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IvanOverdrive ,

Of course he'd be okay with house arrest. Mara Largo has golf and beautiful cake and no poors.

Jail would be him and the Secret Service in solitary. I can't imagine he'd be okay with even that.

IvanOverdrive ,

I think he'll think that until the cold wet fish of reality slaps him in the face.

IvanOverdrive ,

Spy Magazine rises from the dead to enact its revenge.

IvanOverdrive ,

Dredd, Fury Road, Everything Everywhere All At Once

IvanOverdrive ,

Fun Fact: Ernst Röhm and The Brownshirts were super gay. Apparently during The Night of the Long Knives, Röhm and a huge amount of Brownshirts were scooped up during a massive gay orgy. I bet that was a wild ride until it ended in prison.

IvanOverdrive ,

25%!? That's nothing. Half of people are below average. That's twice of what you quoted!

IvanOverdrive ,

To this day gaman or Japanese stoicism is a big part of Japanese culture. The Japanese had already lost the war, but the ruling class was willing to sacrifice scores of people to fight to the bitter end.

In an episode of Hardcore History, it detailed that the Allied ships couldn't dock in Okinawa because of all the corpses in the water. The Japanese had inundated Okinawa with propaganda that the Americans were going to rape them all. Many families killed themselves. And the invasion of the mainland was only going to get bloodier.

A terrible as it is to say, dropping the nukes was the more humane option of the two.

IvanOverdrive ,

Hol' up. There was a Cocaine Shark movie!? That one slipped by me.

IvanOverdrive ,

Use your words. Tell her you don't want to and why.

IvanOverdrive ,

And the right wing media industrial complex is going to cancel this dude like he never existed.

IvanOverdrive ,

I saw Star Wars in the theater when it was just called Star Wars. I couldn't agree with OP more. However I have zero trust that Disney will make more adult oriented shows for the simple reason of merch. What's the merchandising opportunities of Andor? You can't sell lightsaber replicas when there's no lightsabers to replicate.

IvanOverdrive ,

who smells like shit.

That's not fair. He smells like a combination of ketchup and shit.

IvanOverdrive ,

Maybe instead of vigilantes policing how women dress, we should have a dedicated police force. Call them decency or virtue police or something like that.

IvanOverdrive ,

Morality Patrol!

IvanOverdrive ,

Maybe Cricket killed the chickens because she knew she screwed up the pheasant hunt the day before?

Also, apparently when Noem didn't quite kill the goat with the first shotgun blast, she let the poor thing suffer while she walked back to her car to get another shell. It was a bit of a killing spree that day.

Not only did Noem show a shocking lack of empathy, she also showed a shocking lack of judgment. She thought that story made her look good. Keep this woman out of office and definitely away from writing any more books.

IvanOverdrive ,

Another Jan. 6? Like the chaos that is currently unfolding from the baker's dozen of MAGA protestors outside the courthouse?

IvanOverdrive ,

I doubt Netanyahu will agree. As soon as the war stops, he'll face corruption charges. On top of that he wants the genocide.

IvanOverdrive ,

"Mother of Wifi" is a stretch. But "mother of Alka-Seltzer"? Definitely. "Midwife of the traffic signal"? Sure.

IvanOverdrive ,

Hold up. Bigfoots were American long before the white man came. They deserve their vote, especially in the swing states. They tend to vote Democrat.

IvanOverdrive ,

And Wendigos are full on maga.

IvanOverdrive , (edited )

I thought iHeartMedia sounded familiar. Does this mean I have to unsubscribe from Stuff You Should Know? Cause that would suck.

IvanOverdrive ,

My favorite solution for storage of excess power is closed loop pumped hydro. Two bodies of water of different elevations are connected by a generator/pump. When there is too much power, the pump moves the water to the higher lake. When the power is needed, the water flows through the generator to the lower lake.

IvanOverdrive ,

That's my second favorite solution. One of the cons of the mines is they tend to be too remote from urban areas. But if that's not a factor then you're golden.

IvanOverdrive , (edited )

I was talking with an engineer about using a closed loop hydro system at home, maybe in a tower. He said the water wouldn't have enough head to generate electricity. But that compressed air energy storage just might be the solution I was looking for.

IvanOverdrive ,

Yay, it can be stopped. Somebody else get on that right away.

IvanOverdrive ,

So... what's the second rule of talking to Fox News?

Jails banned in-person visits in order to maximize revenue from voice and video calls as part of a "quid pro quo kickback scheme" with prison phone companies ( arstechnica.com )

Across the United States, hundreds of jails have eliminated in-person family visits over the last decade. Why has this happened? The answer highlights a profound flaw in how decisions too often get made in our legal system: for-profit jail telecom companies realized that they could earn more profit from phone and video calls if...

IvanOverdrive ,

I read about this in Cory Doctorow's The Bezzle. I'm surprised it didn't get more traction in the press.

IvanOverdrive ,

Objection! Image contains no cars and no trees.

IvanOverdrive ,

Cory Doctorow and I suggest reading Walkaway. I found it transformative.

IvanOverdrive ,

It's a matter of privilege. Trump had the opportunity to stack the courts in his favor. SBF didn't. The rich rally around Trump because they see him as one of their own. SBF was an interloper. Trump has a rabid fan base willing to commit violence in his name. SBF cloaked himself in effective altruism.

If they both don't rot in jail, then the myth of the social contract in the US will be torn to shreds. I fear what would happen after that.

IvanOverdrive ,

Only because Eric hasn't figured out how to turn the hot water on yet.

IvanOverdrive ,

Probably shouldn't have put her in Lady Ballers. Welp, too late to do anything about that shit.

Daring Utopia Future Fiction?

I've been loving my hard scifi recently. But I feel like it's begun to demonstrate how much easier it is to imagine all the ways things could go wrong. If fiction is how we lay an outline for the future, I wonder if anyone can recommend some more uplifting stories to me? Rather than a cautionary tale I would appreciate a story...

IvanOverdrive ,

Might I suggest Walkaway by Cory Doctorow, my favorite book. The structure is like a Kim Stanley Robinson novel where there's a group of characters but the real character is the birth of a post scarcity society, namely the one in Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom.

I loved it because it answered the problem I had with anarchism: what happens when a psychopath decides to take your shit? The answer is--in a post scarcity society--you walk away. You can always make new shit, better shit, grander shit.

I don't want to get into spoilers, but there was one thing that always was bugging me about this premise. Like, what if X situation happens? Wouldn't you know it, X situation happens. He interrogates the premise to its logical conclusion.

I would kill to see this novel made into a decent TV series.

IvanOverdrive ,

Matter is just wiggles until you perceive it.

IvanOverdrive ,

And schadenfreude is the leftover discharge from anal sex. Named after former US senator and moral crusader Rick Schadenfreude.

IvanOverdrive ,

I would also like to point out after Rittenhouse had murdered two people, he was photographed flashing a white power symbol wearing a "free as fuck" t-shirt with the Proud Boys.

There isn't a doubt in my mind he went to that protest to murder.

Threads is automatically hiding comments that mention Pixelfed ( mastodon.social )

For anyone wondering if Threads and Facebook at large will be a fine neighbor in the space and compatible with other apps/services in the fediverse: they’re already automatically hiding comments that mention Pixelfed https://mastodon.social/@dansup/112126250737482807

Thread showing meta hid a comment that mentioned Pixelfed
IvanOverdrive , (edited )

lemm.ee is already defederated. Didn't even have to do anything. I think I chose the right instance.

Edit: defederated not federated

IvanOverdrive ,

There's the gerrymandering thing though. When done in good faith it can give a voice to minorities. When done in bad faith... well, you've seen what happens. Point is it's a double edged sword.

IvanOverdrive ,

I would be such a terrible therapist. "Maybe you need a huge dramatic gesture to get her attention. Like fisting yourself to death live on 4chan."

IvanOverdrive ,

First they came for the frogs, and I didn't speak out because I didn't fuck frogs.

Then they came for Alex Jones, and holy fuck did that ever escalate quickly.

IvanOverdrive ,

NBCnews put on their clown makeup on for this one. This is the last NBC clickbait I ever click on.

IvanOverdrive ,

Case in point: Measles. It was a thing when I was a kid. Then it wasn't. Now my kids have to deal with Measles because we can't teach scientific literacy.

IvanOverdrive ,

REPORTER: Where does your data come from?

CTO: Bitch, are you trying to get me sued?

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