@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar



Hiker, software engineer (primarily C++, Java, and Python), Minecraft modder, hunter (of the Hunt Showdown variety), biker, adoptive Akronite, and general doer of assorted things.

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Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

The reason the US and Canadian governments are doing this is to stop that $10k car from destroying the auto motive industry in North America resulting in layoffs that make the recent tech layoffs look like peanuts.

I agree we need cheaper EVs in North America, I want one too... There's an Ars Technica article where Ford basically goes "we thought everyone wanted expensive trucks ... we made those electric ... we realize we missed the mark, we're going to work on smaller, cheaper, EVs." So, they are coming hopefully within the next couple of years.

I'm not sure how important manufacturing still is to the Canadian economy, but for the US economy ... trying to protect domestic production is important (and we should've done it years ago instead of letting cheap Chinese imports destroy a large amount of the factories in North America).

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Agree on the first part ... disagree on the latter.

Joe has invested heavily in domestic production of "the next generation of technology" (chips, solar panels, electric vehicles, etc).

This is in no small part about protecting that ... and I don't think there's much in terms of negotiating that China could do here.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I think there point is legality is relative ... surely what China is doing is legal in China. "Unreasonable" would be a better term than illegal.

Qualified experts of Lemmy, do people believe you when you answer questions in your field?

The internet has made a lot of people armchair experts happy to offer their perspective with a degree of certainty, without doing the work to identify gaps in their knowledge. Often the mark of genuine expertise is knowing the limitations of your knowledge....

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

It varies, I think the most important part for any kind of online discussion is to establish credibility based on the argument not credibility based on title or degree.

It's also important to recognize a challenge on its own merits. I don't care if you flip burgers at Wendy's, if you can argue a point on the merits I'll hear you out (and try to politely explain why you're wrong -- in understandable language -- if needed).

I hate the "trust me bro I'm a X, it's an elite field, it would take years to explain this to you and you wouldn't even understand anyways" attitude some professionals take. The real experts that I've met and I respect can simplify the subject matter they're an expert of (to be digestible and reasonable to most people) and I aspire to be that insightful.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Any doctor worth their salt is going to be able to answer the question "how do you know that?" way better than "I just do" or "I have a medical degree" and that's the point; I've yet to find a problem space where that isn't the case. I don't try to win arguments by waiving my credentials around and I don't expect people to take my for "my word" just because of my credentials.

There are plenty of people with titles and fancy degrees that are not worth listening to, like the Ohio doctor (that somehow recently got her medical license back) that claimed the COVID vaccine was making people magnetic, Dr. Oz, etc.

Put another way, do you trust the alleged internet licensed electrician that says a ground wire makes you safer but can't explain why, the alleged internet licensed electrician that says a ground wire is worthless, or the person that says "fuck who I am, ground wires are important because they allow tying things like a metal mixer's body to an incomplete circuit, so that if the metal becomes electrified the circuit is instantly completed and the breaker trips. Alternatively, the circuit becomes completed when you touch the metal and you might die before the breaker trips. If you don't have a ground you can protect humans with a GFCI which detects current loss at the outlet and cuts the power locally. However, a GFCI may not detect some situations that a ground wire would resolve, like an arc that makes use of a grounded portion of the appliance and may generate enough heat to start a fire. AFCIs have been created to help detect this situation. However, both GFCI and AFCI can fail and thus a ground wire is still a useful backup option that also has value for some sensitive electronics."?

Most professionals aren't going to volunteer all of that, but many will volunteer more and more if challenged/questioned.

For reference, my background is in Software Engineering but my father is an electrician at a factory, and a good friend of mine is a forensic electrical engineer. I have no formal credentials in electrical engineering ... but I do know a fair bit about the what and why ... because I have been inquisitive, I've questioned the experts that I've come across to understand their field and learned from them.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I try and inject nuance into what tends to be mono-culture leftist discussions and/or propaganda more often than not. However, it rarely results in anything but my own frustration.

I'm not even remotely a conservative, I'm just a liberal (because that term gets thrown around way too much: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism).

I'm moving in your direction ... but sometimes it's really hard to say nothing.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

It's not that simple though; Israel wants to eliminate Hamas (and they have plenty of reason for that -- if Mexico attacked the US like Hamas attacked Israel, there would simply put no longer be a Mexico).

It would be tone deaf to Israel to say "leave Gaza" without that mission accomplished. They claim they don't even want the area, they just want Hamas gone.

Furthermore, Hamas is fighting with guerilla tactics. They're intentionally trying to provoke war crimes. Israel doesn't have to be so dang willing to fall for the trap. However, Hamas is making it exceptionally hard to fight a clean war from what I've read. Citizens in the Gaza strip are not just being abused by the IDF but by Hamas.

I wouldn't be surprised if Biden has his own Intel to back that all up. If it were as obvious as people want it to be, I'm pretty sure we would've stopped sending aid by now.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

My problem with communist views is they're unproven and have only lead to authoritarian governments when put into play.

Capitalism has regularly gone off the rails ... but not to the degree communism has. Capitalism has been defending democracy for the last few centuries, not communism.

These are the nations that identify as communist:

  • China (PRC)
  • Cuba
  • Laos
  • North Korea (DPRK)
  • Vietnam

These countries were previously communist and (of that has that) have pretty much only improved since transitioning to democracy with capitalist economic systems:

  • Afghanistan
  • Albania
  • Angola
  • Benin
  • Bulgaria
  • Congo
  • Czechoslovakia
  • Ethiopia
  • Germany (GDR)
  • Grenada
  • Hungary
  • Kampuchea
  • Mongolia
  • Mozambique
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Somalia
  • Soviet Union
  • Tuva
  • Yemen (PDRY)
  • Yugoslavia

That's not to say that capitalism doesn't have its problems, people here aren't angry with it over nothing. However, if you really look at the problems it's had, they all come down to voter manipulation and/or apathy "things are going good, why do I need to worry about politics?".

We didn't just wake up with weakened labor unions, weakened voter rights, weakened infrastructure, etc; we got their because of generations of apathy and frankly electing the wrong people. People that cut taxes, asked "are you better off today than you were four years ago?" (short term gain), allowed our unions to be broken up, allowed jobs to be exported over seas to communist China (which is now one of the greatest international threats), bought the cheapest products (from mom and dad at the store to the executives running major corporations) without asking why they're cheap, etc.

The "common people" cast the votes that ultimately lead to corporations being people. The "middle class" cost votes that ultimately lead to the middle class shrinking.

I think it's naive that communism somehow automatically makes those problems go away/means we'll never end up with similar problems. Especially when communist countries are consistently doing worse/falling into authoritarian rule.

We need to expand our social programs, reign in our billionaires, and reign in our corporations and we'd be a lot better off. Capitalism works so long as you don't let anyone or anything get "too big to fail." Capitalism doesn't have to be capitalism without limits. The reigns of power will always be challenged no matter what system we find ourselves under, only an educated vigilant population can stop that.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

So I’m a “capitalism works, but only if we work to make it work” kind of person. I think at the moment, Reddit and many other social networks are falling into the well known and well studied failures of raw capitalism, but somehow today’s society has forgotten all the 1910s era solutions that we did (ex: Jungle, etc. etc.) where we regulated the hell out of the shitty behavior and fixed the most blatant problems, for the better of America.

Right there with you.

We just gotta do the same thing today.

We also HAVE to teach the kids how to protect it better than people did 100 years ago. Most of our problems today stem from people voting to remove "useless red tape" (that was put there for damn good reasons).

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

The history of the last 500 years is soaked in the blood of the capitalism.

That's a pretty hot take to blame all the conflict that's happened in the last 500 years on capitalism. I think it's likely a significant oversimplification at best. For instance, you can argue many things caused (just) WW2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_World_War_II

Voter apathy has nothing to do with it. Enthusiastic voters gave us genocide of indigenous peoples of North America, the nuclear bombing of Japan, and currently a 75 year genocide of Palestinians.

That's provably wrong. The voter turn out as a percentage of population is abysmal historically https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voter_turnout_in_United_States_presidential_elections#/media/File:USA_Presidential_Elections_Turnout_by_Share_of_Population.png

I also find some of your examples, e.g., the Native Americans similarly a red herring. The plight of the Native American peoples is far more complicated than "blame capitalism."

Not to mention things that voters do not have even the semblance of a choice, such as CIA activities in the 20th century which led to bloody coups in Indonesia, Chile, and Iran, just to name 3.

Voters control who is elected. Those that are elected control whether or not the CIA exists. The CIA would disappear tomorrow if only folks that believed the CIA shouldn't exist were in congress.

You need to incorporate class analysis or else nothing makes sense.

No you don't, it makes plenty of sense without "class analysis."

Why do American voters get shitty choices that reduce their power to the advantage of the wealthy oligarch class?

Because of the people who vote a fraction of them bother with primaries and because it's hard to find good people to run for office that want to do the job (for a myriad of reasons)?

Why are there oligarchs if capitalism doesn’t tend to monopoly?

It's not an objective thing that "there are oligarchs."

Does voting actually do anything?

Yes, voting matters. See policies under Trump vs policies under Biden. See Net Neutrality. See Climate Change Policy. See EPA Policy.

It's frankly anti-intellectual to claim that "voting doesn't do anything" or even imply as much.

Why does the electoral college still exist?

Because people vote for representatives that don't want to get rid of it?

Why did Americans support the Iraq War?

Because people vote for representatives that supported it? Because the general population was not adequately educated and engaged in politics to understand the facts of the situation and was mislead?

What role did the media serve?

What role didn't the media serve? What role should it have served?

You're asking leading questions to argue your point similar to a flat-earth or giant-ism conspiracy theorist. Like, these questions do have answers and those answers go far beyond people's economic classes and dive into a number of cultural, period, regional, and global factors. There isn't one answer, and the one answer certainly isn't "because the rich people made us do it."

I’m not sure what is your criteria for authoritarian rule.


Literally, the criteria for authoritarian rule.

Capitalist countries are authoritarian too

No, they are not. Some may be, but the vast majority of western capitalistic societies are nowhere near authoritarian rule. The US is creeping towards it and (as elections do matter) may creep closer this year; time will tell.

it’s basically a meaningless signifier coming out of cold war propaganda that said communism = dictatorship and capitalism = muh freedom

That is provably false. Look at the governance models of the countries above. They were not "communism = dictatorship" they were "communism and authoritarianism." For some reason people can't explain away, those two things go hand and hand.

My personal take is that when you take away ownership, ownership doesn't disappear, it just means the state is the owner. So you go from "the rich people and the government officials own the means of production" to "the government officials (that are the rich people) own the means of production" (which is exactly what happened in China).

The democratic processes in China and Cuba of example are lightyears ahead of what you can find in the US or European parliamentary so-called democracies.

That's straight up bull shit. A mono-party rule is not under any circumstance democratic.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Would it change any of your opinion if I did?

But yes, I can (for China), I can explain the important part ... which is that the CCP required to rubber stamp any nomination to run for office. There is no democracy when your rule can not be meaningfully challenged.

This is furthered by the infringement of rights that is the great firewall.

EDIT: For anyone who actually is reading this and wants a source instead of "he (I) said, the other person said" here's some information fairly well compiled: https://decodingchina.eu/democracy/

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I wonder if you had a time machine and went to McConnell day 1 as a senator and showed him that video of his future, what his reaction would be.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I think one of the most surprisingly venomous reactions I ever got personally was on "the other site" for destiny 2. I made some suggestions that basically were "allow people to hide t-bagging, here's how it could work, and also allow people to disable emotes on their client."

I'm an anti-fun Nazi cry baby evidently that just isn't on their level and can't take the heat. I just don't get their amazing side game of getting up in my head. I have no business playing a "competitive" game, taunts and being rude are "just part of the game." Their fun depends on other people being angry and any suggestion that their taunts might be disabled/the other person doesn't see their taunting is going to ruin the game.

I was mostly posting that because a friend kept getting ticked every time I tried to get him into destiny PVP. So of course they attacked me as if "my friend" is imaginary.

The best part was when the mods removed the post for "not having enough to do with Destiny 2" because I bothered to make reference to I think it was what other games were doing or something like that.

Madness to me. Absolute madness.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

It might be worth you or your friend to introspect on why that behaviour makes you feel the way it does.

I don't really think the onus is on us.

A lot of multiplayer games have become very toxic, tons of cheaters (okay I don't actually believe this but it's a very common perception; I mostly blame smurfing and bad MMR systems), rude people, etc. It can transform a fun evening into dealing with "TotallyNotANazi" and his buddy "TotallyNotARapist" calling you names, t-bagging your bodies, screaming obscenities, and in some cases, likely using cheats, to make nearly impossible shots.

The other fun one (that's not quite as bad) is when you've been having a clean match with someone, you're clearly winning, you haven't been rude to them at all, then they get one kill on you and it's time to run up a t-bag and get on the microphones or text chat about how you're shit at the game.

The better strategy would be to improve moderation and kick these people out of the games. However, multiplayer gaming has moved from server owners that can ban bad actors to "someone at the studio has to do it" (and frankly, the studios are not holding trolls, jerks, and cheaters accountable).

Games like CSGO have added options like hiding usernames, hiding profile pictures, etc. I just see this as part of cleaning up the rest of it. If you're not going to moderate the multiplayer game to get rid of the most unruly jerks in your community, there should be options for "I don't want to see their nonsense."

Personally, I play shooters to relax, not to be some jerk-wad's punching bag. I don't really mind it if the enemy team is joking around and just being playful about it, but some people are clearly out to just put people down and I don't think they should be the priority; I think they actively keep some spaces of gaming as this cringe elitist thing a lot of people just don't want to interact with.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

except for that whole racism thing

And great depression thing ... and then the world war 2 thing ... and the Spanish flu and world war 1 only about a decade before.

You can imagine a future person looking at a video of someone with a fidget spinner and thinking "life really was easy back then."

Every generation has different luxuries and problems.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar


This seems to be a legit paper.

Following the anchor’s comments, footage from an Al-Jazeera interview was played which showed a woman in the enclave complaining that “the aid isn’t reaching all the people” because the aid “is all to their [own] homes. Let Hamas catch me and shoot me and do what they want to me.”

Palestinian civilians complained to the IDF that Hamas stole aid, The Jerusalem Post reported in January, alongside recordings of civilian testimonies.

In one recorded call, a Gazan civilian testified that Hamas murdered his cousin because he tried to seek help from UNRWA. In another conversation, a civilian said he does not leave his home because he fears Hamas will seize it and use the property to fire toward Israel and destroy his house.

I want Israel to stop killing civilians as much as the next guy ... but can we acknowledge Hamas is not "the good guys" here either?

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I think it just correlates with leftism in the US and Lemmy was leftist before the Reddit exodus increased the population. I say this as a US center-left liberal (and I get annoyed with it myself).

The leftist movement is very anti-establishment, very pessimistic about their future under capitalism, very pessimistic about the US political establishment, very pessimistic about climate change, very pessimistic about the Israel-Hamas situation, very pessimistic about police, very pessimistic about health care, very pessimistic about both Biden and Temp, very pessimistic about ... pretty much every major issue (except maybe weed).

Edit: I don't mean to "rage against the leftist" either, I think y'all have some good points from time to time and there are definitely things I agree with you on (e.g. the health care system needs major changes). Some of y'all give a real "you must be fun at parties" kind of vibe though and some are about as bad as the Trump supporters in terms of using personal attacks.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

You being personally attacked for being an (evidently) leftist does not invalidate the numerous personal attacks that leftist have made against me on this platform and others.


Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

If that's what you thought I did, have a nice day.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar


Just ... jump to some random parts of that video. Or this...


Or even this...


It's because plenty of people in the general public lie, take advantage, abuse any angle they can.

I don't agree with officers delaying CPR and pulse checks, they absolutely should be looking for genuine signs of distress or injury... But, I get why their faith in humanity is trashed to the point they don't actually expect to find anything.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

They really don't. My cousin married a cop, my brother is a volunteer fire fighter that regularly has to interact with them, a good friend of mine is an ex-cop turned IT guy, the guy who lives across the street from me is a cop, I've also had interactions with random officers at coffee shops here in Akron and at a few events.

My hot take is most of them would rather live and let live unless you're doing something monumentally stupid or they get a call.

And yeah, I've also met some douchebags on power trips, but "ACAB" is a failed and ridiculously confrontational movement. You're never going to get anywhere near the reforms we need to see in policing with the ACAB or "fuck the police" mentality.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I hate lynch mobs. ACAB and "fuck the police" are lynch mobs based on broad generalizations.

There is scientific data and statistics to show that black people and others are disproportionately targeted by the police. It's immediately obvious the police unions protects their own including some folks they likely shouldn't.

These are problems we should strive to understand and fix.

There is not scientific data showing that all cops (or even more than a minority of cops) are bullies out to treat everyone as a suspect or fetishize their next opportunity to beat the crap out of someone. That is an opinion and one that immediately shuts down any hope of a reasonable discussion about how two parties might move forward. Show me one scientific study where someone went "you're a bastard and you can go fuck yourself" and then got a constructive response... It doesn't exist, because people do not like being put into groups and told what their own individual opinions must be.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

And if you're hiding from a nation state ... don't trust that, smash it to bits and dispose of them at different trash collection locations 🙂

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Presumably there's a risk of damaging the microwave?

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

That's better for prevention than after the fact for the wear leveling reasons others have mentioned.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Thanks for pointing that out! That's ... truly special 😂

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

This comment is the worst misrepresentation of penguins I've ever seen. It sounds like a red herring. It makes me want to vomit. People get away with this because nobody actually knows what penguins are. They just take what the media writes and accepts it as truth.

On a serious note, plenty of people here surely know what net neutrality is. Net neutrality is the guarantee that your ISP doesn't (de-)prioritize traffic or outright block traffic, all packets are treated equally. In other words it means you don't have to pay $5 extra for high speed access to Lemmy because Reddit and your ISP (say Comcast) would prefer Lemmy not exist.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

But tiktok the company is?

Yes, among other things they're also explicitly suppressing pro-Isreal content https://lemmy.world/post/14643617

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Hm... I agree that Instagram is not a neutral source. I also agree that there are going to be some biases imposed by the user base.

I don't believe the US government plays a major role in Meta's content moderation behavior. Meta if anything has shown a reluctance towards any political or news content in recent years. That's not to say the US government doesn't have influence but their influence is (from what I've seen) oriented around fighting disinformation and threats of violence ... not cherry-picking the discussion of subject matter. I think there would've been a pretty significant leak out of Meta by now if there really was a strong political bias or government influence in content moderation.

I don't think any of these lines particularly fall along political lines within the US either. There are people on the left and right taking different sides on virtually all of the topics with statistical divergence; many of them are unusually bipartisan within the US.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

So, I took another look at the report, they did do this sort of statistical bias correction. See "U.S. Politics" page 8 https://networkcontagion.us/wp-content/uploads/A-Tik-Tok-ing-Timebomb_12.21.23.pdf

Dark_Arc OP ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Normal times paywall (I think should) be suppressed by the gift link. I'm not sure if that has view count links.

Dark_Arc OP ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

No, officer, he wasn’t drinking: A Belgian man suspected of drunken driving was instead diagnosed with auto-brewery syndrome, a rare condition in which the gut makes its own beer.

“How do you arrive at any single meaning of ‘cowboy’ when the stylistic variants run from western to modern to rhinestone to preppy to line-dancing Saturday night buckaroo to Black?” he writes.

FWIW, (if this seems unhinged) this isn't part of the article text, it's just kind of a "read more stuff you might find interesting" section.

Dark_Arc OP ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Interesting, I hadn't heard about this Australian CIA report.

Do you have a link to what you're talking about?

Dark_Arc OP ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I think there's definitely a difference between a friendly country and an unfriendly country.

I would not have the reservations I have about TikTok if it was owned by, e.g. a EU country, Canada, etc

Dark_Arc OP ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar


Dark_Arc OP ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I think there's a pretty strong argument that a pro-corporate tilt doesn't result in a difference in content promotion regarding Tibet, Tiananmen Square, Hong Kong, and/or Uyghur.

You could argue the US military industrial complex might push South China Sea, pro-Taiwan, pro-Ukraine, and pro-Isreal content; that seems distant enough from (e.g.) Facebook, but I'm not sure how we'd tell. We don't have a major social media platform in a place like (e.g.) Switzerland to study (granted, the way Proton is expanding they might try).

In any case, I do think it's pretty damning for TikTok's claims of independence that China's direct conflicts, Tiananmen Square and Hong Kong are basically suppressed to the point of being nil (EDIT: Tibet is also a direct conflict of sorts but isn't talked about as much from what I've seen on "western social media" and could be conditionally filtered ... there's still probably a fair bit of "Tibet" content that exists outside of the "bad for the CCP" space).

Dark_Arc OP ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I largely agree, but when I got the email from the times this morning I went "Why aren't you guys posting this front page!? People need to know about this research. This isn't just a hypothetical risk anymore!"

ZebKing , to Framework Laptop Community
@ZebKing@mastodon.online avatar

What if you only needed one laptop in your lifetime and could just update parts? This company, Framework, is making that happen. @framework



Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

We are legion.

Dark_Arc , (edited )
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Wow the responses here are really off at the moment. I'm going to try and help.

So, what you're going to want to do is add all the subdomain A records you need to you DNS (sounds like you're using cloudflare for that, not required, but that should be fine).

Those DNS records are all going to be the same IP record, that's fine.

What you need to do after that, so that you don't have to enter ports is a bit more complicated. For web servers, some kind of reverse proxy like nginx, haproxy, apache, etc is what you need. The term you're looking for is "virtual host".

A virtual host setup is basically one where a reverse proxy looks at the domain name that was used to access the server over HTTP and then uses that to decide what server running on the machine you actually talk to.

It's HTTP that actually is passing along the domain name you used, so if the service isn't HTTP you may or may not be able to do anything depending on the underlying protocol.

So to recap:

  1. Set up your DNS records
  2. Set up an HTTP reverse proxy
  3. Add virtual hosts for each service you added a DNS record for to the reverse proxy (so that the reverse proxy can turn foo.example.com into example.com:xyz -- localhost:xyz in practice, morally example.com:xyz though -- behind the scenes)
Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I've never used wildcard DNS, I'm not even sure that Namecheap DNS supports wildcard. But I've also never been in a situation where there's a dominate single machine I want my DNS to resolve to.

After searching ... I'm not entirely sure I would use wildcard DNS https://serverfault.com/a/483625

My preferred strategy is actually alias records and then one primary address record the alias records point to so if I change IPs I can move the machine. I forgot about that last night.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Interesting; well it's good info/good to know it exist ... though, I'm probably going to stick to explicit listing. I like to be able to look at my DNS records and know what connects to what.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I'd prefer they let him get ousted then they provide votes to a more traditional Republican nomination.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I don't know, I had gator a couple of times ... I wouldn't say it's better than chicken.

Who are these people and what reptiles are they eating?

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Yeah this one is ridiculous. There are some systems that have bounced my password ... literally the one stored in a password manager ... and gaslite me that I "must have forgotten my password."

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Can you link to a satellite view or diagram of what you're talking about? The description sounds strange.

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