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TheFriar ,

I’m unaware of this painting, but I assume someone was trying to get it taken off the internet? Any context?

TheFriar ,

Thank you

TheFriar ,

He could dish it out, but got a dish back in his face and fuckin died. It’s like karmatic poetry or sumthn

TheFriar , (edited )

I was wondering that myself. But

PM2.5 concentration in New York City is currently 1.1 times the WHO annual air quality guideline value

We seem to be right in line with guidelines. Now, does that account for brake dust? If it does, that’s beyond shocking. So many goddamn cars here, all in stop and go traffic constantly. Just turn off the goddamn cars, people. Wtf are you even doing? You’re almost killing me on my bike every day and you just don’t look happy. Not to mention, I ride past 100 of you and get to where I’m going faster than you do. You have a problem. Admitting it is the first step.

TheFriar ,

I dunno. His own staffer came out and said their entire purpose was to keep Biden from winning re-election. Third party candidates don’t typically siphon votes away from the party that religiously tows the line. The republicans have gotten their voters in lockstep formation, to a scary degree. The democrats have a harder time because their needed voters are a wide swath of different people, from those scared of republicans (really the dems bread and butter), to people who want social programs, to liberals, to liberal-leaning conservatives (though this group has been disappearing for a while), to leftists that begrudgingly vote for the lesser of two evils…it’s a melting pot. That’s also why the dems have a harder time winning, typically. The dems and the left will debate procedural shit for how to accomplish similar goals. The right is all emotional appeals/reactionaries. Herding cats vs shooting fish in a barrel. I wouldn’t be so sure about RFK jr only appealing to the right.

TheFriar , (edited )

Trump doesn’t really tow the line though

No, but their voters would sacrifice themselves to tow the line. That was my point.

it’s doubtful that he can steal Biden votes by parroting trump positions.

I dunno. There are plenty of relatively shallow thinking democrats. It’s called a “protest vote” for a reason.

Liberal admins don’t debate procedural shit

I didn’t mean “procedural shit” like inside baseball house floor procedural. I meant the voters are multifaceted and disagree on how to achieve what liberals and leftists can generally agree upon: social programs and the like. See what I’m saying? I’m really tired and I’m not explaining this well, but I’m saying even if leftists and liberals and democrats can all be somewhat on the same page about a general outcome they’d like to see, there are segments of that voting populace that would withhold their vote if the the issue is discussed in a way they can’t get behind or the route to the agreed-upon solution isn’t exactly to their liking.

There was a tweet someone posted just the other day on the leftist meme community, basically saying “fascists are leftists’ #2 greatest enemy, behind the other leftist who agrees with them roughly 96%.” You’ll also get a lot more single issue voters, or leftists that will be turned away because they can’t sacrifice their morals on one issue the candidate doesn’t agree with them on, while undeniably accomplishing many things the leftist does support. We have principles, basically. And sacrificing those principles is a lot harder for us than a right wing voter that see Red and mashes that button as fast as they can.

The democrats’ likely voters are finicky and incredibly diverse. On the right, the voters tow the line pretty much universally. No matter what happens, the republicans can’t seem to lose votes past a certain point. The democrats have to get a lot of stuff right for a pretty diverse group of voters, all in a row, to keep their voters turning out.

cons demand their red meat and are willing to lose an election or two to guarantee it.

If I’m understanding this correctly, I think I strongly disagree. But can you clarify this? Because I’m not sure I do actually understand what you mean.

TheFriar ,

Yeah, I think that’s generally the idea. But i think the same would’ve been true of Gary whatshisface in 2016, the libertarian guy. I’m not really sure that’s how it shook out in the end, though.

I also think the more-likely-to-be-democrat voters are probably just generally more likely to vote third party, knowing it’s a throwaway, in order to send a message. The right really doesn’t ever seem to break apart, that ~48-50% of people seemingly can’t be turned away no matter what happens. Look at all those street interviews done recently. Those “anyone but trump” republicans, when pressed on who they’d vote for if Nikki Haley couldn’t win the primary, they all waffled for a minute before saying they’d vote for trump. After calling him a fascist, a racist, etc. The conditioning on the right is so strong. It needs to be studied. I’m sure it will be if humanity survives the next 20 years.

TheFriar ,

Wait, wasn’t it Nick Fuentes that said sleeping with men was less gay than sleeping with women or something? This is the weasely little fuckface with a voice like Ben Shapiro and a face like a twink fuckboi?

TheFriar ,

Henney said the trapper told him initially that Wally had been released into the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge about 60 miles southeast of Brunswick, near the Florida line. Later, Henney said, the trapper told him he released Wally into a swamp on private property. Now, Henney said, “He won’t tell us where he released Wally.”

This seems like the real fuckin conspiracy. So a guy kept an alligator, who cares? Why attack him? This trapper and the cops saying, “he did his job and released Wally at an undisclosed location” are what sound fishy af to me. I wouldn’t hesitate to bet that there is a whole industry of gator leather that the cops look the other way on. Sounds way more plausible than anything any idiot “sleuths” have conjured up about the owner.

TheFriar ,

Worse, they “need” pros.

Your position as a volunteer is crucial in ensuring that our customers have a positive experience.

Crucial, huh? Then fucking pay them.

TheFriar ,

“Investing in green energy.”

That could be the full article. We all saw all the think pieces and trends about how green energies will be the next big market. But the US didn’t invest in it, deciding to “let the free market decide” and we all junked our jeans on machine learning. So here we are, consuming more energy than ever while other countries saw the trends, invested in green energies, and here we are.

Obscure screw added so appliance cannot be disassembled ( )

Basic blender went bad (motor ran but spindle wasn't rotating). I wanted to disassemble to see if it could be repaired. Three of the four screws were Phillips head. I had to cut the casing open in order to discover why I couldn't unscrew the fourth. It was a slotted spanner.

TheFriar ,

There is a screwdriver that you can get at the hardware store for this type of screw. You shouldn’t have to, I definitely agree. But fuck ‘em, repair your shit with the $5 screwdriver.

TheFriar ,

What the fuck?

Fuck you. You’re the reason people defending Israel can point to us all as antisemites. Just shut the fuck up for everyone’s sake. Antisemitism isn’t the answer. Responding to hate with equal proportions of hate is a fool’s response. And you’re the fool here.

TheFriar ,

You should watch Hip Hop Evolution on Netflix—or the first three/four seasons. Because it will tell you a lot. Like, your opinion generalizes so much that it’s really dancing on the line just this side of problematic.

Do you leave a tip for housekeeping if you're only staying one night in a hotel?

Is it a 'thank you for prepping my room' or 'please clean my room today'? If you tip post cleaning, it's likely going to someone else the next day. Many hotels now only do housekeeping on demand. How do employees feel about this - do they miss the tips or are they happy for a less stressful workday?...

TheFriar ,

Tipping people or not tipping people isn’t what’s perpetuating the system. Those who do tip aren’t at fault, it’s the ownership class exploiting workers so hard that they’ve delegated even their one, most basic duty off onto the customer: paying their fuckin employees.

TheFriar ,

But an essential part of “living frugally” is…being frugal. Co-opting the “style” of poverty while acting like you’re more spiritually enlightened for it while shelling out a fortune and constantly having a massive amount of money to fall back on while preaching frugality to a bunch of people who don’t have money is…gross.

And if you watch the video, this isn’t just “trustafarians,” but also about the systems hat have been put in place in developing nations to traffic children to attract wealthy foreigners to “voluntourism” in their area and profit off of that exploitation while these wealthy “po-mouthing” kids can’t post about how generous they are and talk about how it changed their life.

TheFriar ,

Yes! Loved that game so much.

TheFriar ,

Hereditary really stuck with me after watching it—and I’m in my 30s. It would really get in my head when I was trying to fall asleep for at least 2 weeks. Would have to double check the corners of my ceiling.

TheFriar ,

Fuckin love Demi. Glad to see he’s still doing so well for himself. He seems to always be the best part of whatever he’s involved in

TheFriar ,

It’s sad how articles—literally just a few years ago—were saying, “okay, so with 1.5C warming, what does the world look like?” Then it was “here’s how the world will look at 2C warming,” and now just a handful of years later, “okay…3 degrees C…what exactly are we in for?” These articles are accelerating at alarming rates because it used to be “our children’s children will be struggling.” Then it was “when our children are grown up, they will have some decisions to make.” Now we’re at the point where “HOLY FUCK THIS IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW WE ARE SO FUCKED WHAT IS THE WORLD GOING TO LOOK LIKE WHEN ITS ALMOST ALL ON FIRE.”

This society failed us. It sold our future annd the entire world for profit projections. And it’s still doing it, just with green glasses on. And this is us somehow trying to cope with what the billionaires and capitalism have done to us.

I say before we all boil alive, we drag them through the streets. It’s no mercy time. Dragged to death.

TheFriar ,

Well, in the end it’s all artistic choice. They’re telling you which can fit your themes. But you could also change that. Look at blue is the warmest color. Blue was love, lust, comfort—it was really just the strength of their relationship. As the blue disappeared from the movie, their bond was breaking apart.

It’s all subjective to the filmmaker. Choose what makes sense for your story and stick to it. Then it could be added to this list.

TheFriar ,



TheFriar ,

Having a ton of experience in the service industry, I can say this is not all that uncommon. You gotta get all of the employees together And sit your boss down. Tell them she’s causing problems, and hurting the customer experience. Lie to the boss if you have to, that customers have complained a few times about when you’re left alone, things are taking too long. Definitely tell them about eating off plates before they go out. That’s fucking insane. And disgusting.

But the more support you can get from other staff on this, the more powerful your complaints will be.

TheFriar ,

That’s not true. Bosses don’t always hear you. You have to speak their language. They typically don’t care about your feelings until it affects their bottom line. Put it in terms they’ll understand or they won’t hear you. Capitalists aren’t like you and me.

TheFriar , (edited )

It is. She didn’t say any customers complained. But that’s what a boss will hear. A boss hearing employees say they are having trouble with a long term, older employee that is feeding information on “misbehaving” staff to the boss?

That’s an uphill battle, getting the boss to give a shit. They’re probably emotionally invested in this older employee if she’s constantly hanging out with the boss, and they rely on her to keep the younger staff “in line.” And to be their eyes and ears when they’re not there, because she’s reporting employees left and right for stuff the boss doesn’t want happening.

It’s not immoral to lie to capitalists. They typically don’t give a shit about your needs. They will almost always screw you over to make more money. OP is facing a tough situation as is. Even if the boss doesn’t like this older woman, they probably still see her as valuable and are willing to keep her around because she’s a class traitor for the boss. She’s on salary. She’s been there a long time. It’ll be tough to get anything in the boss’ ear about this woman because they will most likely see it as the employees trying to get out from under her reporting/rule.

So between the fact that she’s valuable to the boss, has been there a long time, and that the boss knows she’s seen as an “enemy” among the workers? It’s a tall order to get rid of her or to get her to change her behavior.

Even lying about customers complaining probably won’t accomplish anything. But if all of the employees work together and speak the boss’ language, there’s a bit of a chance. But only a pretty small one. Gotta do all she can.

When you get a call from a middle-aged male coworker who had tried to coerce you (younger female) into letting him drop you off at home on a Saturday night: do you call back, text, email, or ignore?

Please read post for full context; any help or input is appreciated! I disclosed sensitive info to a close female coworker (let's say Ann), who is best friends with the male coworker mentioned (Ned). I'm sure she told him, but then they both seemed to want me to still tell him directly. I did because I believe in doing the right...

TheFriar ,

Jesus. It’s so very clear you don’t have perspective here. You can make a lot of inappropriate behavior sound completely innocent like you have here.

You’re a stranger, who doesn’t know any of these people. We only have this young woman’s story to go on, and she’s saying she was made to feel uncomfortable. This person wasn’t taking this woman’s boundaries into consideration at all. No matter anyone’s gender, that is not okay. But add into that the fact that it was an older man and a younger woman? Gross. No.

You’re being an asshole…for, like, no reason. A woman lives a very different reality than you do. You have no frame of reference for things like this, yet you are just so sure that you and “Ned” are in the right.

How people like you exist in 2024 is a mystery. A depressing mystery, but a mystery nonetheless.

TheFriar , (edited )

She told you this older man was not taking her insistence on sleeping somewhere different than he was as an answer. He wouldn’t take her insistence on not sharing food with him for an answer. He keeps insisting on breaking the professional barrier and contacting her on her personal phone at night. When she responded the next day via work email, he did it again. When she made her boundaries known, he refused to accept them and started acting as if he were upset with her.

Holy shit. How can you not see how wrong this guy is? And you’ve never been able to tell when someone is clearly trying to flirt/express attraction in you? Maybe that’s never happened to you. But it’s a not so subtle change in behavior, and she noticed it.

This man took personal information he wasn’t supposed to know about her, and tried to talk to her about it—again, outside of company time and through personal means.

If you don’t see what’s wrong with it, you don’t want to. And I’m scared to know how you’ve treated people.

TheFriar ,

Oh now he sounds like a jerk? I thpught “Ned sounds like a fun time?”

TheFriar ,

What did you think? The other option is upending the power and economic structures of capitalism. That was never going to happen. They’ll literally let the world end before that.

TheFriar ,

Youre preaching to the choir. Even just a general strike would put a boot on their necks.

But we’re so conditioned to relying on the system that every single time I bring it up, everyone’s like, “…well we need our jobs.” Or something else to immediately write off a strike.

It could easily be over in a matter of weeks. Buy up enough food for a few weeks and rely on enough community support. Anarchist groups around the world would come out to support and lend a huge hand. It could be done.

TheFriar ,

He will get a fine. There’s a near zero chance he would ever get anything more besides fines.

The US justice system is the best in the world and completely above reproach praise be

TheFriar ,

I’m quite glad I missed that whole thing. I only saw the updates and was logging on after the servers had crashed or the admins were basically bricking the system. I basically couldn’t load lemmy for a few days, so I spent those days…I’m not sure. Probably staring blankly at the wall in front of me. Better than CSAM.

TheFriar ,

You are entirely missing the point here. You seem so deluded by factionalism that you can’t see this as anything but a democrat vs Republican issue.

This is a HUMAN GODDAMN LIVES issue. A literal genocide is happening and you’re playing the whataboutism game. “Whataboutism” is used way too much as a phrase in discussions, but this is a textbook example of it.

“Biden is contributing to genocide.”

“But trump is a criminal.”

“Okay…but people are literally being slaughtered and starved on the US’s dime and the president is still voicing support in the face of the atrocities we are all witnessing.”

“But trump-“

Just stop. No one here likes trump. We understand stacking domestic chaos on top of this issue is no good. But we are faced with no good option right now. The entire argument for voting for democrats over republicans is usually “but we can push the democrats through shame to do what is right.” THAT IS WHAT THIS IS.

We’re not playing politics. We’re playing try to save some goddamn lives with civil disobedience.

TheFriar ,

Like, it’s something we all understand. But that doesn’t absolve the Biden admin’s full-dive involvement. This administration is complicit in genocide.

That doesn’t mean another president wouldn’t be as well. The US as a country and entity is complicit. But that’s what we’re trying to change by calling out the weaker link—because the point isn’t playing politics. It’s stopping the genocide. What’s happening right now in Gaza is untenable. And Biden is supposed to be the better option—again, yes, we all understand trump would not be better. But that doesn’t change what’s happening. We need to be able to pressure our representatives, especially when they claim to be morally superior to the “other” party. And especially when they’re more likely to change. We have Biden over the barrel because it’s an election year, and he’s seeing a ton of pressure from people he needs the votes of. Hats leverage we don’t typically have. We need to use it. Also, it’s fuckin genocide. I don’t know how else to say it. And it needs to stop. This isn’t us claiming anything except we don’t want what’s happening to continue. We’re not discussing the election. This supersedes it.

This is what we need to do. Because, the point is stopping the genocide. Not playing politics. And that’s what you just can’t see past. Like I said, we voted for Biden knowing he was supposed to be the more morally sound option. And here he is participating in genocide. We are trying to push the president who is vulnerable on this issue to do the right thing. That’s what needs to happen. BECAUSE THERE IS A FUCKING GENOCIDE TAKING PLACE. That fact isn’t going away, no matter how much of a disaster trump would be. This president is vulnerable on the issue, and the point isn’t politics. It’s stopping a goddamn genocide.

What is your point you’re making here? Because you’re not saying anything anyone else doesn’t know. But that doesn’t we shouldn’t be skewering Biden for this. Because he holds the reins of power. This is what we should be doing, if not more.

TheFriar ,

No, you’re still missing he point. The thread you’ve been involved in, this thread, has been “biden is complicit in genocide.” “Well trump is bad and would be worse.”

No one had said anything about the election when I jumped in except for you. But again, my point is this supersedes what’s happening in the election. You’re displaying factionalism. Democrat vs Republican is the arena you’re operating in.

There is a genocide happening. Full stop.

And it needs to end. That is where this conversation ends.

Saying, “well…but, the other candidate—“

No. This isn’t about candidates. This president is in office for almost another year. People are protesting what’s happening. The election only serves, in this situation, as leverage for us. Because this is bad timing for Biden because of the election. That’s its only involvement here. Except for your comments.

You can’t see past the poison that is the two party system to understand that it’s not even part of this discussion. Genocide. No. End it. That’s the conversation. And you keep bringing up a person not currently involved in it.

If that’s what the conversation I jumped into was, then this conversation and my point would be different. Check it out, I’ve made this point many times because I’ve seen this situation being leveraged to tilt the election away from Biden. BUT THAT IS A DIFFERENT DISCUSSION.

Making this conversation, where people are putting pressure on the president to save lives and stop a genocide, about biden’s opponent in the upcoming election is wrong. It’s a nuanced difference, but I can’t make it any more clear. You either get that or you don’t. And so far you don’t seem like you’re getting it.

TheFriar ,

Jesus Christ, man. When the conversation is “_____ is ______.” and your entire argument is, “well, what about _____#2?” Then you’re not agreeing. You’re altering the topic of conversation, which runs cover for the initial topic by muddying the waters.

NOW you’re backtracking. But your contribution to the conversation was diverting blame. Until we all started calling you out. Maybe you do agree with us. But that wasn’t what you were saying.

TheFriar , (edited )

This isn’t an attempt to be binary. And I jumped in to the end of a conversation you were having with someone else.

And I’m not saying that we’re still disagreeing about Biden. I’m trying to get you to understand the nuance of this subject. Not the subject of who’s culpable here, but the conversation itself is the subject I’ve been trying to get you to see sense on.

Yes, it’s great you agree that what’s happening is terrible. But…assuming that’s the end of the conversation? That is trying to make this conversation binary.

The nuance here is that you dragging the election—not even the election, but the other candidate in a future election— into a conversation about what the current govt is doing (regardless of what other US presidents have done and will continue to do with Israel) is ignoring the basic fact that this is our recourse. And what your initial, like, five contributions to the conversation were, was to bring up someone else.

Whether you agree with the general idea or not, you were running cover by muddying the waters. Which kinda makes you complicit in complicity.

This isn’t just a “you agree with us or you’re against us” situation. This is a “the way you engage with this topic is subtly undermining the people you’re claiming to support and muddying the waters of the conversation while undercutting the efficacy and possible future support of ending the genocide.”

I’ll try to go back into my comment history to find where I’ve taken a similar position to yours. But that’s what I mean by nuance. It’s not as simple as “agree. Convo over.” It’s, yes, I technically do agree that trump would be far worse for Palestine and piling domestic controversy after domestic controversy on top of the current laser focus on this one situation would derail the movement and diffuse the pressure. But right now, under this administration, we have a chance to pressure this admin to save some lives. I know you agree. That isn’t my point. My point is that how we discuss the topic matters, and you bringing up technically unrelated things in the conversation about the issue is problematic.

Again, it’s nuanced. We’re both technically agreeing on the overarching issue. But the conversation is the topic and that’s what I’m trying to get you to see. The fact that you think agreeing on biden’s problematic behavior would be the end of the conversation is further proof you’re not getting my point.

TheFriar ,

okay, I guess we’re not gonna meet where I’d hoped in this convo. Take care

TheFriar ,

Funny, someone at work yesterday and I were talking about this. I worked restaurants for years. Like, more than a decade. They’re really crazy, fun, interesting places to work.

But Jesus. The people that gravitate to/stay in that life are a…certain type. The work is grueling and the atmosphere is usually pretty high stress. And the drinking culture is not great.

But dammit if it isn’t fun. It’s something everyone should do. It takes a lot of work to put a dish in front of someone in a restaurant, and understanding that process should be necessary to eat in one.

My warning would be to stay conscious of how much you’re getting sucked in. Pay attention to the stress levels. If you’re talking about and stressing over your job even after work, consider if it’s worth it. The pay isn’t exceptional, but the workload is pretty damn high. The skills are valuable, and it’s a good way to change yourself—but that change could very well be for the worse. Just be conscious of that. And when pills and cigarettes and excessive drinking cross your path, be careful. Because it’s easy to pick up a habit that is very hard to break.

But have fun. It’s definitely something I miss sometimes, but I don’t think I’d be able to go back at this point. I’ve done it. Didn’t think I would ever get out of it. But glad I did.

TheFriar ,

Well I wish you the best of luck. I found some of the people in that world never grew out of that high school “oh come on, you’re not drinking?!” thing. So just be wary! But like I said, it can be super fun. It’s a literal lifestyle. It’s great for a while. But be prepared to hang out with only restaurant people lol it’s a weird insular culture

TheFriar ,

When you pause in a thought, they have time to consider how insane it sounds. So all sovcits have to remain in the fugue state of crank rambling to make sure their worldview doesn’t have any air gaps to give anyone listening a second to question what’s being said.

TheFriar ,

Leave Reddit. Why is anyone still there.

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