@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar



Hiker, software engineer (primarily C++, Java, and Python), Minecraft modder, hunter (of the Hunt Showdown variety), biker, adoptive Akronite, and general doer of assorted things.

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Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

But tiktok the company is?

Yes, among other things they're also explicitly suppressing pro-Isreal content https://lemmy.world/post/14643617

Dark_Arc OP ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Normal times paywall (I think should) be suppressed by the gift link. I'm not sure if that has view count links.

Dark_Arc OP ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

No, officer, he wasn’t drinking: A Belgian man suspected of drunken driving was instead diagnosed with auto-brewery syndrome, a rare condition in which the gut makes its own beer.

“How do you arrive at any single meaning of ‘cowboy’ when the stylistic variants run from western to modern to rhinestone to preppy to line-dancing Saturday night buckaroo to Black?” he writes.

FWIW, (if this seems unhinged) this isn't part of the article text, it's just kind of a "read more stuff you might find interesting" section.

Dark_Arc OP ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Interesting, I hadn't heard about this Australian CIA report.

Do you have a link to what you're talking about?

Dark_Arc OP ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I think there's definitely a difference between a friendly country and an unfriendly country.

I would not have the reservations I have about TikTok if it was owned by, e.g. a EU country, Canada, etc

Dark_Arc OP ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar


Dark_Arc OP ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I think there's a pretty strong argument that a pro-corporate tilt doesn't result in a difference in content promotion regarding Tibet, Tiananmen Square, Hong Kong, and/or Uyghur.

You could argue the US military industrial complex might push South China Sea, pro-Taiwan, pro-Ukraine, and pro-Isreal content; that seems distant enough from (e.g.) Facebook, but I'm not sure how we'd tell. We don't have a major social media platform in a place like (e.g.) Switzerland to study (granted, the way Proton is expanding they might try).

In any case, I do think it's pretty damning for TikTok's claims of independence that China's direct conflicts, Tiananmen Square and Hong Kong are basically suppressed to the point of being nil (EDIT: Tibet is also a direct conflict of sorts but isn't talked about as much from what I've seen on "western social media" and could be conditionally filtered ... there's still probably a fair bit of "Tibet" content that exists outside of the "bad for the CCP" space).

Dark_Arc OP ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I largely agree, but when I got the email from the times this morning I went "Why aren't you guys posting this front page!? People need to know about this research. This isn't just a hypothetical risk anymore!"

Dark_Arc , (edited )
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Wow the responses here are really off at the moment. I'm going to try and help.

So, what you're going to want to do is add all the subdomain A records you need to you DNS (sounds like you're using cloudflare for that, not required, but that should be fine).

Those DNS records are all going to be the same IP record, that's fine.

What you need to do after that, so that you don't have to enter ports is a bit more complicated. For web servers, some kind of reverse proxy like nginx, haproxy, apache, etc is what you need. The term you're looking for is "virtual host".

A virtual host setup is basically one where a reverse proxy looks at the domain name that was used to access the server over HTTP and then uses that to decide what server running on the machine you actually talk to.

It's HTTP that actually is passing along the domain name you used, so if the service isn't HTTP you may or may not be able to do anything depending on the underlying protocol.

So to recap:

  1. Set up your DNS records
  2. Set up an HTTP reverse proxy
  3. Add virtual hosts for each service you added a DNS record for to the reverse proxy (so that the reverse proxy can turn foo.example.com into example.com:xyz -- localhost:xyz in practice, morally example.com:xyz though -- behind the scenes)
Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I've never used wildcard DNS, I'm not even sure that Namecheap DNS supports wildcard. But I've also never been in a situation where there's a dominate single machine I want my DNS to resolve to.

After searching ... I'm not entirely sure I would use wildcard DNS https://serverfault.com/a/483625

My preferred strategy is actually alias records and then one primary address record the alias records point to so if I change IPs I can move the machine. I forgot about that last night.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Interesting; well it's good info/good to know it exist ... though, I'm probably going to stick to explicit listing. I like to be able to look at my DNS records and know what connects to what.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I'd prefer they let him get ousted then they provide votes to a more traditional Republican nomination.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I don't know, I had gator a couple of times ... I wouldn't say it's better than chicken.

Who are these people and what reptiles are they eating?

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Yeah this one is ridiculous. There are some systems that have bounced my password ... literally the one stored in a password manager ... and gaslite me that I "must have forgotten my password."

When / why / how did "I hope you are well" become a standard email intro?

Practically every email I've received in maybe the past year has started with "I hope you are well". I even had an LLM draft a placeholder email for me and it started with the same thing. This has not always been the case and it's strange to me that everyone I interact with begins their emails with this line. Frankly, it's...

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I always feel like the odd one out because I genuinely want to know these things and people just tend to brush it off ...

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

IIRC in the US this depends on the state, in some states you can go straight past the stop line if you don't see any pedestrians on approach.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Can you link to a satellite view or diagram of what you're talking about? The description sounds strange.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I think part of the problem is text book authors make up problems that they haven't taught you how to solve but they've taught you some pieces that maybe you could use to solve the problem, and then they expect you to figure the rest out... Which is just silly and IMO a major reason why kids that don't have educated attentive parents struggle so much more.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

It's a little more complicated because of itemization.

The standard deduction should be pretty simple. For people that give a bunch of money to accountants ... you're probably better off just taking the standard deduction anyways. But eh maybe not.

In theory itemization is a good option, it does save me some money, and there's very little way for the government to know that I e.g. donated to X and that reduces my tax burden by Z. My neighbor tells me back in the day you could itemize a lot more stuff, but those days are gone.

Definitely support the IRS providing some free tax filling software at the very least. There's really no reason electronically filing should cost all the money it does to go through e.g. TurboTax and scare you with the up selling to protect you from audits or XYZ thing.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

It was not, they were all shot out of the sky.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Programming is mostly copy&paste

I don't know what y'all are working on but these comments always scare me ...

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Be careful with that one. I'm not sure about your experience level, but a mistake newer (and some more experienced) programmers often make is taking DRY too far.

It's easy to "dry" something up to the point where it's spaghetti that's overly clever about how it reduces lines of code resulting in some crazy inheritance hierarchy even you (the author) are afraid to change a few years down the road.

There are of course other times when someone just copy and pasted e.g. sort logic all over the code base ... but that sort of thing is relatively rare

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I work on compilers (we can't/don't even have access to the C++ standard library in my case)... Most of the time, Google can't help me ⚰️😅

It was definitely a bit more copy and paste when I was working on web applications... But even then, most of the code I was writing was fairly novel / more application and database architecture problems than trying tying libraries together.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

This is my take as an Akron resident:

  1. We have a new community controlled local police oversight board.

  2. The officer was called with the pretext that someone had been brandishing a firearm / pointing a gun at houses.

  3. You can't see very well what the officer could see because the view is obstructed. It's entirely possible that the kid complied but accidentally pointed the gun towards the officer.

  4. The officer shot exactly 1 time and shot in a non-lethal manner (the hand was shot). This was not a murder attempt, this was in a way the extra mile, the kid will hopefully make a full recovery.

  5. The fake gun is not an orange tipped fake, it's very similar to a real looking gun. The kid also was not with friends "playing pretend" or anything like that.

  6. As soon as the kid started yelling the officer immediately deescalated the situation and moved towards first aid.

  7. The officer does have a messy history, particularly when alcohol is involved and when off duty, but was entirely sober at the time of the shooting and has never been known to be drunk while on duty.

  8. We have had issues in the past few years locally particularly with teen violence. They've been trying to solve it, but some kids are carrying guns and robbing people, some kids have been carrying guns to protect themselves from the other kids, and evidently some kids are carrying fake guns too.

I'm glad this kid got to walk away with their life. I hope their hand isn't too messed up and I hope they don't have too much mental distress. They never should've walked around in public with a toy gun and "showed it off", and I hope they never do this again.

If the officer really did something wrong, I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it, but as it stands, I think the officer reacted reasonably.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I don’t know why you give someone with a history of violence, that includes brandishing a firearm at their own girlfriend the benefit of doubt?

Because I try and give everyone the benefit of the doubt; even people who reply with a condescending tone. I also acknowledge that people make mistakes and people's personal lives and professional lives are different things.

Essentially saying that he panicked and has poor aim. No one is taught to shoot “in a non-lethal manor”, you always aim for center mass.

Plenty of people go to a range and practice shooting. You're making a lot of assumptions about skill here that are entirely your own bias.

I’m sorry, is it illegal for him to be carrying a toy gun, or even a real gun? This is America, we are allowed to open carry, or conceal and carry with proper licensing. Did the officer ask if he had a weapon on him? Did he ask about licensing? Or did he just give a vague command for him to raise his hands?

You are not allowed to go around and point a gun (real or not) at buildings. It's called public menacing and it's illegal. That is what the call was about.

And all police officers should know that witness testimony is more often wrong than not.

There is a big difference between eye witness testimony (i.e., remembering the facts and identifying people) and inaccuracies in reporting (I saw a car driving way too fast, I saw a person rob my grocery story, I saw a person shoot someone -- these aren't things people often get wrong).

The rest of this I'm not touching it's loaded with biases, condescending tone, and disregard for the particulars of the situation.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I stated what was going on, and what my take on it was with the local context. Have a nice day. You're clearly not interested in an intelligent or otherwise nuanced conversion.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

It’s hard to tell if the shot was intentional. The office is talking to the kid and exiting his vehicle when he shoots him. Cops aim at your center, not your hands.

It would be one heck of a coincidence if this kid just so happened to get shot dead in the middle of the hand that was holding the fake gun.

Orange tips haven’t stopped police from shooting people in the past.

The point isn't that they haven't stopped it. The point is this toy gun wasn't one of those toy guns; the officer had no clear marking to go off of. You can go on to say "he would've shot him anyways" but that's your bias, not anything we can know for sure either way.

I’m not seeing anywhere that the cop had his BAC tested

The point is that wasn't an allegation against the officer by the kid, any other officers, or in any of his prior incidents/suspensions; i.e., there's no reason to believe that was the case here based in reported facts.

I’m not sure what your point is. Should police treat teens in your area as threats because some are carrying real guns?

The point is that this isn't Mayberry and there was reason for the officer to believe that this teenager they'd never met, in an area that's had problems with this, posed a real threat to them. People under 25 are (sadly) responsible for the majority of violent crime in the city currently.

This cop has already proven he’s a danger and hasn’t faced any real consequences.

Well, we'll see. The citizen oversight board is new and untested. The mayor is similarly new and untested (but passionate about the issue). The office of chief of police is in transition and currently unfilled.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I'm not surprised either but I thought folks would appreciate the local context.

This is an issue our community is truly trying to address (it was something the new mayor was quite passionate about in his campaign and the community police oversight board was something he pushed for/got done when he was a city council member).

I (personally) have found that while Akron has made national news for police related shootings, the shootings often are far more nuanced than say, those out of Columbus, OH or what happened with George Floyd.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

It would be incredibly hard to intentionally shoot someone in the hand in this type of situation.

Yes, but that's what happened. It's entirely possible this cop has spent a lot of time at the range and intentionally made that shot.

This was 1 bullet in a (relatively rare) case of firearm discharge by an officer in Akron. The chances of that one bullet being fired and one bullet accidentally hitting exactly where it needed to are pretty low.

It was also pretty close range (which makes this easier), if he was aiming for center mass and hit this kid's hand, he would have to be an incredibly bad shot.

He didn't observe from a distance, or seek cover, or call for backup. He needlessly put himself in danger if he thought this kid was going to try to kill him.

It's pretty clear he either didn't think this was the kid or wasn't expecting to have (what looked like) a gun pointed in his general discussion.

It's also pretty clear that backup was not far away based on there being other cops on the scene within seconds of the shooting.

That was still plenty of time if it was a real gun for that officer's family to be attending a funeral right now.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

"People like you" are the reason why I have to block people and get disgusted with social media.

There's nuance in everything, which is something you clearly don't understand, and I have no interest in discussing anything with you further.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

The phrase Jack of all trades master of none really only applies to people. A company can just hire more people when it has more products.

Google's issue is not that they're "big" it's that they've failed to truly innovate and invest in anything in years. The current leadership kills anything that isn't an instant money maker despite the majority of the company's profitable products taking years to become profitable. They're also in a weird spot because their "magic" was always free services in exchange for advertising money and that's a model that's come under attack and been replicated to death by competitors.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

They can also lobby more effectively for privacy respecting legislation and privacy rights. I don't like lobbying, but so long as it's around, it would be nice to have a big privacy company that's as invested in that as the average privacy enthusiast.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

It's more like encrypted Evernote.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

There's some definitive "do it, you won't" energy here.

Which to be fair, it would look really bad for Boeing if this guy "committed suicide" too. To the point it might actually be safer to be the second guy.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

There's no way whoever ordered the hit the first time (assuming it really was an ordered hit ... and it probably was) individually is going to want that heat.

It's one of those things that "if one of your acquaintances dies, it's plausible it really was an accident like you said. If people who hangout with you keep dropping ... a lot more eyes are looking at you."

It's probably not a true "company" position to murder whistle blowers, but somebody presumably thought it was in their own best interest.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

This just feels like a random hit list; how did you come up with it?

Why zoom? It's based out of San Francisco.

I also object to the Telegram inclusion. Unless you want to include Discord, and various other server side encrypted communication apps. The founders may be Russians by birth but they have Ukrainian roots, are no longer Russian citizens, had their first company stolen from them by the Kremlin, etc. Also I always like to note, Einstein was a German by birth but he was no Nazi.

What's the FileZilla connection? Tim Kosse (which as far as I can tell it's still the primary author) is a German.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I mean... That's fair, I don't recommend zoom, but those reasons have nothing to do with Russia and everything to do with a company that was willing to lie that they had E2EE and didn't.

Consumer Reports urges USDA to remove Lunchables From National School Lunch Program ( advocacy.consumerreports.org )

Consumer Reports called on the Department of Agriculture today to remove Lunchables food kits from the National School Lunch Program. CR recently compared the nutritional profiles of two Lunchable kits served in schools and found they have even higher levels of sodium than the kits consumers can buy in the store. CR also...

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

It's crazy. We had full kitchens in our elementary/middle school and high school. I can't remember them ever actually doing anything other than reheating precooked frozen food.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Maybe if you give them a chance. They've had power with a significant majority for like 2 years in the last 20.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

See that part you missed about significant majority.

The bill now faces an uphill battle in the Senate, where moderate Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin has expressed major concerns over a variety of elements of the plan.


Dark_Arc , (edited )
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

I can believe I'm going to get eaten by a talking meatball when I go to dinner tonight.

The talking meatball obviously isn't going to eat me, it isn't real.

The impact the talking meatball has on my decision making remains a real observable thing.

Nobody is blaming god here, they're blaming the concept of god/gods, and how that concept has resulted in many people treating others poorly.

Note, that's not a judgement on you (presumably) having beliefs, I believe there's probably something out there myself. The talking meatball is purely illustrative.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

The loudest atheists I know off also happen to be white supremacists

That tells me a lot about the (supposed) "rationality" of liberal atheism

I'm really inclined to believe that you're a troll... Liberal atheists that are white supremacists? I've never met anyone that fits that description. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt a little longer...

If you want a great example of how religion has been quite negative, see the crusades, salem witch trials, the Spanish inquisition, ISIS, 9-11.

None of these events have relationships to the teachings of say, Jesus. However, they are atrocities (in cases like the crusades some of the bloodiest conflicts in history) where someone's belief in god is ultimately what led to the conflict. In many cases the atrocities of a nation state and the religious motivation are hand in hand; the founding fathers specifically tried to separate religion from government because of this problematic history.

In the modern US religion is often used to dismiss scientific findings. Folks will say "oh it doesn't matter if climate change is real, God will find a way for us all to continue living." ... or ... "it doesn't matter if COVID is real, God will find a way to heal me" ... or ... "my kid has cancer but they don't need doctors they need prayers for God to heal them miraculously." Religion was even used by some to justify racism based slavery in the US.

Religion has a long history of being used to incite violence or to dismiss concerns about problems where ... whether God exists or not ... there are concrete actions that people on Earth can take right this instant that we know will help.

I'm not going to say "we'd be better off with nobody believing in anything!" but we certainly would be better off if more people/societies didn't listen to fanatics that have their own agenda that's truly devoid of rational thought and the high morals most scripture seeks to teach.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

This is the answer. Don't vote for third party candidates, by that point it's too late.

Vote for candidates in the primaries that are adamant about voting reform/ranked choice voting. Normalize it at state and local levels. Then, it will become a viable option at the national level.

This can happen quickly with the right advocacy and the right candidates, but good candidates are indeed hard to come by.

Dark_Arc ,
@Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

Appreciate all the detail and the extra mile of providing the screenshot!

Have some Lemmy gold: 🥇

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