@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar



Hi I’m Tim.

I’m AuDHD - officially diagnosed ADHD and self-diagnosed (for now) with ASD. I also suffer from a great deal of Imposter Syndrome.

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TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I read Alito was absent again today as well with no reason given. Maybe in his twisted brain if he isn't present it's like he never ruled that way?

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

John Oliver did a great episode on this, as many states have dumped a good chunk of (or all of) the money into law enforcement, instead of helping people with addiction which was the idea behind the money.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Well for many it's Regan's "war on drugs" mentality, that more cops breaking heads for drugs will somehow reduce the amount of drug use when it has been shown in study after study not to be true. And the militarisation of the police is also not cheap, but how else are you going to be able to quell a BLM peaceful protest, but allow a riot on the capital to continue for hours? 🤬😵‍💫

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

It was election interference, as the hush money payment and catch and kill of scandals, were done as illegal campaign contributions/payments.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I think I have this same issue with red/pink and when a color is one or the other in that in-between area. I also do this with blue and green as well, though I feel less so than pink/red. I also have done colorblindness tests myself and do not test as colorblind (either variety).

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Are we talking the cropped videos to give the impression Joe was lost, or actual legit video? I know at least Fox was using the cropped version of him interacting with a soldier that had just landed, and was packing their parachute, to make him look like he was lost and staring off in the opposite direction of everyone else in frame.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I think it was also to capture the crowd who maybe disliked Trump, but didn't feel like they could go Biden. His running gives these people someone other than Biden to vote for. It's the reason Trump's backers have been funneling money into his campaign (his "supporters" haven't). And and vote not for Biden helps Trump either win, or with building support for his next insurrection upon losing.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Wonder how much more pro-Trump PAC/dark money pours in to try and save him last minute. Trump's supporters are literally paying for his campaign to run interference in November by drawing enough from Biden to eek out a win (or close enough to start another resurrection that goes all the way this time because Republicans will open the doors).

Judge rules that federal agency can't enforce abortion rule in Louisiana and Mississippi ( apnews.com )

A federal judge on Monday granted the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, as well as employers in two Southern states, temporary relief from complying with a federal rule that would have required them to provide workers with time off and other workplace accommodations for abortions....

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

If all these "religious" institutions/people want to stop following the law, start taxing them at least. At this point they are a tax free cult that can control a woman's medical options, instead of their Dr. (who has a medical license, and pays taxes, and contributes to society).

This much power over people, tax free, is for the rich!

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Could always do what looks like the Arch AUR package is doing and build it yourself from source. Or if you are running a Fedora/OpenSuse distro you could find a package on COPR or something that converts a package from a .deb to .rpm and just change source and stuff to match signal.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Sometimes it comes down to support. For every distro specific format you build and package for, the more you need to do with every release (and need the proper config and to be comfortable packaging for each).

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Or, if you are running one of those distros you could just take the .deb and repackage it for whatever distro you're running. Expecting a project to package for every distro, and then be required to support them for every release is a lot of work. And unfortunately some people have no issues expecting from others, but baulk at the idea of doing it themselves.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

OP, what distro are you running? You mention a whole bunch of package formats they don't provide, but never mention what format you require. Depending on the distro, making a build script (or converting the .deb) really isn't Rocket Surgery ™.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

What percentage of Signal users is "grandma" that uses Linux and would be messaging from her PC? I would have to imagine the overwhelming vast majority of Signal users are on mobile only, so packaging for specific distros is probably far down the priority list.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

The media has done "both sides" with everything he says out of this weird fear that the people that are now part of a cult and will easily question reality, might accuse them of being political. I think them (the media) always white washing Trump's actions and word salad has 100% enabled him to make it this far.

Edit - s/fair/fear

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I don't think it's a "to much material" issue. It's 100% not wanting to be seen as bias/political by people that argue and conduct everything they do in bad faith. It's about chasing profits from an audience they aren't going to get, because they are trying to sell facts to a cult that has been conditioned to discard them outright with no critical thinking involved, just blind deference to Dear Leader. And giving the press a pass is why we got Trump the first time, and certainly looks like will be a factor this time around as well.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, call it a duck instead of "it might be a duck" or "some people believe it may be a duck". The media is suppose to report what they see/hear, not play favorites or white wash things to placate a section of the country that has gone off the rails. Congress also needs to bring back some type of legislation prohibiting the types of Murdock "reporting" that serves only to muddy the water and/or throw shit at the wall for profit.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Sinclair is another group out to muddy the waters and report "both sides" nonsense instead of actual news. Just watch the 2 instances now where they had every channel in harmony read straight propaganda like it was news. Watching them back with all the feeds synced up is wild and disturbing. I know the first time they actually lost broadcasters because they didn't want to read propaganda like a robot to their audience.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

It's bad enough we essentially give those running these corporations immunity, why must we do the same for the corporations themselves? With full immunity, what is their motivation to do anything when their entire existence is to drive profit upwards?

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I wish the press wasn't so afraid to write Election Interference in their headline. That is what that case was about, that is what made it a felony. Calling it the "Hush Money" trial is trying to "both sides" his coverage.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Agreed with what you are saying, but my point was that the media as a whole has to stop writing headlines/articles like his base is going to:

  1. read them
  2. not call it "fake news" anyways

The media's constant crusade to "both sides" every story is a disservice to the facts, and down plays and white washes the facts for everyone. Calling it just a "hush money" trial is a way to downplay the fact that it was actually Trump's way to hide a damaging story when he was running for office. And the crime was the way he hid the payment so that it wouldn't look like it was being done on behalf of his campaign, while breaking Federal tax laws making Cohen's reimbursement look like income. It was also a crime allowing the National Enquirer to pay to catch-and-kill stories for the campaign as illegal campaign contributions (as they were above legal contribution limits, and were unreported).

So yes it was fraud, and it was fraud against the American people, in the form of voter manipulation, and tax evasion.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Trying to make the news "fair and balanced" or "both sides" sounds like a great way to enable fascism. If a candidate is going to continuely do/say things that are going to have a large impact on the country, then reporting on that should absolutely be shared without fear of a ban just because the "other side" hasn't done enough negative to write about.

I understand not wanting to be filled with shit posting, but legit news sources should be the goal, not trying to balance reporting which IMHO sounds more like election interference.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

The post sounds more like a limitation on negative press than a limit on poor sources. Might be a better idea to just temp-ban politics all together till after November, then nobody needs to try and interpret this post that doesn't seem to align with what is being agreed with in comments.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

At least two of the early members have already been indicted for insider trading, and I think it was the brokerage company for Truth also had some fraud charges against it. But that evaluation is 100% bull for a company running in the red the whole time and no plan on actually breaking even let alone making a profit. All serious investors have said it's basically a scam for suckers (his base that he despises).

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I think they will get a percentage of the "never Trump" section of the Republican party. The real question is what that percentage of the Republican party actually is, as admitting that currently can open people's worlds to a deluge of toxicity/ostracizing.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Because the "never Trump" part of the Republican party knows that a vote for anyone but Biden helps Trump.

And it's probably not a huge percentage, but it is a percentage Trump is going to need to contend with. But that is why Trump's campaign contributors are also funding RFK Jr's campaign, as they need him to get the "never Trump" crowd.

Also funny enough there is a wiki page: List of Republicans who oppose the Donald Trump 2024 presidential campaign

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

The smell of raw celery makes me nauseous, especially when cut. Cooked in things I find the texture off-putting and tasteless, compounding the unwanted crunch added to something that shouldn't crunch.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Constitutionally? No. But in a normal world the Republican party wouldn't be part of a cult, and would disqualify him themselves (being law and order and whatnot).

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Or his CFO, who is currently serving his 2nd sentence in Rikers to protect "the boss".

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

If convicted he would (plebs would anyway) start serving his time while his appeals process works its way to be heard by the appellate court. And if he does time at all, he would probably be out before his case made it for review, which would then only serve to strike the felony/felonies conviction(s) from his record (if he wins of course).

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

They have facilities that are used to keep "protected" inmates (ex. - informants, flippers) out of general population prisons that they could put him in and have him be the only inmate in the building.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

His CFO is also doing his 2nd round at Rikers because he would rather purger himself then snitch on the crime boss. And also something to do with his "don't flip" NDA he has with Trump that gives him a bonus for not cooperating with law enforcement that came to light during this current trial.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Water also destroys magnets! Get them wet, BOOM, no more magnet! /s

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Pushing your tongue to the roof of your mouth can also stop "brain freeze" from cold foods/drinks.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Who votes for the dictator because of losing TikTok?

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Which is the same as a vote for a dictator. And that is super cool if you are looking forward to Project 2025, and selling out loved ones so they can be put in camps as political prisoners.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

It had votes/support from both sides. And giving away democracy because you're upset about a social media site seems like a bad take. Imagine telling future generations you traded the country's democracy because you were mad at them because they took away your short video sites.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I'm not following your logic here. Not voting, or actually voting for Trump both work in his favor because his base is going to vote for him no matter what. You would only be hurting the side that wants us to continue to have future elections. But at the end of the day if you can look in the mirror and be ok with selling out democracy more power to ya.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

But voting Trump would be just throwing gas on that fire. He is all in on this genocide and has called it great. His base thinks they need the Jews to trigger Armageddon so the Zombie Sky Wizard can come save them all. He would also pull funding from Ukraine, and back Putin in anything he wants.

Also anyone writing that the protests are antisemitism are spreading right wing talking points. They know the majority of the left have an issue with being seen as racist, while they wear their hoods with pride.

EDIT - autocorrect is my enemy.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I think the issue here is that you no longer can have "balanced" political discussion when one side cannot help but regurgitate conspiracy theories, disinformation, and just 100% proven false statements in bad faith. The minute you platform these people any meaningful "debate" evaporates and you're left with discussion not based on anything in reality. And trying to only works to drag the Overton Window to the right.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

I think if he is made to leave he is either 1) jailed or 2) fined and reprimanded and back again the next day. Leaving the state to campaign would almost certainly get him found in contempt and jailed for at least a little while.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

The whole idea of the bond is that it covered the full amount of the judgment and is held in escrow, and would be turned over to the state when Trump loses his appeal. And it's up to the bond issuer to make sure they have collateral enough from Trump to cover that bond (and full judgement ) should they need to pay up.

The bond issuer not having the collateral to even cover the $175m, let alone the nearly $500m that would be due if he loses his appeal is the whole issue James raised with this bond to begin with (well and the fact that they didn't have the right certification to even issue a bond in NY).

EDIT - extra words 😩

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

In that video they already had guns out and pointed at him. A group of unmarked "cops" shouldn't be allowed to draw weapons and surround your car on a seatbelt violation. The second they all showed up with weapons drawn I would consider his shot self defense.

They shouldn't even be approaching the car until a uniformed officer is on scene to vouch that these aren't just some Proud Boys (or any similar group of wanna be paramilitary out LARPing) playing cops.

Trump's abortion statement angers conservatives and gives the Biden campaign a new target ( apnews.com )

Donald Trump still says he’s proud that the Supreme Court justices he nominated overturned Roe v. Wade. Yet he again on Monday avoided tough questions about abortion, including whether he would support a national abortion ban should he return to the White House....

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Trump also gives zero F's about any of it. He cares about 1 person on earth, himself (and kinda Ivanka - until he no longer finds her attractive /shudder). He only makes statements like this because someone in his ear is telling him he needs to for the votes.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Just saw an article where he hasn't "looked into the details" but "smart" people have said to him that Jan. 6th might not have actually been an insurrection, just a riot (that started as a "protest").

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

The fear is how they keep the grift going. None of these wack jobs believe 99.99% of the shit they spew, but a base that is afraid is easier to manipulate/con.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

Orebolo - 3 guys playing acoustic perfection.

Goose - same 3 guys from Orebolo, but with the rest of the band, non-acoustic, and some good jams.

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

It says right in the article it was with the help of an immigrants rights group. They were illegally pushed onto a plane and flown to Martha's Vineyard without anyone knowing they were coming. Desantis and his henchmen broke the law, and this judge agrees and has allowed them to bring a lawsuit against them.

Also, people on US soil are to be afforded the rights of the constitution.

What constitutional rights do undocumented immigrants have?

TimLovesTech ,
@TimLovesTech@badatbeing.social avatar

It is also not in their job description to disperse "justice", or do anything but apprehend suspects and then allow the Justice System we have in place to deal with that. The second they step outside of that description they should be treated like any other citizen who took vigilante justice into their own hands, being charged and tried as such.

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