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Kiernian ,

Do they?

I don't even know what an "ultra processed food" •IS•.

How is it different than the "processed cheese product" that passes for most individually wrapped "American cheese" cheese slices? Or is that ultra processed?

Are Doritos ultra processed or just the regular kind of processed?

Which kind of ground beef qualifies for "ultra"? Only the pink slime or anything that's been chemically treated?

I'm not being a pedantic contrary asshat, I legitimately do not know what qualifies something to be in this category and why it's worse than normal processing.

Bpa from plastic tubing used in the processing of Annie's organic leeched into the food. Is that considered contamination or a side effect of processing?

Kiernian ,

They're processed, yes. The corn is milled, pressed into triangles, coated with preservative-heavy flavor powder and cooked in one order or another, possibly repeatedly.

What makes it ULTRA processed?

Frickin... most raw potatoes are "processed" because they're typically not covered in topsoil when they get put in 5lb plastic bags.

A grass-fed organic, antibiotic free, roaming free-range massaged poterhouse steak is "processed" because it's not still attached to the cow.

I'm trying to understand the definition, here. Almost everything is processed to some degree or another.

Is white flour ultra processed because they bleach and de-hull the wheat berries? Or only when it's made into cake flour? Or do both of those count as "processed" and only "cake MIX" counts as "ultra processed"?

Am I making sense?

Kiernian ,

Holy cow, thank you!

Kiernian ,

I personally felt like it was a reference to the complete lack of corporate loyalty to it's employees.

It's hard to have a "career" in the classical sense the way my 90 year old grandparents did.

You can still choose a field of work and if you're lucky you'll get to stay in it for most of your adult life, but between outsourcing in IT, fields being made redundant as technology advances/changes (from cashiers and retail to journalism and marketing, accounting, and phone work) and whole fields of manufacturing work getting shipped overseas, the number of lifelong fields of work available is rapidly shrinking, facing fierce competition for jobs, and becoming a moving playing field faster than most people can retrain for.

"HR" jobs could get halved or more with chatbots providing benefits and payroll adjustment information. "Big data" is doing most of the "market research" that advertisers handled manually 30 years ago.

Big money is still trying to sell us the "career" dream because it leads to the school loan debt they feed off of and temporarily gluts fields with workers to reduce salaries, but only a few handfuls of fields of work really have "career" style options anymore.

I took it not as an insult to the people trying to have one, but as disdain and disgust at how the word gets bandied about like so much bait on a hook when the reality is fastly becoming far different for the 20- and 30- somethings of today.

That might be just me being both charitable and jaded, though.

Kiernian ,

Seriously. ^That's the important bit.

I would be shocked if that was on any of the judge's minds, but it's the primary concern in cases of domestic abuse.

Domestic abuser plus gun owner is the "my boyfriend choked me during sex without my consent" red flag for upcoming potential future death.

it's not a guarantee, but it' statistically waaaaaay more likely to end that way.

Kiernian ,

It's fucking "'til" not "tell".

'til is short for "until".

Please stop saying "Let's wait tell later to do that".

Kiernian ,

No, that's GOOD news.

Learning is a good thing.

Fascinating stuff.

Thank you 😊

Kiernian ,

So, this has nothing to do with "think of the children" and everything to do with "we can't harvest encrypted data", right?

Kiernian ,

And what kills me is that continually trotting out "for the children" as an automatic "gotcha" watchword lessens the public concern for actual children and muddies the proverbial pond with regards to the actual effective/productive methods for actually protecting children.

There should be a rule about using "think of the children"/"support our troops" where you have to actually be doing something that directly and proportionally affects the group you're referencing in a positive manner commensurate with the amount of money that's being funnelled into the effort.

That and no shilling for cancer research donations just to spend it on yachts and advertising or whatever.

Kiernian ,

At what point do these kind of lies, SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO CURTAIL HIS FURTHER EMPLOYMENT begin to count as illegal?

When does it meet the New York Times v. Sullivan requirement for "actual malice"?

Kiernian ,

Where do you get Romanians in IT?

Also, I'd like it if we all adopted the process of CAPITALIZING OUR SURNAMES in email signatures.

I've only ever seen Romanians do it, but it's genius.

Kiernian ,

I read a great insightful, thoughtful article about ten or maybe even almost 15 years ago about how 9/11 changed country music from socially challenging music to blind patriotism and whatnot, and the article's theme has been done to death in the meantime, but not nearly so eloquently based on the few opinion pieces I've read with the same tone since.

It touched on some of the "fifth grade reading level" stuff, but also wasn't afraid to cover the politics of the left abandoning large swaths of the working poor in rust belt states in the late 90's/early 2000's because of the "coal bad, iron cheaper elsewhere" movements.

I wish I could find it now.

Kiernian ,

I think the fact that there are so many bigots out there being disproportionately vocal and often working to recruit others to their way of thinking with couched language and dogwhistles make it too easy for some people to assume that anyone speaking negatively of an oppressed group is a bigot.

The trick is usually identifying whether the negativity is about "all" of a group, or just some of them, but subtlety can be challenging in a text only format at times, especially if stuff ever gets taken out of context.

Kiernian ,

Wait, growing up in the Midwestern US, we'd call that a shovel, but the thing we'd call a spade would more rightly be called a garden trowel...

I'm questioning so much right now...

Kiernian ,

Are wages "growing faster" (read: "catching up to") than the cost of groceries, power, shelter, and transportation yet?


Not even close?

Guess we've still got a long ways to go.

Talk to me when the average pay is 4 times the average rent again.

Kiernian , (edited )

To say nothing of how much cabling is covered by plastic.








Kiernian ,

I've clicked on ads "plenty of times" on purpose.

Probably a half dozen a year at one point.

There was a period of time where some sites I visited hit the sweet spot of only using advertisers that were moderately relevant to the content or to similar interests that people who would be perusing that content might have.

If the ads are for things I might be interested in, I'll click.

It's utterly shocking that with as much as most service providers and companies actually know about the average person that we've so thoroughly failed to target ads at people.

Couple that with ads being an occasional attack vector because nobody properly vets shit anymore and it's not worth it to whitelist most sites in my adblocker unless I'm REALLY interested in supporting them.

I avoid YouTube and that sort of stuff like the plague unless I need to repair an appliance or a car or something, so outside of text ads, the only ads I regularly see anymore are the occasional totally irrelevant commercial on a streaming service.

Once upon a time Hulu let you PICK what kind of ads you wanted to see, which was the tiniest of baby steps in the right direction.

We had the potential to drill down, do the hard work, and provide relevant, interesting, and specific ads, and the corporate fuckis at the top chose greed.

I almost feel bad for people who work in advertising.

A few of them.


Kiernian ,

Heat of the Moment by Asia plays

Tuesday! Pig in a poke!

Kiernian ,

I never beat it, but tlI enjoyed what I did play of it enough that if I could find my copy I might give it another go.

Kiernian ,

What's the discord address?

Kiernian ,

That link apparently expired or something, but I tracked down another that seems to work.

My guess is you're looking for this:

Or possibly this:

Kiernian ,

I re-read your post with a little more understanding once I'd seen the discord.

Multiverse is apparently a mod.

Content Warnings Do Not Reduce Distress, Study Shows ( )

Advocates for the use of trigger warnings suggest that they can help people avoid or emotionally prepare for encountering content related to a past trauma. But trigger warnings may not fulfill either of these functions, according to an analysis published in Clinical Psychological Science....

Kiernian ,

Thanks, I was sitting here thinking the warnings were so you could AVOID shit you didn't want to see and the headline had me questioning my perception of reality on this.

Kiernian ,

Reaganomics won't be on it's last legs until we publicly admit all of the domestic harm his domestic economic policies did and start reversing them and everything that piled onto the spirit of them in later decades.

Reaganomics is alive, well, and fully in control.

Kiernian ,

I've seen jeans with enough dirt caked on them that they'll stand upright in their own (I once replaced the centre support beam on a cottage built on virginia clay by hoisting it up with a bunch of car jacks) but it never occurred to me to try growing strawberries on them.


Kiernian ,

To this day I'm amazed they got that one by the censors.
(Animaniacs. They're being detectives. Yakko wears a sherlock hat, orders wakko to do one thing and then tells dot to look for prints. Dot comes back holding Prince out front of her off the ground with both her arms and says "Found him!" Yakko waggles his hands at her and says FINGERprints. Dot says "Ew!" And throws Prince down a laundry chute or a dumbwaiter or something)

Kiernian ,


Kiernian ,

Edit: mikkelson is a fucktard.

Without any concept of where the dude stands and knowing nothing more about him than the majority of hollywood leans more left than it does right, I took that "fresh wind" thing as comparing Trump to a fart without outright saying it.

Am I wrong?

Kiernian ,

Yeah, I just looked up the quote.
Why in the actual fuck the journalist asked him this is beyond me, but here we have it:

What do you think of Donald Trump?

I have no idea, I’ve never met him. He’s obviously not the classic politician, that’s for sure. I can definitely laugh at some of the stuff he says but I can also go, “Oh my God, did he say that?” I think he’s a fresh wind for some people, but that’s what you’re voting for, I guess, right? It’s a big job.

As answers go, it's pretty non-commital I suppose but not encouraging.

r/sysadmin and the size of this community

So I have been a part of this community for a while and it seems pretty quiet. I know Lemmy is not as big as Reddit so this community will always be much smaller but I kind of miss the activity on r/sysadmin. Infinity for Reddit still works for view only so I have been scrolling though posts on Reddit as some of the stories and...

Kiernian ,

Except for the -sysadmin IRC channel. Gibby's always shilling his "fart in a jar" NFT.

What are some songs that you associate with it's original meaning than what people always associate it with?

For example, I remember the time when American Idiot by Green Day came out in 2004. The song "Wake Me Up When September Ends" was everywhere on the radio. The song is about the death of the vocalist's father dying when he was age 10....

Kiernian ,

Is THAT what they're associating it with? 9/11?

I seriously thought it was a reference to the eternal september of the internet, or potentially the school year.

That makes even less sense than the stuff I thought it was about, and I was fucking REACHING.

Kiernian ,

So I looked up what "federalizing the National Guard" means in this case.

The National Guard is a unique entity in that it answers to both state and federal governments. Troops can be mobilized by a state governor or the president, depending on need. The National Guard personnel restricting access to Shelby Park are on state orders as part of Operation Lone Star, Abbott’s sweeping border security initiative.

In theory, the president or the defense secretary could divert those troops by tasking them with a federal mission.

“There are a variety of statutes that allow the president to federalize the National Guard in different circumstances. But the only one that would clearly apply in this case is the Insurrection Act,” said Joseph Nunn, counsel at the Brennan Center’s Liberty and National Security Program.

Nunn described the Insurrection Act as a “nuclear bomb hidden in the United States Code” and explained that using it would be politically costly.

“The Insurrection Act gives the president sole discretion to decide whether the criteria for invoking it are met,” he explained. “There are quite literally no safeguards to stop it from being abused.”

Historically, Nunn said, presidents have only invoked the act to federalize National Guard troops as a last resort. That was the case in 1957, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower mobilized the Arkansas National Guard to enforce a Supreme Court ruling on desegregation.

So, this would mean USURPING the Governor's control of the Texas National Guard in order to get them to do something else.




They want to be able to point to Biden's actions in this and say "Bad" in twelve different ways.

They ALSO want someone to invoke the insurrection act so everyone can have carte blanche to use it whenever they want LATER, no matter who is in control.

This is a horrible precedent to set.

This whole situation is bad.

Rep. Joaquin Castro said: "Governor Greg Abbott is using the Texas National Guard to obstruct and create chaos at the border."

The best option here might be to let his own idiocy backfire on him. I just hope there's a way to do it without more loss of life.

Kiernian ,

...when the bishops blessed the blueshirts down in galway....

Kiernian ,

I'm unaware of a solid answer on this.

It's an old enough nickname that the origins are likely lost to obscurity.

It's been said that it's a shortened version of "chip off the old block" but I find it more likely that it's an evolution of "chib" as it seems to predate the phrase, from what I can tell.

Kiernian ,

It would be hilarious if this was overturned, Biden was elected and he filled the nation with progressive justices.

...who then use their newfound power to close a crapload of loopholes, then re-write chevron in a way that it can't be taken down so easily again so it becomes much harder to create more loopholes or abolish good laws when people with bad intentions have power.

That'd be the best outcome of it getting overturned in my mind, anyway.

Kiernian ,

The problem isn’t that the courts are deferring to the agencies. The problem is the degree of deference. I have no problem with presuming agency policies are valid, provided a plaintiff is afforded the opportunity to rebut that presumption in court.

Okay, but isn't the current setup such that deference is only a concern for issues that have already passed through formal law?

Kiernian ,

Deference only applies where the law is not specific.

But it only applies to to laws. Unless I misunderstand what you mean by "policies", it shouldn't apply there. Since it sounds like you're worried about overreach due to application of chevron deference, I was trying to see if I followed your train of thought correctly.

In my extremely limited understanding, the issue with the RIFO and Chevron Deference is that the gap is so damned wide with regards to how to regulate the internet that there needs to be a better test than "does the solution proposed in the RIFO fill the gap?" I would consider the RIFO to be such an outlier in cases of chevron deference law that it almost looks like a strawman when compared to other uses of chevron deference. We should definitely shore something up to allow future questioning of the wisdom of courses of action recommended by agencies when consulted in deference matters once the consequences of such deference have come to fruition, but that very possibility (as I understand it) is part of WHY the deference to agencies occurs instead of simply allowing judges to decide. The people at the agencies, being theoretically put in power for a set term, have more to lose from bad decision-making than judges-for-life do.

Kiernian ,

Every time some boneheaded CEO follows the whims of these billionaire types, the press should start running articles as though the company's days are numbered.

"More sudden layoffs! Is Google worried about its own long term prospects?" ... "Google's stance has changed from cutting edge innovation and growth to shoring up its flagship products in the hopes it can weather the storm. Battening down the hatches is the order of the day, and anything not deemed ship shape is left to flounder until it sinks." Cite that most companies only cut staff like that when they're looking to artificially inflate their valuation for some reason. Question if the impact of any recent bad moves are worse than expected.

The press should circle layoff-prone companies like sharks until they stop listening to stupid advice.

Make them stop and THINK about what they're doing first. Teach the people in charge how to recognize when they're being manipulated.

We give CEO's entirely too much leeway to do incredibly dumb shit.

Carly Fiorina, John Roth, Frank Dunn, Mike Zafirovski, I don't know if John Riccitiello is it at fault for the unity debacle, but he should have been able to stop it, John Wendell Thompson, Bob Allen, Kenneth Lay, John Sculley, Stephen Elop (How the fuck do you destroy NOKIA?!?!), Martin Shkreli, Carol Bartz, Leo Apotheker, the list is ENDLESS.

C levels have too much power to make RADICAL decisions and the fact that boards of directors are broken-record-skipping on the words "short term profit" is what keeps causing it to happen.

The billionaires and other CEO's are on Ron Vachris' ass every time there's a group call because he keeps making them look bad, but he's proven that his way is SUSTAINABLE.

It's time to nudge things back into healthier directions.

Kiernian ,

Okay, can someone explain THIS giant load of seeming bullshit to me?

In 2023, the U.S. economy vastly outperformed expectations. A widely predicted recession never happened. Many economists (though not me) argued that getting inflation down would require years of high unemployment; instead, we’ve experienced immaculate disinflation, rapidly falling inflation at no visible cost.

By every marker that matters to the POPULACE (costs of food, shelter, energy for shelter, cars, gas for cars, and medical insurance (required)) inflation has gone WAY THE HELL UP, shows no signs of abating, and jobs (in the tech sector at least) are taking a dive. Wages are not keeping pace with costs of living, and people I knew who were on the low end of "rich" are now starting to be as scared as the upper middle class.

Everyone keeps saying the economy is fricking awesome, but rent is astronomical, groceries are bonkers, gas prices are still at "I DID THIS" sticker stupidity levels, few people can get a home, used cars are going for 5 to 10 times what they're worth, and everyone I know around the country is running a much tighter ship than they were during COVID LOCKDOWN.

All of these "new jobs" we keep hearing about are just a small percentage of positions vacated by layoffs. Companies let tons of people go in one fell swoop and hire new people for 1/10th to 1/5th of the positions at lower wages with worse "total compensation" packages.

The recruiters have COMPLETELY stopped hitting up myself and my employed friends. Not a single fricking "you look like a great blahblahblah" for almost a month when it was previously multiple hits a day.

As far as I can tell, we're IN a recession, we're just calling it a recovery for some reason.

Kiernian ,

Household economics are both micro AND macro.

The handwaving that typically occurs when people try to throw a layer of obfuscation into economic conversations is both disingenuous and counterproductive to actual fruitful discussion about the current state of things.

You might as well just say "money is wealth" or "what's good for the goose".

The reality is we've been chasing a short run fallacy for a really, really long time now and there's more and more in the way of misrepresented statistics in order to keep everyone from examining all of the indirect consequences.

Kiernian ,


Is there something like this for Android?

Kiernian ,

It's worth noting that the whole reason MTG wants to oust him (IN HER OWN WORDS) is because he's reaching across the aisle to pass a bill that includes things that support Ukraine.

Johnson is one of them in all aspects and they still want to oust him.

Read this one correctly folks -- Going against Russian interests is the real problem here.

Some of these GOP folks are bought and paid for by Russia.

It does not matter how hard you toe the party line, if you go against Russian interests, the far reachers of the party will try to get you removed from power and replaced with someone who can be bought.

This is what takes them so long to find someone to fill the seat.

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