mycathas9lives ,

It's not clear how low these people will truly go. The bottom fell out long ago and we are going to see these guys get a lot worse. There are no boundaries to guide them. They will continue to reach no lows time and time again. It's infinite.

mhague ,

Japan was completely blockaded, which is such a profound thing in war that it's really all you need to defeat "nuking was necessary" arguments.

And they were completely resource starved, another profoundly important detail of a war machine.

And the fanaticism + "they will die to the last man, woman, and child" is grossly misrepresented in the context of nukes.

But these details aren't relevant to how Palestinians and the situation in Gaza is portrayed. No siree.

Socsa ,

And this guy is considering sane compared to Trump.

But yes please don't for Biden so that we see what nuclear genocide looks like I guess?

Siegfried ,

Good thing he brought that up, so we all can debate again how awfully bad is to use a nuke, and to nuke civilian targets.

RememberTheApollo_ ,

The senator continued to call the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki “the right decision” by the U.S. That decision ended the war with Japan, but killed hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians between the initial blasts and the deadly radiation that followed.

“Give Israel the bombs they need to end the war they can’t afford to lose, and work with them to minimize casualties,” Graham insisted.

He didn’t directly suggest nuking Gaza, but he made multiple parallels between ending the war in Japan by using nukes and then basically says we should give bombs to Israel to finish the job without specifying what he means.

So while someone might argue black and white letter of what he said isn’t “nuke Gaza”, he’s still implying something along those lines - the quick finish and a method that can do it.

insaan ,

He is, in fact, saying "nuke Gaza", just in a way that allows him to deny it.

Fedizen ,

Imagine wanting to glass nearly a million kids.

Son_of_dad ,

It's crazy to me that to this day Americans still pat themselves on the back about nuking entire cities filled with children, by using the completely fictional and hypothetical propaganda pushed by the government since they did it. "there would have been more death if we hadn't"

enleeten ,

It's not really propaganda, the Japanese lost their navy and air force. They were basically prepping for Armageddon and they got it, just not how they planned... with fewer US service men dying.

It's sad but they FAFO.

Opacity5353 ,

This is a breakdown with the timeline of events showing that it probably wasn't necessary and didn't save more lives. You yourself just said they lost their military forces so how were they a threat? Japanese surrender was inevitable, nuclear force on civilian targets is never justifiable.

juicy ,

We killed cities full of children so our soldiers wouldn't have to fight their soldiers. Why didn't anyone think of that before? Kill the women and children. It's easier, they don't fight back, and if you kill enough of them, their soldiers will surrender just to stop the slaughter. Brilliant!

irreticent , avatar

entire cities filled with children

Matt Gaetz is moving there immediately!

sxan , avatar

Nuke Jerusalem; piss off everyone. It's the only truly even-handed action.

AngryCommieKender ,

Hit Mecca, Medina, and Haifa as well to really piss off all the Abrahamic religions.

jwt ,

And Rome to piss off the pastafarians (and Catholics some more too)

Asafum ,

Couldn't ask for a better positioning of titles.

xc2215x ,

Gaza should not be nuked.

kent_eh ,

Gaza should not be nuked.

I'll even be so bold as to say nobody should be nuked.

gmtom , avatar

Wow I can't believe mods let antisemitism like this go unchecked!!

FlyingSquid , avatar

Would this be before or after Israel is able to control the direction the wind blows?

jeffw OP Mod ,

Didn’t you get those powers at your bar mitzvah? It’s supposed to be right after we get the codes for the space lasers.

I didn’t get a bar mitzvah, personally, so I’m a shitty Jew who doesn’t have those powers.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I sort of got a bar mitzvah, but the asshole Israeli who was supposed to teach me Hebrew sucked at it and I never learned. So I read my passage with a crib sheet that told me how to pronounce everything. My cousin, who was the rabbi officiating, took me aside and said, "they may not know what you're doing out there today, but GOD KNOWS!" My dad and I had a good laugh about that for years.

I only did the whole thing for my grandparents' sake.

FuglyDuck , avatar

So… he knows that… like… Israel would be in the blast radius and Jerusalem and Tel Aviv probably affected by a shit ton of radiation….

FlyingSquid , avatar

He knows that he's not the one who's going to be pushing the button, but that his rabid out-for-blood base won't even think about that. He's just throwing them meat.

rayyy ,

You assume that these guy know much about anything except corruption, graft, and drug fueled sex orgies.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar
gregorum , avatar

He’s really gone of the deep end. I mean, he’s always been a bit all over the place, esp wrt to Trump, but wow…

mPony ,

Team Trump obviously has the goods on Lindsey. There is literally no other good explanation.

FlyingSquid , avatar

This really isn't off the deep end for him. He's said atrocious things for decades.

Plume , avatar

I gotta give these people credit. It must take a massive amount of effort to try and be this consistently on the wrong side of history. Like, at some point, it has to be deliberate...

soba ,

They think they're on the right side of history. It's 100% deliberate. They never admit they are wrong about anything because the thought is completely foreign to them. Right wing boomers absolutely believe they are 100% in the right on every single issue. They can't even imagine they aren't.

ripcord , avatar


Why specifically call out people over 60 here...?

soba ,

Because they vote republican by a large margin?

ripcord , avatar

Looks like 35% republican vs 33% democrat (versus 32% "independent" who might all vote republican for all I know).

But there's a lot of republicans under 60 too so not getting the point of the random ageism.

tiefling ,

Back in 2017 or so, I had a full on MAGA coworker who was ecstatic about the migrant detention centers at the border. If anything, he felt we weren't torturing them enough. One day, he dropped a line that was so heinous it still sticks with me to this day: "we used to do the same to the Japanese and no one cared about it then, so why is everyone up in arms about it now?"

All this to say I'm not at all surprised they're saying this now. They've always felt this way, and they know how despicable it is.

Fwiw, the dude was a 50-something year old Israeli immigrant. He also joked about wanting to join the military to "practice on live targets"

I hate this timeline so much

ripcord , avatar

What'd you say back to him or do?

tiefling ,

I knew better than to engage. The guy was a nutter. He got laid off shortly after that thankfully.

Bonus story about this fucker. When I adopted a dog, he told me that "in five years you won't give a shit about the dog and will only care about your boyfriend". Eight years later, my girlfriend and I co-parent the same dog like she's our daughter.

gregorum , avatar

"we used to do the same to the Japanese and no one cared about it then, so why is everyone up in arms about it now?"

Btw, people cared about it back then, especially the Japanese-Americans being interned.

FlyingSquid , avatar

One of the many shameful moments of American history conveniently left out of grade school history classes.

thatgirlwasfire ,

This was definitely mentioned multiple tribes even i was in school.

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