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CTDummy ,

Man in who lives in active war zone because he refused to evacuate thinks large scale death and destruction is the solution.

Typical, I have relatives like this. Old, washed up blokes with fuck all going on in their lives but get angry at things and people. Too old to be sent off to die in wars so of course they advocate for it at the smallest perceived slight (and never signed up when they could have either). Too arrogant for introspection or the barest amount of empathy.

CTDummy ,

Excuse me, don’t you mean they bitched about cost before the roll out, stopped the rollout, then promised a cheaper solution (MTM as you mention) that retained old shitty infrastructure and then it still cost $11 billion more than the initial FTTP proposal due to cost blowouts. All in the name of partisan politics.

I agree, I trust LNP and by extension Dutton as much as that party deserves with proposals like this, fuck all. They didn’t even have any figures for the project cost when he proposed it.

As someone who grew up in the bush with shit internet until their late teens I’ll probably never get over the nbn fuckup.

CTDummy ,

Old mate is built like a brick shithouse god damn.

CTDummy ,

Under rated gem of a game. Nice to see the artwork of the dev showcased!

CTDummy ,

I could swear I remember representations with circle inside (that didn’t just use an O like this image). Maybe to represent the electrons from the three double bonds being delocalised? Like this.


CTDummy ,

“behavioral finance” code word for psychological manipulation

Funnily enough that’s exactly how I interpret “former monetisation manager at Meta” as well.

CTDummy ,

Care to elaborate? Who is violating the Budapest accords memorandum in your view?

CTDummy ,

The reason I ask is it’s common Russian disinformation to claim US or NATO violated this agreement; justifying the Russian federations invasion of Ukraine.

CTDummy ,

The bear scenario is the perfect division inducing shitstorm.

On one side, it’s understandable what the memes portrays the danger that women face, daily. The fact that they frequently don’t feel comfortable or even just basic safety is definitely valid and worth discussion.

However, the bear vs man thing was just the worst vehicle to induce that discussion. On one is side men who may not be the most well informed about women issues; will get immediately defensive at being compared to a large animal known for tearing people apart and eating them alive.

The members of the otherside who see all the angry men getting defensive at them for expressing this view and think it’s purely because they aren’t empathetic to these issue, they “hate” women or they’re marginalising what is a real and daily danger.

Of course there are actual troll, toxic arsehole and people who have 0 interest actual discourse or understanding but fuck them, I agree ban em.

It was never going to end in a productive, calm or rational discussion and frankly I think tarring the entire of lemmy for it is equally as unproductive. I’ve seen plenty of people initially aggressive to the meme, come around. I’ve seen more and more people make light joke about the same meme without the accusatory tone. If you want discourse there space to do; it just has to be done better. Preferably without snark or accusatory tones.

CTDummy ,

Sure. However, the two aren’t unrelated. Not that it justifies the harassment you’ve seen (which as mentioned mods are pretty solid on most instances but reports help them a lot). Given what shitshow it turned into it’s clear that more conversations around the topic are needed. I think those type of people will still pop their head up. When they do, if the entire conversation isn’t already a shitfight because of how it was initiated, these type will be easier to identify and ban. Focusing solely on the outcome and ignoring how we got here only ensures it will be repeated. Lemmy is growing still, there will be challenges on the way.

CTDummy ,

Why does this read as a more convoluted and less incense burning version of machine cultist.

CTDummy ,

You think I am bullshitting, then read the 13th Amendment
Involuntary servitude and slavery it prohibits
That's why they giving drug offenders time in double digits

CTDummy ,

I imagine “wins” are sprinkled into the group to foster enough survivorship bias to avoid most of them using the critical thinking that they don’t have.

I ran a small business because I had time to waste. The first thing you learn is how to deal with non-payment. While in this country it’s pretty “simple” to send a letter of demand and then go to tribunal, it’s a huge waste of time. I imagine plenty of people just decide “fuck this, this person is clearly a sad enough individual as is” and don’t bother following up. Especially if your legal system is iffy in regards to civil matters. How anyone think this will work on corporations who have lawyers and accountants though is beyond me.

CTDummy ,

Don’t know about US but if people don’t pay in the agreed time here (learn what contracts are, and their proper structure if you run a business, trust) you send a “letter of demand” which translates to “I’m sending you letter because it’s required before I take you to civil court”. If they still don’t pay, believe it or not, straight to tribunal aka civil court.

CTDummy , (edited )

Nah fuck this dickhead. How anyone can read the prattle of this guy and not be sickened by the hypocrisy is beyond me.

My principle is to support and empower marginalized inmates at all costs so none will be victims of genocide and none will become extinct.

Said the bloke, who went on a robbing spree and murdered two people. Murdering one man unnecessarily (even his accomplice thought this) and then failing to kill another; leaving him permanently blind in both eyes. Bet he was super concerned about their rights before it impacted his life right?

Fuck his opinion on anything. He may be right that prisoner deserve basic rights and not to be abused in prison but I have zero interest in hearing about it from a murder, especially one so utterly tone deaf to write like that.

Edited to fix pronoun misinterpretation.

CTDummy ,

Yeah and then you read on a sizeable site that your fathers murderer wants to “support and empower minority inmates at all cost”. Guess marginalised civilians don’t count. What a joke of an article.

CTDummy ,

Go ask the young daughter of the man he murdered or the person who’ll never see again because of him if they agree.

CTDummy ,

Yeah as much as I dislike the individual mentioned the news article has an overwhelming Texas flavour to it. I can almost bet the writer or officers statement to the writer lead to the “pair of lesbians” assumption.

CTDummy ,

Because these corporations presumably think they’ll buy a talented studio, get it to make something its isn’t used to making, force a bunch of shit into it for monetisation and/or launch early in order to keep schedule. All this to keep investors/management happy. Then when the combination of the aforementioned (repeatedly) blows up in their face; usually by pissing off customers, they lose money. Finally you start layoffs and rehires if needed because you’re running into money problems.

They couldn’t care less about the talent. It isn’t rare for a lot of the talent to bail when these studio get bought up. Especially since it feels like you’re just going to be crunched the second you get the first job pre acquisition. Found this while checking this assumption, a bunch of them left early for Arkane specifically.

I always viewed it companies like EA take a gamble. Either the investment pulls off the unlikely, convoluted shit you ask and makes you money or you take it out back and try with another studio.

CTDummy ,

My guess is chemical agents for means of crowd dispersal == no problem. Chemical agents for lethal force, or “warfare” == bad (maybe).

CTDummy ,

I think I largely agree with your broader point. The analogy I go to music. The difference is between drawing your largest possible audience within a niche versus trying to reach the largest possible audience with whatever has worked before. Very few people are actually creating or using them creatively. Most are just recreating or sharing what appeals to them.

Just because they want to be the first one to say it

Or rather because they want to be the first one to take part in the comedy ritual this time.

Not a fan of memes or jokes in titles/general for semi serious publications. Not entirely because srsbusinessonly but more clarity in communication. Leave the excessive meme usage for the science communicators in order draw the groans that sustain their life essence.

CTDummy ,

Apparently any clown can write an article these days. Like WWI started because Britain had some weight to throw around; with a quick reference to reality with the “a dead duke” line. Clearly an article aimed at inflaming rage click via shitting on service members. Using those who died in horrific condition to prop up their shitty career and political opinions. ANZAC day remembers those who died in war. You don’t need to agree with every conflict this country has been in to acknowledge those who’ve served it.

Also pro tip, if you’re a journalist (or blogger hopefully) and your article unironically includes “this is BAD” then you’re a hack writing for a (paywalled lol) rag.

Edit: just to flex some journalistic skill that may come close to surpassing the author of this articles; have a look at the authors post history. You know, where they casually admit to emotionally manipulating people into seeing their pov. Trash article by a trash human.

CTDummy ,

That very vocal section who glorifies death and violence are the same people organising, participating in, and attending the parades.

-Source, my feelings.

Countless people participate to acknowledge the efforts and sacrifices of those who died serving their country. Even when we were taught about it in schools the focal points were sacrifice and mateship of those that served and still serve. Present day service members also attend to acknowledge those that came before them. Plenty of it is nationalistic nuthugging but your willingness to just make up generalisation and whatever claims to suit your point is frankly just gross.

CTDummy ,

As much as I think what this person is arguing is grotesque, I agree with their reply. This was probably a bit needlessly personal tbh.

CTDummy ,

If you’re going to shill old, several times debunked anti-vegan propaganda, at least have the brain capacity to know what a vitamin is. Not even vegan but god damn is this shit old.

CTDummy ,

Like cat, bat and dog. All the delicious ones.

CTDummy ,

“EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee ow what the fuck, who’d I just run into” or something I guess

Someone left a 4 inch rock rock with a line circle carved in it in the dirt next to my door

What do you guys think was the intention with this? I recently had an episode of mania, and was behaving a bit oddly, but I confirmed with my mother (this was her condo I'm renting it) that it wasn't here when she left and I've never seen it before :|

CTDummy ,

What do you guy think was the intention with this?

I'm not trying to ascribe meaning to it.. just wondering if anyone is familiar with the potential symbology

Then after being told, with image examples, that it’s a natural formation.

I grew up in a literal haunted house.

I am 100% serious, though being diagnosed later in life with bipolar type 1...

Given the last line I would suggest to you that it’s probably not a bad idea to get in touch with your usual doctor/psych and talk to them. Especially if you are prescribed medication as BD can make adherence to a medication regimen difficult as I’m sure you’re aware.

Always remember, if in doubt, take these questions to a medical professional rather than the internet. Here you could be getting advice from people more unwell than you are and don’t know about your situation or BD.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • CTDummy ,

    People being arseholes on the internet and people downvoting the most mundane shit on these type of sites is not exactly rare unfortunately. That aside though, having briefly read through your post history I think considering seeing a mental health professional might be a good idea. If for no other reason than the stress of your concerns or the stress of a pet being injured.

    How Would You Handle Students Cheating?

    I gave my students a take home exam over spring break. (This is normal where I teach) One of the questions was particulary difficult. It came down to a factor of three in the solution. That factor inexplicably appeared with no justification on many of their exams. I intend to have the students I suspect of cheating come to...

    CTDummy , (edited )

    I think getting them to show their work is appropriate and for any that can’t replicate their work explain to them the downfalls of cheating. The other comments here justifying likely haven’t ever been in an academic setting. Relying on cheating is setting yourself up for failure if you intend to continue studying at a tertiary level.

    I don’t think a punishment is necessary for cheaters just a lecture. Let them know people can and have had their degrees rescinded years after the fact when their cheating was detected with newer methods.

    Edit: downvotes for suggesting that cheating is bad lmao. Like I said cheating at uni is easily detected these days. Fuck the getting caught, you’re paying however much to get an education, you may as well actually learn.

    CTDummy ,

    I’ll take your word for it. At the institution I’m currently at and my former one this is academic misconduct as it isn’t your own work. I’m real suss on anyone claiming to have a phd while suggesting methods that essentially introduce a potential time bomb for your degree. May as well actually learn how to learn if you’re going to uni but hey that’s just my (apparently red hot) take.

    CTDummy ,

    It likely will because they’re cheating and not learning. Whatever they’re shortcutting by cheating, if it’s assumed knowledge down the line, they won’t have it because they cheated instead of learning. The morality of it aside, if you rely on cheating in academia you’re just screwing yourself over, in more ways than one.

    CTDummy ,

    Yeah looks like they’re just bouncing between open sign up instances to make these account. Probably butt hurt they got banned for bitching… so they’re still bitching.

    CTDummy ,

    Why even have her on hot wings? She doesn’t act, is barely in the Hollywood/pop culture landscape and now runs a company selling bullshit to people. Is old mate that hard up for people to go on the show?

    CTDummy ,

    Old for mistyping wings instead of ones. Not old, replying to a two day old post. Totally checks out.

    CTDummy ,

    Oof what a retort. What? Only old people misspell things? I’ve been on reddit for longer than I care to admit and almost never has anyone replied after 24 hours. That and you opening with an age based sting just led me to guess you were projecting. The username zinger certainly didn’t help either.

    CTDummy ,

    It’s the @yahoo.com that fully sent me.

    CTDummy ,

    Docker is great because you can install something and all the shit it needs is installed and runs in that container. It’s good for a multitude of reasons mine are:

    1. No more installing a dependency, tool or library alongside a program that fucks up something else. No more shit breaking because you installed the latest python but some other program breaks if you move beyond 3.10 (and you forgot to use venv I guess).
    2. Somewhat a follow on from 1 but this makes for great functionality with self hosting. I can run a couple docker compose/build command and build/rebuild the containers anywhere I need them. I can test a container on a windows computer to see if it does what I want and works as intended and then spin the some container up on my media server, even if it’s a different OS. I have a bunch of them on my home server and it and it’s great being able to just plug in the port number of the other containers they need to talk to, if any, and that’s all. One container breaking doesn’t break everything else.
    CTDummy ,

    Holy shit I haven’t this song since musical class in high school. What a fucking banger. Nearly every kid in that class, myself included, wanted to hate that song when it first started. However there is no denying the celluarity or modularity of the banana phone.

    CTDummy ,

    Funny you say that because there’s company called Chubb security in my country and “ I was like no fucking way” but different Chubb.

    CTDummy ,

    Such a good song and video. I was like “damn Karen O could have been an actor that was super believable crying” turns out the partner she wrote the song for bailed on the filming of the video. Rough as hell.

    CTDummy ,

    I get your broader point here but you understand there are places/situations where this is inappropriate as a guy right? I generally try my best to leave women the fuck alone. I’ve befriended plenty of women in customer service/hospo so I’ve heard many a “guy mistakes my friendly (I.e professional) demeanour to be more than it is” and I have 0 interest in being that guy.

    My current partner had to ask me out when we first started dating because while we were always friendly at work, it was just that. Friendly. What if I asked her out and she wasn’t interested? Now I’ve torpedoed a work relationship, a friendship and created a potentially uncomfortable work environment. If she had asked and I wasn’t interested? At least she’s not a tall, bearded dude who hopefully can handle rejection fine.

    CTDummy ,

    Unfortunately it is the truth and I think it’s better for men to try and keep that in mind. You don’t know what the women in your workplace have been through or what sorta blokes they’ve had to deal with. So best to try and conduct yourself in a manner considerate of that fact. I don’t pretend to know heaps about it but I am lucky enough to have had some brave people share their experiences with me and yeah, pretty grim to say the least.

    CTDummy ,

    Does Trump’s hand placement make him the top or the bottom tho? Or are they just really good friends in this picture?

    CTDummy , (edited )

    I understand people appreciating the ring of power for being inclusive but boy is that just a super dishonest representation of LoTR.

    Literally the fellowship is a multiracial group, two of which being bitter rivals. Both of which probably having not much regard for humans due to the ring not being destroyed. The fellowship forming and succeeding occurs only because multiple different races put their prejudices aside and work together.

    One of the “pretty women who pop up to kiss them” resists probably the greatest temptation in the story in which her power would make her “a dark queen” and provided the fellowship with multiple life saving items.

    Eowyn literally kills the witch king and had the famous “I am no man” moment. A woman who was ignored and dismissed turned the tide of that battle.

    CTDummy , (edited )

    Yes it has a diversity issue, I don’t dispute that of the other comment for a reason. However I take issue with solely characterising it by those issues. I personally feel only referring to it by it’s problematic elements, a good portion of which are because of Hollywood at the time and the era in which it was written, is disingenuous at best.

    I would think that said “black kid” to use your term who while they may not be able to self insert as a particular character could still appreciate them and certainly appreciate the underlying message of the movie, which isn’t “a bunch of white guys do the thing”.

    The lack of PoC in the story and the casting for the movies doesn’t change the message and overt themes of the book that I mentioned. Frankly I think if someone only took “white people rule” and “the woman show up to be pretty and kissed” from the story then the bigotry may lie with that person.

    CTDummy , (edited )

    Given your entire comment is based off of your first sentence, something which I never said, I was going to just ignore you. Pretty interesting your use of the term cognitive dissonance when your entire reply is attempting to jam a bunch of words in my mouth for it to even work.

    Cool you found it hilarious though, I myself find it pretty funny when people claim to be about understanding and inclusion before making generalised claims about an entire fan base based on their misinterpretation of someone's comment. More so given you’ve stated to part of said fan base, diehard even. Maybe read my reply again and the others I’ve made in this thread because clearly you missed my point.

    Edit: I also saw that deleted comment, good on you for having the decency to remove it but I’d point out my remark about the bigotry being within seems to have been more accurate than I initially expected.

    CTDummy ,

    Yeah that’s been my experience as well and I work for a bar. Most of my coworkers in that generation have been easier to get along with, easier to communicate with and don’t visibly panic at a “dead inside” joke. Direct contrast to my last workplace with more millennials/boomers. Ive yet to cop inter-generational shit talking from zoomers so they sure won’t get it from me. Plus look what they did with memes.

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