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slurpinderpin ,

Yeah but still, once I hit my "number", I'm taking my small slice of the pie and living life. There isn't a never ending drive to accumulate forever and ever. That's just these psychos

slurpinderpin ,

Didn't Romans put lead in their wine to make it sweeter?

slurpinderpin ,

Monsanto is now fully owned by Bayer. Who are also evil

slurpinderpin ,

A true big brain (rot) take. Keep trying genius

slurpinderpin ,

This is on Hamas to stop the violence. Israel has said over and over that they won’t stop until all hostages are released.

So all Hamas has to do is release the hostages they stole, and Gazans can eat normally again and live in peace again, and start negotiating a 2 state solution again.

Almost as if Hamas doesn't want all of that....weird. Hamas has been weaponizing their own people to garner sympathy from liberals/leftists. And judging by the replies here, it’s worked. Pathetic

slurpinderpin ,

This news?

While we’re at it, how do you defend Hamas doing this?

It’s almost like Hamas doesn’t care how many Palestinians are killed. Weird right?

slurpinderpin ,

Word well it says Hamas has been firing mortars from civilian areas, but I’m sure you already knew that! These animals don’t give a fuck about their own people, they’re using them as pawns to garner sympathy from fools in the West. Open your eyes bud.

slurpinderpin ,

Fool is as fool does. Have a great day!

slurpinderpin , (edited )

What’s the end goal here?

they seek a declaration from the court that defendants are violating their duty under customary international law

Here’s the nasty little secret about “international law” that people don’t seem to understand. The most powerful countries don’t have to abide by it. There are no mechanisms for enforcement. There aren’t world police who have international jurisdiction, there aren’t world courts that have international subpoena power. So the countries at the top can enforce it when it’s in their interest, and ignore it when it’s not. Them the rules of an anarchical system, “rules for thee not for me”

slurpinderpin ,

It’s American foreign policy… there’s a reason the US helped write the laws for the ICC and yet still doesn’t cooperate. Because they don’t have to. That’s the way it rolls when your military is larger and more capable than the next 5 combined. What are they gonna do?

slurpinderpin ,

Look at this man proudly defending a Convicted Felon. Someone who has been found guilty of committing crimes. Donald Trump. Not Joe Biden

slurpinderpin ,

And yet isn’t and hasn’t been indicted for anything criminal … unlike your guy Donald Trump. Who’s been convicted of 34 felonies. And has dozens more pending.

Being sued =/= anything criminal. Do you really not understand that??? Being sued is civil…

Donald Trump = Felon

Joe Biden = not even indicted for anything criminal

slurpinderpin ,

I’m saying he’s not going to jail. Ever. Unlike your guy, who’s been convicted of felonies. The actual criminal, as determined by a US court. Donald Trump. Not Joe Biden

slurpinderpin ,

Convicted Felon Don would give Russia carte blanche. I wonder why??

slurpinderpin ,

Hey college kids, here’s some summer reading ^

slurpinderpin ,

No mention of immigration? That’s a big reason

slurpinderpin ,

But but people here told me they’re just freedom fighters!

slurpinderpin ,

Literally just yesterday, someone responded to a comment of mine about the peace deal “there is a genocide going on, they’re just freedom fighters” in reference to Hamas. LMAO

slurpinderpin , (edited )

Oh its a common sentiment on this site - that wasn't the first, or second, or third, time someone has said something similar. There's a common thing here where people look at a losing side and think it's a cause worthy of their support

slurpinderpin ,

Correct and agree.

slurpinderpin ,

Ok, fair enough

slurpinderpin ,

I guess its because freedom fighter has some sort of positive connotation to many. They may be fighting for freedom, but they're also just terrorists

slurpinderpin ,

Yeah, not really a group of "freedom fighters" you'd expect people in the West to rally behind... yet here we are. Holding terrorists' flags in NYC lol

slurpinderpin ,

I guess I was more pointing toward the dark irony of waving terrorist flags in NYC

slurpinderpin ,

Well no, the irony is that it’s the location of the largest terrorist attack… ever? Was that lost on you?

slurpinderpin ,

We used to make super realistic looking Coke labels and put all the formulas in tiny print where the ingredients would normally be. Definitely took a lot of work, but it beat studying!

slurpinderpin ,

Nope, not Jewish or Israeli, don’t really care about it. Just looking at it from their perspective. They’re whooping the shit out of Hamas in a war currently, why would they stop unless they get everything they demand?

slurpinderpin ,

I don’t care about Zionism in the slightest. I’m interested in how international states interact with each other.

We all care about innocent people being killed. Israel and Hamas do not. So we need to take our emotions out of the equation and look at this situation from their perspectives. Israel will not stop killing people unless all of their demands are met. Hamas will not get anything they demand because they are currently being obliterated, they have no leverage in these negotiations

slurpinderpin ,
slurpinderpin ,

There is a war. One side is winning, the other is being decimated. Why would the winning side come to the table and make any concessions?

Take all the emotions out of it. Remove the actors and please answer my question.

slurpinderpin ,

How many women and children did the US kill in order to win WW2? War is dirty and messy and that’s why it fucking sucks. We all want it to end but sitting here trying to make an argument for why Hamas should get any of their demands is silly. Israel doesn’t care about killing innocent people to win this war, clearly. So if Hamas wants it to end, it will need to surrender unconditionally. Period. Or else Israel will just keep trucking

Is it horrible and sad? Of course. Is that going to change Israel’s tactics? Probably not. So you gotta square with reality, and if you want it to end, concessions will need to be made from your side

slurpinderpin ,

"A group of anti-democratic billionaires with their own ideological and economic agenda has been working one of the three co-equal branches of government," Ocasio-Cortez said at the roundtable. "Americans are losing fundamental rights in the process, reproductive healthcare, civil liberties, voting rights, the right to organize, clean air and water because the court has been captured and corrupted by money and extremism."

Yup. An illegitimate, captured, Supreme Court is extremely dangerous

slurpinderpin ,

Usually terms that equate to “leave us alone so we can plan our next attack on you” would just be laughed at. But for some reason, since the other party is Israel, I guess they’re monsters if they don’t accept. Complete Hamas surrender or nothing. Gaza needs to be “dehamasafied” a la Berlin 1945 (copied my comment from another similar thread)

slurpinderpin ,

The US should probably lead that coalition. I don't think the American political establishment has the will, or support, to do that however. We'll see

slurpinderpin ,

But we won’t. Because then we’d be handing power to whichever of our enemies wants more power (Russia, China?)

You have very limited, or perhaps zero, knowledge of how American foreign policy actually functions.

slurpinderpin ,

Lol. I wish everything in the world seemed so basic and straightforward to me. Ignorance truly is bliss I suppose

slurpinderpin ,

Usually terms that equate to “leave us alone so we can plan our next attack on you” would just be laughed at. But for some reason, since the other party is Israel, I guess they’re monsters if they don’t accept. Complete Hamas surrender or nothing. Gaza needs to be "dehamasafied" a la Berlin 1945

slurpinderpin ,

Well peace, until Hamas has gathered more strength and attacks Israel again, right? How many months of peace do you think it will be before they’re firing rockets into Israel again? How many peaceful months until they launch another terrorist attack and kill 1000+ and kidnap 250?

The only solution is the dehamasification of Gaza. An international coalition overseeing the process, similar to post-war Germany. Otherwise this back and forth will continue forever

slurpinderpin ,

You can’t have perpetual peace in this ongoing conflict man. Each side wants the complete destruction of the other. We can’t just say “be peaceful” and walk away and know that they will never attack each other again.

In order to do this, an international coalition needs to physically occupy and de-radicalize the radical factions. Like post-war Germany, this won’t be some overnight fix. It will take immense resources and effort. Is that going to happen?

“Dehamasification” isn’t bombing and killing all of Hamas, so no I don’t think the current situation is being successful. It’s a long term project that will likely take decades, with an international occupation force overseeing it.

But this specific conflict does not end until Hamas surrenders. Israel will not stop until that end is met. We can argue all day about the morality of that, but it doesn’t matter, that’s the reality of the facts on the ground at this moment

slurpinderpin ,

Right my whole point is I think we all know, or think, what needs to happen to achieve long term peace. But, will any of it happen? We can’t just march an international coalition into Israel and begin occupying. We can’t just force Israel to stop their campaign and release all prisoners. So what is the real solution? It’s far more complicated than just “Israel and Hamas bad, they should be peaceful will each other”

As much as we all want to see violence end, Israel is a sovereign nation with complex relationships with foreign powers. There isn’t some easy street solution to long term peace, because whatever that solution is, needs to be accepted by them. And their current political establishment don’t want to just release prisoners and give Palestine statehood.

That’s why I said complete surrender of Hamas is the only way we even begin having conversations about long term peace. Israel will accept nothing less at this point

slurpinderpin ,

The reason why Germany was able to be denazified was because the Allied powers bombed them into submission, and then killed anyone with ties to the party. It’s all based on who can bring the most pain upon the other. That’s why this solution goes through Israel, unless we want to bomb them into submission. They will not respond to other pressure

That’s exactly what Israel is trying to do to Hamas right now. Bomb them into submission and then kill anyone left over who had ties to them.

I ignore the statehood/settlements stuff because Israel will never do it. It’s pointless to sit here and say “well they should just give Hamas everything they want” because they will not. They are winning the war from their perspective, so they’ll just keep bombing and killing until they get what they want. Say it’s horrible and terrible all you want, it will not change their perspective. To them, Hamas is Nazi Germany and they are the Allies. They’ll win by killing everyone if they have to.

The only TRUE solution is complete Hamas surrender. And then options like statehood are back on the table. Until then, it will just be bombing and killing

slurpinderpin ,

I don’t care what Israel wants. Like I said, Hitler wanted to keep killing Jews - should we have worked with him?

Then we should declare war on Israel is your perspective? Because we were at war with Hitler, that's why we didn't just give him what he wanted. Because we knew we could beat them by killing them. If you truly think the US will ever declare war on Israel, you're insane and this conversation can end here. It's so outside of the realm of reality

The only way this specific conflict will end is either complete destruction of Hamas, or their complete surrender. Period.

Not how SHOULD this conflict end. The only way it will.

slurpinderpin ,

I don’t think boots on the ground would be necessary if we actually sanctioned Israel, stopped providing arms, made them a pariah. But if it came to it and that was the only way to prevent more bloodshed, then we should do it.

Again, not going to happen man. They are America's strongest ally in the region, *AND one of our strongest allies in the entire world. We'll never do this. You're living in a fantasy land. So we should just stop here. You can keep wishing but you aren't looking at the facts and reality. Goodbye

slurpinderpin ,

Right, and also America's closest ally in the region, and one of our closest allies in the entire world. Do you think we'll invade them to get them to stop? Apply sanctions?

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