nutsack ,

what does this do to the press freedom index ranking of the united states? nothing im guessing

Emmie ,

Freedom ends on Chinese propaganda astroturfing/spying.

brain_in_a_box ,

"Freedom ends on anything the government doesn't control!"

Emmie ,

That’s your words

Can we have like serious discussion without these sensationalising but dumb quips? Is there any adult here at all in this room who would be willing to have a nice conversation about the dangers of safety vs control?

brain_in_a_box ,

I'm just paraphrasing you

Can we have like serious discussion without these sensationalising but dumb quips? Is there any adult here at all in this room who would be willing to have a nice conversation about the dangers of safety vs control?

Dude, glass houses.

Emmie ,

You draw some false equivalency strawmans and look down upon thinking you are so smart. It’s idiotic. Are you able to have mature conversation at all?

brain_in_a_box ,

Lol. Found the redditor.

davel , avatar

We should make an Adult in the Room bingo card.

PrettyFlyForAFatGuy ,

A government ultimately does control TikTok though...

brain_in_a_box ,

Wow, pointless, disingenuous pedantry! It's like I'm really on reddit!

EdibleFriend , avatar

The only difference between Lemmy and Reddit Is Lemmy is smaller and its down way more often

CanadaPlus ,

TikTok is a platform, not press. I just wish they were banning the other walled gardens too.

iliketurtles ,

Won't people just continue using the app? Wouldn't it be as easy as side loading future installs?

yamanii , avatar

You overestimate the tech literacy of the majority.

Viper_NZ ,

iPhone has enormous market dominance in the US and no sideloading.

PhAzE ,

Shhh, you're not supposed to point out Apples fla... uh, features.

nucleative ,

Still think it's a baited headline given their stated intention to go to court to fight the "unconstitutional ruling". I'm not so sure the constitution gives foreign companies many legal rights so in that regard they'd perhaps be more protected if they were an American company. Whoops.

TikTok's 80% of investors who aren't ByteDance won't pass up billions of dollars in cash either if the alternative is that they forever get zero from the American market.

They've been investing heavily in the US market for the last couple years too, so I doubt they are in the black.

They've just all around played politics the American way very poorly. I can't really comment on whether that's good or bad but I'm blown away this Shou Chew CEO dude still has a job after this came down.

crispyflagstones ,

They're probably going to find themselves having to explain what it means that a social media platform is itself engaged in speech, instead of functioning as a platform for others to speak. TikTok users, whose voices are allegedly curtailed by the ban, aren't exactly prevented from going to another platform.

If they say that it's Tiktok's speech that's curtailed, they're going to have to explain carefully how they're not a foreign influence operation.

The language of the first amendment is pretty stark, but the courts have always understood it has various limits.

brain_in_a_box ,

they’re going to have to explain carefully how they’re not a foreign influence operation.

McCarthyism's back baby!

crispyflagstones ,

It never went away.

brain_in_a_box ,

Yeah, but there was a period where liberals thought it was a bad thing.

frauddogg , avatar

They never thought it was a bad thing; they just put it back under the log that they hide their racism, genocidal bloodthirst, and unearned arrogance-- wait, they still call that "Exceptionalism".

PresidentCamacho ,

A thing never mentioned in these debates is that noone in the world is buying tiktok without buying the underlying algorithm, the same algorithm the app runs on worldwide, the algorithm is the special sauce. They are not going to sell the basis for their app just for a single payday in the US market, which after buying it, they could rebrand and then once successful in the US, compete in the global market against tiktok but with the income of the most lucrative app market in the world behind them. It’s an extremely stupid business move.

Allero ,

Who would ever think I'll side with TikTok...

frauddogg , avatar

Funny how y'all only oppose monopoly til it's time to circle the wagons around settler companies that can't compete

Forrest_O ,

I feel like this ban WILL start a monopoly. Since Facebook does the same amount or more data mining than TikTok, Facebook will have to be banned alongside Instagram, making YouTube Shorts a monopoly, as there really isn't any other alternatives that are relevant.

yamanii , avatar

This isn't about privacy or Meta and Google would be slapped too, this is just about the newest boogeyman for americans.

Maggoty ,

Seriously this smacks of McCarthy's grocery list in the House Unamerican Activities Committee.

If there is evidence then they need to show us. We've learned some hard lessons about not trusting our government with this stuff.

TokenBoomer ,

Since it hasn’t been mentioned yet; the real reason TikTok is being banned.

Tikiporch ,

Sure. Ignoring that this started in 2020 during Trump's presidency.

TokenBoomer ,

Yes. This has been ongoing since TikTok acquired The CFIUS didn’t care as much until it became popular. TikTok has tried to comply, so why isn’t the CFIUS and there considerations being heeded?

Linkerbaan , avatar

And back then the Republicans were the party screaming about banning TikTok.

Now that israel is involved this became a lot less partisan very quickly.

TrickDacy ,

I vote Democrat. I and everyone I'm aware of who wasn't already addicted to TikTok supported banning it.

Maybe if your arguments contained an iota of good faith, they'd be taken seriously

NauticalNoodle ,

This is the same conclusion Second Thought came to a while back in one of his youtube videos. While I don't disagree with the conclusion, I also wouldn't say it's mutually exclusive to reasoning promoted by the mainstream media of "foreign influence. " What's really wild is the idea that the ban is also being pushed by "foreign influence."

TokenBoomer ,

Plausible deniability, 2 birds with 1 stone. There are hundreds of companies with foreign investors and influence. TikTok has tried to work with investigators and even spent $1.5 billion on a server framework for Project Texas. If TikTok was a crappy app and wasn’t the primary source of news for young adults, the government wouldn’t care.

Allero ,

The concept that "foreign influence" can destabilize the system means the system itself is not transparent and fair enough.

It means local influence does not work in public interest, and the problem is not abroad, it's in your government.

anon987 ,

You have got to be kidding. Did you really just link the canary? The same canary that got banned from Twitter for making antisemitic remarks.

They also failed dozens of fact checks.

TokenBoomer ,

I did. Because the leaked phone call is real.

dessalines , avatar

That's incredibly damning.

TokenBoomer ,

I enjoy your YouTube channel. You read Blackshirts and Reds to me.

dessalines , avatar

Nice, thx! I've got 2 more books recorded recently, just gotta do the work of tagging and uploading them (should be ~week or so).

  • Zak Cope - The wealth of (Some) nations.
  • Domenico Losurdo - Nonviolence - A history beyond the myth.
anon987 ,

And irrelevant. You are grasping at straws trying to connect all the dots in your conspiracy theories.

TokenBoomer ,
Xer0 ,

fact checks

Opinion disregarded.

a_statistician , avatar

This move against TikTok predates the Hamas attacks and Israel's military action. It's insane that TikTok's ban is because teens are more likely to be pro-palestine.

TokenBoomer ,

It does. But there are mechanisms within CFIUS that TikTok was working through. Trump and Congress decided to circumvent CFIUS and go after TikTok, which is their right, but why?

So CFIUS would be a good process that would be short of a ban. You know, they could look at the app. They could decide whether or not there are other things that the company could do. But I think Congress has basically gone and kind of short-circuited that process and said, no, we're not going to have the Committee on Foreign Investment look at this. We're not going to have other processes look at it. We're just going to make a decision as the Congress that this app needs to be sold in a short time, or it will be banned.

And so why is it that we'll still be able to access apps like the clothing company Shein in in the U.S. - that's also Chinese owned - Temu, which sells all sorts of stuff - clothing and housing goods? These apps are also Chinese owned and are on a lot of American phones. source

It’s because of TikTok’s popularity and influence.

HowMany ,

But but but... the American government HATES having a light shined on it.

DmMacniel ,

If we could have it banned in Europe or just Germany I would be happy for my people.

Tangentism ,

Ok boomer

Woozythebear ,

Just don't use it if you don't like it.

nomadjoanne ,

I dislike it. But no. Don't ve authorjtarian like China. Bann it on phones of those with security clearances, but that's all.

Sam_Bass ,


Schorsch ,

Good fucking riddance.

hughesdikus ,

Good riddance? Not really cause US still has clones of tiktok present like reels and shorts.

Nothing will change. Data will still be collected. China can easily buy data from the open market. Mental health will still be affected.

In fact, due to lack of competition, things will only get worse.

US and India are 2 moronic countries

TokenBoomer ,

If ByteDance have any balls they’ll sell to the shittiest company for the lowest bid.

Melkath ,

In fact, even if they wanted to they can't.

Remember the "algorithm panic" that happened a couple years ago? The one that saw Zuckerberg the subject of a senate hearing?

During that, they made it illegal to sell algorithms.

So the TikTok logo can be sold, but it is illegal for them to sell the algorithm that is TikTok.

bl4kers , avatar

I'm not sure what specifically you're referring to, but algorithms are, generally speaking, code. You can purchase a company and their code.

RealFknNito , avatar

Get fucked, stay fucked. YouTube shorts eating good.

itsgroundhogdayagain ,

Only US tech companies can harvest all that data from their products, I mean, customers.

MisterMoo ,

I mean let’s be honest, that’s slightly better than US companies plus the Chinese Communist Party being able to do so.

Marketsupreme ,

They still can, they just have to go back to buying that data lmao

brain_in_a_box ,


Zagorath , avatar

Because definitionally, fewer people doing a bad thing is better than more people doing a bad thing?

Woozythebear ,

Because your government can use the information against you while a government on the other side of the planet can't.

a1studmuffin , avatar

I don't know about you, but if I must leak my private data like a sieve to use the internet, I'd much rather that data go to a government that isn't governing me!

Schorsch ,

A government that isn't governing you ... yet and that has no ambitions (/s) to take over as much power as possible in the country you live in, you mean?

highalectical , avatar

I hope the CPC takes power here in burgerland. Maybe then the place would stop being a shit hole.

joe_cool ,

I don't think you'd like ruining your social score by hanging out too much on lemmy and as a result losing access to movies/streaming/games, driving cars and your dog.

highalectical , avatar

America defended. You get +1 FICO credit score. You can now afford air conditioning for 2 hours.

joe_cool ,

I have enough hate for both governments, no worries.

frauddogg , avatar

No you don't. Not a single misbegotten anglo son in the west has ever meant the former when they say "neither washington nor beijing".

Tak , avatar

Ahh yes, I should be worried about how they could in the future, do something while my current government can make me a fucking slave, legally if they decide to.

Schorsch ,

Look, I don't know which country you live in but if you're worried it might make you a slave, you should riot (if at all possible, that is). Be part of the opposition.

yogthos , avatar

It's obviously more of a problem when a government that actually has agency over you harvests your data. If you can't even understand this, then you're truly lost.

yamanii , avatar

What can China do to you? You don't live there.

boyi ,

They (not just China - any country, in fact) don't have to do anything to you. But they can in such a way influence you to go against your own country's policies directed towards these countries, for example. That's the reality when a country choose to be a foe instead of a friend - they'll get extra paranoid to think that the other country have everything planned to go against them, which ended up to be a reality as a consequence of retaliatory measures by these new foes.

sabin ,

Problems with this app go beyond just privacy and bleed into national security.

You as a citizen of your country have an obligation to not freely offer yourself up as an attack vector for cybercriminals all so you could fry your brain with garbage media.

ksynwa , avatar

I hate America though

brain_in_a_box ,

You as a citizen of your country have an obligation to not freely offer yourself up as an attack vector

Please explain how using tiktok constitutes "offering yourself up as an attack vector"

BaroqueInMind ,

Case in point: all the college protests. All the arrests happening are from people being encouraged on TikTok to become aggressive and angry towards apartheid. But the question is how the fuck is protesting at a college going to change what a government in another country is going to do in any way? The Israeli government gives little to no fuck about kids opinions protesting at a college campus in the United States. It's likely civil unrest being spread by TikTok.

brain_in_a_box ,

Wait, are you trying to frame "people protesting their government committing genocide" as them violating "their obligation to not freely offer yourself up as an attack vector."

You're literally just trying to say that citizens shouldn't allow themselves to be exposed to views counter to government line.

BaroqueInMind ,

The US government is not committing genocide, it's the Israelis. I'm telling you these protests don't do shit becuase it's literally another government doing it and do not give a fuck about college kids in a completely different country.

TikTok is spreading this shit. These protests do nothing and only increase civil unrest.

queermunist , avatar

Israel is dropping US bombs. 🙄

BaroqueInMind ,

How is protesting at a college going to stop it?

queermunist , avatar

The colleges have relationships with the companies that make the bombs and have direct investments in Israel.

BaroqueInMind ,

Why not also protest at, I don't know, the White House or Congress? The people who make policy work there, a college faculty can't do shit to affect Israeli strategic policy.

brain_in_a_box ,

Then why are you part of the college protests?

BaroqueInMind ,

I went to the one at USC and wanted to show support.

brain_in_a_box ,

TikTok is spreading this shit. These protests do nothing and only increase civil unrest.

This you?

BaroqueInMind ,

Yes it is me. I literally just posted it.

brain_in_a_box ,


BaroqueInMind ,

You advocate for more intelligent discussion but reply like a teenage troglodyte. Please tell me why you laughed out loud

brain_in_a_box ,

Least self-important fascist.

BaroqueInMind ,

Your fucking four word reply is not an elaboration. You are starting to sound more like the troll here.

brain_in_a_box ,

Lol. Nice try.

frauddogg , avatar

Ooof, nice eugenicist reference ("troglodyte", which afaic falls under the same red flag as "degenerate"). Guess we know exactly what you are, don't we?

brain_in_a_box ,

Ok. I'm not going to argue basic facts with a genocide denying fascist who thinks media should be suppressed if it "increases civil unrest" (aka, shows the truth.)

BaroqueInMind ,

No, dipshit. I am also participating in these college protests and it's typically peaceful. And I'm also trying to tell you TikTok is perpetuating the aggressive nature of some of them causing cops to start mass arrests to delegitimize the protests. It is a fucking attack vector to cause unrest.

queermunist , avatar

The cops start mass arrests regardless of aggression.

brain_in_a_box ,

See, this is why it's not worth arguing with fascists like you. You're clearly just trolling; you aren't even bothering to keep your basic positions consistent (see you up and down the thread saying things like "These protests do nothing and only increase civil unrest." and yet you're know trying to claim that you're actually part of the protests and actually Tiktok is trying to 'legitimize' them)

BaroqueInMind ,

Very unlike yourself, my opinion is complex. I want Israel to destroy Hamas terrorism, but I also want Palestinian statehood sooner than later.

brain_in_a_box ,

K. No one asked

BaroqueInMind ,

You are correct, no one asked indeed. Doesn't stop me from replying to rebuke what you said.

brain_in_a_box ,

Lol, you replied with an unrelated non-sequitur. If anything, that does the opposite of rebuke what I said; further proves that you're knowingly trolling.

BaroqueInMind ,

You literally called me a fascist prior to my non-sequitur, and you started this silly scenario with your nonsense nonsequitur. I'm simply defending myself here.

brain_in_a_box ,

You're not doing a very good job of it, fascist.

bloodfart ,

You are a fascist.

WalrusDragonOnABike ,

The US government provides weapons for the genocide.

One of the main campuses in the protests is opening a campus in Israel, which students are opposing until Israel ends genocide and apartheid.

Many of the campuses donate money to or have partnerships with candidates and organizations that are also complicit in the genocide.

Of course Israel isn't going to stop genocide because a bunch of college students in the US don't like it. But that doesn't mean students have to sit idly as their tuition dollars go to fund genocide.

frauddogg , avatar

Funded by Amerikan money. The government you uplift, and everyone who still supports them after eight months of unmitigated genocide, is complicit. Is a collaborator.

OpenPassageways ,

I'm not sure it's true that the Israeli government doesn't care about American public opinion, since they do benefit from American military support, but let's assume what you said is true.

Even if Americans protesting won't stop the genocide, won't end apartheid, I'd prefer that those atrocities are not committed with my tax dollars, with support from my government, in my name. The lesson learned from 9/11 shouldn't have been "we need to enact regime change anywhere in the world where American interest are opposed". It should have been "Americans better make sure they are OK with the things that their government is doing abroad".

I'm not OK with it, I'm not willing to risk dying in a terrorist attack so that Gaza can be levelled with "made in America" munitions. I'm not willing to risk dying in a terrorist attack so that oil companies and other big business interests have friendly regimes to collude with in the region as they scam the people out of their resources and freedoms.

Kalysta ,

College protests have been a thing since Vietnam. Look up Kent State.

It wasn’t China that gave them the idea, it was history.

And it’s working. More and more people are sympathizing with Palestine the more the government overreacts to peaceful protests.

davel , avatar

All the arrests happening are from people being encouraged on TikTok to become aggressive and angry towards apartheid.


WTF is wrong with you?

brain_in_a_box ,

They are a genuine fascist.

RoseTintedGlasses , avatar

They have very simple demands, they're not giving some pie in the sky stuff like "have Joe Biden tried for war crimes and abolish capitalism" or something; the protests all have demands along the lines that their university boycott Israeli companies and cut ties with weapons manufacturers aiding the genocide. To claim otherwise is completely infantalising to the protestors who are risking their university positions and physical health to protest despite the police crackdowns.

Here's a link to the list of demands of the student protest in new York, for instance

And here's a picture of the list of the demands of the columbia faculty protest:

highalectical , avatar

Civil unrest to force the great satan to stop supplying the zionist entity is good and cool actually. In fact, I hope the unrest stops being civil.

NoLifeGaming ,

If they don't care then why did satanyahu come out in a speech against it? Protesting does work and does matter. You only need to look at history to see that

sabin ,

If you actually think that app is there for the purpose of entertaining you and marketing to you you are naive beyond belief. Go look into the level of control the chinese government has over their tech sector and the restrictions they place on companies operating there.

Or on second thought don't even bother. For sheep like yourself it will all go in one ear and out the other. Keep letting them shove their hands down your ass and puppet you more.

brain_in_a_box ,

It's great how liberals are now indistinguishable from your average racist, paranoid, Qanon chud.

yogthos , avatar

just a case of the mask falling off

dumbass , avatar
Ultragigagigantic , avatar
highalectical , avatar

If you are an American, you have an obligation to humanity to be a fifth columnist.

NoLifeGaming ,

As if all these other social medias don't have garbage media or propaganda

Ragnarok314159 ,

We must return to AOL and Friendster.

The_Cunt_of_Monte_Cristo , avatar

Problems with this app go beyond just privacy and bleed into national security.

Entire world should ban US based apps in this case.

frauddogg , avatar

Fuck Amerika's national security; I don't claim this mf country. I don't even think twice about lying about where I'm from when I'm in international circles that ask me what it is. If someone offered me citizenship with them to Yeonmi Park y'all asses, I'd do it in a new york minute.

carl_dungeon ,

Bye felecia

K0W4LSK1 , avatar

Idk why so many people assumed they would its a data gold mine even with the USA blocked

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