18+ very_gay_tentacles ,
@very_gay_tentacles@octodon.social avatar

Once again my father has said he will demand all the money I "own him" "soon" or else. I'm not sure if this is another empty threat or if he means it this time

  1. what is this money about?
    • my father got hospitalized for a long time because he was in a coma recovering from a cancer surgery. he ended up being there for way longer due to complications. I had to drop everything, college, work, to spend 36+ hours on the hospital with him
    • I ended up using money from his account to pay for our house bills and etc since I wasn't able to work. Neither was my elderly mother and we had little other choice
    • he doesn't think I should have and wants the money back.
  2. why don't you tell him to gtfo?
    • while I don't live with him anymore. My mother, my recently divorced younger sister and her baby does and I'd like for them to not be victim of the fallout
    • there is some legal measures he could take about me having accessing his funds without permission. while it would probably not hold at all he would take it to court and that would put a whole fucking lot of stress on everybody and would take a long time
    • my father is a terribly greedy asshole and he will go to the ultimate consequences for it and I'd rather not drag all of my family through that.
  3. why are you asking for donations?
    • I just can't hold a traditional job and I can't get a hold of anything else. due to my mental conditions (autism and ADHD) I will work myself to exhaustion to the point that I'm actually bedridden and then just get fired before I'm able to realize I shouldn't do that. It happened again and again
    • my mental health is in absolute smithereens. Every day I wonder how I'm able to keep going while trying not to cry myself to sleep out of despair.
  4. how can you help me with that?
    • donations ofc are the main way to do it but it doesn't have to be it.
    • a boost helps me reach more people and that is greatly appreciated
    • you can mirror this post somewhere else or create a new post with my links. I'm taking any help I can get.




very_gay_tentacles OP ,
@very_gay_tentacles@octodon.social avatar

As I've been sharing the last few months my housing situation will need to change. I was expecting to have until the middle of the year but currently it can happen any time now. My housemates are just waiting for one of the to be called for a new job position to move at any moment now.

I considered my options and I'll need to actually move back with my parents, unfortunately. For that to be the minimum bearable possible I'll have to pay back my father so that he can't keep that hanging above my head.

My deadline is on the 4th of February and I'll try and do monthly goals and etc so I'll try and post more and more frequently about it so please, feel free to mute me if you need to.

But yeah I do absolutely need help. If you are able to donate, any amounts help but so does spreading my posts, boosting whenever you see them or maybe spreading there somewhere else if you can.

Thanks again for all the support. I really don't know where I would be if not for the fedi. 💜

total goal: 2241/6902 USD

edit: check the following posts for the daily goals


  • ko-fi - accepts paypal and stripe.
  • stripe (USD) - (for those that prefer not using paypal)



very_gay_tentacles OP ,
@very_gay_tentacles@octodon.social avatar

:boost_request:​ could you help me out? 🥺 a single boost goes a long way

I'm trying to raise money to be free of my father's abuse. You can find more info upthread but the gist of it is that I needed to spend his money while he was bedridden and he demands it back.

Please, every donation helps and every and single boosts does too! Share this or the post above everywhere. I do really need an help I can get!

days left: 7
daily goal: 0/603 USD
end goal: ~2241/6902 USD


  • ko-fi - accepts paypal and stripe.
  • stripe (USD) - (for those that prefer not using paypal)



very_gay_tentacles OP ,
@very_gay_tentacles@octodon.social avatar

:boost_request:​ could you help me out? 🥺 :boost_request:

a single boost goes a long way!

I'm trying to raise money to be free of my father's abuse. You can find more info upthread but the gist of it is that I needed to spend his money while he was bedridden and he demands it back.

We haven't even arrived at his own due date and he is already harassing me for the money. Even if I can't meet the full goal I'd like to get as much as I can to try and work something out.

Please, every donation helps and every and single boosts does too! Share this or the post above everywhere. I do really need an help I can get!

days left & end goal: check next post


  • ko-fi - accepts paypal and stripe.
  • stripe (USD) - (for those that prefer not using paypal)



very_gay_tentacles OP ,
@very_gay_tentacles@octodon.social avatar

:boost_request:​ could you help me out? 🥺 :boost_request:

so, today is the very last day I have. I'm still sitting at 38% and because of that I really need any amount I can get to try and work something out with him.

every single donation and boost is a life saver! If you can share this anywhere else that would be a great help too.

end goal: ~3312/6902 USD


  • ko-fi - accepts paypal and stripe.
  • stripe (USD) - (for those that prefer not using paypal)



18+ very_gay_tentacles OP ,
@very_gay_tentacles@octodon.social avatar

so, okay. I've been bed ridden basically due to anxiety which in turn caused me to be sick because I wasn't able to eat. Even today I've been in bed for most of the day but I was able to get up and get some stuff done like... writing this down.

What happened was that even tho I wasn't able to meet my goal, I got offered a loan from the bank that could cover the rest of the amount. It was a bad loan, with a terrible rate and by the 4 years I'd be paying it I'd pay almost 5 times the amount loaned but It would be less than I was paying for my father monthly and it would mean I was free from his demands so I was willing to take it.

But then I went and tried taking it and... the bank denied it. I know my credit score is bad but this is the bank I've been using for years and itself offered me without me ever asking for it but ofc not. I got shot down hard.

I was honestly finally hoping and dreaming about being finally free from all that shit and even if I'd be forced to live with my parents I could take it. I was devastated.

I transferred all the money I had left to my father and crashed. I still need to pay the rest, and everything is... bad. terrible. Idk. I'll probably try starting another goal for the rest but I feel so fucking bad >.>

very_gay_tentacles OP ,
@very_gay_tentacles@octodon.social avatar

So... yeah. If you want more information you can check on the posts upthread. I paid what I could and got just a little leftover to pay for some of my bills that are coming up. I will still need to move soon™, I will still need to put up with coming back to live with my parents even tho that is one of the last things I'd like but if I'm not able to pay the rest of the money it will be impossible.

I don't really got a deadline coming up right now but I'd like to get this done as soon as possible because I honestly could need to move anytime now.

I do absolutely need help. If you are able to donate, any amount helps but so does spreading my posts to other places, boosting it whenever you see it and etc.

Thanks again for all the support. I really don't know where I would be if not for the fedi. 💜

total goal: / USD


  • ko-fi - accepts paypal and stripe.
  • stripe (USD) - (for those that prefer not using paypal)



very_gay_tentacles OP ,
@very_gay_tentacles@octodon.social avatar

:boost_request:​ could you please help out with a boost? 🥺

I'm still desperately trying to pay back the money my father is demanding of me. I will need to move back with my parents anytime soon because I will need to move and I can't afford living by myself and if I can't pay him back I'll be in a really really bad spot.

boosts are a huge help and so are any donations. if you could help me out that would be amazing. thanks for your attention.

total goal: check next post


  • ko-fi - accepts paypal and stripe.
  • stripe (USD) - (for those that prefer not using paypal)



p.s.: added some random cat tax

a orange tabby cat napping curled in a box with some cloth

very_gay_tentacles OP ,
@very_gay_tentacles@octodon.social avatar

:boostRequest: could you please give me a boost? :boostRequest:​​ 🥺

I still need to pay the last half of the money I "own" my father. I'm really close to finally being free of his bullshit. I need to have the money because I may need to move back to my parents and I can't do that if he has the money looming over me.

Classes started and my expense have gone up because of that. I've been trying to save on everything I can but I really need help.

These last days I've got only a single donation and I'm kinda desperate. I need to cover my bills, pay for food, cat food (and stuff). I'm really really desperate. I'm trying my best to keep on moving forward but it is hard :')

A single boost goes a long way and small donations does too, specially recurring ones.

Thanks again for all the support. I really don't know where I would be if not for the fedi. 💜

p.s.: you can check some extra info upthread


  • ko-fi - accepts paypal and stripe.
  • stripe (USD) - (for those that prefer not using paypal)



very_gay_tentacles OP ,
@very_gay_tentacles@octodon.social avatar

:boostRequest: could you please give me a boost? I'm begging you. :boostRequest:​​ 🥺

I still need to pay the last half of the money I "own" my shitty father. I'm really close to finally being free of his bullshit.

The last couple of weeks have been though. I have been sick and bedridden for most of them and I been barely been able to keep myself fed that I lost 10kg on just a short span of time.

I need to have the money because I may need to move back to my parents and I can't do that if he has the money looming over me. Even tho I'd probably rather be homeless than go back I can't really abandon my cats so I won't.

Everyday I'm closer to needing to move out and I'm already planning for the worst as I don't really have any options right now.

A single boost goes a long way and every small donation helps me gets closer to my goal!

Thanks again for all the support. I really don't know where I would be if not for the fedi. 💜

total goal: 892/2729 USD
daily goal: 20/299 USD

p.s.: you can check some extra info upthread


  • ko-fi - accepts paypal and stripe.
  • stripe (USD) - (for those that prefer not using paypal)



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