knittingknots2 , to random avatar

'Negligent': Ron DeSantis slammed for vetoing bill to warn beachgoers of pollution - Raw Story

currentbias , to random avatar
bicmay , to random avatar

"The Philippines is still seeking clarification from the Pentagon about a secret U.S. propaganda operation that aimed to cast doubt among Filipinos about Chinese vaccines at the height of the COVID pandemic, a foreign ministry official said on Tuesday."

Nonilex , to random avatar

The frequency & magnitude of extreme has DOUBLED in the last 20 yrs due to , acc/to a study released Mon.
The analysis focused on massive blazes that release vast amts of energy from the organic matter burned. Researchers pointed to the of 2019 & 2020 as blazes that were “unprecedented in their scale & intensity.”

GottaLaff , avatar

@footsteps Read the whole thread under my post. Lots of good input. @Nonilex @kathhayhoe

c_merriweather , avatar

@Nonilex 2018 fire evacuee here.

Warming climate cascade effects:

  1. Allows pests to overwinter and attack trees (see damage by Pine Bark beetle in western forests).

  2. Weakens trees and brush due to intermittent drought, which allows more damage by insects and disease.

  3. Increasing heat and extremely low humidity dry out and further damage the plants.

  4. Hence, when something (often human-caused) sets off a spark, the whole forest/area burns, far hotter than under previous conditions.

  5. The fires are so hot, that the soil is damaged, and very little grows back.

ProPublica , to random avatar

How America’s “Most Powerful Lobby” Is Stifling Efforts to Reform #Oil Well Cleanup in State After State

In #NewMexico, oil companies agreed to work with regulators to find a solution to the state’s more than 70,000 unplugged wells. After months of negotiations, the industry turned against the bill it helped shape.

#News #Petroleum #Southwest #Pollution #Environment #Safety #PublicHealth

Npars01 , avatar


As we learned from an irresponsible financial services industry in 2008, "Profits are private, losses are public. It's the taxpayers problem."

As we know from an irresponsible fossil fuel industry "Drilling profits are private, environmental cleanups from oil drilling is public. It's the taxpayers problem."

Noticing a trend here...

broadwaybabyto , to random avatar

It’s been a particularly difficult week where I’ve been let down by a number of people who I thought had my back… and the rampant ableism in society is wearing on me.

I revisited one of the first articles I wrote about being disabled & chronically ill… and am saddened that nothing has changed. Things haven’t improved and if anything people are LESS tolerant & more ableist now than a year ago.

It all started when someone said to me “you’ve been sick for years - just die already”. Whenever I think of that statement I find myself wondering if people would have EVER said something like that before Covid. Many may have thought it - but would they verbalize it?

The pandemic is fueling hatred of disabled and chronically ill people to the point where they will say the cruelest things without a second thought - and it’s leading nowhere good.

The whole article can be found here:

bespacific , to random avatar

New Drug Provides Total Protection From in Trial of Young African Women. An injection given just twice a year could herald a breakthrough in protecting the population that has the highest rates.

Nonilex , to random avatar

Sen & fmr Rep on Their Journey: ' to Start a Is Under '

In an exclusive essay for PEOPLE, the married lawmakers share how a stole their dreams of having a child together — & why they fear politicians will do the same to other

Nonilex OP , avatar

Sen & : “Our lives changed forever on Jan 8th, 2011, when a gunman opened fire at a ‘Congress on Your Corner’ event in Tucson. 6 lives were lost, many more were injured, & Gabby was shot in the head. Of everything that changed that day — …halting our careers, the …long, difficult road to recovery — we also lost something we wanted very much: the opportunity to have a child together.

Nonilex OP , avatar

“The happened on a Sat morning. 2 days later, we were supposed to have an appointment at Bethesda Naval Hospital in Washington, where Gabby had been receiving treatments, to have our implanted to try to begin a . Like a lot of folks, we got married a little later in our lives. …We wanted to grow our family together & were fortunate enough to be able to pursue the only option for us: in vitro fertilization, or . Gabby never made it to that appointment.

bicmay , to random avatar

"A slice of the nearly $29 million that Boulder collected during the first six and a half years of a voter-passed soda tax has provided low-income residents with extra money to buy fresh produce from local businesses.

It’s one of many ways the city has directed revenue from that unusual tax to a range of programs focused on improving health equity in the community."

Nonilex , to random avatar

The , Dr. , announced on Mon that he would push for on platforms advising that using the platforms might damage .

Warning labels —like on tobacco & alcohol— are one of the most powerful tools available to the nation’s top ofcl, but…requires approval by .

tony , avatar

@Nonilex So, we're repeating the warning labels on music sillyness again.

I guess there has to be something for every generation to laugh at.

PJ_Evans , avatar

I'd say it's less than the problems caused by people walking around glued to their phones.

CharlieMcHenry , to random avatar

Former director of the CDC predicts the next will be from bird flu - And I predict that even though we know this, we won’t be properly prepared nor will many accept and adopt preventative measures.

gemelliz , to random avatar

Cases of whooping cough, also known as pertussis, are rapidly rising in UK, France, USA, Spain, and #Canada.

Mounting evidence shows that #Covid infections can create lasting differences in some people’s immune systems leaving them more susceptible to other diseases.
Whooping cough is one of the most infectious diseases in the world with a reproductive number of 12-17… similar to measles.

#Yale #PublicHealth #toronto #onpoli #cdnpoli #WhoopingCough

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  • bicmay , to random avatar

    "Chemical and manufacturing groups sued the federal government late Monday over a landmark drinking-water standard that would require cleanup of so-called forever chemicals linked to cancer and other health risks."

    hannu_ikonen , avatar

    @bicmay Friendly reminder: Capitalism is NOT your friend, will never be your friend, and wants to kill you, the Chevron deference, and all regulations that comprise modern social progress since 1808.

    bicmay , to random avatar

    "Childbirth is deadlier in the United States than in any other high-income nation...More than 80% of pregnancy-related deaths in the United States are preventable, but factors including a shortage of maternity care providers, limited access to after-birth home visits and lack of guaranteed paid parental leave have increased the risk of maternal mortality, especially for Black people..."

    Nonilex , to random avatar

    Democratic members of the select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic defended Dr. Anthony ahead of Monday's hearing about the response, policies & transparency.

    The representatives blasted ’ claims of Fauci’s involvement in starting [for real they had to say this] or covering up the pandemic as a “dangerous” & “cartoonish” narrative.

    LexiGirl , avatar

    @Nonilex watching this snarling, bitter, reprehensible individual address DOCTOR Fauci has left me feeling physically sick and shaking with rage. What an absolute disgrace to Congress, her state and her country.

    Nonilex OP , avatar

    The prominent infectious-disease expert, who served as a snr leader at the for 4 decades, said have distorted emails between himself & other scientists as they discussed whether a lab leak of the was possible.
    “We spend our whole life trying to determine the causes of infectious diseases, & stop them to protect the American people,” said, adding that he did not pressure colleagues to reach a conclusion about the origins of the virus.

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