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KillingTimeItself ,

based satanic temple.

Fuck church of satan, apparently TST leader/s is/are a somewhat shitty person? IDK, haven't looked, don't care, the temple collectively is still pretty based though.

KillingTimeItself ,

correction: They only want in when other religions also want it.

Basically, they're the US military if the US military was like "hey wouldn't it be funny if we trolled them instead of bombing three hospitals?"

KillingTimeItself ,

mmm pasta

KillingTimeItself ,

interesting post, short and sweet i suppose. As are most things in life though.

Personally, structured systems of thought are not my cup of tea, though i do enjoy reading about other peoples thoughts about them, and how they've been constructed together in the past, as it's a rather explicit method of defining something, which is the point of these systems to begin with.

I've always been kind of attracted to the concepts of anarchy by the very nature of them. I'm very much an anti-political person, i hate explicitly defining things and boiling them down into simple concepts, when often times that's not possible without losing a lot of what creates that environment in the first place. Counter intuitively i really like these systems from the perspective of conceptualizing complex systems without having to go through every little detail present. I think nihilism is the most prominent example of this. It's often sited as a "paradoxical ideology" which i think is the point of it existing. Without things like nihilism, it's hard to quantify what really makes life interesting. Not that you can't find these aspects about them without such concepts, just that it's evidently much clearer in a systematic manner.

incoming rambles, it gets iffy :)

the value you get from any given ideology is not what it espouses, it's what it instills in you. For me the value i've gained from stoicism for example, is not what it preaches, but what i've extracted from it with regards to materialistic possessions. I've learned to grow a healthy relationship with the materialistic possessions that i do have however. The value in the item is not of the item itself, but of it's relevance to me, and what it means to me as an extension of myself. For example i own a handful of older thinkpad models as i'm a computer nerd and tech enthusiast. They're old, cheap, and second hand, so the value of them has already been accrued by another user. For me however, the value in them is what i've done with them, and what i'm continually able to do with them. As a linux user it's mostly linux, and other related things

I don't know much about japanese culture, but from what i understand, they have a relatively similar concept of materialistic possessions in some aspects, which i think is interesting.

KillingTimeItself ,

i genuinely can't believe there are laws around sleeping in vehicles these days. You want me to pack up and fuck off after a day? Fine, i'll do that, i can live with that. Fuck you for making it illegal though. Actual bullshit.

KillingTimeItself ,

it's real, and it does work pretty well.

We also do the breathalyzer, or blood draws, but those are a little more involved, and if you can't do a field sobriety test then you definitely as hell can't drive a fucking car lmao.

KillingTimeItself ,

you think those people are required to do them? One of the primary tests doesn't even require you to move. 50% of the other two are literally counting.

And like i said, you can just hit them with the blow test? Or blood like i mentioned, that's a particularly good one.

KillingTimeItself ,

that is pretty silly, though idk much about the specifics of it, really it should only mean you get arrested/detained, it shouldn't be possible to charge you with something that isnt proven.

KillingTimeItself ,

"build your own damn bridge"

with what?

"this bridge, that i built."

KillingTimeItself ,

get in a good ole tony, and ezekiel in there for good measure as well.

KillingTimeItself ,

ofc he is, he can't see his grandsons graduation!

KillingTimeItself ,

i say you do all this humdrum, show up to the debate, and say nothing the entire time. The true decorum holding experience!

KillingTimeItself ,

that's because he can't see him, he lacks object permanence.

KillingTimeItself ,

be strong and trans*

we're progressive now, smh.

KillingTimeItself ,

i think most people could beat the shit out of any politician or public figure to be honest.

KillingTimeItself ,

you aren't wrong there.

Obscure screw added so appliance cannot be disassembled ( )

Basic blender went bad (motor ran but spindle wasn't rotating). I wanted to disassemble to see if it could be repaired. Three of the four screws were Phillips head. I had to cut the casing open in order to discover why I couldn't unscrew the fourth. It was a slotted spanner.

KillingTimeItself ,

ah yes a classic we call this a flathead, but without the part of the flathead that makes it good at not being a shit screw, but also it's located now so the driver doesn't slip out of the screw, so it's actually kinda better than just a flathead screw, but it probably strips a lot easier than a flathead, since there's a lot less surface area on it. Screw.

edit: there's a lot of people coping on this thread for some reason, bro it's a blender, who cares, it's like 20 dollars, 99% of the population is buying a new one anyway.

KillingTimeItself ,

honestly i'd be concerned about somebody without tools opening a blender. Why are they in there? How did they get in it? And what did the blender do to them?

KillingTimeItself ,

a dangerous electronic device.

i feel like if someone has the capability of bitching about a security screw on the internet, they probably have the intelligence to unplug a blender from the wall.

If this is the standard for security screws, hex/torx will almost certainly do it's job, but significantly better.

KillingTimeItself ,

i didn't know there was a repair market for the free open source application of blender, that's cool

KillingTimeItself ,

maybe caveman want motor out of blender, and screw is hinderance to motor collection. Don't judge a mans cave by the lack of blenders. Judge it by the principles held within!

Regardless, security bits are a skill issue, and i will not stand for them. They make cars with traditional bolts and nuts, those are perfectly accessible to the average person, yet people killing themselves with their bad car repairs, is disconcertingly low. They're bad for repairability, they're bad for the environment, and most importantly, they waste time and money for no fucking reason.

KillingTimeItself ,

idk how anybody would be missing that. I think people are just being their usual selves.

KillingTimeItself ,

i still don't understand what the fuck an internal monologue is supposed to be.

I've heard it's the thing that makes you do things, i've heard it's a thing that just exists.

I don't know what it is, what it does, or what it seems to be for, and i don't even know whether i have one.

Science is a bitch sometimes.

KillingTimeItself ,

i've had similar issues with sleeping myself, and i've found oftentimes having something playing in the background will help. Literally anything for my brain to focus on without expending so much energy i'm focusing directly on it. White noise might help, i've found rain and thunderstorms particularly good for that itch. I used to watch yt to fall asleep, and still do on occasion, but that doesn't seem to work as well anymore.

Lately i've been pulling up a yt video and trying to doze off about when it ends, and that seems to work pretty well.

when i'm not doing a variant of that i'm usually doing some sort of pseudo meditation where i actively focus on nothing. That works if i can keep at it. That or not sleeping at all, because my shits fucked up lol.

KillingTimeItself ,

i dont have one at all, i think, i don't even have one when typing, which i think leads to a lot of weird mistakes, sometimes i'll just interject a completely random word, or pickup halfway through a sentence with a completely different sentence, it's weird sometimes.

KillingTimeItself ,

oh my friend, you have made the most relevant mistake in the book, may i introduce you to aphantasics? People who are incapable of visualizing something in their mind.

KillingTimeItself ,

it's wack, shits even weirder when you dream.

My dreams often get retconned into the real world, unless my brain immediately determines them to be bullshit. Which is uh, unsettling.

KillingTimeItself ,

you can't recognize voices without an internal monologue? I see no reason that shouldn't be a thing people would even consider. Voices are like identifying unique patterns. They're incredibly easy, and we're trained to do it from birth. Similar thing for songs, although in that case i think it's more a sense of auditory "muscle memory" as the auditory experience illicits previously excited paths through the brain, leading to the same experience as last time, which allows you to define it independently.

KillingTimeItself ,

if that's how it's defined than i think i have some sort of weird hybrid of it. I have an internal monologue for certain things, like if im working on a project and need a design for it, that'll cause me problems. But if i'm just sitting down and thinking about something, i'm usually talking it out. For example i've been into sociology a bit recently, and i've found myself talking out loud about things very frequently.


KillingTimeItself ,

huh, yeah for most of that stuff i just think outloud. It's the natural reaction for me.

KillingTimeItself ,

i think the problem that i have, is that i have one, but only for certain activities, i don't seem to have one for thought/verbal tasks. But when im working on something i'm designing i often have one present most of the time.

KillingTimeItself ,

weird, i guess i'm lucky that mine is relatively situational then, because otherwise it'd be constantly blabbering lol.

KillingTimeItself ,

bruh, u got the whole main character arc going on up there.

KillingTimeItself ,

kind of? I sort of follow along with what i'm typing but it's less of a written dialogue thing, and more of a phonetic rendition of it, if that makes sense.

It follows the pace of my brain absorbing the words, as well as writing them out, which can make reading a chore sometimes. When i'm reading a book, i'm often absorbed enough to be able to engage with it pretty tightly, and i can usually follow along a lot better, with a stronger inner monologue, it's weird.

Like typing this post out right now inside of my head sounds more like trying to speak the words per syllable as you write them down on a piece of paper, as opposed to reciting them, if that makes any sense.

KillingTimeItself ,

i like to separate it between visualizing something, and conceptualizing something, because if someone says a visualize a sphere, you know what a sphere is, you simply don't need to visualize it in order to conceptualize what it should look like, thus leading to a "pseudo image"

but if someone were to say visualize the tread pattern of an all weather tire, you probably wouldn't be able to do that very well, since you likely don't have a very solid conceptual understanding of what it looks like.

KillingTimeItself ,

usually im pretty good with typing, ironically. The problem is that if i start to multi focus on things, it gets really messy, just having music in the background isn't enough to cause me problems though, neither having youtube videos, though it's impossible for me to focus enough on the video to understand whats happening, while being able to type legibly.

if i'm rapidly jumping between things, like reading something, and talking to people on discord, while listening to music, i can absolutely throw random words in places they shouldnt be, it's weird.

KillingTimeItself ,

huh, that's weird, mine i have full control over. It's thoughts are quite literally my thoughts. And my thoughts are it's thoughts as well.

maybe i've developed an artificial internal monologue?

KillingTimeItself ,

yeah, in a way it's impossible to think about what you think, as you think about it, that's how train of thought works. The only time you ever have a whole spiel ready is if you've been practicing it regularly, and then it's no longer train of thought anymore.

KillingTimeItself ,

I’ve manned voting booths in my home country and whilst lots of blank votes are a message

are blank votes even a reported figure? To my knowledge they aren't significantly reported, otherwise i feel like we would hear a lot more about than we currently don't. I would understand it if it was a reported figure that people talked about, but it sure doesn't seem like it. Although given the current environment, people would probably try and claim that blank votes are actually election interference or some shit.

frankly, this is one of the elections of a democratic institution of all time, judging by how utterly shit this has the potential to play out to be, i honestly just don't think i have the capability to give a shit.

KillingTimeItself ,

i'll get around to it eventually.

KillingTimeItself ,

sure, feel free. I literally won't have done anything at all.

But feel free. And just for the record, if shit does get fucked to a point where it substantially effects me i'm principled enough to take the out when i'm given it.

KillingTimeItself ,

i suppose in the sense of candidacy, it would make sense that it would effect them directly. I'd still appreciate it if it was publicly reported though, as it's an interesting statistical figure.

KillingTimeItself ,

Glad you could publicly admit you don’t give a rats ass about the rights of others when you can whine about a single-issue that makes you look cool.

yeah because that's literally up to everybody else voting? You don't like it you can vote lmao.

Frankly i'm concerned about empowering other people to utilize their own rights to empower themselves to be the person that they should be, rather than yelling at the government about the fact that "we don't have rights" although a very real problem. Not really my space of concern at the moment. I'd rather literally defend someone, over figuratively defending them.

KillingTimeItself ,

Frankly, if you don’t vote- it doesn’t matter what you’re concerned about.

yeah, which would probably be why i'm less concerned about policy and voting, and more concerned about individuals.

But your lot likes easy, don’t they.

i don't like easy, i like funny. And this is probably the funniest thing i can think of doing right now on a global scale. Like you said, it's my loss.

KillingTimeItself ,

i mean a little bit, we all do a little bit of trolling.

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