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Carrolade ,

Most people know that globalists control the sun. It's a globe, isn't it?

Carrolade ,

Israel destroying Rafah is not stoppable without a military intervention. Even a complete divestment would be insufficient, Rafah is simply too small and vulnerable, it could be destroyed with small arms, hand grenades and some construction vehicles.

Is military intervention what is proposed? Be clear with what you propose, the US does not have mind control powers over Israeli leadership to convince Netanyahu to stop the war that is keeping him in power. There's no Kryptonian in a spandex suit we can send.

Carrolade ,

Don't underestimate the impact on attitudes. It's less about beating Trump the individual and more about beating the methods he represents, and demonstrating their ineffectiveness outside of the primaries.

To use WW2 as a convenient example, the gross mistakes the Axis powers made that led to their own defeats are powerful for illustrating how ineffective their systems are. Like how the Japanese thought Pearl Harbor and the Germans thought invading Russia were good ideas. The simple fact that they screw up so obviously and massively decreases the popularity of fascism in the modern day.

While we'll always have niche conspiracy theorists and such, it's only a subset of people that swallow all that hook, line and sinker, and that subset was unlikely to be won over in the first place. More balanced sorts will be more willing to seriously weigh the considerations, though, and if Trump's methods ultimately prove foolish, that's a strong point going forward.

It won't be so simple as fixing everything by beating Trump, that's just a single battle in a broader, longer ideological debate. But it helps, far more than a loss would.

Carrolade ,

... I hate how accurate this is. Very impressive.

Carrolade ,

may be turned into a culture war battle

May be? Bit optimistic, don't you think?

Carrolade ,

No, this is the home of the brave part. Note how the protests do not stop.

Carrolade ,

It makes me very happy that I can actually completely agree with you this time.

Netanyahu has become a dog backed into a corner, with his only protection being a rabid pack of zealots whose god promised them land. He wants no cease fire, so makes unconditional surrender the only terms he'll accept.

Carrolade ,

Friendly reminder that the US joined WW2 because Pearl Harbor was bombed. Had that never happened, that war would have gone much longer.

Carrolade ,

I don't know, I'd say tax cuts for votes is pretty much the same thing.

Also, China owns less than 5% of US debt. Most of it is owned by Americans and American companies. Anyone can buy a treasury bond though, that's kinda just how it works.

So, pretty standard bullshit spin by a politician.

The Biden Administration's Hypocrisy On World Press Freedom Day [Kevin Gosztola | May 3, 2024 | thedissenter] ( )

United States President Joe Biden marked World Press Freedom Day by calling for the “immediate and unconditional release of all journalists who have been put behind bars for simply doing their jobs.” He added, “Journalism should not be a crime anywhere on Earth.”...

Carrolade ,

When you're revealing hundreds of pages, and only 20 are shit voters need to know about, you dun fucked up. Can't leak the unimportant-to-voters but still secret shit.

I mean, should I go on discord and post modern tank schematics? That'd be "journalism", right?

Carrolade ,

“You can no longer rely on saying, ‘This is evil, because look what happened in the fascist past,’” said Nathalie Tocci, a leading Italian political scientist. “You have to have an argument for why those ideas are bad today.”

Most important line in there. The answer to it is fascist incompetence. By reducing modern flexibility and freedom in favor of more rigid, ideologically-based control, authoritarian states are fundamentally less competent and competitive than free societies. Their hierarchical, top-down approaches, devoid of trust, deprive lower ranking individuals the flexibility necessary to adapt to the specific conditions in their immediate environment. Their ideological constraints run counter to the freedom to ask hard questions and come up with new ideas that may be necessary in a world of changing situations.

There is a reason that the one single thing they are supposed to be best at--warfare--ends up being a litany of repeated failures with few exceptions. Look no further than Russia, where a large and supposedly mighty country has catastrophically failed to defeat a much smaller, less populous neighbor despite throwing an immense amount of force at it.

An additional argument is how fascist selfishness tends to preclude genuine cooperation, and replaces it with distrust and a competitive desire for each individual fascist leader to want to be the one on top.

A third is that without a democratic system, there is no way to reliably combat corruption. Fascism relies on blind faith, a simple-minded trust that the top dog will try to do what is best for the country, instead of simply using the resources of the country to stamp out internal competition and secure their position, to the detriment of the populace.

Carrolade ,

Eh. Some of those are good excuses. Buboes are probably not a very good look, for instance.

Carrolade ,

Imagine that kinda sucks for a pilot. A ship is at least moving fairly slowly, so you have time and plenty of space to do your charting the old fashioned way. Might even be kinda fun for the first few times, a chance to actually use that skill for once. A plane would have a tougher time of it, unless it has some inertial navigating system or something.

Carrolade ,

It's not that everything is about race, as much as it is that race does exist, and is something a great many people pay attention to. Wanting to ignore this and pretend nobody does and nobody should talk about it is disingenuous and sneaky.

Carrolade ,

Yeah, I think that's just a Russian, judging from the comment history and writing style.

Carrolade ,

No, but they do have very distinctive speech patterns and opinion sets. And are certainly present within the global internet.

Try reading his reasons for the Russo-Ukrainian War in a Russian accent and you'll see what I mean.

US intelligence: Putin spends record amounts on military over 'paranoid fear' of West limiting Russia's power ( )

"Putin continues to believe that Russia is under threat and almost certainly assumes that a larger, better-equipped military will convey that opinion to Western and domestic audiences," Director of U.S. National Intelligence Avril Haines said.

Carrolade ,

Eh. That's what he says. What he thinks inside his own head is privy only to him, not any of his inner circle or US intelligence. I have a feeling what he actually thinks is "If I can pull this off, I could be better than Catherine the Great. Maybe they could call me Putin the Amazing".

Carrolade ,

Russians just shooting themselves in the foot again. First off, this dissuades the enemy from surrendering, making more of them fight to the end and try to take you with them.

Second, a prisoner is a resource. If treated well, a certain percentage of prisoners can be flipped, and become a source of intelligence.

Carrolade ,

Well, buying a house is smart at least. And nothing wrong with a nice, reliable automobile either.

Carrolade ,

I assume you're talking about Euromaidan. I'll point out the protests wouldn't have happened if that president hadn't reversed constitutional amendments that weakened his power and were supported by 90% of their legislators, jailed opposition leaders and backed away from a popular treaty.

Also, yes, it is still a sovereign nation. You do not lose sovereignty just because you listen to someone as part of a deal.

You are right on one thing though, the US was ignoring Russia's security interests. Their need to have an even larger amount of land for their own security is not considered important. Everyone else manages just fine with far less.

Carrolade ,

Yes, the foreign policy was the spark that ignited everything. Had he not already pissed his people off with domestic mistakes though, like repealing their amendments, I doubt they would have all turned on him for just foreign policy.

But go ahead, keeping blaming it on shadowy US control instead of pissed off Ukrainians.

You should actually read through that article too, btw, the demands, timeline and linked section on the Revolution of Dignity are interesting. I didn't know the US actually pushed for leaving Yanukovych in power. Disappointing.

Carrolade ,

Ukraine's parliament had overwhelmingly approved of finalizing the Agreement with the EU,[88]

And I'm the one that didn't read it? They also wanted reduced presidential powers, if you read a little further.

Sovereignty again, eh? Right. EU control is why Hungary can be such a pain in the ass and Polish farmers can just unilaterally block Ukrainian roads.

If someone wants to join NATO, then they can apply to join. If they do not want to join, then they should not apply. Very simple.

Carrolade ,

And how many brave Ukrainians are dead now, and died with no shells for their cannons, no missiles in the batteries we gave them, waiting for us to hold a damn vote?

I hope Johnson thinks about that when he kneels down to pray at night. I hope it haunts him for the rest of his life.

Carrolade ,

A man who runs away from a fight, when people he claims are his friends need help, is a coward, nothing more. If WW3 is the cost, then so be it. Though Putin would have to be pretty damn dumb to fight half the world with just Russia, since neither China nor India have alliance treaties with him.

Carrolade ,

Dugin is no one's "brain". He's just a mouthpiece. Putin does not cite from Dugin, he cites from Ivan Ilyin, one of the people Dugin copy/pasted many of his ideas from. Dugin has no original ideas, he adds nothing new to other people's work.

Carrolade ,

I'm not sure this is an argument you can win, if you check their username. Lot of information warfare on here, as usual for the internet these days.

Carrolade ,

I have a feeling that since he's now on the campaign trail, he's rubbing elbows with more voters, doing the kissing babies and shaking hands kind of stuff. Getting out there more is helping him feel more in touch with more of the American people, instead of being more isolated and busy with presidential work.

Carrolade ,

Something something women something? But further empowered by the ease with which conservative and/or fascist nutjobs can support each other globally now.

Carrolade ,

You know, this post made me realize something. Some people are viewing it in terms of "rank", instead of an arbitrary scientific classification designed to efficiently communicate ideas in a clear and concise way.

It's like ... mythology or something, and the planet(oid) being anthropomorphized.

Do people also view kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species as "ranks" of some sort, with some intrinsically greater value being given to some over others?

Carrolade ,

Every celestial body fits into a specific classification too.

Carrolade ,

So, "homo" is better than "sapiens"? And "animal" is better than homo sapiens?

Or do I have it backwards, and "lower" ranks are better? So, "pinus ponderosa" would be better than "plant"?

Carrolade ,

This makes me want to devise a tiered, inclusive classification scheme for space objects.

We could start with orbital objects, any object that normally experiences regular, periodic orbits with minimal deviation. So, everything in the galaxy would be one except potentially Sag A, and the galaxy itself. Perhaps the next branching subsets could be things undergoing continuous fusion somewhere in their body or not?

Carrolade ,

Actually, as a leading legislator in charge of creating our laws, it very much should be your job to decide this principle for future cases. I understand if you want to leave it to the next generation, though. You've done enough, Mitch.

Carrolade ,

I just feel bad for the Gazans that didn't want to live and die as part of a war, but are surrounded by power-crazed madmen who see only "land". They have nowhere else they can possibly go, all roads are closed to them.

Carrolade ,

With a project like this, I think it's important to take a long-term view, and not burn yourself out too early by putting too much early-term effort in.

I think the expectation some people may have had that the Fediverse was going to take off like a rocket and become the "next big thing" was a little bit of wishful thinking. The real process will take years imo, and we're just keeping the lights on in the meantime.

Development continues. That's the important part to remember.

Carrolade ,

I hope every Russian realizes, they had 6 months. A 6 month window where Ukraine was not receiving US weapons, and in that time, their mighty army was able to push forward about a dozen kilometers in a few spots.

That's it. That's the best they could do. I hope they remember.

Netherlands allocates over $210 million for ammunition for Ukraine ( )

Specifically, the country is devoting 150 million euros ($160 million) to Germany's Immediate Action on Air Defence initiative. The Netherlands has also allocated 60 million euros ($64 million) for the purchase of short-range air defense hardware, for example, to combat Russian drones.

Carrolade ,

Every little bit helps, but I keep waiting for cannon-based anti-air, in the vein of German WW2 flak batteries, to make a comeback.

Seems to me that with some modern targeting tech, would be fabulously effective vs slower moving drones, and much more cost-effective than missiles.

"If you don't vote <insert democrat> democracy will end" ( )

This article does a great job of explaining people's frustration with having to vote for Biden again. It's long, so here are some quotes. They're totally cherry-picked, I'd recommend reading the whole thing (especially if you think the problem started with Biden, and that Clinton and Obama were ever good choices)....

Carrolade ,

Eh. The two parties used to be a lot more similar, never with Clinton or Obama was the dem-or-else mentality particularly strong. Swing voters have gotten rarer, but they used to be quite common. That's a person that will vote for either party, depending on the individual. This was sensible because they weren't as far apart from each other.

I mean, particularly with Obama vs Romney. Obama's signature achievement? Obamacare. Romney's signature achievement from his time as governor? Romneycare. And they were extremely similar, policy-wise. These folks tended to get called "moderates", and it didn't really much matter which party they were a "moderate" of.

Now the choice is between one of those old moderates, same as we've had, and a wannabe dictator. So, Trump makes things special.

Carrolade ,

Probably depends on the angle of entry. Consider its velocity though, and the time it'd take to descend through just a couple miles of atmosphere once it becomes brightly visible.

Movie meteors are very, very slowed down. Cinematic effect and all.

Carrolade ,

Being friends will get easier for you once some time has passed to allow you to establish a stronger new sense of self, which you're now forced to do. Couple years maybe to give it plenty of time?

No reason to rush it, especially if you're both okay being civil and cooperating for the benefit of the kids in the meantime.

Once you've been back out there dating again for a bit, you'll be able to view all of this a little more objectively, and it'll become easier to re-establish a fresh, new friendship along more independent lines.

Carrolade ,

I have to admit, I'm starting to really hate pop culture.

Carrolade ,

Rural folks don't want policies except for one. They want to be left the fuck alone. At all times. They feel like being racist? They want everyone to let them. They want to not give a shit about climate? They want everyone to let them. Tax man cometh? They'd love to be able to point a shotgun at him, but they're mostly more civil than that. They hate nothing more than the idea of a system beyond what they themselves come up with and understand.

The problem is modern times have made that stance less practical. That's the heart of the urban/rural divide.

Carrolade ,

I certainly wasn't trying to state that I was describing every single rural person in America. Just the broader culture of it. Sorry if I bothered you.

Carrolade ,

No worries. You did help illuminate that even rural culture is not homogenous by any stretch. Even in deep red middle America there is bound to be some variety.

Carrolade ,

This is just going to keep getting worse. The US needs to start backing out while we still can. Let Netanyahu do what he wishes over there, just stop dragging us down with him. This would not completely abandon the Gazans, we still have the pier going up to keep sea aid flowing in.

We need a bill in Congress to begin dissolving our treaties with Israel.

Carrolade ,

drug their feet over a variety of things ranging from holding Trump and his goons accountable for January 6th

Investigations take time. It's not enough to just watch the tv, go "yep, that's a coup, lock him up".

You need to depose witnesses, gather the evidence, construct your case, etc etc etc. Had Biden sped the process up by pressuring his DoJ, he would become guilty of exactly what Trump accuses him of, as well as weakening the DoJ's case by not giving them enough time to do a properly thorough job that would hold up well in court.

My main gripe with him is he's not strong enough on Ukraine or the climate. But, he does try at least.

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