BeefGriller , to random avatar


What do you have?

:d4: :d8: :d10: :d100: :d12: :d20:

For example, I like to roll my dice at the table before the game starts, putting each aside when they roll the highest number.

Also, I will put a die in Time Out if it rolls poorly too often, especially those ornery d20s! When they have learned their lesson, I’ll bring them back in to let them demonstrate it.

Morgunin , avatar


Cool. I do the same thing and I don’t have any superstitions, either.


BeefGriller OP , avatar

@SJohnRoss That’s a good take on this question. I’d definitely count that as a ritual.

alice , (edited ) to random avatar

So, my spouse sent me a lengthy article about detransitioning earlier today, and it:

  1. Irritated me.
  2. Made me want to get some stats of my own.

So, the question is: "As a trans person, what are your opinions about detransitioning (DT)?"

Please select any and all options that apply.

Please only answer if consider yourself to be trans, nonbinary, or formerly trans or nonbinary.

Please boost for reach. I want like every trans person on Mastodon in this poll.

Thank you! 🩵 :heart_trans: 🩷

Here's the article in question:

UnicornJax , avatar

@alice I think DT stories have been weaponized to hurt the trans community, but they aren't by nature harmful. It's how they're presented and (mis)contextualized

alice OP , (edited ) avatar

Poll is closed with 5,770 votes (1,613 people)! Feel free to remove any spoiler CWs on your replies.

BeAware , to random avatar

My timeline for months now: "AI BAD!! PLZ BOOST!!!"

We get it, the dead horse has been beaten.....its starting to stink now. Please stop. Thanks.

hi_cial , to random avatar

Update Two:
not only is it 100% funded but theres goodie bag tiers now! i've added:
-leather feather pendants, pride flag colors
-soaps!! many pride flags can be done as soap!

check it out for more info & book orders:

alice , to random avatar

Calling all queers and allies!

I spent some time this morning getting to know @rloveplus. They represent a small group that runs a collaborative blog for 🌈 LGBTQIA youth (and adults) in Russia. And as you might know, Russia isn't exactly queer-friendly 😢

So I'm asking for people in the LGBTQIA+ Mastodon community to visit the blog, read a bit, and please consider writing a short encouraging contribution. If that's not something you have time for, consider sending a few dollars instead.

Please 🥺 I want to see an outpouring of support 🫂 It would mean a lot to them and to me 💖

If you want to write something, you can submit something on the blog, or reply here and @rloveplus will post it on your behalf.

Here's a link that will translate the blog from Russian for you:

Here's a link where you can donate (semi-anonymously):

QueerInTheCountry , avatar

@alice @rloveplus I will write a bit for them:

When I was born, here in Canada, LGBTQ people had no rights. I never even dared dream that I would be able to marry, be out to everyone, or even live past 50, but things have changed, and now I have done all three! My wish and dream for you, us that you may also be able to do these things if you wish, and that all your dreams may come true.
Sending you all love from Canada ❤️

alice , (edited ) to random avatar

Прежде чем мы получим запрет из России, вот несколько квир-френдли образовательных ресурсов:

Some background reading:

Some profolactics against transmission of bigotry:

Если у вас есть какие-либо хорошие ресурсы о жизни квир в России, пожалуйста, поделитесь ими.

In English:

Before we get the ban hammer from Russia, here are some queer-friendly educational resources...

If you have any good resources about queer life in Russia, please share them.

@torproject @protonprivacy

yawnbox , avatar

@alice learn/teach about @torproject bridges, for when Russia blocks access to all known Tor relays.

for example, we at @EmeraldOnion run some public bridges at, but public ones are easy to block.

more info at

ligniform , avatar

@alice @protonprivacy proton are consistently impressing me. Good job gang 💜 🌱

ConLuegering , to random German avatar

Dear ,
I'm looking for a page on the Internet, which list dozens of different activities and methods on new ways of working.

It was gathered under a known term (two words?). The page has a table with many activities, all represented with a small square black and white symbol.

Can anybody give me a nudge in the right direction? Might be related to Holocracy as well?

(Update: Found it, see my reply)

geekyjay , to blackmastodon group avatar

A black family needs your help again! (April 3rd)

I don't like on how this is the 3rd time I'm asking for help during this situation, but this is the only way I can do to help.

We have been in some progress since last time, we're currently working on gaining the ability to buy a house throughout the weeks up till now. And so far, we're waiting on a word from them telling on what're we suppose to do next.

While we're waiting for that, we do need help with keeping up with the hotel room, food and bills while also saving up for the house. Every bit helps!

Goal amount is $3,350!

$240/$3,350 (USD)

You can donate on either Paypal or Cashapp.



All boosts and donations are greatly appreciated!

@mutualaid @mutual_aid @blackmastodon

Eleutheria2 , avatar

@geekyjay @mutualaid @blackmastodon Screaming "OOGA BOOGA I'M THREATENING!" while sprinting towards a cop is a free way to solve cost of living problems.

Grumblesock , avatar
JuxGD , to random avatar

​:repost_ok:​ i need EVERYONE to boost this post AND the quoted post, give it all the attention you can! looking for a co-lead dev!


BeefGriller , to random avatar

Does anyone know what happened to wax beans? They are basically string/green beans, but yellow in color. I remember having them often as a child in the 1970s. But I haven’t seen them anywhere since then.

Please for more visibility, if you don’t mind. Thank you! 😊

BeefGriller OP , avatar

@SJohnRoss Yeah, you’re right about the peas. I remember shelling them when I was a kid with my mother. Although that may be because a neighbor grew them in their backyard. Guess I should try growing wax beans and peas.

alice , to random avatar

I love my stylist, and you should too! 💕💙

  • Do you live near Seattle, or like flying?
  • Have you ever wanted a haircut that makes you scream "Holy shit, I look great!"?
  • Do you want a stylist who is absolutely a-fuckin-mazing?!

Meet Nicole.

I've gone to her twice, and will continue to forever now. My past 2 haircuts have been the best I've ever had, and she gives me wine! She's great.

She ditched a big corporate-owned salon to start her own thing, and she needs more clients!

MikeHar94962844 , avatar

@alice Just make sure that you don't get whiplash.

Virginicus , avatar

@alice The Human Doppler Effect

_L1vY_ , to random avatar

! area.
Lost , last seen just some hours earlier today. Jeremy is 90 pounds, two feet across.
He is air tagged but they said no hits so far. Any iPhone help welcomed. Or drones.

for reach!

alice , (edited ) to random avatar

Update: Since this post is getting attention again, I should probably let everyone know that I got by a nice little AI company about two months ago 👩🏻‍🎤 thank you all for helping make that possible, and I'm sorry for blowing up your timelines with this update 🤪

Well, the company I work(ed) for just folded. Poof! 💩⛈️.
No notice, no severance, no nothing. 🤬

So I'm asking for boosts and leads. If anyone needs someone who knows data, please reach out.

I'm located in Seattle, WA. Remote preferred.

Last few titles include: CDO, Head of Data, and Sr. Operations Analyst.

I've worked in gaming, fintech, and B2C/C2C marketplaces most recently.

I'm proficient in Python, SQL, statistics, team management, (almost) all things data-related, and a host of other stuff.

I'm opinionated and anti-capitalist, but I also routinely bring in multiple times my department's cost in profits for the companies I work for.

I'm also hella nice (despite my RBF) and easy to get along with.

God, pitching myself is so awkward.

That's the toot. Thanks.

Edit: I wanted to say thank you to everyone who is sharing this and a huge thank you to everyone who has reached out with encouragement and leads. This community is amazing.

Edit 2: I'm going through all the replies I got, and will reach out to a lot of you soon. I've just finished updating my resume and LinkedIn.

I realize that I'm going to have to give up some of my anonymity when I respond to people, so I'd really appreciate it if anyone I send my resume or LinkedIn profile to could keep my work and personal life separate. Thank you.

Gif is of parent company explaining our off-boarding process

paillp , avatar

@alice Congrats on your new job ! 🙂

Dr_Obvious ,

Ah, thats good!

etherbloom , to random avatar

Does someone have a temporary sleeping spot
for a trans woman in or for 2-3 weeks?
Shorter is otherwise okay too, anything would really, really help!

A friend of mine will probably get kicked out of her flat today, she hasn't been able to find a new flat in time and isn't doing too well due to all the stress.

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