etherbloom , to random avatar

Does someone have a temporary sleeping spot
for a trans woman in #Mannheim or #Karlsruhe for 2-3 weeks?
Shorter is otherwise okay too, anything would really, really help!

A friend of mine will probably get kicked out of her flat today, she hasn't been able to find a new flat in time and isn't doing too well due to all the stress.

#emergency #pleaseboost

BeefGriller , to random avatar


What do you have?

:d4: :d8: :d10: :d100: :d12: :d20:

For example, I like to roll my dice at the table before the game starts, putting each aside when they roll the highest number.

Also, I will put a die in Time Out if it rolls poorly too often, especially those ornery d20s! When they have learned their lesson, I’ll bring them back in to let them demonstrate it.

alice , (edited ) to random avatar

So, my spouse sent me a lengthy article about detransitioning earlier today, and it:

  1. Irritated me.
  2. Made me want to get some stats of my own.

So, the question is: "As a trans person, what are your opinions about detransitioning (DT)?"

Please select any and all options that apply.

Please only answer if consider yourself to be trans, nonbinary, or formerly trans or nonbinary.

Please boost for reach. I want like every trans person on Mastodon in this poll.

Thank you! 🩵 :heart_trans: 🩷

Here's the article in question:

#LGBTQ #Trans #Nonbinary #Transition #Detransition #Poll #Boost #PleaseBoost

BeAware , to random avatar

My timeline for months now: "AI BAD!! PLZ BOOST!!!"

We get it, the dead horse has been beaten.....its starting to stink now. Please stop. Thanks.

hi_cial , to random avatar

Update Two:
not only is it 100% funded but theres goodie bag tiers now! i've added:
-leather feather pendants, pride flag colors
-soaps!! many pride flags can be done as soap!

check it out for more info & book orders:

#book #artbook #bird #birds #queer #lgbtqa #lgbt #art #backerkit #printing #pleaseboost

18+ ExpertPlus , to random avatar

Well well well. I guess I should introduce myself a bit :-)

Hi, my name is Expert Plus, or at least this how do I call myself on Internet. I used to have else nicknames, but I prefer that one.

I am interested and focused on privacy. I am 3D artist as well.

I discovered Mastodon back in April 2021, but then left, because at the time I was (and still is unfortunately) a Twitter user, when it was still called Twitter, when it felt like Twitter, when was Twitter's API used to be free and not paid.

And one of the things that I always wanted is to get verified, to get that blue checkmark badge, you know? Never got it.

I wanted to verify my identity so people would know that it was me and of course - who wouldn't want this, huh? - I wanted to be and look famous.

Of course I never got that many followers on that place, and never got verified :-(

At the time, one of the things that were popular on Twitter was and I started using it at the time to get more discovery from people (I was interested in programming at the time and quite experimented with practicing HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc, but then I understood it's not my cup of coffee and left that interest)

Plus, I started using the challenge (which means that if you follow some people who participates in that trend, they will follow you back) and after I found out it worked, I started crazily follow insane amount of people and got 200 followers.

Of course, at the time, it was smart Twitter's moderation and not Elon's stupid moderation, so I got my account suspended very quickly.

I then applied to their form (if you've been a Twitter user you know what am I talking about and you're indeed aware) and they unbanned me. Then I got banned 2 more times and after getting banned for 3rd time, I finally quit Twitter. Nope, I didn't switched to Mastodon instead, I weren't aware that it will soon become popular, I just quit Twitter without looking for alternatives. Could you believe that, huh?

Well, ok, back to my story. When I quit Twitter, it was April 2021. They banned my account with no reason right on my birthday, on 14 April 2021, when my parents gifted me an Alexa device, I logged in to my Twitter account on it, and then, apparently Twitter suspected it was a suspicious login, so after getting suspended for the 3rd time, I had quit Twitter because I got tired of its stupid bans of my account.

So, 1 year had passed. It's April 2022, and, as I was browsing YouTube (I recently became privacy focused at that time, but that's another story that I will tell the other time), I started hearing more and more rumors that Elon Musk is about to buy Twitter. Unlike people like you, who prefer to freak about him being idiot, I didn't knew Elon that well, although I was aware of his existence, and I - guess what? - believed that he is going to save Twitter and give it the freakin' edit button I needed for years!

Well, he bought it. I don't know if anyone of you, as Twitter users remember that, but at the time, the first thing I noticed that he had implemented was the down button which looked like this -> ⬇️

The second curious thing I noticed is the "Twitter Blue" thing. I looked it up but it didn't interested me.

Then, you know, Elon had "unbought" Twitter, getting rid of his deal, but then he re-bought it.

Anyways, my story is, that at the time I was using an amazing app - have no idea if anyone of you used it back in day - which was due to the fact I needed a better Twitter app since 2019.

I will not share my eventual reaction to Elon's stupid changes as he implemented them, but will say this: in May 2022, as I heard rumors people were leaving Twitter for Mastodon, I re-joined Mastodon this time at .

Sure, I liked it, but still preferred Twitter because the main 3D community was there and Blender artists, like Gleb Alexandrov and Captain Disillusion (both are here now BTW, although CD had stopped being active on Mastodon and still prefers Twitter. He is on Threads as well) and else artists.

BTW, if you can name please, what 3D artists and 3D news can I follow on here, I would very much appreciate it, because that was the reason I liked Twitter, and that's - yes that's - what gave me the Twitter vibe that I miss on here. If you know anyone on here who posts news about 3D artists (example: 80 LEVELS on Twitter) , is a 2D animator artist, is a 3D Artist, let me know, because I damn need that much to follow people like these and would be very grateful for this, thank you in advance!

But back to my story. So, in May 2022, I joined Mastodon, and then....when Elon started banning many accounts, - former and current probably remember - many Mastodon servers started becoming unavailable to use, and even Elon made fun of it.

I don't remember, but somewhere around in 2023 (probably after rebranding, oh yeah, probably after that), I started becoming more active on Mastodon now, switched a few Mastodon servers, and now I'm on here.

Here are a few facts I noticed:

On Twitter, you're not allowed to have the "expert" username. That's ridiculous, because nobody can have that username on on there. Also, you can't have username more then 15 characters which isn't great right?

Mastodon has most of the issues fixed. Edit button weren't on both Mastodon and Twitter, although Elon promised he would implement it, and Mastodon implemented it first (Friendica actually implemented it first long before all of that Elon-related stuff happened), and only then Elon did.


Now I'm on here, have better engagement, most but not all, of my Twitter followings has been restored on here, on Fediverse, and now what?

Well, I recently switched to this Mastodon server. I used to have 140 followers before, now since I switched, it's 117. With your help, I hope I will hit 200 followers soon.

I learned how Mastodon's engagement works, I posted a few viral posts on my previous account, and hope, will post on here as well.

Oh and BTW. Guess what? The username that I have on this server is already taken by an inactive Twitter Russian account. I tried contacting anyone who was related to it, but never got any response back :-(

Anyways, hi :-)

Hope I will be welcomed on here :-)

P.S, Actually, if anyone interested, no, I didn't removed my Twitter account yet. There are still people who are my favorite (not Elon actually, I hate him and block him) who refused to joined ANY Twitter alternatives. Are you familiar with Mutahar? Mutahar, who is known as SomeOrdinaryGamers? Well, he is one of these guys who haven't joined ANY Twitter alternatives, although, back in day, he did made a video about Mastodon's Twitter account suspension and the Twitter Migration itself.


ExpertPlus OP , avatar

As my another attempt to make a viral post....

Back on my previous account I posted my homepage in Vivaldi browser and it blew the duck up!

So, here is it. How do you like it?

alice , to random avatar

Calling all queers and allies!

I spent some time this morning getting to know @rloveplus. They represent a small group that runs a collaborative blog for 🌈 LGBTQIA youth (and adults) in Russia. And as you might know, Russia isn't exactly queer-friendly 😢

So I'm asking for people in the LGBTQIA+ Mastodon community to visit the blog, read a bit, and please consider writing a short encouraging contribution. If that's not something you have time for, consider sending a few dollars instead.

Please 🥺 I want to see an outpouring of support 🫂 It would mean a lot to them and to me 💖

If you want to write something, you can submit something on the blog, or reply here and @rloveplus will post it on your behalf.

Here's a link that will translate the blog from Russian for you:

Here's a link where you can donate (semi-anonymously):

ConLuegering , to random German avatar

Dear ,
I'm looking for a page on the Internet, which list dozens of different activities and methods on new ways of working.

It was gathered under a known term (two words?). The page has a table with many activities, all represented with a small square black and white symbol.

Can anybody give me a nudge in the right direction? Might be related to Holocracy as well?

(Update: Found it, see my reply)

alice , (edited ) to random avatar

Прежде чем мы получим запрет из России, вот несколько квир-френдли образовательных ресурсов:

Some background reading:

Some profolactics against transmission of bigotry:

Если у вас есть какие-либо хорошие ресурсы о жизни квир в России, пожалуйста, поделитесь ими.

In English:

Before we get the ban hammer from Russia, here are some queer-friendly educational resources...

If you have any good resources about queer life in Russia, please share them.

@torproject @protonprivacy

geekyjay , to blackmastodon group avatar

A black family needs your help again! (April 3rd)

I don't like on how this is the 3rd time I'm asking for help during this situation, but this is the only way I can do to help.

We have been in some progress since last time, we're currently working on gaining the ability to buy a house throughout the weeks up till now. And so far, we're waiting on a word from them telling on what're we suppose to do next.

While we're waiting for that, we do need help with keeping up with the hotel room, food and bills while also saving up for the house. Every bit helps!

Goal amount is $3,350!

$240/$3,350 (USD)

You can donate on either Paypal or Cashapp.



All boosts and donations are greatly appreciated!

@mutualaid @mutual_aid @blackmastodon #blackmutualaid #mutualaid #MutualAidRequest #blackmastodon #crowdfund #crowdfunding #autisticmutualaid #blackcrowdfund #blackcrowdfunding #actuallyautistic #AutismAcceptanceMonth #pleaseboost #pleaseboostthis #blackautistic #fediverse

JuxGD , to random avatar

​:repost_ok:​ i need EVERYONE to boost this post AND the quoted post, give it all the attention you can! looking for a co-lead dev!


BeefGriller , to random avatar

Does anyone know what happened to wax beans? They are basically string/green beans, but yellow in color. I remember having them often as a child in the 1970s. But I haven’t seen them anywhere since then.

Please for more visibility, if you don’t mind. Thank you! 😊

alice , to random avatar

I love my stylist, and you should too! 💕💙

  • Do you live near Seattle, or like flying?
  • Have you ever wanted a haircut that makes you scream "Holy shit, I look great!"?
  • Do you want a stylist who is absolutely a-fuckin-mazing?!

Meet Nicole.

I've gone to her twice, and will continue to forever now. My past 2 haircuts have been the best I've ever had, and she gives me wine! She's great.

She ditched a big corporate-owned salon to start her own thing, and she needs more clients!

_L1vY_ , to random avatar

! area.
Lost , last seen just some hours earlier today. Jeremy is 90 pounds, two feet across.
He is air tagged but they said no hits so far. Any iPhone help welcomed. Or drones.

for reach!

alice , (edited ) to random avatar

Update: Since this post is getting attention again, I should probably let everyone know that I got by a nice little AI company about two months ago 👩🏻‍🎤 thank you all for helping make that possible, and I'm sorry for blowing up your timelines with this update 🤪

Well, the company I work(ed) for just folded. Poof! 💩⛈️.
No notice, no severance, no nothing. 🤬

So I'm asking for boosts and leads. If anyone needs someone who knows data, please reach out.

I'm located in Seattle, WA. Remote preferred.

Last few titles include: CDO, Head of Data, and Sr. Operations Analyst.

I've worked in gaming, fintech, and B2C/C2C marketplaces most recently.

I'm proficient in Python, SQL, statistics, team management, (almost) all things data-related, and a host of other stuff.

I'm opinionated and anti-capitalist, but I also routinely bring in multiple times my department's cost in profits for the companies I work for.

I'm also hella nice (despite my RBF) and easy to get along with.

God, pitching myself is so awkward.

That's the toot. Thanks.

Edit: I wanted to say thank you to everyone who is sharing this and a huge thank you to everyone who has reached out with encouragement and leads. This community is amazing.

Edit 2: I'm going through all the replies I got, and will reach out to a lot of you soon. I've just finished updating my resume and LinkedIn.

I realize that I'm going to have to give up some of my anonymity when I respond to people, so I'd really appreciate it if anyone I send my resume or LinkedIn profile to could keep my work and personal life separate. Thank you.

Gif is of parent company explaining our off-boarding process

18+ very_gay_tentacles , to mutualaid group avatar

Once again my father has said he will demand all the money I "own him" "soon" or else. I'm not sure if this is another empty threat or if he means it this time

  1. what is this money about?
    • my father got hospitalized for a long time because he was in a coma recovering from a cancer surgery. he ended up being there for way longer due to complications. I had to drop everything, college, work, to spend 36+ hours on the hospital with him
    • I ended up using money from his account to pay for our house bills and etc since I wasn't able to work. Neither was my elderly mother and we had little other choice
    • he doesn't think I should have and wants the money back.
  2. why don't you tell him to gtfo?
    • while I don't live with him anymore. My mother, my recently divorced younger sister and her baby does and I'd like for them to not be victim of the fallout
    • there is some legal measures he could take about me having accessing his funds without permission. while it would probably not hold at all he would take it to court and that would put a whole fucking lot of stress on everybody and would take a long time
    • my father is a terribly greedy asshole and he will go to the ultimate consequences for it and I'd rather not drag all of my family through that.
  3. why are you asking for donations?
    • I just can't hold a traditional job and I can't get a hold of anything else. due to my mental conditions (autism and ADHD) I will work myself to exhaustion to the point that I'm actually bedridden and then just get fired before I'm able to realize I shouldn't do that. It happened again and again
    • my mental health is in absolute smithereens. Every day I wonder how I'm able to keep going while trying not to cry myself to sleep out of despair.
  4. how can you help me with that?
    • donations ofc are the main way to do it but it doesn't have to be it.
    • a boost helps me reach more people and that is greatly appreciated
    • you can mirror this post somewhere else or create a new post with my links. I'm taking any help I can get.



#mutualAid #transCrowdfund #mutualAidRequest #blackMutualAid @mutualaid

very_gay_tentacles OP , avatar

:boost_request:​ could you help me out? 🥺 :boost_request:

so, today is the very last day I have. I'm still sitting at 38% and because of that I really need any amount I can get to try and work something out with him.

every single donation and boost is a life saver! If you can share this anywhere else that would be a great help too.

end goal: ~3312/6902 USD


  • ko-fi - accepts paypal and stripe.
  • stripe (USD) - (for those that prefer not using paypal)


#mutualAid #transCrowdfund #mutualAidRequest #blackMutualAid #pleaseBoost @mutualaid

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