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Delta_V ,

This legit sounds like bioweapons testing on the public.

Delta_V ,

Not really. Its trees from a time before micro organisms evolved the ability to eat dead trees. These days, the solar energy collected by trees will get used to power the metabolisms of fungi before those trees can get buried and eventually become new coal & petroleum.

I suppose an impact from a sufficiently large asteroid could turn the entire crust of the planet into magma, sterilizing it and therefore opening the possibility that new oil might be created some day.

Delta_V ,

The ACA was good the first year it existed, but deductibles and premiums have both since increased beyond the point of usefulness.

Delta_V ,

That's factually inaccurate.

The cheapest plans cost hundreds of dollars per month and have deductibles that make you pay thousands of dollars out of pocket before the insurance company will pay out a cent. Its worse than just not having any insurance - not only are you still paying full price for healthcare, but you're also out hundreds of dollars a month paying the premiums for an insurance policy that doesn't actually cover anything unless you happen to have thousands of dollars in the bank to pay the deductibles.

If you make enough money that you can afford to pay the premiums and deductibles for even the cheapest of ACA plans, or if you're so out of touch and far removed from shopping for ACA plans as a poor person that you're not aware of just how expensive they are and how little they cover, perhaps it is you who needs to re-evaluate how privileged you are.

Delta_V ,

That’s just a fucking blatant lie. Obamacare is free if your income is low enough.

This is also factually inaccurate. If your income is low enough, then I know from experience that the sign up process for the ACA will redirect you to Medicaid.

I believe that you believe that you're telling the truth, but it seems like you've been misinformed. In reality, you've asked me to disregard my own lived experience and to ignore the evidence provided by my own lying eyes.

I'm in it. Right now. Trying to get healthcare as a poor person in USA.

Your replies make it seem like you are not - like you're out of touch and apparently believe its easier to be poor in USA than it actually is. A poor person in USA can get free healthcare, but you have to stay poor to keep it. If your income grows to about 1 standard deviation below the median, which is still less than a living wage, then you'll lose access to Medicaid and have to shop for an ACA plan in the marketplace. Those marketplace plans became garbage after the Republicans repealed the important parts of 'obamacare'.

Delta_V ,

Maybe they're looking at SLS numbers and ignoring reusable rockets like Starship? Perhaps it would not be feasible to move a sufficient mass of shielding into orbit using the $2 billion per flight, one time use SLS. tankie censorship problem

I feel like we need to talk about Lemmy's massive tankie censorship problem. A lot of popular lemmy communities are hosted on It's been well known for a while that the admins/mods of that instance have, let's say, rather extremist and onesided political views. In short, they're what's colloquially referred to as...

Delta_V , (edited )

Or simply working out of troll farms in China or Russia while being bankrolled by Republicans in USA. Same M.O.

edit: for example:

Delta_V ,

Its fine to ask, but the answer is "no". Autism is a blueprint for how the brain gets wired. Its not something a person 'has', it's a defining attribute of consciousness itself - its what a person 'is'.

If you had a pill that could rewire someone's brain, it would kill that person and use their meat as spare parts to build a different person.

Delta_V ,

I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe they're referring to the pinkwashing of Hamas' crimes and goals of turning that whole area of the world into a right wing theocratic ethnostate where anyone who isn't arab, conservative, and muslim gets hunted for sport.

Delta_V ,

Seems complimentary with the other 10. Boil them down and you get from the 10, "be honest", and from the 7, "be kind".

If any are displayed, then both is better than one.

Really though, the book club from a 2,000 year old fantasy novel has no place in education other than its historic significance to the art of literature.

Israel Responds to Move to Recognize Palestinian State by Withholding Funds ( )

Israel will not transfer much-needed funds to the Palestinian Authority in the wake of the decision by three European countries to recognize a Palestinian state, the country’s finance minister said on Wednesday, as its foreign minister denounced the European moves as giving “a gold medal to Hamas terrorists.”...

Delta_V ,

As far as I can tell, Israel does not actually collect money from people living in Gaza or the West Bank. The local governments of those places collect taxes themselves.

Israel taxes imports into Israel, and made a deal with PLO in 1994 to gift them some of that revenue. That deal expired in 1999, but until now Israel kept giving them free money anyway.

Delta_V ,

Soil has a saturation limit beyond which it can't absorb more carbon - eventually organic matter in the soil will decay and release CO2 at the same rate that new organic matter can be added. Trees only hold on to carbon temporarily, until they die and decay and the carbon is released back into the atmosphere.

Turning a field of grass into a forest might delay the impact of one year of energy use for Microsoft, but its not a sustainable practice. How will they delay the impact the next year? What's the plan for when that carbon is inevitably released back into the atmosphere as the trees decay?

Planting trees as a means of carbon capture is snake oil, and I believe the likes of Google and Microsoft are too smart to fall for it, so that begs the question - what's their true motive for doing this?

Delta_V ,

That might work for a little while, but I suspect there is an upper limit to how many trees a bog can absorb over a given time before it stops behaving like a bog.

Delta_V ,

If the biomass inside hugelkultur garden beds didn't decay, then it would just be a means of water retention. It does decay though, which enriches the soil but also releases CO2.

Hugelkultur can reduce demand for fossil carbon based fertilizer, but IDK if composting trees is economically viable without some level of carbon tax, or even logistically viable for meeting demand at the scale of modern, mechanized agriculture. It would be cool if it were though - paired with machines that run on liquid fuels created using renewable energy, fertilizer made from compost could be part of a zero net carbon system for growing food.

Delta_V ,

working as intended - won't fix - ticket closed

Delta_V ,

so circumcision is banned now, right?

Delta_V ,

Yeah, the whole thing is a monument to evil men exploiting the locals.

Delta_V ,

Yeah, there's no way all those seams are gonna hold in the AC/heat, and I would bet there's sub-optimal insulation in all the floors and ceilings exposed to outside air.

With Austin office buildings 20 percent vacant, conversion to housing remains out of reach ( )

Two years ago, with the office real estate market in Austin stuck at a 20 percent vacancy rate, Brad Stein took the first of two trips to other markets to see if some of the hundreds of thousands of empty spaces in downtown Austin and areas beyond could be converted into badly needed housing stock. What Stein saw in a 2022 visit...

Delta_V ,

a return to office when the market is ready

wishful thinking

what's more expensive, servicing a loan to renovate empty space, or letting that space remain empty forever?

Delta_V ,

If someone already quietly had similar tech maneuvering their satellites, and wanted to remain the only actor with eyes in the sky that can't be shot down or eventually chased down due to lack of fuel.

Delta_V ,

Missed opportunity: "Standard Missile" is an actual weapon, deployed and in use today.

Delta_V ,

Some people are born evil. More than most of us would care to think too hard about.

"The greatest crimes are not those committed for the sake of necessity but those committed for the sake of superfluity. One does not become a tyrant to avoid exposure to the cold." -- Aristotle

Delta_V ,

Does the billionaire that steals the excess production of the working class do so out of necessity?

Does the cop who steals cash from motorists and lies about smelling drugs do so because that cop is underprivileged and disenfranchised by the system?

Not all humans have working moral compasses. Its an unpleasant reality that can be hard for some people to come to grips with and integrate into their worldview, but failure to understand a problem is unlikely to lead to effective solutions.

Delta_V ,

Clearly he was wrong sometimes.

Was he wrong about the magnitude of crimes committed for the sake of excess being greater than crimes committed for survival? Who steals more - the capitalist class, or the Jean ValJeans of the world?

Delta_V ,

If you see someone merging you can temporarily switch to the middle lane to overtake them

That's illegal in USA. People do it anyway, but if there's a crash and blame needs to be assigned, then the law says you're supposed to keep driving at the same speed, not change lanes, and leave it entirely up to the driver attempting to merge to regulate their speed so they can merge safely.

Delta_V ,

Why does the working class, the larger of the two classes, not simply eat the smaller one?

Delta_V ,

lol, nazi purists getting mad this guy is considered one of them

I love Market Efficiency UwU. Isn't the Rule-ing class just so responsible with their power? 🥰 ( )

When society falls, the great femboy regime will rise from its ashes. All children will take puberty blockers. We will teach you to love your neighbor through the shared trauma of forced feminization. We will know peace in our time 😌...

Delta_V ,

and a system of wealth inheritance that ensures whichever family was rich when the system first started is the de facto monarch in perpetuity

Delta_V ,

fuel tank cracks when the gun fires

Delta_V ,

Aliens already have that technology, and they're determined to prevent any other species from developing it. They zap your prototype and research facility from orbit.

Delta_V ,

Voyager: " . . . and I think I saw a two‽"

NASA: "Don't worry old friend, there's no such thing as two."

Delta_V ,

The idea that one OS is easier than the other is misattributed familiarity.

Exactly. OP's meme makes no sense to me. My experience has been that using Linux is a never ending series of file not found and access denied errors.

Delta_V ,

The problem with RTFM is that TFM often does not cover the problem, and broader knowledge of the OS is required. You can't expect every app to come with a manual that covers how the entire OS works, but that knowledge is often required to get work done in Linux.

People familiar with the guts of Linux or Windows will encounter these kinds of outside-the-instructions problems and know from experience what arcane setting to change or what 3rd party software needs to be installed before the procedures written in the manual will work as expected.

IMO, the Windows GUI lowers the bar to begin trial-and-error learning and makes the learning process faster.

Delta_V ,

I had hoped this article would answer the very question it poses in the very last paragraph:

Finally, there is an urgent need to gain a better understanding of the impacts of an ice-free Arctic and the processes that could lead to an early ice-free Arctic . . . the impacts of occasional daily ice-free conditions versus frequent monthly ice-free conditions versus ice-free conditions that occur for several months a year is needed to assess the true impact of what the transition of the Arctic sea ice cover into its new seasonal sea ice regime means in a warming world.

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