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Tyfud ,

Iirc, they're his stunt doubles

Tyfud ,

To follow up on this, you're right. I checked into it. That picture is fake, generated or photoshopped or something, but he does all his own stunts and does not use stunt doubles, so I was mistaken and misled :)

Tyfud ,

lol at the 6 (at the time of writing this) trump supporters that downvoted you and are cool with trump pardoning convicted killers, his own sycophants that were convicted of federal crimes, and people that gave him bribes for his presidential pardons at the 11th hour; but not cool with pardoning people wrongfully convicted of a bigoted piece of propaganda turned law with "Don't ask, Don't Tell".

Tyfud ,

It was a way to not deal with the issue directly, and to give members of the LGBTQ+ community an option to hide who they are and not receive punishment. But it in no way protected them. It was sold as a "compromise", but was actually a thinly veiled way to continue to suppress the community and enact harsh penalties and convictions for anyone who didn't follow the protocol.

Tyfud ,

The Nazis were very much Christian. Claiming otherwise is distorting the facts.

Tyfud ,

So, they were attacking other religious sects and churches that were different than their specific version of Christianity?

That sounds like Christianity to me.

Just because it wasn't the form of Christianity we recognize today, doesn't mean it wasn't a valid religious movement. Sure, it specifically helped the Nazi party, but all the pieces of the puzzle to create their christo-fascist state were there for them to put together.

And they used Christianity to do it. Saying otherwise is being disingenuous and revisionist. They espoused Christianity. They espoused the teachings of Jesus. They claimed moral superiority just like every other religion does.

Sure, they used it to attack other religions to set theirs up as the state religion, but that doesn't make it less like Christianity. Just a form that doesn't exist today.

Repressing other religions is a cornerstone of most religions, including Christianity. To say otherwise is invoking apologetics.

Tyfud ,

This is the correct answer. Anyone that disagrees should go read the communist manifesto and come back to see if they still disagree.

The issues are with his solutions. He correctly calls out all the issues with capitalism. Just nails them.

But his ideas about how to solve it by abolishing land rights and the entire inheritance system is problematic, as the OP says.

Not that it couldn't work in a vacuum, but it's not a realistic solution to our problem.

A much more well considered approach of proposed solutions can be found in the book: Utopia for realists.

Tyfud ,

Well. Now I've got another fear to add to the list.

Tyfud ,

She wasn't successful in killing the child, so no, no pardon from Abbott. He only pardons actual convicted killers of hate crimes.


What's was your favourite fast food product that unfortunately got retired and never came back?

Here, for a while at McDonald's there was a 🍔 called "the 1955" and it was the best, big pieces of onion, an special sauce, buns and big piece of beef with bacon (for Europe standards anyways) it disappeared once and came back for an encore only to be removed again and never return.

Tyfud ,

The double decker is still around, they call it something else, but you can still order it.

Tyfud ,

Having been raised in a religious household and having escaped it later in life to become an engineer/science nerd, while being ostracized by my, incredibly, incredibly disappointing parents because they refuse to learn new things or acknowledge scientific studies that conflict with their religious views:

This answer is unequivocally, absolutely, a 100% correct take on humanity and their need for the "simplistic" and incorrect answers religion gives about the world around them.

Tyfud ,

It didn't happen to him though, so clearly it never happened. He also doesn't believe in shark attacks, or the holocaust.

Prosecutors say Alec Baldwin was ‘engaged in horseplay’ with gun before fatal shooting ( www.theguardian.com )

Fewer than three weeks before actor Alec Baldwin is due to go on trial in Santa Fe, New Mexico, prosecutors have said that he “engaged in horseplay with the revolver”, including firing a blank round at a crew member on the set of Rust before the tragic accident occurred....

Tyfud ,

Hate to say it, but I agree here.

This is the price paid for not treating real guns with respect. Prop bullets or otherwise.

WANNABE DICTATOR Trump Demands that All Business Execs Be FIRED If They're Not 100% Behind Trump ( www.dailykos.com )

On Tuesday morning Trump provided another example of his tyrannical tendencies. In a comment posted to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump issued a decree to the world that he imagines is attentive to his crackpot ravings. He demanded that......

Tyfud ,

I wouldn't count Russian Bots as people, but yeah, there's a lot of noise here trying to make sure trump wins.

Tyfud ,

Yes, but he's acting as a rallying flag to drive the alt-right together, normalizing their behavior and bringing it out into the open instead of dog whistling.

Without him, they have no lightning rod to travel towards as a coordinated group.

Tyfud ,

I presume, like everything else wrong with Capitalism, it comes down to cost. It's more cost efficient somehow. I don't understand the details, because I'm not a chicken farmer, but I have been in the capitalism machine for a long, long time, and I'd bet a shitton of tax payer money that it's purely down to cost.

If it saves $0.02 per chicken, they'll gladly poison the rivers, oceans, lakes, etc. with refuse and baby chick corpses.

Tyfud ,

And the cycle repeats, again and again, until there's nobody left

Tyfud ,

I disagree that religion has nothing to do with it. Religion is the vehicle used for these people to molest children, and religion often protects them when they're found out.

Religious institutions do an absurdly terrible job of governing themselves, or background checks, etc.

They're the reason so much of this is allowed to keep happening.

Tyfud ,

FWIW, I never thought I'd remarry either.

It could happen if you meet the right person and want to share your life with them. Took us close to 8 years of dating before we got married.

Super small wedding, total of 7 people invited. I kept waiting for the "other shoe to drop" with her, but it never did, and then I realized she's the real deal, and I could commit with her without some dark side of her personality showing up or her getting run off to the hills with my issues.

Anyhow, maybe it doesn't work for you, and it sounds like maybe not with your current GF with the mental health issues.

Wishing you guys all the best regardless, just wanted to let you know I was pretty much in the same camp until a couple years ago after my previous marriage ended almost 15 years ago.

Tyfud ,

This is the only real answer here.

Every other answer is in some way just making your perception of time accelerate.

But the only way to process emotional loss, of a close loved one; is with time. That's just the way our brains are wired. We couldn't survive as a species if we didn't get numb to pain and trauma in the past.

Tyfud ,

But it removes the ability to liquidate the company to pay off the personal debts as part of the restructuring of the bankruptcy. This is kinda exactly what Alex Jones wanted to happen. Now it's a race.

Tyfud ,

ITT, guy calls out how we're all pretty well and truly fucked; everyone instead focuses on how he incorrectly uses the words "Republic" and "Democracy" together.

Tyfud ,

Jesus, you've got some tired, made up bullshit without citations in this thread too just like the other one I saw your propaganda driving ass in, don't you?

Don't play the fucking "both sides" shit here.

The facts and truth of the matter, with quotes, documentation, video and audio evidence, is that trump and high ranking members of the GOP are 100% on board with genociding Palestine. They're encouraging Bibi to go further, not stop/slow like Biden's been doing.

There's no world we live in where electing anyone in the GOP, or worst of all, some fuckhead like trump; will make the situation for the Palestinians any better. It will absolutely make it worse for them for significantly longer than it would with a democratic majority/presidency.

Go ahead and get me a list of trump quotes, or any quotes from the GOP that have them talking Israel down from their genocide instead of doubling, tripling, or quadrupling down on backing what Israel is doing today.

FFS man, there's even a fucking top GOP Senator that's seriously suggesting that Israel nuke Palestine. And that's just the low hanging fruit that's out there. There's dozens and dozens of quotes from members of the GOP calling for genocide using those exact words, saying Israel isn't going far enough.

So get the fuck out of here with your "both sides" rhetoric and bullshit.

Tyfud , (edited )

It's fine to spend your time prancing about in an alternate reality where you don't need evidence, facts, logic, etc. to believe whatever crazy shit makes your heart happy. If that's this completely made up story of trans people killing people across the US then you just go right ahead and spend as much time as you want in that made up fantasy world.

When shifting back into engaging in the top level reality that we're communicating in right now, it's important to context switch off your neo-Nazi/Russian/fascist propaganda machine so you don't sound like a fucking idiot.

Because you sound like a fucking idiot.

Edit: It's possible you're being sarcastic and it flew over my head because I missed it over the years of crazy right wing nazi's spouting the same shit that I don't know when I'm getting trolled here.

Tyfud ,

The literal definition of conservatives fits the Pharisees to a T.

You understand they killed him because they were conservatives and didn't want his "new progressive" ideas from spreading further to the people, correct?

You're not even trying here. Or you're really, really clueless as to what conservatism is in politics throughout history.

Jesus was a progressive.
The people who killed him were conservatives.
If Jesus were alive today he'd 100% be a progressive/liberal. His ideas fit neatly within the progressive and liberal ideals, even 2,000 years later.
And just like 2,000 years ago, conservatives today would claim he's the anti-christ and try and murder him to kill his "progressive" ideas.

We don't even have to create hypotheticals. We see this with people who actually represent Jesus Christ's teachings from the book (love everyone equally, don't judge, don't horde money, render unto ceasar, help the poor, give up your money to help, don't build giant churches and temples, don't be racist, don't do war, don't do genocide, etc. etc.), get attacked and death threats from modern day conservatives. Just like the conservatives from B.C.

Nothing has changed. Because that's what being a conservative means.

You understand that right? It's literally right there in the name.

Tyfud ,

What he says, and what he does...

Tyfud ,

Traitors do be tratoring on the cheap.

Tyfud ,

Then they liquidate that one too. And so on, until the debt is paid or he dies.

Tyfud ,

It can survive in salt water, but probably not our bloodstream when we're making antibodies

Tyfud ,

Or when the blue is going after one of their "own", then the blue is the one corrupt and the system is unfair. (see: Jan 6th)

Tyfud ,

Man, you're not even hiding the fact that you're a Russian troll, or at least a very, very bad actor. Just no tact huh?

Well, yes. And explain to me again how democrats are involved in the DOJ and Justice system pursuing crimes, crimes that trump and his ilk have absolutely committed? Crimes that are mob-like, for a convicted felon, and twice impeached embarrassment of a fucking president.

Even though Democrats aren't even involved here, I'd want them to be. I want everyone to be. Fuck trump, fuck that lying piece of shit ex-president crime lord. What a fucking scumbag.

He's the god damn most miserable fucking train you could have ever fucking attached your worthless goddamn life to you absolute piece of shit fascist supporting Russian loving dickhead.

Tyfud ,

I can appreciate your intent, but some people are beyond saving. This is one of them.

Tyfud ,

He's not saying that to try and make Palestine or himself look good, he's saying that to try and make Israel look bad.

That's it.

Tyfud ,

You're both delusional, and an idiot.

Tyfud ,

Man, I'm so sick of you fucking crazies screwing with women's rights because you think you know more than medical doctors.

You understand your crowd didn't give a rat's fucking ass about abortion until the evangelical leaders decided to make it a national outrage issue in the 80s, right?

All you are is a poor manipulated tool of Christo fascist agenda set decades ago.

And you're so bought in on this at this point that you can't back out, because it would make you look weak, or lose your friends, or whatever. But that's on your for not doing the right thing here and supporting women's rights, and supporting the mountain of medical evidence that backs pro choice.

Instead, you just repeat the same, tired horseshit your heard at your last church sermon or from fox News.

So, if you're not interested in helping women regain rights they had stolen from them, yet again, then you can fuck right off.

Tyfud ,

Haha, holy crap, yeah, that was me a very, very long time ago. Several lifetimes ago it feels. 🙂 I still have a few long term friends from xdo, but I don't really game with them much anymore.

What'd you play? 🙂

Tyfud ,

Dude, I think I remember your Keen NS Cyno on Nimue. :) Crazy how small of a community this stuff is sometimes. :) Awesome to see some familiar faces on Lemmy.

How've things been since then? I'm sure you've lived a similar amount of lifetimes hah. Who knew we'd all end up getting old, just like everyone else before us? :)

Tyfud ,

Ah, glad to hear it! 40s are the new 30's or something they tell me. :)

Same here for the most part. Almost in my mid 40's, got married to a player named Farah/Firah (we were dating before we started playing DAoC though to be fair), sadly things didn't work out, got divorced in my 30's, then remarried recently in my 40's and we're just enjoying life. No kids, 1 dog, 2 cats sort of thing.

I've been a software engineer most of my life, and now I manage/run a few teams of them at a large enterprise. Looking to get out of B2B here soon and take a stab at my lifelong dream: Making video games. Hoping to do that next year. I've been working with an Indie shop on my own time for the last couple years and we've released a couple games on Steam/Epic, so going to take a stab at doing that for realsies. ;)

In terms of gaming, lol, yeah man. I'm losing to one kid after the other nowdays haha. I got into WoW for a bit, like everyone, but ultimately I just play casual games like Overwatch(2) and Genshin Impact (Would not recommend that one, hah, I play for family mostly). Just trying to get back into the swing of things and find that enjoyment of gaming I feel like I lost so long ago.

Tyfud ,

haha, right? What an odd place to catch up with an old acquaintance :)

If you ever want to go down the full stack or front end dev path, just drop me a line. I'll give you my personal work email in a DM and you can reach out for answers to questions/guidance. Been in that industry for almost 27 years now, and picked up a thing or two that might help. ;)

One of the games I've helped with is more of a tool, and it's for D&D GM's believe it or not ;) I don't do tabletop as much as I used to anymore, but I got into this project because my regular group wanted to try and play remotely and they found this in pre-release and I tracked the owner down and offered to help work on the features my gaming group needed, pro-bono.

He took me up on my offer, and I've been helping out here and there ever since :)

It's called "Game Master Engine" (GME), feel free to check it out, there's a free version of it up, and if you want to GM/DM a game and invite others into it, then you can pay the GM license for it (absolutely no obligation to purchase this btw, I don't get any of the proceeds, only buy if you want/enjoy it), and there's a couple DLC modules for it now.

The owner (Dan the DM) is a super cool and chill dude. He's done the vast majority of work on this thing, I just jump in if there's something difficult they're trying to do and need help with, and also provide technical guidance and direction on the project whenever he needs as his background isn't really on the engineering side.

Next year, planning to go in with Dan and work on some actual games (instead of tools). I've done a few F2P games released in the wild years ago in Unity 3D, but never a concerted effort with an established shop to do a game from scratch. :) I'm looking forward to it, and working with Dan in a more side-by-side capacity.

Tyfud ,

They try, and most of them get caught. Because our election systems are some of the best in the world, despite what MAGA wants people to believe.

Tyfud , (edited )

Yup, that'll solve the global climate change issues.

Tyfud ,

No way he's flying his own flag on a rental property. That'd be insane. As a landlord, I can tell you none of my tenants the past 10+ years would have ever allowed for something like that.

Tyfud ,

Did you just suggest that OP napalm a wasp nest on his house?

Tyfud ,

Honestly, I'm kind of impressed that trump could read at a high enough level to edit quotes. That's gotta be like 5th or 6th grade level at least, which is well beyond where I thought his reading skills were at.

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