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OceanSoap ,

I'm a Substation Designer. I work closely with electrical and mechanical engineers to design the layouts for electricity sites that transfer high-voltage electricity to low-voltage, and low-voltage to high-voltage. You drive by a few of these sites every day most likely, as they're a massive part of our electrical grid.

I stumbled into this job by accident, and I'm really glad I did, because I love it. :)

OceanSoap ,

Do you operate those from above ground or do you operate inside of them as they move through the earth? Super interesting!

OceanSoap ,

I vote all electricians be called power rangers from now on.

OceanSoap ,

Can I ask how your day-to-day is? Is it stressful, or with long hours?

I've always wanted to get into aerospace, but it's such a tough market to get into!!

OceanSoap ,

Which partif the grid?

OceanSoap ,

You got this! I went back to school in my mid-30s, and now 2 years after graduating, my life is immensely better. :)

Of course, I went from no degree to an associates, so a bit different in terms of degrees, but it definitely helped.

OceanSoap ,

Oh, okay, interesting. I do physical substation design, so there's a lot of overlap there. Just right now I'm slogging through conduit details, lol

OceanSoap ,

Oh, that is super slow, but very, very cool. What a view of the world that most people don't get to see!

OceanSoap ,

Go to college for something that you can get a good job in. I have an associates and my friend has a masters. I make more than she does, and always have in our respective carriers.

Just saying "fuck the expense" is the reason she got her batchelors in art sculpting, and had to get a masters in something more practical.

OceanSoap ,

I got to learn a bit of MasterCAM in school, it was fun!

OceanSoap OP ,

I do have access to like 50 engineers, at least one of them would volunteer.

OceanSoap ,

When I was 6, I was in a boating accident.

My family and I were waterskiing and camping off this little island on the lake. We did it all the time, since my uncle had a speedboat.

My mom was about to take her turn, and I was sitting in the boat behind my uncles seat, facing the back to watch her ski. When my uncle tried to start the boat, it faltered. Made a rut-rut-rut noise but wouldn't start. After try three or four, I smelled something awful, and pinched my nose. The last thing I remember is my mom asking me if I smelled something bad, and I nodded.

The engine exploded into a ball of fire and engulfed me.

The next thing I know, I'm under water and bobbing to the surface (wear your life-vests, kids). My mom is screaming and my cousin is swimming to me and drags me to shore. My uncle (just outside the blast radius) had reached into the fire to grab me and thrown me into the water.

I was... calm. I felt nothing. We had to hail a passing boat to take us off the island to get to a hospital. I remember my mom asking me if I hurt, and shaking my head.

If i looked at my arms and legs and saw what I looked like at that point, I can't remember at all, but I was covered in third-degree burns. I was in the hospital for a while, and then was in a wheelchair for a bit while my legs were wrapped. I had to have water therapy for my burns. I do remember the oblong, black boils that developed over my burns in the months that followed. For a long period of time, I couldn't be in the sun, and had to wear a bonnet when I went to school.

My skin healed beautifully though. I've only got one long-lasting scar from it on my shoulder. The doctor said that my uncle throwing me into the cold lake water is what most-likely saved my skin from being permanently damaged. I'm sure being 6 years old helped immensely, too.

OceanSoap ,

Now n' Laters. They're actually all nows and none laters, I can down 4 boxes easy in one sitting.

OceanSoap ,

Yes, i love my job. I design substations. I feel like my work matters, and I get a thrill that I have a hand in bringing our electricity power grid to life.

OceanSoap ,

I've got pairs scattered all over the world at the bottom of lakes. I always forget I have them on my head and lose them in the water when I fall in.

OceanSoap ,

Look at her, still waiting for The Doctor to come back. :(

OceanSoap ,

I'm assuming in a bid to conduct door-to-door preaching is what the title was supposed to say?

OceanSoap ,

I was in the right place, right time, found a solid, hardwood dresser at Goodwill for $30!

OceanSoap ,

I actually really like this. I suffer heavily from Imposter Syndrom, and one of the biggest realizations I had was that my new project manager manages to keep his job despite being absolutely horrible at it.

The one previous to him was worse.

OceanSoap ,

She labeled herself supermayor as a serious title and the press ran with it because she's so goddamn corrupt and bad at her job(s).

Seriously, you should look into the shit she's caused for that town. She didn't pay the bill for the city's leased cop cars, so they might all get repo'd. She hired out private security from the police force to do things like walk around her small town and hand out water bottles door-to-door on a hot day. She's taken first class flights to Vegas and stayed in 5-star hotels on the city's dime. She leased herself a 90k SUV also on the city's dime. She tricked people would showed up for a meeting concerning her performance in a basement so they wouldn't be able to speak at the meeting. She refused buisness and alcohol licenses to local buisness owners who spoke out against her or declined to donate to her.

...she may have put a hit out on another local politician she doesn't like.

What is a gender neutral replacement for man, guys, buddy, etc?

So I've realized that in conversations I'll use traditional terms for men as general terms for all genders, both singularly and for groups. I always mean it well, but I've been thinking that it's not as inclusive to women/trans people....

OceanSoap ,

How many groups have you had sex with lately? ಠ_ಠ

OceanSoap ,

All the alternatives make me cringe.

If someone is insulted that you use the term "guys" for a group, they're not worth being friends with. That's a lot of exhausting mental energy to deal with. Ignore 'em and move on.

OceanSoap ,

Super Hero is trade marked??? That one was surprising.

OceanSoap ,

Imma be real with you, every country that has a military recruits from schools. Lots of countries don't even ask, they just make you go in anyway. America isn't an oddity at this.

OceanSoap ,

Same, but I'm also not concerned about FOSS, I just want a reliable app and sync is it.

OceanSoap ,

We just don't have the population for it

OceanSoap ,

I started slow jogging every other day, using an app called Just Run that has you alternate walking/running until you're built up to running a full 3k. It goes for 9 weeks and I just completed week 6. There's a 10k version I'll be moving on to after.

On the days I don't run, I use Chloe Ting weight-training videos on YouTube to target areas I need strength support in, like my lower back and shoulders. I also use her cool down routine every day, it's the best stretching video I've found.

I've also been fasting every Monday. Just nothing but coffee (which I do put some sweetener and milk in in the morning) and water.

I only weigh myself once my period has come and gone, since I tend to fluctuate about 10 lbs during. I weighed myself about 3 weeks ago and I've lost 13 lbs. I've just now started seeing and feeling a change.

OceanSoap ,

That guy is a monster, when tomatoes are that small you pop the whole thing in your mouth and hide the explosion.

OceanSoap ,

To pro-war attitude is out of control. Say what you will about Trump, but he's the first president since I've been alive that hasn't started any new wars during his presidency. The fact that no one cares about that really opened my eyes.

OceanSoap ,

Diagnosed with MTHFR and put on a super high-dosage of methylfolate. It helps make the Cymbalta work very, very well.

OceanSoap ,

What are you talking about? We've seen petty theft become decriminalized in certain cities and theft has skyrocketed. Just because most people wouldn't steal doesn't mean no one does.

You don't know anything.

OceanSoap ,

I'm saying that people murder even when there are laws in place that criminalize it. You think LESS people will murder, not more, if it's decriminalized?

OceanSoap ,

Finishing the first draft of a novel.

Designed and now getting out to print t-shirts for my friend's bridal shower.

OceanSoap ,

I use one to drown out the outside noise my dog picks up on and barks at in the middle of the night.

OceanSoap ,

I love it too. I make a big batch of boiled chicken breasts, then rip them to shreads and cover them with a whole bottle of Sweet Baby Ray's. Mix it all up and I have Shredded BBQ chicken for lunch for a week. Just the best.

OceanSoap ,

Ohhhh, that's why I have to take those monthly security training quizzes, lol. I haven't seen one on AI deepfakes though, I'm sure they're coming.

OceanSoap ,

Yes, I see it happen successfully every day on my way home from work.

OceanSoap ,

My current workplace has a great president and my department head is also amazing.

The president handed me $100 and told me to get a nice bouquet of flowers for my mom who had been just diagnosed with Ekbom. He let me work remote for a week so I could drive out if state to take her to doctor's appointments.

Recently, I asked again if I could work remote for a month while I help my mom sell her house so she can move closer to me. My department head said absolutely, no questions asked. The president also okayed it.

When I arrived first day on the job, I asked hiw long we took for lunch, and my department head said: take as long as you want. As long as you put in your 8 hours a day and finish your projects, you're fine.

I love my job. The lack of micromanagement and the trust my employers have in us is worth so much more than I imagined.

OceanSoap ,

I ate a half a loaf of bread in one sitting once and then discovered that eating that much bread in one go will fuck you up. Bread sweats are real. I was soaking in sweat and shivering, horrific cramps are the worst shits.

Never again.

OceanSoap ,

Dude, you're barely in your 20s. You're fine.

If you continue with the school route, do it for the least amount of $$ you can.

I dropped out of art school at 21, and got my AA at 37. Finally have an actual "career" now.

OceanSoap ,

Lol, my brain totally filled in the "off" there.

OceanSoap ,

I had this experience in Japan. Just walking around, I would unconsciously start drifting to the right. My friend had to yank me back into position a few times to avoid collision. He was so mad at me, like: "how can you not remember?"

But it was completely unconscious, especially since I was also looking around at something.

OceanSoap ,

Which is so much better than injectables, which ARE torture. They get injected with a tranq first so they don't show signs of struggle or pain when the actual death shot is given.

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