’m not going to make things worse” and he’s barely kept that promise. Don’t know why people thought he would actually make things better

audiomodder ,

I’m sure you could. Are queer people actually safer under Biden? Or has their safety just not gotten worse? Abortion rights? Health care? Separating families at the border? Has the average American’s life actually improved or is it just “not worse”?

And here is the part where you list all the excuses about why Biden and the Dems couldn’t do anything about those things. And yet, they’re gonna continue to campaign and ask for money on a combination of “we’re gonna do those things” and “OMG Trump scary”. And then they won’t actually act on them.

Like every time Republicans go more fascist, Democrats see it as an excuse to move to the right and go “vote for the not fascist”. Fool me in 2016, shame on me. Fool me again in 2020, shame on you. Play the same goddamn game in 2024, I’m not sure what to say anymore.

And before you say it, I caucused in 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020. I’ve tried to change things from the inside. The absolute bullshit I saw at EVERY LEVEL made me nauseated. I’ve watched as politicians left the Republican Party, came to the Democratic Party, continued voting with the Republicans AND WERE HIGHLY FUNDED BY THE DEM PARTY OF MY STATE. And they still are! I watched as “progressive policies” like “let’s push against Republicans trying to privatize Medicare” were tabled because they didn’t want to “offend moderates” EVEN WHEN THEY POLLED AT 70%+ of folks polled in the state opposed privatization.

They are a lost cause beyond all repair. They may have not lead the march into fascism, but they sure as hell haven’t done anything to slow it down.

audiomodder ,

Back to voting third party. Which is where I was before younger me was convinced that it was “throwing away my vote”

audiomodder ,

You know what, I take this back. This is perfect. Because Democrats are bailing water instead of trying to plug the fucking holes.

audiomodder ,

So you’re saying that I, a trans leftist activist, am a fascist because I’m voting for a 3rd party instead of Biden? You know some of us actually do stuff other than bash people on Lemmy, right?

audiomodder ,

As a queer person, this is really offensive. You realize that a large part of my opinion is formed by my queer identity, right?

Dems have done absolutely jack shit in my state to fight the slew of anti-trans and anti-gay bills passed by our legislature. They’ve done almost nothing at the federal level, and there was actually talk about letting Republicans push anti-trans legislation so that they could “just get a budget passed”. So yea, while my trans siblings are sitting here suffering and the Dems go “well I’m not sure about trans rights”, you might excuse my frustration and anger at the party that flies the rainbow flag and then turns the other way when we get fucked.

audiomodder ,

Oh, I completely agree. Republicans have consistently gotten worse. At the same time, so has literally every Democrat since Carter. Every Democratic president since Clinton has moved to the right. For example: Obamacare? More like exactly what Reagan proposed to “fix” the insurance industry. And people forget that Biden was the “moderate” to pull that crazy “leftist Obama” back towards the “center”. And now Biden is called a crazy leftist. So now we have 2 right-wing choices. One that thinks capitalism fixes everything, supports genocide because it’s profitable, and says “but we like queer people (as long as they have money and don’t ask for anything)”. The other is a literal fascist. The fact is that either party is good for big business and bad for everyone else.

audiomodder ,

“Student voices should be heard. I mean, I’m not going to do anything different, but pretending to care is a core value of the Democratic Party.”

audiomodder ,

The irony is that the poor behavior explains why many women would pick the bear

audiomodder ,

Israel wouldn’t do that. They want to give the beachfront property to American politicians as a “gift that’s totally not a bribe”

audiomodder ,

Math major here: by inductive proof

If marriage is allowed for n, then we must also allow for n-1.
Therefore: newborns can now get married.

audiomodder ,

They were definitely still biased. The difference is that the opinion was built into what they covered vs what they didn’t cover. ABC has always been a left-leaning network, CBS a right-leaning network, and NBC somewhere between. So while they might cover most big things very much the same, sometimes what they chose to cover or how much to cover it would reveal their leanings.

That being said, they were much more in-step than our news networks are now.

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